*cmkx news*

موضوع مغلق


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
.0002 Some Thoughts by snoof77 @ pb49 http://tinyurl.com/cc38r

Yesterdays CMKX trading activity confirms to me that a deal had in
deed been struck with respect to the NSS issue. The first hint of
the covering was the bid/ask slowing rising to .0008/.0001 during
the last month. Once the willingness of shareholders to sell at
those levels dried up, and with time running out, Shorty had no
choice but to raise the bid/ask price above the .0001 level, making
their intentions more obvious.

AS I had previously speculated, if an agreement were to be reached
on the NSS, part of the agreement would surely be for Shorty to have
the opportunity to cover as many shares as possible in the open
market during a specified period of time, and during that time
period Team CMKX would agree not to release any information that
would cause investor demand for CMKX. It is why I feel Team CMKX has
reluctantly not communicated with its shareholders during these
uncertain times. The lack of communication with the shareholders has
created fear, and has worked to Shorty's advantage by softening
shareholder moral during this revocation proceeding.

I do no believe Team CMKX wanted to keep its shareholders in the
dark, but their hands were tied. Also, lack of communication with
its shareholders is not consistent with IBM's mission statement of
improving communication with the shareholders.

Again, this is where I feel the answer lies to the question of why
so many credible individuals were posting "out of character
negativism," and why many insiders have puzzled us with their
actions/inactions. For if Shorty were to successfully cover a
significant amount of shares at this point in the open market, they
would need two things to happen; one being to minimize the demand of
CMKX stock by new investors and existing investors, and the second
being the willingness of existing shareholders to give up there
shares as the MM's slowly raise the bid.

This is where faith comes in to play, for those whom have lost faith
as a result of being affected by the negative mind conditioning on
the message boards, will most likely sell their shares back to
Shorty as the Bid/Ask continues to rise, and therefore will not
participate in the transfer of wealth that is about to take place.

It is a matter of human and spiritual nature. The strong shall

Keep the Faith

IMO for the ask to jump to .0002 at this point, SOMETHING big had to have happened that forced the MMs to breach an area that heretofore had been hermetically sealed. They had locked us in in the quad 4s since the hearing and appeared rigidly determined to not let it rise above. This is not pumping by Willy Wizard and such that has brought this on. On that I feel 100% confident. IMO, there were probably VERY few retail buys today. Of course there were some speculators, but imo the vast majority of retail investors already own what they are going to own. Until real news hits, I highly doubt many were willing to up their positions by any significant amount. Even the hardcore of the longs probably don't want to deal with even a sliver of a possibility that they could buy at .0002 today and end up back under .0001 by next week (I don't believe that will happen but with cmkx we've learned anything is possible). So there were a few test buys today but otherwise I think we saw real covering for the first time in a long time. And I don't think they got what they needed at .0001 so they had to finally breach that barrier and go for a higher bid/ask. As their time is limited, they may have to reach higher and higher. If the company actually gives them enough time, they may be able to move the bid to .0002, .0003 or maybe even higher to shake out the final round of doubters who "just want their money back". This would be the smartest strategy imo and what I have thought all along must happen. While I don't generally give in to the pumpers, in this case I'm going to make an exception. Too many factors appear to be coinciding at once. Andy has indicated that the company plans on communicating prior to the 20th. Both Jay Adobe and Carquest are pumping in fifth gear (and you know I think both are looped in the head, but their timing is now starting to match the other circumstances). Volume out of nowhere picks up and .0001 is finally breached. Other tidbits begin trickling in regarding the area (Forest Gate, Entourage, Carina, etc.). Refco goes down in a heap of flames with more hedge funds likely to follow. That's a lot going on at once. Certainly enough to snap me out of the dark cloud cmkx has put over us all and see at least a lone ray of sunlight.

The results from FALC are too compelling. There MUST be something happening with a company that owns this huge a parcel of land in this area. There are a ton of rumors that a "deal" has been struck. I anxiously await confirmation of such a deal, but my confidence level has soared that SOMETHING has happened to our benefit. There is just no other fathomable reason for a stock on its revocation deathbed since June to suddenly perk up and move UP like this. Most revocation stories are sad, washed-out stocks that simply limp into revocation on life support. Our ask has jumped 400% from .00004 after the hearing to .0002 today. This is flat-out bizarre and can only be explained by a turn of events that we are not yet aware of imo.

If the Shatzko connection is of as much significance as some on these boards think, it's extraordinary. It didn't take much probing for me to figure out that in addition to the fact that Shatzko was the founder and Chair of Mountain Province Diamonds, he is a director with Iciena Ventures, a company that had a very prominent JV with (drum roll please) Fipke ( http://stockjunction.com/modules.php?name=News&file=print&sid=141 ). Yeah, there's a connection I like. How deep Shatzko's involvement with anything is unknown to me but there are certainly enough inferences to put it on my watch list.

Are we in the final stage? Unfortunately, I've beaten down with cmkx so much that it's hard for me to ever have any real expectations on success. But I will say that for the first time in 6 months, I'm back to feeling there's a chance that something good has finally happened that will benefit us all. I hope Oct 20 isn't a setup for disappointment. The market today tells me there is a very real chance something good will happen soon. We wait. And just for kicks I'll say "We are in good hands. The pilots have known all along exactly what they are doing." LOL Sorry, couldn't resist.


عضو نشط
21 يناير 2003
من طول الغيبات جاب الغنايم والله لك وحشه يا بوصالح شخبارك يا خوي عساك بخير . يعني في خير بالسهم
اخوك / بوخلي :)


عضو مميز
30 مايو 2003
الأيام الماضية سي إم كْي إكس تجارة نشاطِ يُؤكّدُ لي بأنّ a صفقة كَانَ عِنْدَها في
العمل ضُرِبَ فيما يتعلق بقضيةِ إن إس إس. التلميح الأول
الغطاء كَانَ العرضَ / يَطْلبُ مِنْ التمرّد المتباطئ. 0008/.0001 أثناء
الشهر الأخير. عندما رغبة حَمَلةِ الأسهم للبَيْع في
تلك المستويات جفّفتْ، وبالوقتِ تَنتهي، شورتي ما كَانَ عِنْدَهُ
إختيار لكن لرَفْع العرضِ / يَسْألُ سعراً فوق. مستوى 0001، جَعْل
واضحة نواياهم الأكثر.

كما خَمّنتُ سابقاً، إذا إتفاقيةِ كَانتْ وَاصِلة
على إن إس إس، جزء الإتفاقيةِ بالتأكيد سَيَكُونُ لشورتي أَنْ يَكُونَ عِنْدَهُ
الفرصة للتَغْطية أسهم قدر ما محتملة في العراء
سوق أثناء a حدّدتْ فترة زمنيةَ، وخلال تلك الفترة
فريق فترةِ سي إم كْي إكس يُوافقُ أَنْ لا يَنْشرَ أيّ معلومات تلك
يُسبّبُ مطلبَ مستثمرِ لسي إم كْي إكس. هو الذي أَحسُّ فريقَ سي إم كْي إكس عِنْدَهُ
بتردّد لَيسَ مُتَّصَلَ مَع حَمَلةِ أسهمه أثناء هؤلاء
الأوقات المجهولة. قلة الإتصالِ مَع حَمَلةِ الأسهم لَها
الخوف المَخْلُوق، وعَملَ إلى فائدةِ شورتي بالتخفيف
مغزى حاملِ أسهم أثناء هذا إجراء الإلغاءِ.

أنا أعْمَلُ لا أَعتقدُ فريقَ سي إم كْي إكس أرادَ إبْقاء حَمَلةِ أسهمه في
الظلام، لكن أيديهم رُبِطتْ. أيضاً، قلة الإتصالِ مَع
حَمَلة أسهمه لَيسَ متّسق مع بيانِ مهمّةِ آي بي إمِ
الإتصال المتحسّن مَع حَمَلةِ الأسهم.

ثانيةً، هذا حيث أَحسُّ الجوابَ يَكْذبُ إلى سؤالِ الذي
العديد من الأفرادِ الموثوقينِ كَانوا يُرسلونَ "بدون شخصية
negativism، "والذي العديد مِنْ الداخليين حيّرونا بهم
أعمال / تكاسل. لإذا شورتي كَانتْ أَنْ تَغطّي بنجاح a
الكمية الهامّة للأسهمِ في هذه النقطةِ في العراء سوقِ، هم
يَحتاجُ الشيئانَ للحَدَث؛ واحد أَنْ لتَقليل مطلبِ
سهم سي إم كْي إكس مِن قِبل المستثمرين الجدّدِ والمستثمرين الحاليينِ، والثانية
أنْ يَكُونَ رغبةَ إيجاد حَمَلةِ أسهم للإسْتِسْلام هناك
أسهم بينما يَرْفعُ المليمترَ العرضَ ببطئ.

هذا حيث إيمانُ يَجيءُ في لِعْب، لأولئك الذي فَقدَ الثقة
كنتيجة لوجود أَثّرتْ عليها بالعقلِ السلبيِ يُكيّفُ على
لوحات الرسائل، سَتَبِعْ على الأغلب أسهمهم تَعُودُ إلى
شورتي بينما العرض / يَسْألُ يَستمرَّ لإرتِفاع، ولذا سوف لَنْ
شاركْ في نقلِ الثروةِ الذي أَوْشَكَ أَنْ يَحْدثَ.

هي مسألة طبيعةِ إنسانيةِ وروحيةِ. الأقوياء سَ

أبقِ الإيمانَ

آي إم أو ليَسْألُ للقَفْز إلى. 0002 في هذه النقطةِ، شيء كبير كان يجب أن يَحْدثَ الذي أجبرَ إم إم إس لخَرْق منطقةَ التي أدناه كَانتْ قَدْ خُتِمتْ بشكل سحري. قَفلونا في الساحةِ 4 s منذ أن السمعيةِ والظَاهِرةِ صمّمَ على بشكل متصلّب لا يَتْركُه يَرتفعُ فوقه. هذا لا يَضْخُّ مِن قِبل ساحرِ ويلي ومثل هذا الذي جَلبَ هذا على. على بأنّني أَشْعرُ 100 % واثق. آي إم أو، كان هناك من المحتمل قليل جداً بيع بالمفرد يَشتري اليوم. بالطبع كان هناك بَعْض المضاربين، لكن imo، تَمتلكُ الأغلبيةُ الواسعةُ لمستثمري البيع بالمفردِ ما هم سَيَمتلكونَ. حتى تَضْربْ الأخبارَ الحقيقيةَ، أَشْكُّ في الكثيرِ إلى حدٍ كبير كُنْتُ راغبون إلى فوق مواقعِهم بأيّ كمية هامّة. حتى hardcore مِنْ longs من المحتمل لا يُريدُ أَنْ يَتعاملَ مع مستويةِ a شظية a إمكانية التي هم يُمْكِنُ أَنْ يَشتروا في. 0002 اليوم ويَنتهي بالدَعْم تحت. 0001 بحدود الإسبوع القادم (أنا لا أَعتقدُ الذي سَأَحْدثُ لكن مَع cmkx تَعلّمنَا كلّ شيء محتمل). لذا كان هناك بضعة إختبار يَشتري اليوم لكن ما عدا ذلك أعتقد رَأينَا تَعويض عن حقيقيَ المرة الأولى في مدَّة طويلة. وأنا لا أعتقد حَصلوا على ما إحتاجوا في. 0001 لذا هم كان لا بُدَّ أنْ أخيراً يَخْرقوا ذلك المانعِ ويَختارونَ a عرض أعلى / يَسْألُ. كوقتهم يُحدّدُ، هم يَجِبُ أَنْ يَصلوا أعلى وأعلى. إذا تَعطيهم الشركةَ في الحقيقة بما فيه الكفاية وقتَ، هم قَدْ يَكُونون قادرون على تَحريك العرضِ إلى. 0002,. 0003 أَو أعلى حتى لَرُبَّمَا لهَزّ الدورةِ النهائيةِ للشكّاكونِ التي "فقط يُريدُ إستعادة مالهم ". هذه سَتَكُونُ الإستراتيجيةَ الأذكى imo والذي إعتقدتُ على طول يَجِبُ أَنْ أَحْدثَ. بينما أنا لا أَستسلمُ لpumpers عموماً، في هذه الحالةِ سَأَجْعلُ إستثناءَ. تَبْدو الكثير مِنْ العواملِ تَزَامُن حالاً. أشارَ أندي بأنّ الشركةَ تُخطّطُ للإتِّصال قبل الجزء من العشرينِ. كلا أدوبي جاي وكاركويست يَضْخّانِ في الترسِ الخامسِ (وأنت تَعْرفُ أعتقد كلا تَدُورُ في الرأسَ، لكن توقيتهم يَبْدأُ مُجَاراة الظروفِ الأخرى الآن). حجم خارج يَرتفعُ ليس في أي مكان و. 0001 يُخْرَقُ أخيراً. تَبْدأُ الحكاياتُ الأخرى بالتَقَطُّر بخصوص المنطقةِ (باب غابةِ، حاشية، كارينا، الخ. ). يَهْبطُ ريفكو في a كومة النيرانِ بالصناديق الوقائية الأكثرِ من المحتمل للإتّباع. الذي الكثير يَستمرُّ حالاً. بالتأكيد بما فيه الكفاية لعَضّي خارج الغيمةِ المُظلمةِ cmkx وَضعتْ فوقنا كُلّ وتَرى على الأقل a شعاع وحيد مِنْ نورِ الشمس.

إنّ النَتائِجَ مِنْ إف أي إل سي تُرغمُ أيضاً. لابدّ أن يكون هناك شيء يَحْدثُ مَع a شركة الذي يَمتلكُ هذه الضخمةِ a حزمة الأرضِ في هذه المنطقةِ. هناك a طَنّ مِنْ الإشاعاتِ الذي a "صفقة" ضُرِبتْ. أَنتظرُ تأكيدَ بقلق مثل هذا الصفقةِ، لكن مستوىَ ثقتي صَعدَ ذلك الشيءِ حَدثَ إلى منفعتِنا. هناك فقط لا سببَ fathomable آخر لa سهم على فراشِ موت إلغائِه منذ يونيو/حزيرانِ لتَزيين فجأة فوق ويَصْعدُ مثل هذا. أكثر قصصِ الإلغاءِ أسهمَ باهتةَ حزينةَ التي ببساطة عرجةَ إلى الإلغاءِ على إنعاشيةِ. نا أَسْألُ قَفزتُ 400 % مِنْ. 00004 بعد الجلسةِ إلى. 0002 اليوم. هذا غريبُ بأسرع ما يمكن ويُمْكِنُ فقط أَنْ يُوضّحَ مِن قِبل a مجرى الأحداث بأنّنا لَسنا رغم ذلك مدركون لimo.

إذا إتّصالِ شازكو نفس قدر الأهميةِ كالبعض على هذه الألواحِ تَعتقدُ، هو إستثنائيُ. هو لَمْ يَأْخذْ تقصّي كثيرَ لي لفَهْم ذلك بالأضافة إلى الحقيقة بأنّ شازكو كَانَ المؤسسَ وكرسي ماسِ محافظةِ الجبلِ، هو a مدير بمغامراتِ إسينا , a شركة التي كَانَ عِنْدَها a جْي في بارز جداً مَع (لفّة طبلِ رجاءً) فيبك (إتش تي تي بي ://stockjunction.com/ وحدات ph...e = طبعة &sid=141). نعم، هناك a إتّصال أَحْبُّ. كَمْ تدخّل شازكو عميق بأيّ شئِ مجهولُ لي لكن هناك بالتأكيد بما فيه الكفاية إستدلالات لوَضْعه على قائمةِ مراقبتي.

هَلْ نحن في المرحلةِ النهائيةِ؟ لسوء الحظ، أوقعتُ مَع cmkx كثيراً بأنّه بشدّة لي أَنْ عِنْدَهُ أيّ توقّعات حقيقية أبداً على النجاحِ. لَكنِّي سَأَقُولُ بأنّ للمرة الأولى في 6 شهورِ، أَعُودُ إلى شعور هناك a فرصة بأنّ شيءِ الجيدِ حَدثَ أخيراً الذي سَيُفيدُنا كُلّ. أَتمنّى أكتوبر/تشرين الأولَ 20 لَيسَ a إعداد للإحباطِ. السوق تُخبرُني هناك اليوم a نيّة شيءِ حسنة عابرةِ حقيقيةِ جداً تَحْدثُ قريباً. نَنتظرُ. وفقط للركلاتِ التي أنا سَأَقُولُ "نحن في الأيدي الجيدةِ. عَرفَ الطيارونُ على الدوام بالضبط ما هم يَعْملونَ." إضحك بأعلى صوتك آسف، لا يَستطيعُ أَنْ يُقاومَ.


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
CMKM, run by Urban Casavant, a former prison guard from Prince Albert, Canada, said it has 30 mining operations for potash and uranium in Saskatchewan and is mining for diamonds on the James Smith Cree National Reserve there.

في الأعلى لقاء صحفي مع صاحب الشركة

وتحته إشاعة قوية في أحد منتديات مساهمي cmkx لأنهم كثر

...Folks you arnt going to believe this and if you choose not to that;'s up to you!

This is straight from the mighty FALC today!!!

This is from a "Native" friend that use to live and his family still does on the James Smith Reserve,so take it for what it is worth..I trust him...his wife works for me...

We chatted today and said "Debeers" and the owners of the Claims(cmkx my guess) on the James Smith are Building a MINE!!..Soon he willl put his aplication into the band office from what he said the Agreement with the Cree reserve is 80% local native workers...This may just be smoke getting Blown up my rear or it could be REAL...One thing is for sure UC states on the web site we have claims with the James Smith people...If this is real BLASTOFF...Also heard alot about GAS not oil but Nautral GAS...

Folks could this be the link between CMKX and DEBEERS?

Hmmmm... let the games begin...

all IMO please treat it as such..thanks


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
bukhaly قال:
من طول الغيبات جاب الغنايم والله لك وحشه يا بوصالح شخبارك يا خوي عساك بخير . يعني في خير بالسهم
اخوك / بوخلي :)

الله يسلمك بوخلي أبشر والله بالغنايم :D

بالنسبة لسهمنا أنا متطمن ومتفائل للاسباب التالية:
1- المبلغ المستثمر بسيط
2- أراضي الشركة في كندا من أغنى مناطق العالم بالنفط والغاز واليورانيوم والذهب والألماس والصينين هناك ;)
3- عدد مساهمي الشركة 50000 الف وفوق 50 منتدى بس
4- لو الشركة ماعندها شيء كان سكرت من سنين وال mm وصلوا السعر الى 0.00008 ومحد راضي يبيع فقرروا يروحون للاتجاه الآخر 0.0002
لان الحكومة الامريكية قررت التحرك على اهل الشورت بعد افلاس ريفكو(خلي بالك ابو فوز) :p لانهم سبب الافلاس
5- لو انها من الشركات اياها كان سوت سبلت 1000 مرة

وسلامتك وقد أكون مخطئ ولكل مجتهد نصيب


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
Breakdown of Naked Short:

NITE-300 Billion
Jeff-250 Billion
CRWN-175 Billion
SCHB-125 Billion
FRAN- 75 Billion
BSIC- 60 Billion

All other MM's 1 Billion to 15 Billion

تخيلوا لو اجبروا على التغطية :eek:

الاوسط يشتري بس ماتقدر تشتري وهم تبع nite ;)

ابو فوز افلاس ريفكو موضوع كبير جدا وراح اكتب عنه لتعم الفائدة ياليت تشارك بما انك هامور العملات :)


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
السبيعي2 قال:
Breakdown of Naked Short:

NITE-300 Billion
Jeff-250 Billion
CRWN-175 Billion
SCHB-125 Billion
FRAN- 75 Billion
BSIC- 60 Billion

All other MM's 1 Billion to 15 Billion

تخيلوا لو اجبروا على التغطية :eek:

الاوسط يشتري بس ماتقدر تشتري وهم تبع nite ;)

ابو فوز افلاس ريفكو موضوع كبير جدا وراح اكتب عنه لتعم الفائدة ياليت تشارك بما انك هامور العملات :)

لست هامورا

ما انا الا متسكع على شارت العملات :)


عضو نشط
1 سبتمبر 2005
ياشباب ليش التداول بالسالب
شنو السبب
ممكن احد يفهمنا شنو معنى ان التداول بالسالب


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003

imo the events that are about to happen will leave little, if anything, for the naysayers to dispute. imo longs will win and win big. i hope that those that have spent the last several years pushing for cmkx to fail will reconsider how they spend their lives moving forward. there is plenty of good to be done in the world. best of luck to us longs. I am only stopping by to post this here. do not bother responding as I won't be checking.


As always, these are my personal opinions.

Hopefully nobody in here is investing anything but "fun" money that they can afford to gamble with.

هذا بالضبط الكلام اللي ودي انه يوصل لكل مساهمي الشركة في منتدى المؤشر والسلام ختام


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
Cons Pine, United Carina settle seven-claim dispute

2005-10-18 15:54 ET - News Release

See News Release (C-KPG) Consolidated Pine Channel Gold Corp

Mr. Rick Walker of United Carina reports

United Carina Resources Corp. and Consolidated Pine Channel Gold
Corp. confirm that the Saskatchewan Department of Industry and
Resources has notified the companies that title to seven claims (S-
137714 to S-137720 inclusive) has been transferred to the companies
as to 50 per cent each. Title to these claims had been in dispute
since they were staked on Nov. 1, 2004, but the dispute has been
settled and the companies now have clear title to them.

One of the seven claims contains a kimberlite pipe known as the
Carolyn kimberlite. The companies participated in a five-hole drill
program on this pipe in 2004 and had samples from one of the holes
tested for diamond content. Only two microdiamonds were recovered,
but further testing will probably be conducted on other samples from
the drill holes.

CMKM Diamonds Inc. and U.S. Canadian Minerals are earning an interest
in four of the claims, one of which includes the Carolyn kimberlite,
and, when the earn-in obligations are complete, the property will be
equally owned as to 25 per cent each, that is: United Carina 25 per
cent, Consolidated Pine Channel 25 per cent, CMKM Diamonds 25 per
cent and U.S. Canadian ممMinerals 25 per cent.

القيمة الاجمالية 80 بليون دولار حصة CMKX 20 تقسيم عدد الاسهم
= 0.025 لكل سهم بس وهو مشروع شراكة مع 4 شركات من غير اراضيها ومن غير منجم للذهب في الاكوادور ومن غير مشروعين شراكة احدهم للزنك والاخر ذهب وطبعا الاهم من غير تغطية الشورتي.
نسيت اقولكم ان معظم البروكرية في امريكا يشترون منك CMKX بس مايبيعون ليش ياترى .
يقولون في خبر قوي يوم الخميس ننطر ونشوف :eek:

بن صقر

عضو نشط
29 أغسطس 2005
مشكور يابو صالح
وجعلك ذخر


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
يابو صالح


على بث روح التفاءل فينا

اذا ضربت شركتنا

ترا هديتك مني

حصان اصيل يابو صالح :d

الدليل الصحي

عضو نشط
6 ديسمبر 2004
السبيعي2 قال:
Cons Pine, United Carina settle seven-claim dispute

2005-10-18 15:54 ET - News Release

See News Release (C-KPG) Consolidated Pine Channel Gold Corp

Mr. Rick Walker of United Carina reports

United Carina Resources Corp. and Consolidated Pine Channel Gold
Corp. confirm that the Saskatchewan Department of Industry and
Resources has notified the companies that title to seven claims (S-
137714 to S-137720 inclusive) has been transferred to the companies
as to 50 per cent each. Title to these claims had been in dispute
since they were staked on Nov. 1, 2004, but the dispute has been
settled and the companies now have clear title to them.

One of the seven claims contains a kimberlite pipe known as the
Carolyn kimberlite. The companies participated in a five-hole drill
program on this pipe in 2004 and had samples from one of the holes
tested for diamond content. Only two microdiamonds were recovered,
but further testing will probably be conducted on other samples from
the drill holes.

CMKM Diamonds Inc. and U.S. Canadian Minerals are earning an interest
in four of the claims, one of which includes the Carolyn kimberlite,
and, when the earn-in obligations are complete, the property will be
equally owned as to 25 per cent each, that is: United Carina 25 per
cent, Consolidated Pine Channel 25 per cent, CMKM Diamonds 25 per
cent and U.S. Canadian ممMinerals 25 per cent.

القيمة الاجمالية 80 بليون دولار حصة CMKX 20 تقسيم عدد الاسهم
= 0.025 لكل سهم بس وهو مشروع شراكة مع 4 شركات من غير اراضيها ومن غير منجم للذهب في الاكوادور ومن غير مشروعين شراكة احدهم للزنك والاخر ذهب وطبعا الاهم من غير تغطية الشورتي.
نسيت اقولكم ان معظم البروكرية في امريكا يشترون منك CMKX بس مايبيعون ليش ياترى .
يقولون في خبر قوي يوم الخميس ننطر ونشوف :eek:
مين عنده علم عن الخبر نزل او لا ؟


عضو جديد
5 سبتمبر 2005
Entourage Mining Ltd.: Increased Interest in Hatchet Lake Uranium Property
Thursday October 20, 2:52 pm ET

VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 20, 2005--Entourage Mining Ltd. (the "Company") (OTCBB:ETGMF - News) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a number of agreements to acquire interests in a number of mineral properties and to increase its interest in one of its existing properties.


Effective today's date, the Company has entered into the following agreements:

1. A new option agreement with United Carina (the "New Hatchet Lake Option Agreement"); and

2. An agreement by which the Company is assigned all of CMKM Diamonds, Inc. Diamonds, Inc.'s ("CMKM Diamonds, Inc.") interest in the Hatchet Lake Property (the "Hatchet Lake Assignment Agreement")

The Company had previously acquired an option to earn up to a 10% interest in and to the Hatchet Lake Property from CMKM Diamonds, Inc. and CMKM Diamonds, Inc. had the right to participate as to 10% in Entourage's Black Warrior project in Nevada. Under the terms of the New Hatchet Lake Option Agreement with United Carina and CMKM Diamonds, Inc. which supersedes and replaces the Company's previous agreements with United Carina and CMKM Diamonds, Inc., the Company is granted the exclusive option to acquire an undivided 50% beneficial right, title and interest in and to the Hatchet Lake Property in consideration of the following payments and work commitments by Entourage:

(a) a cash payment, on or before November 15, 2005, of $220,000 paid by Entourage to United Carina; and

(b) by making the following exploration expenditures on the Property:

(i) on or before December 31, 2005, $100,000;

(ii) on or before February 1, 2006, an additional $300,000;

(iii) on or before November 15, 2006, an additional $450,000; and

(iv) on or before November 15, 2007, an additional $450,000.

The New Hatchet Lake Option Agreement may be subject to its acceptance for filing with the TSX-Venture Exchange as United Carina is a company listed on the TSX-Venture Exchange.

Under the terms of the Hatchet Lake Assignment Agreement, the Company has agreed to issue to CMKM Diamonds, Inc., total of 15,000,000 shares (the "Shares") of its common stock in exchange for CMKM Diamonds, Inc.'s assignment of all of its interest in and to the Hatchet Lake Property.

The Hatchet Lake Property is prospective for uranium. The Hatchet Lake Property is comprised of 4 claims totaling 16,951 hectares in the Hatchet Lake area of Saskatchewan, Canada. No NI 43-101 report has been completed on the Hatchet Lake Property and the property is at the exploration stage only.


The Company has entered into an agreement (the "Smeaton/Forte a la Corne Property Agreement") with 101047025 Saskatchewan Ltd. ("1010") to acquire an undivided 80% mineral rights interest in and to the Smeaton/Forte a la Corne Diamond Property in Saskatchewan. Under the terms of this agreement, Entourage will issue 33,888,888 common shares in its capital stock (the "Smeaton/Fort a la Corne Shares") of which 30,000,000 common will be issued to CMKM Diamonds, Inc.

The Smeaton/Forte a la Corne Diamond Property was the subject of an agreement between 1010 and CMKM Diamonds, Inc. dated August 1, 2003.

The Smeaton/Forte a la Corne Property is comprised of approximately 1087 claims totaling approximately 411,275 hectares in the Smeaton-Forte a la Corne, Saskatchewan area. No NI 43-101 report has been completed on the Smeaton/Forte a la Corne Property to date.


Entourage Mining Ltd. has entered into an agreement (the "Forte Agreement") with CMKM Diamonds, Inc. dated October 20, 2005 whereby it has acquired all of CMKM Diamonds, Inc.'s interest in and to the agreement dated July 18, 2004 between CMKM Diamonds, Inc. and Nevada Minerals, Inc. ("Nevada Minerals"), and in and to an undivided 36% right, title and interest in and to the Forte Diamond Property for consideration of 5,000,000 shares of the Company to CMKM Diamonds, Inc. on this date.

The Forte Diamond Property is comprised of approximately 337 claims totalling approximately 194,582 hectares in the Forte a la Corne area of Saskatchewan. No NI 43-101 report has been completed on the Forte Diamond Property to date.


The Company will, in the near future, provide more information concerning the agreements it has entered into and the properties that are subject to them. The Company continues to make due diligence inquiries and execute documents concerning the status of its properties and emphasizes that further exploration work is required on all of the properties to determine if a mineral resource, if any, exists on any of them or would be economic.

The obligations of Entourage under the aforementioned agreements are expressly subject to Entourage closing, on or before October 28, 2005, a minimum of US$1,050,000 in equity financing with which to finance its working capital and other obligations. The private placement for equity financing was first announced on October 10, 2005.

The Company encourages readers to contact Craig Doctor at 1-604-278-4656 with any inquiries and questions and to review the Company's continuous disclosure filings on the EDGAR system and on Canada's SEDAR reporting system. Shareholders who do not receive a response to their inquiry are encouraged to review the Company's news releases as many inquiries may be answered by issuing a news release so that all members of the investing public are informed of the Company's activities.

The Company anticipates filing the full text of the New Hatchet Lake Agreement, the Hatchet Lake Assignment Agreement, the Smeaton/Forte a la Corne Properties Agreement and the Forte Agreement in a Report on Form 6-K filing with the SEC's EDGAR system on or before October 31, 2005 in accordance with its obligations as a reporting foreign private issuer.

Entourage Mining Ltd. is a company incorporated in British Columbia and reporting both in the United States, as a foreign issuer, and in the Province of British Columbia, Canada. Its shares are posted for trading on the NASD's OTCBB under the symbol "ETGMF".

Entourage Mining Ltd.

Gregory Kennedy, President

Forward Looking Statement

Except for historical information contained herein, the statements in this Press Release may be forward looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause Entourage Mining Ltd.'s actual results in future periods to differ materially from forecasted results. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, volatility of commodity prices, product demand, market competition, and risks inherent in Entourage Mining Ltd.'s operations. These and other risks are described in the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission as well as the Company's filings on the SEDAR continuous disclosure system in Canada.​
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