*cmkx news*

موضوع مغلق


عضو نشط
22 يونيو 2004
حمدلله على السلام يا الخال وقرت عين كل اخوانا بالمنتدى بسلامة اخونا السبيعى الغالى على نفوسنا وقول له ياخالىياغلاتى طلتك خلها دوم علينا حتى لو سافرت ياخالى خبرنا على شان مانفكتك والله مهو مجرد كلام قلك يالسبيعى داخل الوجدان ;)

تفسر وتقول هذه شفيه يتغزل فينى ؟؟؟

اول ماكتبت انا فى المنتدىاول من استقبلنى بروح طيبه ونصايح طيبه هو انت ياالسبيعى وثانى شى انت من خوالى ;)


28 أغسطس 2004
ياجماعة انا غلطت على الرجال والا جرحت فى احد منكم قلت لاترجى من الديك بيضة وانا صاج
اول كتابة الموضوع كان فى تاريخ 23\6\2004
ونحن الان فى تاريخ 16\3\2005
يعني صارلة عشر شهور وعدد المشاركات تعدى الالف مشاركة اذا في واحد من الالف رابح من السهم ترى انا ما افهم السهم من بداية الكتابة الى الان نازل 300% ولا موقفينه وعدد اسهم الشركة فوق العشرين مليار سهم والشباب كل واحد شاريلة فو المليون سهم ويقولك مانى بايع الا على دولار وانت طايحلة تمجد يا السبيعي ليش كلامة فى تجريح للاعضاء انا غلطت عليك ماغلطت انا قلت لاترجى من الديك بيضة الديك هيه شركة cmkx مو انت يا السبيعي واحاسب بها عندلله ان كنت اقصدك
14 ديسمبر 2003
يابو راشد

اذا لي خاطر عندك انسى الموضوع وانت اكبر من المهاترات صدقني تسامحك
لن يزيدك الا محبة بين الاعضاء


عضو نشط
22 فبراير 2005
Day_trading قال:
ياجماعة انا غلطت على الرجال والا جرحت فى احد منكم قلت لاترجى من الديك بيضة وانا صاج
اول كتابة الموضوع كان فى تاريخ 23\6\2004
ونحن الان فى تاريخ 16\3\2005
يعني صارلة عشر شهور وعدد المشاركات تعدى الالف مشاركة اذا في واحد من الالف رابح من السهم ترى انا ما افهم السهم من بداية الكتابة الى الان نازل 300% ولا موقفينه وعدد اسهم الشركة فوق العشرين مليار سهم والشباب كل واحد شاريلة فو المليون سهم ويقولك مانى بايع الا على دولار وانت طايحلة تمجد يا السبيعي ليش كلامة فى تجريح للاعضاء انا غلطت عليك ماغلطت انا قلت لاترجى من الديك بيضة الديك هيه شركة cmkx مو انت يا السبيعي واحاسب بها عندلله ان كنت اقصدك

عيل اسمحلي ارد عليك يابو عايشه اول شي انا قاعد اتدوال بهالسهم من سنه 2003 من اول ماقتحت حساب بالاوسط وعلى كلامك اذا في احد ربح من هالسهم انته ماتفهم شي باسمحلي اقولك انته مو ماتفهم شي بس غلطان لاني تدوالت بهالسهم سبع مرات وكل مره اربح الضعف ومرات اضعاف ما المبلغ الي ادخل فيه بالسهم وهذا بس للعلم فقط وليلحين مامر علي سهم ربحني كثر ماربحت بهالسهم


عضو نشط
22 نوفمبر 2003
اظن الغبار انكشف الان واتضح ان اللي كان تحتنا حمار ....وليس فرسا

بس ولو انا لازلت متفائل بها السهم ولن ابيعه حتى يصل الى 5 سنتات ان شاء الله او يبقى في المحفظة الى يوم الدين


عضو نشط
22 فبراير 2005
CMKX -- CMKM Diamonds, In.خبر اليوم
Com ($0.0001)


WillyWizard.com: Pink Sheet: CMKX, CMKM Diamonds Inc. Resumed Trading & Profiled At WillyWizard.com

Pink Sheet: CMKX, Mar 18, 2005 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) --
After a 10 day suspension by the SEC CMKM Diamonds resumed trading Thursday with a bang up volume of 8,368,848,699 shares exchanging hands. Buyers outweighed sellers all day but the share price remained unchanged. For many months market makers have kept CMKX locked at .0001 by .0002 even with multi billion shares trading daily. There seems like no escape for investors looking for a share price increase.

Now CMKH Diamonds faces another challenge by the S.E.C. Initiating formal "Administrative Proceeding Against CMKX", March 16th, 2005 a day before CMKM Diamonds was to start trading after a previous10 day suspension. The SEC is not going to back off CMKM Diamonds for failing to file periodic reports since 2002. "A hearing will be scheduled before an administrative law judge to determine whether the allegations of the Division of Enforcement contained in the Order Instituting Administrative Proceeding are true, to provide CMKM Diamonds an opportunity to dispute the allegations, and to determine whether it is necessary and appropriate for the protection of investors to suspend or revoke the registration of CMKM Diamonds' securities." Administrative Proceeding File No. 3-11858 Ref: http://www.sec.gov/litigation/admin/34-51383.pdf Many shareholders are appalled that the SEC has waited until the company is finally attempting to bring back a fully reporting status. The SEC states they are trying to protect shareholders but many shareholders dont see it that way. CMKM Diamonds reported, via IR for USCA last summer, they had 41,000 plus shareholders and numbers are rumored to be upwards of 60,000 plus at this time. To threaten to revoke the registration of a company that is attempting to bring order back to their filings, many shareholders believe is not protection but a threat to investors investment.

Recently Iron Man Robert Maheu has taken a co-chairman board of directors position. Maheu has been known to make decisions as a man of steel going forward with determination and resolve. Urban Casavant stated in a previous press release, " "In the company's agenda for 2005, it has become paramount to bring in individuals and companies that can make significant contributions to the company. As the company begins to accomplish short-term goals, we decided to bring in an individual who can manifest an atmosphere for success. Mr. Maheu is that man," stated Casavant, chairman of CMKM Diamonds Inc. In the same press release it is stated "Casavant and Maheu will together be looking into the company and setting forth exactly what CMKM Diamonds needs to do in order to be successful in its current endeavors. The two look to bring in a president to the company that has successful history in geology and mining of natural resources."

Does CMKH Diamonds look like a company that needs their shareholders protected? Shareholders are an organized group of believers partaking in many message boards and live chat rooms from Yahoo to Paltalk. These rooms contain as small as 15 shareholders to as large as 600 plus shareholders. These shareholders are united and believe in their chairman Urban Casavants dream. They share the dream trusting their Chairman to make the right decisions entrusting millions of dollars to his dream.

Shareholders have a message for Urban Casavant and Iron Man Robert Maheu, "We stand behind you with trust and that our investment dollars are safe. You both have our allegiance of trust. We wait patiently for your next move to accomplish building a successful company."

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عضو نشط
22 فبراير 2005
خبر امس
CMKX -- CMKM Diamonds, Inc.
Com ($0.0001)


bullstox.com: Stock Mid-Day Gainers -- BullStox.com DSDI, CMKX, SMTR, AIPN

Rochester, NY, Mar 17, 2005 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- BullStox.coms "Stock Mid-Day Gainers" this afternoon are DSI Direct Sales Inc. (Pink Sheets: DSDI), CMKM Diamonds Inc. (Pink Sheets: CMKX), SmarTire Systems Inc. (OTCBB: SMTR), American International Petroleum Corp. (Pink Sheets: AIPN).
Sign-up to get our Stock Alerts Newsletter for FREE at http://www.bullstox.com !

DSI Direct Sales Inc. (Pink Sheets: DSDI - http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=DSDI.PK )

DSI Direct Sales Inc. (DSDI) announced today that a Letter of Intent has been signed with The Database Group (TDG) of Hudson, Ohio to develop proprietary software applications for use in the visual communications arena.

TDG will develop a suite of custom web-based media tools for DSDI to enable customers to handle a host of print related processes. The first will be an online ad builder. The ads will be template driven and available in a variety of file formats for download to the client's systems. The system will be designed to be hosted on a remote server. A link from the customer's website will point to this site for its users to log on to. Customers will have the ability to manage their digital images and templates over the web, as well as check the on site activity.

TDG and its lead software developer Karl Pozmann, have extensive experience in software development. TDG has been providing advanced technology solutions for 20 years. Areas of expertise range from a large variety of databases to imaging, with applications developed for clients as small as two- man law firms to multi-billion dollar institutions. Whatever the advanced technology, from RFID to Web-enabled imaging with XML securing it all together, TDG has a reputation to deliver. "We have also developed Pocket PC WiFi applications, complete with integration to ERP systems such as PeopleSoft," stated Karl Pozmann. "One customer told us that it enabled their sales reps to write 30% more orders at each trade show, and a large title company claims that the ThirdEye is the first package to deliver large map images quickly over their intranet. That's a perfect example as to how The Database Group managed to deliver all aspects of the system, from installing the server and database as well as the application software."

DSDI believes that a growing market exists for this type of software, and has been approached by several clients looking for this kind of solution. We believe this area has a tremendous potential for growth as companies look to better leverage their digital assets, while maintaining corporate governance over their images.

CMKM Diamonds Inc. (Pink Sheets: CMKX - http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=CMKX.PK )

Commencing at 9:30 a.m. EST March3rd, trading of the common stock of CMKM Diamonds Inc. was temporarily suspended by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). This temporary suspension will expire on March 16 at 11:59 p.m. EST and trading in CMKX is anticipated to resume on March 17, 2005.

In its reasoning, the SEC stated it had concerns over the adequacy of publicly available information concerning CMKX's assets and liabilities, mining and other business activities, share structure and stock issuances, and corporate management. Further, the SEC was concerned that CMKX may have unjustifiably relied on a Form S-8, filed in May 2003, to issue unrestricted securities and that CMKX and/or certain of its stockholders may have unjustifiably relied on Rule 144(k) of the 33 Act in conducting an unlawful distribution of its securities that failed to comply with the resale restrictions of Rules 144 and 145 of the Securities Act.

CMKX has been in discussions with the SEC in relation to the SEC's inquiry into another public company that has done business with CMKX. In this process, CMKX has provided the SEC with substantial documentation, much of which spans back to transactions and stock issuances in 2002. It is believed some of the information provided raised concerns with the SEC sufficient enough to cause this temporary suspension of trading. CMKX anticipates a formal request for documents to be issued by the SEC in the near future.

"The SEC did not provide us with any notice of the temporary trading halt," stated Urban Casavant, CEO of CMKX. "This was an unwelcome surprise, especially since our counsel has had ongoing dialogue with the SEC."

According to the SEC's Web site, http://www.sec.gov, "The primary mission of the SEC is to protect investors and maintain the integrity of the securities markets." Consistent with this mission, Casavant specifically engaged Robert A. Maheu to assist CMKX in its compliance efforts. "Like the SEC, protecting our investors is a primary concern. We have been aggressively gathering the essential information needed to comply with our public disclosure obligations and anticipate working with the SEC to ensure our compliance with all federal regulations," stated Maheu, co-chairman of CMKX.

"We are not letting these regulatory matters impede our primary focus of creating stockholder value through the mining and development of our mineral assets," stated Maheu. CMKX is continuing to search for additional property claims in Canada and monitor its holdings in Ecuador.

On Feb. 17, 2005, CMKX filed an amended Form 15 to reinstate its reporting obligations under the 34 Act. SEC regulations require CMKX to file, within 60 days after the date of the filing of the amended Form 15, all reports which would have been required had the original Form 15 not been filed. CMKX has not been provided a waiver, "variance" or any other relief by the SEC for complying with the 60-day requirement. In fact, due to the overwhelming number of reports that need to be filed, coupled with the necessary financial statement preparation, CMKX will not be able to comply with the 60-day requirement. Management does not believe the filing of the amended Form 15 had anything to do with the SEC's decision to temporarily suspend trading in its common stock and continues to aggressively do everything within its power to comply with its 34 Act reporting requirements.

With its reporting status reinstated, CMKX anticipates filing a number of significant corporate updates with the SEC in the upcoming weeks on Form 8-K. Investors and stockholders are encouraged to review these forms as they become available through the SEC's EDGAR database.

The SEC's Web site further discloses, "The laws and rules that govern the securities industry in the United States derive from a simple and straightforward concept: all investors, whether large institutions or private individuals, should have access to certain basic facts about an investment prior to buying it." Casavant reiterated, "We understand the importance of supplying accurate information to the public and have made it our top priority to uncompromisingly disclose all material corporate information as soon as it becomes available."

Consistent with CMKX's continuing efforts to furnish the investing public and its stockholders with current information and to quell any inaccurate rumors, CMKX has disclosed certain corporate information pertaining to its operations and corporate structure. Of the 800 billion authorized shares of common stock, CMKX currently has 703,518,875,000 shares of common stock issued and outstanding to approximately 2,032 stockholders of record (excluding shares held in "street name"). In addition, effective March 1, 2005, CMKX has relocated its executive office address to 5375 Procyon St., Suite 101, Las Vegas, NV. Lastly, CMKX's current officer is Urban Casavant (CEO/President/Secretary/Treasurer) and current directors are Urban Casavant and Robert A. Maheu (Michael Williams will join the board of directors upon CMKX's obtainment of D&O insurance).

Investors and stockholders are being asked to please refrain from contacting the company, the SEC, NASD, the Transfer Agent and/or Stoecklein Law Group to allow them to focus on completing the tasks at hand. All corporate updates will be made in press releases and filed in current reports on Form 8-K as they become available.

CMKX also would like to repeat the SEC's statement of, "At the heart of effective investor protection is an educated and careful investor" and encourage its stockholders and other investors to visit the SEC's Web site ( http://www.sec.gov ), which offers the public a wealth of educational information.


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
Wellington West In Canada
إسم بروكر في كندا عرض على مساهمي شركتنا شراء أسهمهم ب 0,0004
مجلة كندية ذكرت إن سعر شركتنا سيصل قريبا الى 0.02 :p
CMKX was written about in the Toronto Star on Saturday. Mostly about the SEC involvement. For those who don't know it's a Toronto newspaper but I believe can be bought nationally. It said we recently ran to .02...lol

آخر إشاعه
Based on info I have NOW i do not think a PR will be issued until AFTER the bell of Friday.. they had hopes to issue a PR after Bell today but negotiation are still continuing

I am NOT saying a certain DATE I am talking about a window of TWO weeks on ONE particular item.. if not done within two weeks deal is DEAD.. and will not state how big or how small

My Source is NOT Raggs this source is very close to Mahue

http://www.investorshub.com/boards/read_msg.asp?message_id=5795679 :eek:


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
Donald Stoecklein, an attorney representing CMKM, said the hearing notice is the logical step after the company itself reported discrepancies in previous filings.

"The company, more or less, expected this," he said.

On Feb. 11, the company announced a "corporate strategy plan designed to dramatically and comprehensively transform (CMKM's) internal corporate governance." Stoecklein said that process is proceeding.

He also indicated that the hearing notice is unrelated to the previous suspension of trading.

"It has nothing to do -- in our knowledge -- to do with that," Stoecklein said.

The SEC's order suspending trading said: "Questions have been raised about the adequacy of publicly available information concerning, among other things, CMKM Diamonds' assets and liabilities, mining and other business activities, share structure and stock issuances, and corporate management."

Shares of the company returned to trading last week, but Stoecklein declined to comment on the circumstances surrounding that matter.

He did say, however, that the CMKM is a viable company actively conducting mining exploration.

"You will see in the future some filings and information the company puts out to confirm that," Stoecklein said.


عضو نشط
15 يونيو 2003
cmkx قال:
عيل اسمحلي ارد عليك يابو عايشه اول شي انا قاعد اتدوال بهالسهم من سنه 2003 من اول ماقتحت حساب بالاوسط وعلى كلامك اذا في احد ربح من هالسهم انته ماتفهم شي باسمحلي اقولك انته مو ماتفهم شي بس غلطان لاني تدوالت بهالسهم سبع مرات وكل مره اربح الضعف ومرات اضعاف ما المبلغ الي ادخل فيه بالسهم وهذا بس للعلم فقط وليلحين مامر علي سهم ربحني كثر ماربحت بهالسهم

ارجو أن لا تكون cmkx سبب للتجريح بين أعضاء منتدى المؤشر نت وبالتالي يفقد هذا المنتدى مصداقيته وفائدته لأعضائه وزواره.



عضو نشط
22 فبراير 2005
عبدالعزيز قال:
ارجو أن لا تكون cmkx سبب للتجريح بين أعضاء منتدى المؤشر نت وبالتالي يفقد هذا المنتدى مصداقيته وفائدته لأعضائه وزواره.


اخوي عبدالعزيز يشهد علي الله اني ماقصدت التجريح والكلام الي انته قلته وثاني شي والله اني ماجذبت الريال قال انا اتحدى انه يكون في احد ربح من هالسهم وانا فعلا ربحت من هالسهم وماعتقد اللوق الي انته حاطه لي له دخل بالموضوع بس عموما علشانك رح اعرضلك شوي من تداول هالسهم معاي

الإشارة الكمية

سعر البيع


صافي القيمة
تاريخ الشراء
متوسط التكلفة
مجموعة التكلفة
الرقم الرمز المبلغ %

11/02/2004 172 CMKM 0 0.0000 1,164.0000 18.0 1,146.0 24/11/2003 - 17/12/2003 0.0000 639.8600 0.0 506.1 79.1
01/06/2004 249 CMKX 0 0.0000 3,270.5200 18.0 3,252.5 17/12/2003 - 15/03/2004 0.0000 1,685.4000 0.0 1,567.1 93.0
02/11/2004 357 CMKX 6000000 0.0002 1,200.0000 18.0 1,182.0 28/10/2004 0.0001 601.9700 0.0 580.0 96.4
02/11/2004 357 CMKX 20000000 0.0002 4,000.0000 0.1 3,999.9 28/10/2004 0.0001 2,006.5700 0.0 1,993.3 99.3
02/11/2004 357 CMKX 8000000 0.0002 1,600.0000 0.0 1,600.0 28/10/2004 0.0001 802.6300 0.0 797.3 99.3
عموما اخوي عبد العزيز لو تقولي الطريقه شلون انسخ الصفحه مالت سايت الاوسط راح تكون اوضح وايد علشان ماتقول حاط ارقام وهميه بس لو لاحظت اشتري السهم بسعر .0001 او ابيعه بسعر 0002
فاكون ربحان الدبل كل مره
عموما لو انا كنت غلطان على احد انا اسف من الكل وحقكم علي لو غلطت بحقكم

( الساكت عن الحق شيطان اخرس )

بن سويلم

عضو نشط
11 أكتوبر 2003
aboyousef قال:
السعر الان اقل من 0001
وهو 00001
ممكن اتوضح لي الله يعافيك اشلون طلع عندك 00001 مع انه عندي 0001 او 0002
اكون شاكر لك ابو يوسف


عضو نشط
21 يونيو 2004
WillyWizard.com: WillyWizard.com Presents: (Pink Sheet: CMKX) CMKM Diamonds, The Dream Maker and The Iron Man
3/22/2005 10:59:54 AM
Mar 22, 2005 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- WillyWizard.com Presents: (Pink Sheet: CMKX) CMKM Diamonds, "The Dream Maker" and "The Iron Man"

"The Dream Maker" and "The Iron Man"

The Dream Maker, Urban Casavant and "The Iron Man", Robert Maheu are the co-chairs of the mineral exploration company known as CMKM Diamonds,Inc. The recent combination of these two individuals has excited the CMKM shareholders.

CMKM shareholders watched as equity disappeared from their investment in the companys stock over the last three years. The stock hit a low in early 2004 of .0000, no bid, trading .0000 by .0001 for many months.

CMKM Diamonds is a dream of Urban Casavant. Mr. Casavant has spent a good portion of his life staking out mining claims in the Fort la Corne region of Saskatchewan accumulating as many as 1.9 million acres including joint ventures with multiple companies. At this time CMKM Diamonds Inc. is involved in the exploration for diamonds in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. Exploration is being aggressively pursued within the Fort la Corne area in central Saskatchewan, where the company currently holds mineral claims to more than 1 million acres in this Kimberlite rich area.

A Kimberlite is a rock formation in which diamonds are formed. Diamonds ascend to the Earth's surface in rare molten rock, or magma, that originates at great depths. As the Kimberlite is carrying diamonds and other samples from Earth's mantle, this magma rises and erupts in small but violent volcanoes. Just beneath such volcanoes is a carrot-shaped "pipe" filled with volcanic rock, mantle fragments, and some embedded diamonds. Therefore the kimberlite with deep roots into the Earths ,mantle. These deep roots enable a kimberlite to tap the source of diamonds. Magmas are the elevators that bring diamonds to Earth's surface.

About Urban Casavant "The Dream Maker"

A native of Prince Albert, Canada, where he had once been a prison guard, Urban Casavant went on to become an entrepreneur, running the U-Haul business in the central Saskatchewan city. Diamonds soon became the talk of the town in the early 1980's and late 1990's. Mr Casavant then pursued his career further by taking up prospecting and acquiring a rather large land position in the province. Mr. Casavant acquired most of the land in the Molanosa Arch region, where he knew there was the highest demand at the time, in the midst of the first diamond rush in 1993. During this time, Mr. Casavant sold large parcels of his ground in exchange for cash and stock deals. By the late half of the 1990's the diamond rush had staggered to a near halt. Once again in 2000, Mr. Casavant's intutition kicked in again when he took notice of the renewed interest starting to develop by other exploration companies looking to get back in the hunt for diamonds. Staying on top of the game, Mr. Casavant moved in quickly and quietly and began aquiring large land positions, this time the land being in close proximity to key projects in the Fort la Corne region of Saskatchewan.

About Robert Maheu "The Iron Man"

Maheu is probably most famous for his role with Howard R. Hughes. Maheu served as the alter ego to Hughes. Maheu negotiated for the purchase of many Nevada properties on behalf of Hughes and the Hughes Tool Co. As a consequence, seven hotel/casinos, one airport and millions of dollars of raw land were acquired. In each case, Maheu became the chief operating officer. Additionally, he was responsible for the acquisition of an airline. He also represented the Hughes' interests before local, county, state and national regulatory bodies for many years. At an earlier time in his life, Maheu served as supervisor of the administrative section of the New York City Federal Bureau of Investigation Office and special assistant to Assistant Director E.J. Connelly, who was in charge of major cases for the entire Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Throughout his life, Maheu and Robert A. Maheu & Associates served as an advisor(s) to many great men and companies throughout the history of America. Westinghouse, World Tankers Inc., Stavros Niarchos, Del E. Webb Corp., Schenley Distributors, United Steel Workers of America, Hughes Tool Co., Hughes Aircraft, Theta-Com of California, Howard R. Hughes, Leisure Industries Ltd., Jayhawk Industries, International Business Associates Inc., Shaheen Resources, MacMillian-Ring Free Oil Co., Pacific Investments, Expo-Tech, Exploration Co. of Louisiana, New Orleans Steamboat Co., Greyhound Exposition Services, Central Intelligence Agency, Global Intelligence Network, Las Vegas Investment Advisors Inc., Paradigm Gaming Systems, Konami Gaming Inc., Sunbelt Communications and Castle Rock Pictures Inc. are some of the companies. To list all of Maheu's accomplishments would turn this brief announcement into a novel.

Mr. Casavant, in a recent company press release shows his confidence in Iron Man Maheu when he said this, "As the company begins to accomplish short-term goals, we decided to bring in an individual who can manifest an atmosphere for success. Mr. Maheu is that man," stated Casavant", chairman of CMKM Diamonds Inc.

The combination of Urban Casavant "The Dreamer" and Robert Maheu "The Iron Man" is a win win combination for CMKM Diamonds shareholders. Shareholders are excited waiting patiently for the next move the company will make. With the strength of "The Iron Man" and the dreams of "The Dreamer" the company will face any and all challenges head on. The combination of these two key individuals and with the recent addition of the Stoecklein Law Group to the team, CMKM Diamonds is poised and ready to move the company to the next level and beyond.

A great man once made a speech that has lived through history, Martin Luther King Jr. for calls all individuals to dream when he presented his famous speech which began with "I have a dream...". Urban Casavant has a dream and is a man with a goal. Robert Maheu is a man of strength and tenacity where no man will belittle his resolve to assist Urban with his dream. Mark Twain said it best when he wrote many years ago, ""Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really "great ", make you feel that you too, can become great." WillyWizard believes the combination of Urban Casavant "The Dreamer" and Robert Maheu "The Iron Man" is an unbeatable combination. Many thanks from myself and my family go out to these two individuals.

"Lets Get Ready To Rumble" Source: CMKX Press Release, CMKM Web Site & www.willywizard.com CMKX Profile

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CONTACT: Hal Engel, WillyWizard.com e-mail: willywizard@comcast.net

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عضو نشط
21 يونيو 2004
هلا اخوي بن سويلم
شف اللو lowيطلع احيانا اصفار
معناها اقل من 0001
لانني جربت وبعت شركه زيها بعتها ماركت وجاءني التقرير بانها بيعت ب00001
وكان يطلع مثل الان .

بن سويلم

عضو نشط
11 أكتوبر 2003
مشكوور ابو يوسف ......حسافه والله تعب الربع او احلامهم في الربح الله يعوض عليهم

حافظكم الله


عضو نشط
2 يونيو 2004
المملكة العربية السعودية
أخواني ما هو سبب سهولة الشراء اليوم توي شاري مليونين سهم على 0001 بكل سهولة ولأول مرة تحصل معي والاحظ كميات كبيرة تشترى ما هو السبب هل ربما حان الموعد المنتظر وشكراً


عضو نشط
21 يونيو 2004
لاوالله ياخوي الا الان معروضه ب0001
الربع نفضوا يديهم منها والله العالم
الله يخلف على الجميع واحلامهم الورديه
:D :eek: :p :)


عضو نشط
2 يونيو 2004
المملكة العربية السعودية
يعني من كثرة بيعهم اليوم الشراء سهل على 0001 عموماً عندنا بعد أمل وأحساس أن هذا السهم سوف يفعل شيء أنا محتفظ به من فترة طويلة ولن أفرط فيه والله يرزقنا
موضوع مغلق