*cmkx news*

موضوع مغلق


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
يا شباب

وش الموضوع بالضبط

والله كلام ما يخش العقل حقيقة

شوفو الرابط هذا وشوف كيف التقسيمات

اولا تقسيم ucad

التقسيم هو
0,00000962 لكل سهم من اسهم cmkx
وقت الدفع هو 6/10
التقسيم الثاني
هو شركة casavant inernathinol mininig واختصارها cim
0,0256 لكل سهم من اسهم cmkx
وحقيقة هذا امرها غريب الان اسهمها تداول 4,55

ووقت الدفع يوم 18/10/2004
يعن المليون يساوي 25600 سهم

عارف ان الكلام هذا غير منطقي
لكن هذا اللي موجود ما جبت شي من عندي :eek:
التقسيم الثالث
هو تقسيم شركة gemm
.00012267 لكل سهم من اسهم شركة cmkx
ووقت الدفع 15/11/2004

يا شباب بالله نبغى تفسير منطقي للكلام هذا

قولوا الكلام هذا انت اللي جايبه مو حنا :D

تبغون الرابط


انا ما جبت شي من عندي

وبعيدن اقبال منين جات له الاسهم يعني من cim

وبعدين ليش ماهو راضي يرتفع سعرها

والله جننتني الشركة هذي


عضو نشط
2 يونيو 2004
المملكة العربية السعودية
والله أخي تركي طفشنا من هذه الشركة واحنا ماسكين عليها كل هذه الفترة وما في الا يأخرون في الموعد وأعقتد أنهم نصابين وماعندهم سالفة لأنه لو على هذا الكلام هم وش يستفيدو يوزعو كل هذه الحصص يعني بنصير أغنية من كل هذه الحصص .


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004


اولا المفترض اللي اللي جاء اك عبارة عن حصة اسهم cim

casavant international mining

والا ان في الموضوع شي غير معروف اطلاقا

ياليت يا اقبال تخبرنا اذا انت تقدر تبيع ام لا يعني بامكانك تداول الاسهم اللي جاتك او ايش

لان اسهم الشركة الان تتداول ب 4,55 وبامكانكم تتاكدون

love life

عضو نشط
16 يوليو 2004
والله يا اخوان انا ما اعتقد انها نصابة لأن غرفة التداول حجت البالتوك الخاصة بالامريكان معظمهم يعرفوا الشركة وشارين فيا بس همة يقولوا يبغاله وقت

بو راشد2

عضو نشط
14 أبريل 2004
السلام عليكم

الاخ تركي والاخوان الكرام، انا مشترك مع الاوسط وشاري قبل 18/8 بس ما نزل بحسابي شي، هل نزل بحسابكم شي. ارجوا الرد يا اخوان وجزاك الله خير.


29 فبراير 2004
الأخ تركي 2000 وبقية الأخوة الأفاضل
والأمر كما ذكرت أخي تركي الشركة التي أمدتني بالأسهم هي شركة casavant mining وعدد الأسهم هي 5120 سهم موجودات في محفظتي المالية ولكن الغريب في الأمر أن سعر كل هذه الأسهم لا يزيد عن 50 سنت فقط ، أي أن سعر السهم هو 0.0001 ولا أستطيع أن أبيع إلا بهذا السعر. الأمر بالنسبة لي كما لكم محير ولا أملك سوى الإنتظار ، والأمر الذي يزيد الطين بلة هو أنه وسبق لشركة إشتريت منها سابقا أن سحبت ما أهدتني إياه من أسهم ، والمسألة قد تتكرر مع هذه الشركة. وقد نوهت مرة في بريفينغ ( بال تولك) أن أسعار شركة cmkx قد إرتفعت منذ أسبوعين إلى 40 سنت وهذه حقيقة شاهدتها بنفسي على الإستريمر وظل الحال على هذا لمدة ثلاث ساعات تقريبا والسعر يتراوح بين 30 و40 سنت ومع إفتتاح السوق عادت الأمور إلى مجاريها. وأعتقد أن في الأمر ما خفي عن العيون والله تعالى أعلم ، وعلم ألله أنني مثلكم أعلق أمالي على هذه الشركة فأخبارها تؤكد أنها على وشك الإنفجار وما علينا إلا الصبر...


عضو نشط
31 مارس 2004
انا في يوم 24/9/2004 نزل في حسابي من شركة Ucad
9 اسهم وبعدين سحبوه مني مادري ليش


عضو نشط
9 مارس 2003
cmkx news

الأخوه الأكارم

هذا الرابط فيه جدول يبين توزيعات حصص ملاك

السهم cmkx من الشركات التي اشترت

حصص من منتجاتها :


ولكن العجيب في الأمر هل الشركه cmkx فعلا هي نفسها cmkm سابقا


لأن cmkx : casavant mng kim

بينما cmkm : cmkm diamonds inc.

بمعنى هل اندمجتا في واحده ؟ أم واحده اشترت الأخرى ؟



عضو نشط
9 مارس 2003
cmkx news

بينما انا أبحث في موقع الشركه لأجد جواب لتساؤلي لكم في ردي السابق

وجدت بأن الشركتين فعلا اندمجتا في بعض بتاريخ11/2002

وتم التداول تحت الرمز cmkm في شهر 1/2003

وفي شهر 3/2004 تغير التداول لهما الى الرمز الحالي cmkx

Mar/04 - CMKM Diamonds Inc., Formerly Casavant Mining Kimberlite International, Announces New Symbol: CMKX

Jan/03 - Casavant Mining obtains trading symbol CMKM on OTCBB
Nov/02 - Casavant Mining merges with Cyber Mark International


عضو نشط
9 مارس 2003
cmkx news

تركي2000 قال:

اولا المفترض اللي اللي جاء اك عبارة عن حصة اسهم cim

casavant international mining

والا ان في الموضوع شي غير معروف اطلاقا

ياليت يا اقبال تخبرنا اذا انت تقدر تبيع ام لا يعني بامكانك تداول الاسهم اللي جاتك او ايش

لان اسهم الشركة الان تتداول ب 4,55 وبامكانكم تتاكدون

أخي تركي سهم cim اللي تقول سعره 4.55 $ لشركه

أسمها CIM HIGH YALED YIELD SECURITIES كما ورد بإستريمر الأوسط برو


وهذه الأخيره دورت عليها ما حصلت لها ذكر اطلاقا في ياهو

Abu Faisal

عضو نشط
10 يناير 2004
اخواني الكرام

اما ان لنا ان نتعلم من اخطائنا
كم منا اكلت البني استوك امواله وهو لازال يكرر نفس اخطائه؟
ليس العيب ان نخطئ ولكن العيب ان نستمر ونكابر
والله ان قناعتي هذي لم تائتي الا بعد خسارات من البني استوك وصلت الى اكثر من 10 الاف دولار
ولكن تعلمت الدرس

يعني بالعقل تتوقعون شركه تعلن انها ستوزع اسهم في شركات اخرى افضل منها اذا اشتريت قبل تاريخ معين ومن ثم سعر الشركه يبقى في الحظيظ
يعني تتوقعون شركه تقول لكم اشتروا بالف دولار وبعد كم شهر بنعطيكم اسهم مجاننا باكثر من 20 الف دولار

نصب في نصب
والضحايا هم من يسعون وراء الثراء السريع بدون تعب

والله اني احس بالقهر لما ارى اخواني يسعون ويصرفون المال والجهد على شركات خسرانه وتعبانه
تبون تعرفون ايش رح يسير انا اقول لكم
اذا صدقو ووزعو اسهم لكم اتحدا اذا تجاوزت قيمتها 10% من مبلغ شرائكم
ومن ثم راح يسوون تقسيم كبير وينخفض السهم مره اخرى ويعلنون اعلانات براقه وياتي طامعون اخرون ويعيدون نفس السالفه

الله يوفقكم احذروا


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
والله يابو فيصل

اني اؤيدك بقوة ان اسهم البني ستوك ماوراها الا الدمار وياما نهيت انا عنها

بس في هذه اني ما اتفق معاك
لسبب هذي الشركة

ليست كمثيلاتها

هذ الشركة لا تعتمد على جني ارباح من عمل استمراي او تحدي منافسة السوق

لا هذي تتنظر اكتشاف

هذا الاكتشاف كفيل بتغير كل الارقام وكل الشارت

وبعدين اعتقد ان الجميع المبالغ اللي دخلوا فيها قليلة ولا ضير من خسارتها
لا احتمال الخسارة وارد

لذا انصح الجميع بعدم التسرع والبيع

واعتقد ان الشركة والله ملغومة بقوة

Abu Faisal

عضو نشط
10 يناير 2004
اخي تركي
ممكن تجاوبني
الشركه هذي كم لها سنه في التنقيب؟


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004


شوف الخبر هذا ودقق في اسم شركة cim

راح تلاقيها باسمcasavant international mining

July 23, 2004
There seems to be no shortage of entities bearing the Casavant name, and no end to their intramural transactions. CMKM Diamonds, Inc. (Pink Sheets: CMKX), was known as Casavant Mining Kimberlite International, Inc. until March 2004. Casavant Mining Kimberlite International, Inc. had operated as a private entity until its shareholders secured control of a public company by virtue of a reverse-merger with Cybermark International Corporation in January 2003.

The President and CEO of CMKM is Urban Casavant.

On July 19, 2004, CMKM announced that it had agreed to invest $1 million in a company called Casavant International Mining (CIM) – that Casavant name again. CMKM stated that, in return for its investment, it would receive “a 10% lifetime royalty on all mineral claims of CIM, specifically including the George Lake Zinc Deposit.” According to the press release, in addition to the royalty, CMKM will receive 40 billion shares of CIM stock, which will be distributed to CMKM shareholders.

The July 19th press release leaves several critical questions unanswered. Does CMKM actually have $1 million in cash, and if not, how does it plan to raise the funds? As we noted in our initial article on CMKM, the Company no longer files regular reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission, so its financial condition is a mystery. See CMKM Diamonds, Inc. - A Familiar Drill.

Equally mysterious is the number of outstanding CMKM shares. The Company is authorized to issue 500 billion shares but, here again, the absence of public filings leaves investors guessing how many shares have actually been issued. Update: CMKM Diamonds, Inc. - Less and More. In any event, billions of CMKM shares have been traded virtually every day since at least March 2004.

The number of outstanding shares is significant since it will dictate how many of those 40 billion CIM shares each CMKM stockholder will receive. On the other hand, it may ultimately make little difference; CMI is a private company and consequently there is no liquid market for those shares – and no assurance that CIM, like CMKM, will not simply issue more shares and dilute its shareholders.

Investors may also be curious about the relationship between CMKM and CIM. The July 19th press release certainly implies that CMKM and CIM are separate entities – that CMKM does not already own CIM. After all, CMKM would not have to acquire a 10% interest in CIM royalties if it already controlled those rights.

So what relationship does exist between CMKM and CIM? According to the press release, the President of CIM is Ron Casavant and the Treasurer/Secretary is Dave Desormeau. While Mr. Desormeau does not share the Casavant name, both he and Ron Casavant have had prior relationships with CMKM. A Schedule 14c Information Statement filed with the SEC at the time of the reverse-merger (before the Company ceased to file reports) disclosed that Ron Casavant owned 30 million shares of CMKI common stock (the Casavant family, including Urban Casavant, owned a total of 770 million shares at that time – which was before the Company expanded its treasury to 500 billion shares); and that Dave Desormeau had been elected as a director of CMKM.

Again, absent more recent public filings, there is no public information indicating whether Mr. Desormeau remains a director of CMKM, or how many shares of CMKM are now owned by Ron Casavant and all of the other Casavants (23 of them were listed as CMKM shareholders in that Form 14c).

On the other hand, we were able to learn some information about Casavant International Mining from Nevada’s corporate records. Those files reveal that Casavant International Mining Corporation was formed in January 2003, and that its President is Urban Casavant. Those records also indicate that the corporate secretary is Carolyn Casavant and the treasurer is Emmerson Koch.

So which Casavant really does run Casavant International Mining – and does it really matter?

And then there is this – a disquieting sense of déjà vu for those who have been following events at CMKM.

On December 8, 2003, CMKM announced

the spin-out of corporate zinc deposits at George Lake, Saskatchewan, its wholly owned subsidiary Casavant Mining International, Inc. (CMI). CMKM shareholders received a dividend of one share of CMI stock on October 3, 2003.

While the language is somewhat confusing, it suggests that (i) CMI was a wholly owned subsidiary of CMKM; and (ii) CMKM shareholders will receive CMI stock.

The December 8, 2003 press release also stated that CMI was a private company that would become public within two weeks. Apparently, CMKM intended to merge CMI with another Pink Sheet company, Mirador Corporation. That transaction, however, was later aborted.

We have found no indication that CMI ever became a public company.

Sounds confusing – Casavant Mining International and Casavant International Mining – both mining for zinc in the same vicinity. Aren’t all of these Casavants tripping over one another?

So what, if anything, is the relationship between CIM and CMI – aside from their obvious relationships with some or all of the Casavants? Based upon the Company’s announcements it would seem that both CIM and CMI are involved in the search for zinc deposits in the same area - Lake George, Saskatchewan. Why were two different companies created – and where was CMI incorporated? Is it possible that each company controls different zinc deposits at the same location? If those zinc deposits were owned and controlled by CMI, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CMKM, how were they transferred to CIM?

CMKM shareholders should be interested in the status of CMI and its zinc deposits. After all, they received CMI shares in late 2003, didn’t they?

What ever happened to CMI?

More Shares to Spare

Interestingly enough, CMKM has promised its shareholders another dividend as well – this time in shares of one of its joint venture partners. On July 18, 2004, CMKM issued a press release to announce that U.S. Canadian Minerals, Inc. (OTCBB: UCAD) had agreed to purchase 5% of CMKM’s mineral claims in exchange for 7.5 million shares of U.S. Canadian stock.

Here, again, CMKM says it plans to distribute those shares to its stockholders as a dividend. Once again, the number of outstanding CMKM shares will be critical since it will determine how many U.S. Canadian shares each CMKM investor will receive. For example, if CMKM has issued all 500 billion shares, the owner of 1 million CMKM shares would receive 15 U.S. Canadian shares.

There is a catch, however. The shares will not be registered, and the agreement between CMKM and U.S. Canadian suggests that there are impediments to their future sale. Here is what the agreement provides:

Purchase Price. Seller will sell 5% of all current and future claim holdings and mineral interests in exchange for 7.5 million shares of common stock of U. S. Canadian. The shares exchanged hereunder shall be newly issued restricted shares under Rule 144 with a holding period of at least one year from the date of their issuance by UCAD and shall not have the holding period thereunder shortened by means of a dividend. Such shares may be distributed by means of a dividend but shall not take the holding or tacking periods of the underlying shares. By this agreement between both parties, in the event such transfer is initiated, the shares shall be deemed cancelled and void and this Agreement is deemed authorizated (sic) by both parties for such cancellation (sic).

These sale restrictions are vague and somewhat confusing. At what point can the shares be cancelled, and how will that affect the CMKM shareholders who receive the dividend?

The agreement also gives U.S. Canadian a one year option to acquire an additional 10% of CMKM’s mineral claims for $15 million in cash.

While all of these numbers sound impressive, it is difficult to understand the valuations afforded to either company. Unlike CMKM, U.S. Canadian does file regular reports with the SEC – and its financial statements do not paint a pretty or promising picture. As of March 31, 2004, U.S. Canadian had $408 in cash. It claims to have an additional 6.9 million in assets based upon the value of stock it contributed to a joint venture.

As of March 31st, U.S. Canadian had issued approximately 7.6 million shares – making the Company worth more than $35 million on paper based upon the current share price. That also means that CMKM will be acquiring 50% of U.S. Canadian.

With $408 in the bank, and no revenues, it is difficult to see how U.S. Canadian will be able to pay $15 million to CMKM within the next year. It appears unlikely that the money will come from one joint venture already being pursued by the two companies – the Carolyn Pipe. So far, that project has produced two microscopic diamond particles weighing a total of .000005 carats.

In the end, investors can only wonder why CMKM is suddenly on a binge – issuing illiquid shares of other companies as dividends. Who knows? Maybe they ran out of their own.

©2004 Stock Patrol
وعلى شان اسهل عليك اكثر من القراءة الزايدة شوف البرقراف الثاني من بداية

يوم 19 on jul
ودقق في الاسم

وهذا الرابط

طبعا للاخوان المهتمين منعا للبس

هذا الخبر قديم شوي في شهر 7
بس انا ارفقته
علشان اكد للعبدلي
ان cim تعني او اختصار casavant international mining

عاد ايش اللي حاصل هذا والله اللي انا ما اعرفه

لكن من الرابط اللي نزلت فيه خبر التقسيم

يؤكد ان نسبة التقسيم من شركةcim هو 0,0256

لكل سهم من اسهم شركتنا


عضو نشط
22 يونيو 2004
:) I was reading a national geographic (March 2002) at work the yesterday and it had a huge article on diamond exploration. Canada was one of the hot spots for diamonds. But cmkx does not have what it takes to make any profit. The major diamond companies may as well have slaves working for them for 12 hour shifts daily. The hole was over 2000 feet wide and it took a tractor trailer over 90 minutes to make to the bottom. That cant be done with a little drill bit or a family as a digging crew. We need to know how they plan to get diamonds with a profit if they find any.


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
شركة Cim اللي تبون مقفلة يعني لم تدرج في أي بورصة لحد الآن وعلشان

نستفيد منها لازم تدرج في أحد البورصات عن طريق إكتتاب أو دمج مع أحد

الشركات وأظن أنها SGGM وهذا التفسير الوحيد لشراكتها مع CMKX لأنها شركة

نوعها SHELL يعني ماعندها أي نشاط بس مدرجة في OTCBB وهو ماأرجحه لأنه

أرخص و أسرع بكثير من الإكتتاب :cool:


عضو نشط
9 مارس 2003
cmkx news

أخي تركي صبحك الله بالخير الأخوان جميعا

طبعا بعد السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

كلام الأخ السبيعي2 هو الأقرب للصواب إن لم يكن هو فعلا الصواب

لأن cim سعرها اقفال الجمعه 0.35 $ وموجوده بإستريمر الأوسط برو

واسمها cim high yield securities

وليس casavant international كما تقول . إنما cim هذه الأخير هي كما يقول

الأخ السبيعي غير مدرجه للتداول . واسوق لك دليل مادي آخر

على صحة رأي أخينا السبيعي . هو ما حصل للأ خ / إقبال عندما نزلوا

له حصته منها واتضحت قيمة 5120 سهم من cim لا تساوي الا 51.2$

كما في الأستريمر عنده كما يقول ذلك في رد سابق ( يمكن الرجوع له )

بينما لو كانت 5120 سهم بسعر cim المعروضه بإستريمر الأوسط

لكانت قيمة اسهمه 5120* 0.35 = 1792 $

لا زال وضع الشركه كما ذكر كثير من الأخوان وكما أراه في حوارات المسج

بورد . غامض . كما لا زال التفاؤل موجود بإكتشاف ألماس يقلب الأرقام

من اجزاء أجزاء أجزاء السنتات الى دولارات وكثير ماحدث هذا الشي

كما ذكرت اخي تركي في ردود لك سابقه فالعبره بالنهايه .

والله المستعان . وبالتوفيق للجميع



عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
UCAD 06/10/2004

CIM 18/10/2004

GEMM 15/11/2004

هذي تواريخ توزيع الأسهم ولا توقعون شيء قبل كل تاريخ حتى لايشعر أحد

بالإحباط وأي خبر ما يكون مصدره الشركة أعتبروه إشاعه وسبق وأن قلت رأيي

الشركة بيجي منها خير إنشاءالله بس يبيلها صبر عطوها فرصة والله يرزق الجميع


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
هذي أسخف من الإشاعه

Hello Everyone,

What fortunate people you truly are for I believed we have been blessed! Why? Because you have CMKX! I just found out about this stock 1 1/2 months ago. Had I found out about it a year ago I would(I believe)feel as just I do this very moment---so excited for the feeling I have about this stock is undeniable. What does that mean to you? Maybe nothing. I have not figures to give you nor even a left brain post to send you. But this post will either help make you feel good too or at least be entertaining. For those who are offended due to your religion, I apologize now. This is just a story--my story of how I got into CMKX.

I have read all I could get my virtual hands on since finding out about this wonderful company. I wish I could tell you something that could ease your mind, yet for those who have so much at stake I know it is easy to panic. Those are your subconscious fears surfacing. They can grip you in moments you least expect. There are reasons for this. Some are psychological triggers, others are physical. When they strike they are powerful---at least for some. It is common when much is at stake, but it does not always mean a premonition. I will skip the psychological/physiological jargon. Yes, you are welcome

I first found out about this stock from a man who had a stroke. He was our former NYState Assemblyman(great guy---smart guy). A friend and I went to visit him in the hospital one day. He needed my friend to sign him into Ameritrade. Then we learned why---CMKX. Soon the phones began to buzz as my friend contacted his friends who contacted their friends and so on. The first person he contacted was a friend of his who just happened to be a psychic---YES, I am admitting--a psychic. She used to work for the govt. and had and has some very prestigious clientele. She told my friend she had a good feeling about this stock. Next thing we know she contacts some friends of hers---the Debeers. They told her in so many words their positive attitude toward this company and relayed to her that this company is legit along with a few details---such as Roger Glen, the kimberlite and such other details.

Then she contacted a stock broker considered to be a very prestigious broker from NYC. He investigated CMKX and for what he found out he invested quite nicely. In like turn---so did she.

My friend did the same, only less but continues to increase the amount as the past 2 months role on and he finds out more. This friend of mine as you can see by now is a metaphysically-minded person. He has other psychic friends. He contacts them also. I was talking to him about 1 1/2 weeks ago when he told me he contacted a certain woman who I was familiar with(a "local"). He had her take a look at the stock and she said she had never seen anything like it. Now, my friend is not heavily into the stock market, but at that point I interrupted him to find out any past history as to how accurate in these types of predictions she has been. He told me he asked her once about Alcoa stock and she told him that on a Wed. it would go down and then up again on the following Fri. He made $10,000. I said, "great, now continue". He conveyed that when she looked at the stock(as she has done in the past with others where she usually sees a graph and a line that indicates where it is headed)she exclaimed that she had never seen anything like it before---that it was "going to explode!" I asked impatiently, "what does that mean?" What she had seen was a line that goes straight up. I asked him if he thought to ask her when this would happen. She told him she saw a "15". I knew that wasn't going to be Sept. 15th, but could well be Oct. 15th from everything I have read thus far.

Well, the story does not end here. In addition to the last 2 psychics mentioned---yes, my friend contacted another person. This time it was a woman---another friend who can "talk" with her "guides"--(lol---of course I am not laughing at this---only at what I can imagine some of you must be thinking at this point). He told her about CMKX and so she did her thing. She later called him to tell him that her guides told her that on Oct. 15th the stock would go up to around .56. No, he did not give her any other info beforehand other than asked her to take a look at this stock.

Let's back up. I am not free of such things myself. I had asked a friend 2 weeks prior to hearing all this woo-woo news. I had asked this friend of mine to douse when CMKX would be going up and by how much. She had told me on Oct. 15th it would reach .59. This was long before this other friend started the metaphysical phone tagging.

Lastly, in this vein of discussion my friend contacted one other person--a woman in Florida who just happened to know a psychic who is suppose to be quite accurate. She told them the stock would eventually go up to $5.00+

The last I heard from this friend was he contacted a man who knows Urban(that was Friday). The rumor was that there would be a PR next week(this week soon)and the price would go up a little. How far? I do not know---who would, right?

I can't find the posts right now but it was either a Peter, Sterling or Houstontex that, for one, wrote how they saw the stock would go up somewhere between .50-.60 and why. Then last night I decided to check out past postings from the 3 men mentioned above. In one of the posts it was explained how "he" believed the stock would jump to somewhere between .50-.60. Also, somewhere within those posts from one of those posters was a statement that Urban had said the price would jump to around .50-.60. Hmmm...

Personally, I have felt great about this stock ever since hearing about it. Call it intuition, gut instinct or just plain blind greed(not me), but I am now over 200% sure of this--nah, better than that and not because of psychic predictions, though, that was a plus-------but because after obsessing for the past, almost 2 months and reading all that I can find, I just feel great. Don't you?

If not, read all you can and then smile.

وخلاصة الكلام أنه عنده أصدقاء روحانيين ويقولون له أن هالسهم بيرتفع إرتفاع

صاروخي وبيوصل 0.50 الى0.60 وأحدهم يقول 5$ لا والمصيبة أنه بتاريخ قريب

15/10/2004 خوش كلام علشان أغراض رمضان
:p :D :D :p
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