*cmkx news*

موضوع مغلق


عضو نشط
9 مارس 2003

أهم شيء بعد بكره حسب الخبر الرسمي يدخل في حساب كل من يملك

في اسهم cmkx نصيبه من اسهم ucad لنعرف النسبه اللي بدورها راح تبين

عدد اسهم cmkx المصدره ليقطع الشك بالقين هل هي 800 بليون مثل ما يقال

أو 500 بليون أو أو أو ..... لذلك الأثنين القادم على أبعد تقدير راح يكون

كل شي واضح ونعرف نصيبنا في ucad وإن شاء الله ما ينزل سهمها اللي

معدله 5 دولار منذ فتره .

وبعدين نعرف نصيبنا في اسهم gimm و sggm و و وهي الشركات

التي اشترت حصص في ملكية cmkx

وبالتوفيق للجميع



عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
I called Jefferies & Company (JEFF) for myself @ 1:54pm 9/22/04
Phone 212-284-1730. The agent that took the call confirmed they are
no "longer making a market for CMKX".

I am very excited

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D


عضو نشط
22 يونيو 2004
مصدر بيان صحفي: شركة تعدين Juina.

شركة تعدين Juina. يَستلمُ 500,000$ تمويل يو إس دي
يوليو/تموز الخميسِ 29, 2:37 مساءً إي تي

لاس فيجاس -- (سلك عملِ) -- يوليو/تموز 29, 2004 -- شركة تعدين Juina. (شراشف وردية: جي إي إم إم - أخبار) أعلنَ اليوم بأنّ إستلمَ التَمويل في كميةِ 500,000$ يو إس دي خلال بيعِ السهم العادي إلى سي إم كْي إم Diamonds المحدودة. (شراشف وردية: سي إم كْي إكس - أخبار). يَعطي هذا البيعِ ملكيةَ سي إم كْي إكس تقريباً 25 % جي إي إم إم.
بالإضافة، أصدرَ جي إي إم إم خياراً إلى سي إم كْي إكس لشِراء مكافئِ الأسهمِ إلى إضافيِ 24 % الأسهمِ البارزةِ في جي إي إم إم لإضافةِ 500,000$ يو إس دي. جي إي إم إم حالياً a شركة تابعة Canadian Minerals المحدودة أمريكية. (أو تي سي بي بي: يو سي أي دي - أخبار).

التفاصيل الأخرى نسبة إلى هذا المشروعِ سَيَكُونُ بيانات صحفية مُستقبلاً قادمَ وفي http://www.juinamining.com/, http://www.uscanadian.com/..

بيان الميناءِ الآمنِ تحت فعلِ إصلاحِ مقاضاةِ السندات المالية الخاصِّ مِنْ 1995:

البيانات إحتوتْ في هذه الوثيقةِ التي لَيستْ حقيقةً تأريخيةً بياناتَ تقدميةَ مستندة على توقّعاتِ إدارةِ الحاليةِ التي خاضعة للأخطارِ والحيرةِ التي يُمْكِنُ أَنْ تُسبّبا نَتائِجَ فعليةَ لإختِلاف مادياً مِنْ تلك المجموعةِ فصاعداً في أَو ضمنيةِ بالبياناتِ التقدميةِ.

ياخوان انا قراءة ولا فهمته شى منوى الى ا شترى



عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003

August Focus Stock: CMKM Diamonds (CMKX)

http://www.thegreenbaron.com/Latest Update.htm

St. George Metals, Inc. Announces 3rd Payment of $2,500,000
Delivered to CMKM Diamonds, Inc.

"Stock Patrol Flies in a Different Direction"

CEO Ed Miller of our parent company, Evergreen Marketing, came
prepared to debate The Green Baron Report's position in regards to
CMKM Diamonds on a radio show "Prosperity for God's People" last
Tuesday, September 21, 2004 . Please click on
http://www.kxeg1280.com/audio/PROSPERSITY09-21-04.wma for a direct
link to the audio of this show. Unfortunately, Stock Patrol's
Hartley Bernstein had an accident the day before our scheduled
debate, and wound up on an ill-timed airplane trip with spotty
telephone service during the radio show. We had been anticipating a
healthy debate, but instead Mr. Miller was left alone to support our
feelings about CMKX.

The Green Baron Report still has a lot of unanswered questions for
CMKM Diamonds, many of which may be the same questions that Mr.
Bernstein may have. However, Mr. Bernstein fails to recognize that
CMKM Diamonds has received $13 million in cash over the past two
months and has struck deals with U.S. Canadian Minerals (UCAD),
Juina Mining (GEMM), and Casavant International Mining (CIM –
private) in stock transactions that we estimate are currently worth
about $70 million to CMKX. In the radio interview, we argued that
even if you don't factor in the huge value of the SGGM stock
transaction that CMKX is still trading significantly under our
realistic valuation using a worst case outstanding share scenario.

Yesterday, Wednesday, September 22, St. George Metals, Inc. (SGGM)
announced that the Company has delivered a third payment of
$2,500,000 U.S. Dollars to CMKM Diamonds, Inc. (CMKX) totaling now
$7,500,000 of the $10,000,000 U.S.D. joint venture agreement between
St. George Metals, Inc. and CMKM Diamonds, Inc. In consideration for
$10,000,000 US Dollars and two hundred billion (200,000,000,000)
restricted shares of SGGM, St. George Metals will purchase a 5%
unencumbered and absolute interest in any and all mineral claims
held by CMKM Diamonds, Inc.

Last week, a contact answering at St. George Metals stated there
would be press releases announced soon to give more clarity to the
situation. Yesterday's closing price of SGGM at .27 per share would
represent a value of $54 billion on CMKX's 200 billion restricted
share position in SGGM. We encourage our members not to get too
caught up in extrapolating price theories for CMKX based on the
current trading price of SGGM until we know more about St. George
Metals. (Although the numbers do raise eyebrows)

The Green Baron Report still believes that September will be the
month that we will begin to see the price per share move higher in
CMKX. We think that since the company is expected to pay out three
different stock dividends over the next two weeks that it will
inevitably explain details about its share structure. We also
believe that CMKX will soon exercise the other $500,000 of its
option to purchase more Juina Mining (GEMM), and we think CMKX
counsel is still working diligently to get CMKX fully reporting.

Even more interesting, the seemingly ever-present offer side market
maker Jeffries (JEFF) appears to be no longer making a market in
CMKX as of yesterday, September 22. Although it remains to be seen
if this perennial seller shows up again, it appears for now that
this market maker may have completed its massive sell order. We have
a good idea what has been going on with Jeffries and this sell
order, but until it becomes fact we will not provide our theory.

Finally, our parent company CEO Ed Miller has just booked a trip to
Dallas this weekend as it appears most of the key players will be
attending the races. Once again, we will likely encourage Mr. Urban
Casavant to conduct a webcast interview so that shareholders of CMKM
Diamonds might gain further confidence in the prospects of the
company. If CMKM Diamonds begins to announce significant diamond
content in samples on its vast mineral right claims (and with JEFF
out of the way), CMKX may well become The Stock Play of a Lifetime!


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003

August Focus Stock: CMKM Diamonds (CMKX)

http://www.thegreenbaron.com/Latest Update.htm

St. George Metals, Inc. Announces 3rd Payment of $2,500,000
Delivered to CMKM Diamonds, Inc.

"Stock Patrol Flies in a Different Direction"

CEO Ed Miller of our parent company, Evergreen Marketing, came
prepared to debate The Green Baron Report's position in regards to
CMKM Diamonds on a radio show "Prosperity for God's People" last
Tuesday, September 21, 2004 . Please click on
http://www.kxeg1280.com/audio/PROSPERSITY09-21-04.wma for a direct
link to the audio of this show. Unfortunately, Stock Patrol's
Hartley Bernstein had an accident the day before our scheduled
debate, and wound up on an ill-timed airplane trip with spotty
telephone service during the radio show. We had been anticipating a
healthy debate, but instead Mr. Miller was left alone to support our
feelings about CMKX.

The Green Baron Report still has a lot of unanswered questions for
CMKM Diamonds, many of which may be the same questions that Mr.
Bernstein may have. However, Mr. Bernstein fails to recognize that
CMKM Diamonds has received $13 million in cash over the past two
months and has struck deals with U.S. Canadian Minerals (UCAD),
Juina Mining (GEMM), and Casavant International Mining (CIM –
private) in stock transactions that we estimate are currently worth
about $70 million to CMKX. In the radio interview, we argued that
even if you don't factor in the huge value of the SGGM stock
transaction that CMKX is still trading significantly under our
realistic valuation using a worst case outstanding share scenario.

Yesterday, Wednesday, September 22, St. George Metals, Inc. (SGGM)
announced that the Company has delivered a third payment of
$2,500,000 U.S. Dollars to CMKM Diamonds, Inc. (CMKX) totaling now
$7,500,000 of the $10,000,000 U.S.D. joint venture agreement between
St. George Metals, Inc. and CMKM Diamonds, Inc. In consideration for
$10,000,000 US Dollars and two hundred billion (200,000,000,000)
restricted shares of SGGM, St. George Metals will purchase a 5%
unencumbered and absolute interest in any and all mineral claims
held by CMKM Diamonds, Inc.

Last week, a contact answering at St. George Metals stated there
would be press releases announced soon to give more clarity to the
situation. Yesterday's closing price of SGGM at .27 per share would
represent a value of $54 billion on CMKX's 200 billion restricted
share position in SGGM. We encourage our members not to get too
caught up in extrapolating price theories for CMKX based on the
current trading price of SGGM until we know more about St. George
Metals. (Although the numbers do raise eyebrows)

The Green Baron Report still believes that September will be the
month that we will begin to see the price per share move higher in
CMKX. We think that since the company is expected to pay out three
different stock dividends over the next two weeks that it will
inevitably explain details about its share structure. We also
believe that CMKX will soon exercise the other $500,000 of its
option to purchase more Juina Mining (GEMM), and we think CMKX
counsel is still working diligently to get CMKX fully reporting.

Even more interesting, the seemingly ever-present offer side market
maker Jeffries (JEFF) appears to be no longer making a market in
CMKX as of yesterday, September 22. Although it remains to be seen
if this perennial seller shows up again, it appears for now that
this market maker may have completed its massive sell order. We have
a good idea what has been going on with Jeffries and this sell
order, but until it becomes fact we will not provide our theory.

Finally, our parent company CEO Ed Miller has just booked a trip to
Dallas this weekend as it appears most of the key players will be
attending the races. Once again, we will likely encourage Mr. Urban
Casavant to conduct a webcast interview so that shareholders of CMKM
Diamonds might gain further confidence in the prospects of the
company. If CMKM Diamonds begins to announce significant diamond
content in samples on its vast mineral right claims (and with JEFF
out of the way), CMKX may well become The Stock Play of a Lifetime!


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
يا شباب

شوفوا هذه الخبر

وافيدو نا مدى صحة الخبر

لانه صراحة خبر قوي جدا

طير عقلي صراحة

اول شي هل سنحصل كحملة اسهم حصة من اسهم شركة cim

ام لا

عموما الخبر يقول

ان cim راح توزع لحملة الاسهم المسجلين في شهر سبتمبر بواقع 0,0375دولار

عن كل سهم

لكن انا ما ادري هل المقصود حملة اسهمcmkx ام لاناس غيرنا
عموما الخبر شوفوهCIM High Yield Securities Announces September Dividend

CIM High Yield Securities
INVESCO Institutional (N.A.) Inc.
Cindy M. Cameron, 502-589-2011

CIM High Yield Securities (AMEX:CIM) has announced the payment of $0.0375 per share, payable on October 1, 2004 to shareholders of record as of September 23, 2004.

Copyright © 2004 Business Wire. All reproduction, other than for an individual user`s reference, is prohibited without prior written permission.
News Copyright © 2004 Interest!ALERT All rights reserved.


بالله اللي عنده سالفة يفتينا يالربع


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
تشابه أسماء شركتنا تحمل نفس الأسم بس مقفلة ونسبة التوزيع 0.0256

لحد الآن لم تدرج في أي بورصة


عضو نشط
22 يونيو 2004
منقول من اخونا السبيعى2 بتاريخ 30/8

;) AUG 23 --- we had UCAD dividend ----- payable 9/24
SEPT 1 --- we get CIM dividend ------ payable OCT - if CMKX bought now its too late to get the CIM dividend
SEPT 5/6 - CAR RACE -- rumor of great news/pr coming
SEPT 6 --- 1 month quiet zone ends on possible merger/big deal-RAGING BULL !!-LAST pr was 08/05- quiet zone ends 9/05
SEPT 7 - SEPT 24 -- new law takes action to cut down massive problems with shorting
SEPT 23/24 - cannot be a pink sheet stock because more then 3000 investors. I have read this on many different occasions but have never seen the actual rule on it. Based on last company filing on 6/23 and having to renew every 3 months
SEPT 24 ---- UCAD dividend in our accounts

The CIM dividend is 40 billion shares which when translated will give everyone that owns CMKX the exact same percentage as they had in CMKX. Example 40 billion CIM / 40 billion CMKX or multiple there of.
* We get 1/2 a penny a share from CMKX/URBAN to buy all the outstanding shares of CMKX. We all make over 10 times(or higher) our purchase price (the 1/2 penny number I have herd many times from many different people/sources)




August 27, 2004. (FinancialWire) Someone appears to have paid “Prospector Alert” a whopping $50,000 to send out faxed “Investors Alert!! GOLD, GOLD, GOLD” touts for Juina Mining (OTC: GEMM), but whatever the fax broadcaster received or from whom did not seem to be enough to finance a real phone number for irate recipients to have themselves taken off the list.
The fax says that controlling interest in Juina has been acquired by US Canadian Minerals (OTCBB: UCAD), which it said “has been on a tear since June, going from $1.35 to over $5.” Earlier in August, CMKM Diamonds (OTC: CMKX), which is a favorite of Stock Patrol (www.stockpatrol.com) for its 500 billion shares, a world record number of shares outstanding, said it intends to distribute 95,502,027 of Juina Mining Corp. to its shareholders on October 1 as a dividend.
The 800 number given to “be removed immediately from the database” was missing a digit, leaving Jody Donnelly at Jodys Travel to field hundreds of calls from people wanting to be off the fax list, which she pointed out is “at my expense,” not to mention the time and aggravation involved.
The fax broadcast said that the company, which trades at $0.028, has a one month target price of $0.50. The company traded at $0.20 in mid-2002 and spiked at $0.16 in late March, 2004.
It didn’t say who the “analyst” is or the location of the report, who paid the $50,000, or the qualifications of the “analyst.”
Donnelly just wants her phone number off the faxes and out of the mix.
For up-to-the-minute news, features and links click on http://www.financialwire.net
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عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
HERE IS THE PR AGAIN, but, nothing mentioned at all, of how much we
will get, as far as shares. now made the 2nd payment, and the next
should be coming. if you use the 8% by the jan. 7, 2003 pr, thats 16
billion shares to us. remember, they came of nowhere. they were just
sitting there since what, 1986? now i wonder what they have
cooking.? look at ucad, came of nowhere, and look at them today.
LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 13, 2004--CMKM Diamonds Inc. (Pink
Sheets:CMKX - News) is pleased to announce that the Company has
received a 2nd payment of $2,500,000 U.S. Dollars from St. George
Metals, Inc. (Pink Sheets:SGGM - News) of the $10,000,000 U.S.D.
from the joint venture agreement where St. George Metals, Inc. will
purchase a 5% unencumbered and absolute interest in any and all
mineral claims held by CMKM Diamonds, Inc. in consideration for
$10,000,000 US Dollars and two hundred billion (200,000,000,000)
restricted shares of SGGM. The Company is anticipated to receive the
remaining two additional payments of $2,500,000 within the next 30

think about it, something big is up, and we just don't know, neither
does shorty.


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
What if CIM reverse merged into SGGM? Technically that would mean we are already getting shares of SGGM through CIM. SGGM is a shell company that was resurrected for a reason IMO. And I can't conceive of why CMKX itself would reverse merge into SGGM when SGGM only bought 5%. But I COULD see two companies like CIM and SGGM amassing their collective ownership together to achieve certain goals: 1) become fully reporting together (perhaps already coordinated by Roger?), 2) own a more fuller percent of CMKX's claims, 3) provide a tool to assist with eliminating the naked short shares.


عضو نشط
3 ديسمبر 2003
السلام عليكم السبيعي وانا اخوك تدري ان بعض الاخوة ما ايعرفون عربي وانا اخوك يا ريت اترجم لهم :d :d :d :d


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
CMKM Diamonds Announces Dividend Stock Will Be Paid on Oct. 6, 2004
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2004 5:44 PM
- BusinessWire
LAS VEGAS, Sep 24, 2004 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- CMKM Diamonds Inc. (Pink Sheets: CMKX) announced that the dividend of U.S. Canadian Minerals Inc. stock will be paid on Oct. 6, 2004, rather than today. "The delay was because of the enormous amount of administrative work that needs to be done by the transfer agents for both companies in order to make that distribution," said Urban Casavant, the company's chief executive officer. "We do not anticipate any further delays in paying the dividend." The record date for the dividend remains unchanged.

Rendall Williams, CEO of UCAD, stated, "Through the suggestion of management of CMKX and their corporate attorney, D. Roger Glenn, UCAD's management has agreed to issue additional shares for the round-up process for this distribution. UCAD has agreed to issue additional shares so all CMKX shareholders can take part in this distribution." Williams continued, "The relationship with CMKX shareholders is a welcome addition to our new family."

Glenn said, "The company's accountants are working to complete the audit of the company's financial statements. When that has been accomplished, the company will be well on its way to becoming a reporting company again."


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
بالعربي علشان الأخ حسن

متى ستظهر نتائج التنقيب تعليق أعجبني لأحد مساهمي الشركة

والخلاصه أن الطبخة قاعد تستوي بس يبيلها شوية صبر يعني لا أحد يستعجل

على رزقه واللي مايقدر يصبر أو عنده شك بالشركة مثل الأخ أبو فيصل يبيع لي

تراني شراي بسعر السوق :D

لاس فيجاس -- (سلك عملِ) -- سبتمبر/أيلول. 13, 2004 -- سي إم كْي إم Diamonds المحدودة. (وردي
الشراشف: سي إم كْي إكس - أخبار) تُسْرُّ إعلان الشركةَ لَها الآن
وَصلَ a عمق هدفِ كليِّ مِنْ 808 قدمِ على هدفِ المثقابِ الأولِ
واقع في الحصنِ a la Corne، منطقة ساسكاتشوان. العينات الرئيسية لَها
جُمِعَ مِنْ الموقعِ والشركةِ يَنتظرانِ الآن
نتائج جيولوجي وتقاريرِهم.

{"متى نَرى النَتائِجَ؟ "}

نحن قَدْ لا نَرى النَتائِجَ
لَكنَّنا سَنَقْرأُ عنهم -

بَعْدَ أَنْ غَطّتْ النقائصَ

بعد سي إم كْي إكس يُدرَجُ

بَعْدَ أَنْ إشترينَا يو سي أي دي بالإضافيةِ الـ300 الأسهمِ البليون

بَعْدَ أَنْ نُسيطرُ كُلّ الآخرون جْي في شركاء

بعد نحن ثمّ نَدْمجُ إلى إس جي جي إم

بعد إس جي جي إم يَدْمجُ إلى سي آي إم

بعد سي آي إم على الأمكسِ

بعد تركيبِ سهمَ الإئتلافِ مُنهى


روجر سَيُضيفُ قيمةَ أخرى إلى بي بي إس:

مجموعة Lundin / يُريدُ Cameco يورانيومنا

إذا هناك أيّ نفط، أدولف Lundin عِنْدَهُ أي شركة التي تُريدُ التي أيضاً.

هناك بشكل حرفي أطنان وأطنان Assetts ثمين ذلك يَجِبُ أَنْ يَكُونا
كَشفَ عنه وتَحرّكَ قبل نحن يُمْكِنُ أَنْ نَصِلَ إلى المعظمِ إم آي إن آي جي 8 إكس 5 ميلِ
الفطر أو آر إي أو Kimberlight إنبوب! - نحن مايو/مايس أيضاً يَبِيعُهم إلى
شخص ما الذي يُريدُهم!


بَعْدَ أَنْ نَبِيعُ حقوقَ اليورانيومَ إلى Cameco

بَعْدَ أَنْ نَبِيعُ حقوقَ الخارصينَ إلى سي آي إم

بَعْدَ أَنْ نَبِيعُ الحقوقَ إلى ملح القلي، Boxite، المخصّب،
التربة العليا، وكُلّ شيء آخر نحن لا نُريدُ الخَدْع مَع إلى
الآخرون ويُضيفونَ القيمةَ إلى بي بي إس

بَعْدَ أَنْ أضفنَا نفس قدر القيمةَ إلى بي بي إس بالتَحَدُّث عن الذي
نحن لا نُريدُ الخَدْع مَع


ثمّ نحن سَنَبْدأُ بالتَحَدُّث عن ما نحن سَنُنقّبُ أنفسنا
إستعمال تقنيةِ Proprietery تحت الإختبار مِن قِبل يو سي أي دي في نيفادا إلى
إنتزعْ معادن ثمينةَ مثل:






بعد كل أَفْعالِ الإحماءَ تَعْملُ

بعد كل المداعبةِ التي أنت يُمْكِنُ أَنْ تَقفَ،

الضوء سَيُشرقُ على الحدثِ الرئيسيِ!

ثمّ كُلّ "إكتشاف ماسي" بي آر s سَيَغْمرُ مثل الفضلاتِ مِنْ أي

لكن "قناة المنجم الرئيسةَ" الإكتشافاتِ الماسيّةِ قَدْ تَكُون بين الأخيرينِ
لكي يُكْشَفَ منذ هو سَيَكُونُ الأكثر رهبة.

أفضل سَيُوفّرُ لأخيرِ في رأي المتواضع.

النقد حاجاتُ الشيءِ جداً الحضريةِ الأخيرِ للقَلْق حول
"مجموعة إستثمارِ بريطانيةِ"
(أَرْفضُ قَول "لندن" لأنها تُشوّشُ أيضاً بسهولة
مَع "Lundin" في Hearing of هو)
يَرْمي الملايينَ في الولايات المتّحدةِ.

عِنْدَنا أي عمل مربح في حديد إي سي بي إن الخامِ يَتعاملُ مع الأكبرِ
المنتج الفولاذي في الصين

{"إي سي بي إن للتَسليم إلى Baosteel بحدود ثلاثة ملايين (3,000,000) أطنان
حديد خامِ بالسّنة للسَنَوات الخمس عشْرة التالية مِنْ ألَه كابيتان
لغم في نيو مكسيكو سويّة مع قوس قزحِه المُكتَسَبِ مؤخراً فالي
لغم في أريزونا. "}

إنّ مقابلةَ أل كابيتان متوفرةُ في

إنّ اللغمَ النهريَ الأصفرَ أي عمل مربح لجي إي إم إم / دي جي إم / يو سي أي دي /
سي إم كْي إكس - ذلك حيث يو سي أي دي حَصلَ على المالِ لشِراء إهتمامِه في سي إم كْي إكس -
مِنْ السبيكةِ الذهبيةِ تحت التسليمِ

إذا كُلّ المال مِنْ هذه الأعمال المربحةِ غير كاف هناك أخرى
ناس أموال طائلةِ يَصْرخونَ للدُخُول

دي جي آي عِنْدَهُ 2 بليون دولارُ ويَستجدى إلى بمنتج للِماسِ
Assetts لَكنَّهم رَفضوا علناً مِن قِبل بي إتش بي - إسرائيل تَستجدى،
لكن هَلْ حاجة حضرية مالهم؟

مَنْ كُلّ "الضيوف" في ذلك إس أي كْي إجتمعوا على أية حال؟ إتش يو إتش؟ ؟

يعود الأمر لحضري لتَقْرير مَنْ هو سَيَجْعلُ أغنى مِنْ أَنَّهُمْ
من ناحية إعْطاء النِسَب المئويةِ الأكثرِ مِنْ التعدين

يَبْني إئتلافُ التعدين الأعظمِ في العالمِ قَدْ يَأْخذُ أكثر
وقت منك يُريدُ الصَرْف في حاسوبِكَ.

لَكنَّك يُمْكِنُ أَنْ تَتقاعدَ من المحتمل في ثلاث سَنَواتِ في آخر إذا أنت
إشترتْ أسهمُ كافيةُ.


عضو نشط
9 مارس 2003
cmkx news

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

مؤكد أن الشركه أجلت تنزيل حصص ملاك سهمها من اسهم ucad في حساباتهم

الى 6/10/2004 بدلا من 24/9/2004 كما كان مقررا لأسباب محاسبيه .

وبالتوفيق للجميع



عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
elcamunication، سبتمبر/أيلول 25, 2004

إبْقائنا على أصابعِ قدمنا!

فقط متى حَمَلة أسهم كَانوا في أحد الأوقاتِ العاطفيةِ الأوطأِ بسبب نَقْص الأخبارِ والنشاطِ، التأريخ المُنتَظَر الطويل لسبتمبر/أيلولِ الرابع والعشرونِ لإستِلام حصةِ يو سي أي دي كَانَ غير حدث. على أية حال، هو عَمِلَ الكثير في تَحفيز حَمَلةِ الأسهم بينما نَرى نظرياتَ عائِمَ حول الإنترنتِ في الوفرةِ التي تَتعلّقُ بالسببِ للتأخيرِ. عِنْدي نظريةُ أيضاً.

نظريتي "تلك التأخيرِ كَانَ بسبب الكميةِ الهائلةِ للعملِ الإداريِ التي مَنْ الضَّرُوري أَنْ تُعْمَلَ مِن قِبل وكلاءِ النقلَ لكلتا الشركات لكي تَجْعلَ ذلك التوزيعِ."

أي بيان صحفي أُصدرَ أمس ولو أنْه يوم متأخراً، لكن غني بالمعلومات المفيدةَ مع هذا. أعطاَنا السببَ للتأخيرِ. التقارير مِنْ جنسِ دالاس كَانتْ تُشيرُ إلى نفس قدر.

من سخرية القدر، الفقرة الثانية للبيان الصحفي كَانتْ رسالة مِنْ مدير يو سي أي دي التنفيذي تَذْكرُ , “ "خلال إقتراحِ إدارةِ سي إم كْي إكس ومُحاميهم المتعلّق بالشركات، دي . روجر جلين، وافقَ إدارةُ يو سي أي دي على إصْدار الأسهمِ الإضافيةِ لجمعِ الشتات تُعالجُ لهذا التوزيعِ. ” مرةً أخرى، نَرى القلوبَ الكبيرةَ لإدارةِ الشركاتِ التي نحن يُعْتَقَد بأنَّه نَنتهزُ فرصة على. عادة في توزيع حصةِ مثل هذا أي واحد مَع توزيع أقل مِنْ واحد كُلّ لَنْ يَستلمَ أي أسهمِ الحصةِ. إنّ العمليةَ الطبيعيةَ أَنْ تُدوّرَ. وافقَ يو سي أي دي على تَزويد الأسهمِ الإضافيةِ لجَمْع وضمان التي كُلّ حَمَلة الأسهم بغض النظر عن حصصِهم سَتَستلمُ في حَدّ أدنى سهمِ كاملِ واحد يو سي أي دي.

هذا بادرة عابرة أَو هناك في الحقيقة حَمَلة أسهم بحصصِ سي إم كْي إكس منخفض جداً بِحيث ما كَانوا سيَستلمونَ a حصة. أَعتقدُ بأنّ هناك. أَنا ممتن من Rendall وليامز ودي . روجر جلين لأَخْذ هذا الإجراءِ الإضافيِ نيابةً عَنْ حَمَلةِ أسهمنا.

عندما قَرأتُ هذا البيان الصحفي تَجاهلتُ الفقرةَ الثالثةَ تَعتقدُ أولاً بعض الشّيء بأنّها كَانتْ إقتباس مِنْ روجر جلين حول الدورةِ فوق مِنْ الأسهمِ. ثمّ متى أنا كُنْتُ مرتاحَ أكثر قليلاً جُلِستُ قَرأتُ كامل البيان الصحفي لكَسْب الحكمةِ منه الصغرى ويَنْظرُ الذي يَعمَلُ عيونُي المُتَجوِّلةُ تَقِعُ عليها.

جلين قالَ، "محاسبو الشركةَ يَعْملونَ لإكْمال تدقيقِ
بيانات الشركةِ الماليةِ. عندما ذلك أُنجزَ، الشركة
سَيَكُونُ جيّد على طريقِه أَنْ يُصبحَ يُبلغُ عن الشركةِ ثانيةً."

هذه الجملتين البسيطتينِ مِن قِبل دي . روجر جلين زَيّنتَاني حقَّ فوق. إذا كان هناك أبداً وقت مناسب أكثر لإعْطاء مثل هذا التصريحِ هو كَانَ بالتأكيد الآن وسط أسئلةِ مجموعةِ Jefferies لَمْ يَعُدْ يَجْعلُ علامة لسي إم كْي إكس والإشارات الذي عمل قديم يُستَنتجُ وسي إم كْي إكس مستعدّ للتحركُ إلى المستوى القادمِ. ذلك البيانِ مِن قِبل دي . روجر جلين كَانَ a "Wowser". أي طلقة عبر القوسِ إذا رَأيتُ واحد أبداً، صنّاع سوقِ تحذيريِ ويُمكنُ أَنْ أكُونَ متآمرين إلى الذي “ بي هم وكيو ”. سي إم كْي إكس جيّدُ على طريقِه أَنْ يُصبحَ يُبلغُ عن الشركةِ ثانيةً.

مَع السّيدِ جلين على فريقِنا، هو قريبُ إلى إمتِلاك 500 باون غوريلا كمرساتنا في شدّة منافسةِ الحربِ ضدّ صنّاعِ السوقَ. ليس هناك طريق بإِنَّنا يُمْكِنُ أَنْ نَفْقدَ. هذه كَانتْ إحدى أكثر بيانات النَظْر الصحفية الأماميةِ الإيجابيةِ التي أنا أَبَداً كَانَ عِنْدي إمتيازُ قراءة مِنْ ماسِ سي إم كْي إم وهو a بصيص من أمل الذي يُشيرُ إلينا بِأَنَّ هذه الشركةِ لا واحد لكي يُعْبَثَ مَع.

أحياناً هو ما هو، لا شيء أكثر ولا شيء أقل. النظريات المعقّدة للخططِ ذات الطبقاتِ جداً لإحْباط صنّاعِ السوقِ خلال الخططِ المُبتَكَرةِ بشكل معقّد للتَزييف خارج العدو لَيستْ الذي عِنْدَنا هنا. في هذه الحالةِ، عِنْدَنا كميةُ ساحقةُ ببساطة مِنْ حَمَلةِ الأسهم التي سبّبتْ وكلاءَ النقلَ الكثير مِنْ العملَ في تَوزيع الحصصِ. على الرغم من هذا، كعلاوة إلى حَمَلةِ الأسهم أصبحنَا a شكل تعليقِ بسيطِ لكن قويِ دي . روجر جلين الذي يَجِبُ أَنْ يُرسلَ الرعشاتَ أسفل أعمدة فقرية أولئك الذين يَعتقدُ لسَيْطَرَة على سعر هذا السهمِ.

إبقَ قوياً! يُباركُ الله كُلّ شخص

elcamunication, September 25, 2004

Keeping us on our toes!

Just when shareholders were at one of the lowest emotional times because of a shortage of news and activity, the long awaited date of September 24th to receive the UCAD dividend was a non-event. However, it did a lot in stimulating the shareholders as we see theories floating around the Internet in abundance concerning the reason for the delay. I have theory as well.

My theory is that "the delay was because of the enormous amount of administrative work that needs to be done by the transfer agents for both companies in order to make that distribution."

A press release was issued yesterday albeit a day late, but nonetheless informative. It gave us the reason for the delay. Reports from the Dallas race were indicating as much.

Ironically, the second paragraph of the press release was a message from UCAD’s CEO stating, “"Through the suggestion of management of CMKX and their corporate attorney, D. Roger Glenn, UCAD's management has agreed to issue additional shares for the round-up process for this distribution.” Once again, we see the generous hearts of the management of the companies that we thought to take a chance on. Normally in a dividend distribution such as this anyone with a distribution of less than one whole would receive no shares of the dividend. The normal process is to round down. UCAD has agreed to provide additional shares to round up and ensure that all shareholders regardless of their holdings will receive at a minimum one whole share of UCAD.

Is this a fleeting gesture or are there in fact shareholders with CMKX holdings so low that they would not have received a dividend. I believe that there are. I am thankful to Rendall Williams and D. Roger Glenn for taking this extra measure on behalf of our shareholders.

When I first read this press release I somewhat disregarded the third paragraph thinking it was a quote from Roger Glenn about the round up of shares. Then when I was a bit more relaxed I sat down an read the entire press release to gain wisdom from it an lo and behold what do my wandering eyes come upon.

Glenn said, "The company's accountants are working to complete the audit of the
company's financial statements. When that has been accomplished, the company
will be well on its way to becoming a reporting company again."

These two simple sentences by D. Roger Glenn perked me right up. If there was ever a more opportune time to make such a statement it was certainly now amidst the questions of Jefferies Group no longer making a marker for CMKX and the indications that Old Business is concluded and CMKX is ready to move to the next level. That statement by D. Roger Glenn was a “WOWSER”. A shot across the bow if I ever saw one, warning market makers and could be conspirers to what their “P’s and Q’s”. CMKX is well on its way to becoming a reporting company again.

With Mr. Glenn on our team, it is akin to having a 500 lb gorilla as our anchor in a tug of war competition against the market makers. There is no way that we can lose. This was one of the most positive, forward looking press releases that I have ever had the privilege of reading from CMKM Diamonds and it is a ray of hope that signals us that this company is not one to be trifled with.

Sometimes it is what it is, nothing more and nothing less. Complex theories of deeply layered plans to thwart market makers through intricately devised plans to fake out the enemy is not what we have here. In this case, we simply have an overwhelming amount of shareholders that caused the Transfer Agents a lot of work in distributing the dividends. Nevertheless, as a bonus to shareholders we got a simple but powerful comment form D. Roger Glenn that should send shivers down the spines of those thinking to keep the price of this stock down.

Stay Strong! God Bless everyone!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
Subject: A must read--the time is near!--race reports by Diamondogger
and Drymouth

Hello All

Firstly I wish to express a debt of gratitude to Diamondogger and
Drymouth both of whom produced excellent and informative reports from
the dallas race --reports that I listened to with rapt attention.

At this race were Rendal Williams--CEO of UCAD, John Woodward--
president of UCAD, Ron Casavant and Ed Dhonau--owner of the privately
held Nevada Minerals (remember Ed owns 75 BILLION shares of CMKX and
is the largest shareholder of UCAD)

For those of you who follow my reports--I have previously made
predictions that important things would happen between sept 24
through Oct 15 (or so) and around Christmas--end of december. I
stand by those predictions today.

Ed Dhonau did most of the talking during this race--as opposed to
Rendal (who did most of the talking during the Reading PA race)

The single most important statement made by Dhonau AS PER ROGER GLENN
is that CMKX WILL BE a fully reporting company BY the end of OCTOBER.
Fully reporting means we will know the share structure, we will know
all the partners, we will know about current assets, (initial
valuation) potential future assets etc--in short--everything will be
Once this occurs--it will usher in a new type of shareholder--the
whales--those with the truly deep pockets--those who are willing to
put millions of dollars into a stock.

How do we know this? Well--it has already begun to happen. The vice
president of Corning had a private meeting in an RV with, I believe
Ron Casavant (I am not sure it was Casavant--it could have been one
of the others) Reportedly Corning is ready to buy 20% of the company
(CMKX) once it is fully reporting. An interesting side note and
conjecture on my part is that Corning deals with fiber optics.
Interestingly enough a byproduct of Zinc production is Germanium--a
primary material used in fiber optics--Germanium sold for $1150 per
kilogram as of the year 2000.

Another primary piece of info is that UCAD now has a NASDAQ sponsor--
and therefore will probably be moving to the Nasdaq by the end of
this year. This talk of the move to a higher exchange by the end of
december corroborates what was said to me at the Reading race last

Dhonau and Woodward? or Rendal? just got back from ecuador--you will
remember that Rendal had also just returned from ecuador last week
just prior to the race. They are buying up gold claims for pennies on
the dollar! They are also now looking into claims in Peru. They are
able to pick up these abandoned mines and make them profitable
because of the new technology which is much more efficient at
extracting gold/silver from ore than previously.

By the way--John Woodward is reportedly the money behind UCAD.

A few notes on Ed Dhonau--I believe he is a former compliance officer
for the SEC. He is very well respected by the Big money. He cleans up
companies so they can become reporting and move to higher exchanges.
As per Drymouth when Dhonau was 24 he took over valvoline and almost
single handedly turned that company around.

All of the majors believe an increase in pps is imminent once CMKX
becomes fully reporting. Then the big money will flow into the

A word of caution--these are short term events--please do not expect
to become rich overnight--we are at the beginning stages--with a long
way to go to realize the immense potential value and valuation in
these companies--but that journey is now beginning and I believe we
will all benefit from it.

Once again--there was no talk of cash dividends or buyouts. There
were no absurd rumors--just facts and very reasonable inferences from
such facts.

لموضوع: واجب قَرأَ -- الوقت قُرْب! -- يَذْكرُ جنسَ مِن قِبل Diamondogger

مرحباً كُلّ

أولاً أَتمنّى إبْداء a دين الإمتنانِ إلى Diamondogger و
Drymouth كلا الذي أنتجَ ممتازةً وتقارير غنية بالمعلومات المفيدةَ مِنْ
جنس dallas -- يَذْكرُ بأنّني إستمعتُ إليه بالإهتمام البالغِ.

في هذا الجنسِ كَانتْ Rendal وليامز -- مدير تنفيذي يو سي أي دي، جون Woodward -
رئيس يو سي أي دي، رون Casavant وإد Dhonau -- مالك بشكل خاص
حَملتْ معادنُ نيفادا (تَتذكّرُ إد يَمتلكُ 75 بليون مِنْ أسهمِ سي إم كْي إكس و
حاملُ الأسهم الأكبرُ ليو سي أي دي)

لتلك منك الذي تَتْلي تقاريرَي -- جَعلتُ سابقاً
التنبؤات بأنَّ أشياء مهمة تَحْدثُ بين سبتمبر/أيلولِ 24
إلى أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 15 (أَو لذا) وحول عيد الميلادِ -- نهاية ديسمبر/كانون الأولِ. أنا
قِفْ بجانب تلك التنبؤاتِ اليوم.

إد Dhonau عَمِلَ أغلب الكلام أثناء هذا الجنسِ -- مقابل
Rendal (الذي عَمِلَ أغلب الكلام أثناء القراءة بي أي جنس)

البيان الأكثر أهميةً الوحيد جَعلَ مِن قِبل Dhonau بموجب روجر جلين
بأنّ سي إم كْي إكس سَيَكُونُ a يُبلغُ عن الشركةِ بالكامل بنهاية أكتوبر/تشرين الأول.
بالكامل ذِكْر يَعْني بأنّنا سَنَعْرفُ تركيبَ السهمَ، نحن سَنَعْرفُ
كُلّ الشركاء، نحن سَنَعْرفُ حول الأصول الجارية، (أولي
تثمين) أصول مستقبلية محتملة الخ -- باختصار -- كُلّ شيء سَيَكُونُ
عندما هذا يَحْدثُ -- هو سَيَكُونُ فاتحة لa نوع جديد مِنْ حاملِ الأسهم --
حيتان -- أولئك بالإمكانيات المالية الكبيرةِ حقاً -- أولئك الذين راغبون إلى
ضِعْ ملايينَ الدولاراتِ إلى سهم.

كَيفَ نَعْرفُ هذا؟ حَسناً -- بَدأَ بالحَدَث. النائب
رئيس كورنينج كَانَ عِنْدَهُ إجتماع خاصّ في آر في مَع، أَعتقدُ
رون Casavant (لَستُ متأكّدَ هو كَانَ Casavant -- هو كَانَ يمكنُ أَنْ يَكُونَ واحد
الآخرين) على ما يقال كورنينج مستعدّةُ لشِراء 20 % الشركةِ
(سي إم كْي إكس) عندما هو يَذْكرُ بالكامل. مُلاحظة جانبية مثيرة و
إحدسْ من ناحيتي بأنّ كورنينج تَتعاملُ مع الألياف الضوئية.
المثير للأنتباه a ناتج عرضي مِنْ إنتاجِ خارصينِ Germanium --
مادّة إنتخاباتِ إستعملتْ في الألياف الضوئية -- Germanium باعتْ ل1150$ لكلّ
كيلوغرام إبتداءً مِنْ العام 2000َ.

القطعة الأساسية الأخرى للمعلوماتِ ذلك يو سي أي دي عِنْدَهُ الآن ضامن ناسداك -
ولذا من المحتمل سَيَنتقلُ إلى ناسداك عند نهاية
هذه السَنَةِ. هذا كلامِ التحرّكِ إلى تبادل أعلى عند نهاية
يُؤيّدُ ديسمبر/كانون الأولُ الذي قِيلَ لي في جنسِ القراءة يَدُومُ

Dhonau وWoodward؟ أَو Rendal؟ فقط عادَ مِنْ إكوادور -- أنت سَ
تذكّرْ بأنّ Rendal كَانَ عِنْدَهُ أيضاً فقط عادَ من إكوادور الأسبوع الماضي
فقط قبل الجنسِ. هم يَشترونَ إدّعاءاتَ ذهبيةَ للبنساتِ على
الدولار! هم يَنْظرونَ في الإدّعاءاتِ أيضاً الآن في بيرو. هم
قادر على إلتِقاط هذه الألغامِ المتروكةِ وتَجْعلُهم مربحة
بسبب التقنيةِ الجديدةِ التي كفوءةُ أكثر بكثيرُ في
إنتِزاع الذهبِ / فضة مِنْ الخامِ مِنْ سابقاً.

بالمناسبة -- جون Woodward على ما يقال المالُ وراء يو سي أي دي.

بضعة ملاحظات على إد Dhonau -- أَعتقدُ بأنّه ضابط إلتزامِ سابقِ
لإس إي سي. هو إحترمَ حَسناً جداً بالأموال الطائلةِ. يُطهّرُ
الشركات لذا هم يُمْكِنُ أَنْ يُصبحوا الذِكْر ويَنتقلونَ إلى التبادلاتِ الأعلى.
بموجب Drymouth عندما Dhonau 24 سُيطرَ على valvoline وتقريباً
دارَ الأعزبُ handedly تلك الشركةِ حول.

كُلّ البالغين يَعتقدونَ زيادةً في pps وشيكةُ عندما سي إم كْي إكس
يُصبحُ يَذْكرُ بالكامل. ثمّ الأموال الطائلة سَتَصْبُّ في

أي كلمة الحذرِ -- هذه أحداثَ مدى قريبِ -- رجاءً لا تُتوقّعي
أَنْ يُصبحَ غني ليلاً -- نحن في مراحلِ البِداية -- مَع a لمدة طويلة
الطريق للذِهاب لإدْراك القيمةِ والتثمينِ المحتملِ الهائلةِ في
هذه الشركاتِ -- لكن تلك الرحلةِ تَبْدأُ الآن وأنا أَعتقدُ نحن
الكل سيَستفيدُ منه.

مرةً أخرى -- ما كان هناك كلامَ الحصصِ أَو شراءِ النقدِ. هناك
كَانتْ لا إشاعاتَ سخيفةَ -- فقط حقائق وإستدلالات معقولة جداً مِنْ
مثل هذه الحقائقِ.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
Ok, here is a quick run down of my day at the races. First of all, I
understand that this would and should be classified as a race rumor
to each and everyone of you. You guys do not have a clue who I am and
therefore I understand if you take what I say with a grain of salt.
Hopefully over the next few days, several others will confirm my
experience. I am going to try and remember what was said to me as
well as several other shareholders as we listened to Ed Donough (sp)
speak regarding upcoming events with UCAD and CMKX. This is in no
particular order, just things that come to mind that was told while I
was present. I was only present probably an hour due to my 9 year old
son being bored and wanting to watch the race cars.

Ed talked at length about the activities that are taking place in
Ecudor (sp?). He said this was beneficial to CMKX; however, not
exactly what I was there to hear.

He stated that Roger Glenn is CMKX coporate attorney and he is
working diliegently to make CMKX fully reporting. He stated that they
are making every effort to have us reporting bt the Las Vegas party.
Roger Glenn will be present at the party as well. Furthermore, the
governor of Nevada, a senator from the state, the founder of Pizza
Hut/Blockbuster Video, and some other VIPs will be present as well.
The party is expected to be huge and they have already spent $80,000
on the food.

Ed stated that there are large investors that are very interested in
CMKX. He stated that they will not touch a non reporting company. He
stated that with CMKX fully reporting and a massive buy pressure,
this is what would cause the shorts to cover. Once again, they did
not say that they would be reporting by the party; however, they are
doing everything they can to become fully reporting by the party. Ed
also stated that there are alot of positive things taking place in
Canada that have not been made public.

As I was standing there, Ed received a phone call. This reportedly
from a potential investor. A short time later, an individual arrived
at the tent. I was told that it was the vice president of Corning, a
huge corproration. I beleived that this has been confirmed.

I have been long on CMKX; however, I have had my bad days regarding
the outcome of this company. Todays experience has changed all of
that. I am more convinced than every that this is the stock play of a

حسناً، هنا a يَنْزلُ بسرعة يومِي في الأجناسِ. أولاً، أنا
إفهمْ بِأَنَّ هذه ويَجِبُ أَنْ تُصنّفَ ك إشاعة جنسِ
إلى كُلّ وكُلّ واحد مِنْك. أنت رجال ما عِنْدَهُمْ فكرة التي أَنا و
لذا أَفْهمُ إذا تَأْخذَ الذي أَقُولُ مَع a حبوب الملحِ.
على أمل على مدى الأيام القليلة القادمة، عِدّة آخرون سَيُؤكّدونَ ي
التجربة. سَأُحاولُ وأَتذكّرُ الذي قِلتُ لي ك
حَسناً كما عِدّة حَمَلة أسهم آخرون بينما إستمعنَا إلى إد Donough (sp)
تكلّمْ بخصوص الأحداثَ القادمةَ مَع يو سي أي دي وسي إم كْي إكس. هذا في لا
الطلب المعيّن، فقط الأشياء التي تَجيءُ لتَدْبير الذي أُخبرَ بينما أنا
كَانَ حاليَ. أنا كُنْتُ فقط هديةَ من المحتمل ساعةَ بسبب بعمري 9 سنوات
الإبن أنْ يَكُونَ ضجر ومُحتاج أَنْ يُراقبَ سياراتَ الجنسَ.

إد تَكلّمَ بالتفصيل حول النشاطاتِ التي تَحْدثُ في
Ecudor (sp؟ ). قالَ هذا كَانَ مفيدَ إلى سي إم كْي إكس؛ على أية حال، لَيسَ
بالضبط ما أنا هناك أَنْ يَسْمعَ.

صرّحَ بأنّ روجر جلين مُحامي سي إم كْي إكس coporate وهو
diliegently العامل لجَعْل سي إم كْي إكس يَذْكرُ بالكامل. ذَكرَ بأنّهم
يَجْعلُ كُلّ جُهد أنْ أبلغنَا عن bt حزب لاس فيجاس.
روجر جلين سَيَكُونُ حاضر في الحزبِ أيضاً. علاوة على ذلك،
حاكم نيفادا , عضو مجلس الشيوخ مِنْ الحالةِ، مؤسس البيتزا
كوخ / فيديو عظيمِ، وفي آي بي إس آخر سَيَكُونُ حالي أيضاً.
إنّ الحزبَ يتوقع أن يكون ضخم وهم صَرفوا 80,000$
على الغذاءِ.

ذَكرَ إد بأنّ هناك مستثمرون كبيرون الذي جداً مهتمّون ب
سي إم كْي إكس. صرّحَ بأنّهم سوف لَنْ يَمْسّوا شركة ذِكْر غيرِ. هو
المنصوص الذي مَع سي إم كْي إكس يَذْكرُ بالكامل و ضغط صفقةِ هائلِ،
هذه ماذا تُسبّبُ النقائصَ للتَغْطية. مرةً أخرى، هم عَمِلوا
لا يَقُولوا بأنَّ هم يَكُونونَ الذِكْر بالحزبِ؛ على أية حال، هم
عَمَل كلّ ما في وسعهم أَنْ يُصبحَ يَذْكرُ بالكامل بالحزبِ. إد
ذَكرَ بأنّ هناك alot أيضاً مِنْ الأشياءِ الإيجابيةِ يَحْدثُ في
كندا التي لَمْ تُعلَنْ.

بينما أنا كُنْتُ أَقِفُ هناك، إد إستلمَ a مكالمة هاتفية. هذا على ما يقال
مِنْ مستثمر محتمل. أي بعد وقت قصير، فرد وَصلَ
في الخيمةِ. أنا أُخبرتُ بأنّه كَانَ نائبَ رئيس كورنينج ,
corproration الضخم. أنا beleived بِأَنَّ هذا أُكّدَ.

أنا كُنْتُ طويلُ على سي إم كْي إكس؛ على أية حال، كَانَ عِنْدي أيامُي السيئةُ بخصوص
نتيجة هذه الشركةِ. تجربة Todays تَغيّرتْ كُلّ
ذلك. أَنا أكثرُ إقتنعتُ مِنْ كُلّ بأنّ هذه مسرحيّة سهمَ

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D


عضو نشط
3 ديسمبر 2003
مشكور بو صالح وعساك على القوة بس منت املاحظ شي ان الفاليوم اليوم عالي شالسالفه اتهقا ان الطبخة قربت تستوي ولا للحين :d :d


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
لا يبيلها صبر يا حسن بس بمشيئة الرحمن راح تكون النتيجة أكثرمن رائعة

والرزق عند رب العالمين وإحنا بذلنا الأسباب والتوفيق من ربك

و هذا آخر تحديث من موقع البارون الأخضر

August Focus Stock: CMKM Diamonds (CMKX)

CMKM Diamonds Announces Stock

Will be Paid on Oct. 6, 2004

Corporate Attorney Makes Comments on Filing Status

Last Friday, September 24 CMKM Diamonds, Inc. (CMKX) announced that the dividend of U.S. Canadian Minerals Inc. (UCAD) stock will be paid on October 6, 2004 rather than today. “The delay was because of the enormous amount of administrative work that needs to be done by the transfer agents for both companies in order to make that distribution,” stated CEO Urban Casavant. “We do not anticipate any further delays in paying the dividend.” The record date for the dividend remains unchanged.

CMKX corporate attorney D. Roger Glenn stated later in the press release, “The company’s accountants are working to complete the audit of the company’s financial statements. When that has been accomplished, the company will be well on its way to becoming a fully reporting company again.”

It appears the UCAD dividend will be about 9.6 shares of UCAD for every one million shares of CMKX owed on the record date (although this number can still change). In the press release, it was noted that UCAD’s management agreed to issue additional shares for the round-up process for its distribution. Although the distribution seems to indicate that CMKX will pay out the UCAD dividend based on about 780 billion shares, The Green Baron Report believes CMKX is using a number close to the total authorized number of shares, and not the outstanding number of shares. We do not believe CMKX has issued the additional 300 billion shares it authorized back in August, but is holding these shares for possible acquisitions or joint partnerships.

The Green Baron Report is not concerned over the brief delay in the dividend payout. In a personal experience with one account due UCAD shares, the account originally was credited unrestricted, free trading shares of UCAD. The broker was immediately called by the back office to be sure not to allow any possible UCAD sells to go through because the shares were supposed to have been restricted. We are not exactly sure why there is a delay in correcting the problem, but we do expect delivery of restricted UCAD shares on October 6. (Note: there was no intent to sell the UCAD shares even if free trading)

It has been made clear to us that D. Roger Glenn was not only hired to get CMKX fully reporting, but also deal with share structure issues, achieve listing on a higher exchange, and handle issues related to a possible short position. We have been told that Mr. Glenn plans to attend and make a speech at the CMKX/UCAD shareholder event scheduled in Las Vegas on the weekend of October 29-31. The Green Baron Report views Mr. Glenn’s continued involvement with CMKX as vital, and a clear indication that the company is headed on the right path. At this point it is impossible to speculate on a date as to when CMKX will become fully reporting and attain a Bulletin Board listing, but we are confident that Mr. Glenn’s influence will speed up the process significantly.

Ed Miller, CEO of our parent company, was extremely pleased following this last weekend’s trip to Dallas . Although CEO Urban Casavant was not in attendance, Mr. Ed Dhonau and Mr. Rendal Williams representing U.S. Canadian Minerals (UCAD) were available to answer some questions. The Green Baron Report would like to convey to our members that we believe Mr. Dhonau and Mr. Williams are very impressive, experienced, top-notch businessmen. They are entirely dedicated and committed to the short and long-term success of CMKM Diamonds and U.S. Canadian Minerals.

Once again, our visit to a CMKX related event has resulted in brimming confidence. An outside contact of The Green Baron from the West Coast was able to join Ed Miller in Dallas . He made the journey because he wanted to meet first hand some of the players involved behind the story, and because none of the initial high-flying stock rumors and speculation had panned out. Although we were not encouraged by his bitter and frustrated attitude prior to the visit, he came back a happy, satisfied stockholder that is overtly positive about the prospects of CMKX and UCAD.

During the visit, we learned a great deal about the current and proposed operations of U.S. Canadian Minerals in Ecuador and elsewhere. We gained a much better feeling about the value of claims that CMKX owns in Canada , and the possibility of a revenue stream coming to CMKX in the short-term. We learned that Mr. Dhonau who claims to be one of CMKX’s largest shareholders, is not concerned about the CMKX share structure. Apparently it was Mr. Dhonau who helped secure Roger Glenn as corporate attorney for CMKX, and has been instrumental in helping bring new investment interest to Mr. Casavant. We learned that these men still believe a short position exists, and the “trap has been set”. We learned a great many other things that help us maintain our original confidence.

Perhaps this might be a good time to reiterate The Green Baron’s position on CMKX. Our parent company, Evergreen Marketing, has not sold a single share of stock since we took positions in July and August. We still believe that the best time to have purchased CMKX was when we upgraded CMKX to a fully profiled stock on August 9 and before all dividend record dates had hit (although we believe .0003 is very attractive). Even though we will not forecast price targets or projections without more information, we maintain that based on all press releases and public information about CMKX, independent due diligence, and data from other companies that hold mineral claims in the Fort a La Corne area, that CMKX remains significantly undervalued. In our boldest statement to date, we no longer feel it is a matter of if, but when CMKX becomes the Stock Play of a Lifetime!
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