*cmkx news*

موضوع مغلق

ابن النصير

عضو نشط
8 مارس 2005
الى اهل الاختصاص

هل من الممكن ان يصل cmkxالى 0.25

هل في مجال على ذلك وماهي الدلائل ولكم مني جزيل
5 أكتوبر 2004
طبعا الكويت

هاردلك لي ولك ملاك هذا السهم اللي طلع مافيه خير نطرنا كل هالمده على خالي بلاش يله الله يعوضنا

اذا هالسهم فيه خير لنا ولعيالنا نسأل الله ان يرزقنا من وراه واذا مافيه خير فالحمدلله عالخسارة اللي بتخلينا بخير احنا وعيالنا


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
الصبر زين ومابقى شيء

ابن النصير

عضو نشط
8 مارس 2005
الى الاخ السبيعي

السلام عليكم يعطيك العافيه اخ اسبيعي

ممكن اعرف سبب تفائلك مع ان في اخبار ولكن من غير ارتفاع للسهم
ممكن تشرحلي ليش

ارجو عدم الاطاله علي شكرا

واذا في احد عنده راي ياليت لو يفيدنا :)


عضو نشط
16 يونيو 2004
السهم الامريكي لاتاياس الصبر الصبر وبالصبر تفتح الابواب وراح تفتح ابواب الربح قول امين بس يبيله صبر اما اخونا السبيعي فاهنيك علي قدره احتمالك وناخذك قدوه بالتحمل انشاالله راح تفرحون وتستانسون عندي امل وحلم انشاالله اح يتحقق :p


عضو نشط
3 ديسمبر 2003


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
hassn قال:

ترى ياشباب أزعجتونا اللي مافيه صبر يبيع والا يعتبرها ديون معدومه

وأنا شخصيا ما أعتقد إنه في أي واحد فينا حاط رأس ماله كله بهالسهم أو شاري بأكثر من 1000$
مع أني متأكد والعلم عند الله إن هالسهم بيعوض صبركم خيرا

CMKM Diamonds, Inc (PK: CMKX)

The Green Baron Report is still awaiting news from the Company so that we can determine the precise nature of what is really going on. It would be futile for us to comment on every rumor or speculation that arises about CMKX, and we could probably devote an entire newsletter just to following the rumor mill on this stock.

Our parent company has never sold its position on CMKX that was established last summer. Our corporate holdings together with holdings of the partners total about one billion shares. We are committed to seeing this through because we still believe CMKM Diamonds has huge mineral content on its claims, and that a massive naked short position has unfairly been thrust on its stock. Please note that Evergreen Marketing and its partners have never been compensated for its coverage of CMKX.
5 أكتوبر 2004
طبعا الكويت

لا ينامون الشباب ما نبي هالموضوع ينسي حرام نخسر الردود اللي بحدود 1300 رد

ابن النصير

عضو نشط
8 مارس 2005


عضو نشط
19 يونيو 2003
ابن النصير وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله

السهم صعب تطلعه في الفلتر لأن الشركة في البنك شيت ... ولكن مجال الشركة في استخراج الألماس والمعادن ... يعني مجال عمل الشركة مشروع

أرجو أن تفيدك الإجابة ....


السهم الأمريكي : ياليت تترفع عن أسلوب الإستهزاء مافي داعي لهذه الحركات ...

ابن النصير

عضو نشط
8 مارس 2005

شكرا اخوي على الرد الواحد بس يبي يطمن على رزقه اذا كان حلال ولا حرام

اللهم اغننا بحلالك عن حرامك واغننا بفضلك عمن سواك


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
والله ولكم وحشة :)

آخر الأخبار الsec قامو بإيقاف التداول لشركة sggm من تاريخ أمس حتى 15/7 ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

*DJ SEC Halts Trading In St. George Metals Inc.>SGGM

Dow Jones News Services
(Copyright © 2005 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)


(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

07-01-05 0952ET

Copyright (c) 2005 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

=DJ SEC Halts Trading In St. George Metals Inc >SGGM

By Judith Burns

WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--The Securities and Exchange Commission on Friday announced a temporary halt in trading in St. George Metals Inc. (SGGM), raising questions about its business activities, stock issuance and management.

The trading halt, which took effect at the start of trading Friday, will run through July 15.

Shares in St. George Metals trade over-the-counter in the Pink Sheets. It previously announced a joint venture with CMKM Diamonds Inc. (CMKX). St. George Metals agreed to pay $10 million to CMKM Diamonds Inc. and provide 200 billion shares of St. George Metals restricted stock in exchange for a 5% stake in mineral claims held by CMKM Diamonds, valued at an estimated $13 billion.
باقي يوقفون gemm عن التداول بس بيتوهقون ب cim
برأيي المتواضع بدأت مرحلة تكسير عظم في هاللعبة بين cmkx و sec وترا دخلنا اللفة الأخيرة
أبشروا بالخير إنشاءالله :D
5 أكتوبر 2004
طبعا الكويت

الهدوء الذي يسبق العاصفة

يا جماعة للبيع عدد 10 ملايين سهم Cmkx لاعلى سعر

ابن النصير

عضو نشط
8 مارس 2005
10 ملايين اسهمك ولا...

بتبيع اسهمك ولا هذا خبر :d

وارجو ايفادنا باخبار الشركة وما معناة الخبر اللي ذكره السبيعي

5 أكتوبر 2004
طبعا الكويت

لا يمعود اعتبرها دعابه
لاني بصراحه شفت الردود صارلها فتره واقفه فحبيت احرك الموضوع شويه

ابن النصير

عضو نشط
8 مارس 2005

السلام عليكم

ماهو مرجعك حق اخبار الشركه



عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
للمعلومية ياشباب تم تأجيل موعد المحكمة الى يوم 21/7/2005
وهناك إشاعة قوية إن سبب التأخير هو لعقد إجتماع توفيقي أخير بين
cmkx & sec بتاريخ 15/7/2005 بطلب من القاضية

ومادامنا ناطرين اخذو هالدراسة تسلوا فيها

OT: Jay, The people in the CMKX circle of friends are soem of the best in the mining world, why are they involved with UC? Because they know what he is trying to accomplish...read the names and begin to connect the dots...Cerra Casale is part of the claims in S America, we have people that are the best involved in various ways...soon to be revealed.

CMKM's " Circle of Friends " ....

We all have a circle of friends and others we know through those friends.CMKM is no different and these are imo, most of CMKM's.... This is from an old contact just got it.....senna

Barry Dillard :
* Signed an 18 yr Uranium deal with Cameco for Bitteroots
* Received an option from JNR Resources to buy 75k shares at .10 on 6-21-01
* Controls CMKM's Uranium JV w/ United Carina
* Recently took over another United Carina Uranium deal

Dr.Hutchinson :
* Studied Juina Area diamonds for 10 yrs and in '97 completed his PHD
* Worked as Research Associate for the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
* Received support from U.S. National Science Foundation and NASA while at U of A
* Projects on controling impurities in natural and synthetic diamonds
* Developed models for prospecting for diamonds in non-classical settings particularly useful to Brazil,
Australia and Canada
* Served as a chair for the American Geophysical Union
* Honorary Associate at the University of Sydney.
* Discovered 2 minerals previously unknown
* Head of UCAD's Mining Adv Board
* Head Geologist for CMKM
* Recommended Juina "Property 1000" to UCAD

Jovan Silic :
* PhD was on Interpretation of TDEM Data
* Technical Advisory Board to the Co-operative Research Centre for Australian Mineral Exploration Technologies.
* 8 years at the Bureau of Mineral Resources in Australia
* Project geophysicist for CMKM
* Managed CMKM's Airborne Electromagnetic Surveying
* " Expected range from 1.76 to 4.90 carats per ton "
* Partner at Flagstaff GeoConsultants
* Co-worker at Flagstaff is Hugh Rutter
* Mr.Rutter was Geophysicist with Western Mining
* Mr.Rutter sited RD1 at Olympic Dam
* Olympic Dam is an enormous Copper/Gold/Uranium ore body
* Has done research on interpreting TDEM
* Conducted research in Sub-surface radar and acoustic transmission methods when he worked at CSIRO as a research MGR

Mousseau Tremblay :
* worked fourteen years for the world's leading
diamond producer, De Beers
* Discovered several kimberlites in Africa and Canada
* Discovered Bamigui-Bangoran deposit in Central African Republic
* Established De Beers North American Diamond Exploration Division.
* World wide authority in diamond exploration
* Advised UCAD on "Property 1000" with Dr.Hutchinson
* Comments on Juina Area on Dec. 14, 2000..."In all my 45 years in the diamond industry, I have never seen such a large diamond area. "
* Is President & CEO of Diagem
* Diagem runs our "Property 1000"

Jack Lewy :
* Dir of Diagem
* Owns Natural Diamonds
* Natural Diamonds is a marketing and sales company of rough and polished diamonds based in Antwerp,Belgium

Stewart Blusson :
* Co-founder of Ekati mine with Chuck Fipke
* Stewart & Chuck each own 10% of Ekati
* Ekati was the 1st diamond mine in Canada
* Mr.Blusson " developed a unique approach, based on high resolution magnetometer surveys, to detect kimberlites or lamproites that are not ordinarily detectable by standard industry procedures"
* Mr.Blusson is Canada's 95th richiest person
* Urban knows Chuck Fipke

Barry Rayment :
* SGGM's advisor
* Was President of Bema Gold ($1B dollar gold co)
* Sits on board of Bema and Airzona Star Resources
* Entered deal with Placer Dome : Cerra Casale Project
* The project is "one of the world's largest undeveloped gold and copper deposits".
* Placer Dome retains 51% of Cerra Casale
* Bema retains 24% of Cerra Casale
* Arizona Star retains 25% of Cerra Casale
* CEO of Delta Mining and Exploration
* Delta Mining has claims in Montana
* Only non Fortune 500 company invited to a reception to meet President of Bolivia, Carlos Mesa Gisbert
* " Other invitees include some 40 Fortune 500 Companies including Citibank, Exxon Oil, JP Morgan Chase, and De Beers, "

Rick Kusmirski :
* Pres of JNR Resources
* JNR has ties to Lundin Group
* JNR has ties to International Uranium Corp
* Sits on UCAD's subsidiaries boards

Ed Kosch :
* Owns excavating company Double K
* Personal friend of Urban

Alejo Bermudez :
* President of Juina Mining
* Was Dir of sales for Barrington Foods

Dean Hiller :
* Is the Sec of State for Nevada
* 3rd highest ranking constitional officer in Nevada
* Oversees the Securities Fraud Div for Nevada
* Drives Josh Daley's #92 in the ASA Speed Truck Challenge on Saturday nights in the Twin 75's
* #92 is sponsored by CMKXTREME/Go Fast Sports
* ASA Speed Truck Series is sponsored by CMKXTREME

Forrest & Charlotte Lucas :
* Owners of Lucas Oil
* Lucas Oil involved in various types of raceing
* American Tractor Pullers Association/ CORR Off-Road Racing
Extreme Dirt Car Series/I-10 Speedway/IHBA Drag Racing/
International Racing/Lucas Oil Racing Team - Australian Top Alcohol Dragster/Phillips Racing - Doorslammer/MECHANIX WEAR Speed Truck Challenge/MONSTER TRUCK Racing/NASCAR/
NHRA POWERade Drag Racing/NHRA Sport Compact Series/NHRA Sportsman Drag Racing/Off-Road Desert Racing/Offshore Boat Racing/SPEC Trucks-SPEED Trucks/Sprint Car Racing/USAR Hooters ProCup
* Lucas Oil is the world leader of heavy duty and high-performance oils, greases and additives
* Lucas Oil is "the offical oil of the NHRA"
* Lucas Oil sponors a NHRA Funny Car with CMKXTREME in '05

Jim Dunn :
* Admitted to Top 50 NHRA Drivers
* Involved with NHRA for over 50 yrs
* Signed marketing deal with Lucas Oil & CMKXTREME
* CMKM is primary marketing partner starting in '05
* Manage CMKX/Lucas Oil Funny Car starting in '05

Tony Bartone :
* Driver of CMKX/Lucas Oil Funny Car in '05
* 29 Carrer NHRA Natl Event Tiltles in Alch Funny Car
* In '96 set record with 37 consecutive wins in Alch F/C

Jeff Arend :
* Driver of CMKX-TREME for '05
* First Canadian driver to go over 300-mph
* 1996 NHRA Keystone Nationals Funny Car title
* Co-owner of Cam-Am Motorsports

Troy Widgery :
* Founder of Go Fast Energy Drinks
* 2003 Rev of $500 million
* Sponsor 57 athletes
* Sponsor various ASA Speed Truck Series trucks
* Sponsors CMKX-TREME Funny Car

Roger Glenn :
* We all know about him
* SEC Code Enforcement attorney for 10 yrs
* Is a CPA
* Worked for Deloite & Tousche
* Co-wrote Corporate Responsibilites of Public Companies in '03
* " This publication has been written to acquaint public companies in the United States (other than non-US companies) about their obligations under the corporate governance regulatory scheme that exists after the enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. It also informs companies and their officers, directors and shareholders about their SEC reporting obligations, the restrictions on trading in the companies’ stock and the rules related to document retention. "

* Sarbanes-Oxley is said to be the most complicated set of
laws since great depression
* Law makers complained that SOX is so technical,it
threatned to slow down the world economy

CMKM has more diamond claims than all the other companies combined...979
And that's after being filtered for bridges and silos

وبالتوفيق للجميع


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
يا حبني لك ولمواضيعك

والله اني افرح ماهو لما يرفع الموضوع لما يرفع والا الرد بواسطة

السبيعي 2

لله درك يا شيخ

حاس اني راح اعزمك قريبا في فرنسا

محمولا كرت الدعوة بتذاكر درجة اولي طيران

حجز فندق خمس نجوم لدة شهر في باريس
موضوع مغلق