*cmkx news*

موضوع مغلق


عضو نشط
12 مايو 2004
أخوي توني شفت شارت السهم اليوم ما زاد عن 0.0001 شلون تقول وصل 0.0006 ممكن توضيح لوسمحت ؟


عضو نشط
2 يونيو 2004
المملكة العربية السعودية
شفتها في الاستريمر فترة بسيطة ومن ثم نزل وبعدها بفترة رجعت الأمور طبيعية وأصبحت 0001 وحتى الهاي كذا مع أنه من خلال الجدول المرفق في كذا لمت نفذ على 0006 يمكن تكون حركات ماركت ميكرز والله اعلم وشكراً .

الملفات المرفقه:

  • 15-04-2005.JPG
    الحجم: 88.6 KB   المشاهدات: 476


عضو نشط
12 مايو 2004
والله اخوي شي غريب يعني يصير تمت صفقات على ال 0.0006 وانا عارض كميتي على 0.0002

؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ الصراحه ترى شي غريب مو مار علي من قبل لاني يديد على لسوق الامريكي

وشكرا للتوضيح


عضو نشط
2 يونيو 2004
المملكة العربية السعودية
الله يعيننا على هذولي الماركت ميكرز لولا حركاتهم كان زمان السهم ذا طار فوق شاريه ومتمسك فيه لي تقريباً سنة وتاركها على الله يمكن في يوم يحقق المعجزة وينفجر ويطير فوق .


29 فبراير 2004
جديد الشركة:

CMKM Diamonds Provides Update
04/15/2005 14:18
CMKM Diamonds Inc. (Pink Sheets: CMKX), in its continuing efforts to furnish the investing public and its stockholders with current information and to quell any inaccurate rumors, has disclosed the following corporate information:

Rumored Stockholder Meeting. CMKX has not noticed nor will it, or anyone on its behalf, conduct a stockholders' meeting at the NHRA event to be held in Las Vegas this weekend.

Administrative Hearing. On April 13, 2005, a prehearing conference call was held among CMKX's counsel, the SEC's division of enforcement and a SEC administrative law judge. On the call, the administrative law judge denied the division of enforcement's request for summary disposition. As a result, the judge set a new hearing date of May 10, 2005, in Los Angeles (time and location unknown at this time). Further, the judge made it imperative that CMKX be prepared to provide a status report on its accounting and 12g reporting at the hearing.

CMKX would like to reiterate to its stockholders and the investing public that all corporate updates will be made solely through press releases and/or current reports on Form 8-K as and when they become available.

يُزوّدُ ماسُ سي إم كْي إم تجديداً
04 / 15 / 2005 14:18
سي إم كْي إم Diamonds المحدودة. (شراشف وردية: سي إم كْي إكس)، في جُهودِه المستمرةِ لتَأثيث جمهورِ الإسْتِثْمار وأصحابَ أسهمها بالمعلوماتِ الحاليةِ ولقَمْع أيّ إشاعات خاطئة، كَشفَ المعلوماتَ المتعلّقة بالشركاتَ التاليةَ:

إجتماع صاحبِ الأسهم المُشَاعِ. سي إم كْي إكس مَا لاحظَ ولا سَيَحْملُه، أَو أي واحد على مصلحتِه، تصرّف a إجتماع أصحابِ أسهم في حدثِ إن إتش آر أي الّذي سَفي لاس فيجاس عطلة نهاية الأسبوع هذه.

الجلسة الإدارية. في أبريل/نيسان 13, 2005, a نداء مؤتمرِ قَبْلَ سمعيِ حُمِلَ بين مستشارِ سي إم كْي إكس، قسم إس إي سي للتنفيذِ وa قاضي قانونِ إس إي سي الإداري. على النداءِ، أنكرَ قاضي القانونِ الإداريِ قسمِ طلبِ التنفيذِ للترتيبِ العاجلِ. كنتيجة، مجموعة القاضي a موعد جلسة جديد مِنْ مايو/مايسِ 10, 2005، في لوس أنجليس (وقت وموقع مجهول في هذا الوقتِ). أبعد، القاضي جَعلَه أولويةَ التي سي إم كْي إكس كن مستعدّاً لتَزويد a تقرير منزلةِ على محاسبته و12 g تَذْكرُ في الجلسة.

سي إم كْي إكس يوَدُّ أَنْ يُكرّرَ إلى أصحابِ أسهمه وجمهورِ الإسْتِثْمار الذي كُلّ التجديدات المتعلّقة بالشركات سَتَجْعلُ فقط خلال البيانات الصحفية و/ أَو تقارير حالية على الشكلِ -K 8 عندما يُصبحونَ متوفرةَ.


عضو نشط
12 مايو 2004
ياجماعه بس انا كنت عارض كميتي على ال 0.0002 ليش ما شروها ؟؟؟؟؟ تعقدت ؟؟؟؟
5 أكتوبر 2004
طبعا الكويت

مره ثانيه خلال اسبوع

...............بالاشارة يفهم



عضو نشط
6 مايو 2004
ياجماعه الخير السهم مايتحرك من مده وتراني تعبت منه والظاهر مامنه فايده . قاعد عندي بالمحفظه تقريبا 45 سنه ومو راضي يتحرك لكن مو مشكله اصبر 5 سنين :)



عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003

Press Release Source: Entourage Mining Ltd.

Entourage Mining Adds Joint Venture Partners to Nevada Gold Project
Tuesday April 26, 4:30 am ET

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 26, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Entourage
Mining Ltd. (the ``Company'') (OTC BB:ETGMF.OB - News) announces
that the Company has added two partners to participate in its Black
Warrior gold/silver project in Esmeralda County Nevada (the ``Nevada
Gold Project'').
United Carina Resources Corp. (Vancouver:UCA.V - News) and CMKM
Diamonds Inc. (Other OTC:CMKX.PK - News) have each been granted the
right to acquire a 10% interest in the Nevada Gold Project. Each of
the optionees can exercise its option to acquire a 10% interest by:

(a) paying $40,000 to Entourage upon Entourage executing its
sub-lease option agreement to purchase a 100% beneficial
interest in the Nevada Gold Project; and

(b) making $85,000 USD in work commitments or an amount equal
to but not to exceed 10% of Entourage's work expenditures
on the Nevada Gold Project.

Entourage welcomes the participation of these companies as the size
of the Nevada Gold Project is increasing as more claims are being
staked contiguous to the original Black Warrior claim blocks. The
company is awaiting drill permits from the Bureau of Land Management
and expects to have an extensive drill program underway in the near

مصدر بيان صحفي: Entourage Mining المحدودة

يُضيفُ تعدين الحاشيةِ شركاءَ مشتركَ إلى مشروعِ نيفادا الذهبي
أبريل/نيسان الثّلاثاءِ 26, 4:30 صباحاً إي تي

فانكوفر، كولومبيا البريطانية، أبريل/نيسان 26, 2005 (Primezone) -- حاشية
Mining المحدودة (`` شركة '') (أو تي سي بي بي: إي تي جي إم إف. أو بي - أخبار) تُعلنُ
الذي أضافتْ الشركةَ شريكين للمُشَارَكَة في أسودِه
ذهب محاربِ / مشروع فضّي في مقاطعةِ إزميرالدا نيفادا (`` نيفادا
المشروع الذهبي '').
شركة مصادرِ كارينا المتّحدة. (فانكوفر: يو سي أي. في - أخبار) وسي إم كْي إم
Diamonds المحدودة. (آخر OTC:CMKX.PK - أخبار) لَهُ كُلّ مُنِحَ
الحقّ لإكتِساب a 10 % يَهتمُّ بمشروعِ نيفادا الذهبي. كُلّ
optionees يُمْكِنُ أَنْ يُمارسَ خيارَه لإكتِساب a 10 % إهتمام مِن قِبل:

(a) دافعة 40,000$ إلى الحاشيةِ على الحاشيةِ التي تُنفّذُ لها
إتفاقية خيارِ إيجار فرعي لشِراء a 100 % مفيدة
الإهتمام في مشروعِ نيفادا الذهبي؛ و

(b) يَجْعلُ 85,000$ يو إس دي في إلتزاماتِ العملِ أَو نظيرِ كميةِ
للكن أَنْ لا يَتجاوزَ 10 % مِنْ إنفاقِ عملِ الحاشيةِ
على مشروعِ نيفادا الذهبي.

تُرحّبُ الحاشيةُ بإشتراكِ هذه الشركاتِ كالحجم
مشروعِ نيفادا الذهبي يَزِيدُ كإدّعاءات أكثر
أسندتْ متاخمةُ إلى كُتَلِ إدّعاءِ المحاربِ السوداءِ الأصليةِ.
الشركة تَنتظرُ رُخَصَ المثقابِ مِنْ مكتبِ إدارةِ الأرضِ
ويَتوقّعُ أَنْ يَكُونَ عِنْدَهُ الشاملُ برنامجُ مثقابِ جاريِ في قُرْب



عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
IMO, this company should have a valuation of at least
$10,000,000,000 ...that's 10 Billion Dollars....

With over 1.4 million acres of prime land leased, this should be at a

Divide that by the 800 billion shares issued, that would put a market
valuation at $0.0125 / share.

IMO...there's no way this could be any less....NO WAY....

Anyone selling below .0125 should be horse whipped....


28 أغسطس 2004
s500 قال:
يا شباب صاحبنا ليه زعلان اشوفه اليوم يختفي بالمره من الستريمر وبعدين يرجع 0.0001
لاترجى من الديك بيضة
اموت اعرف ليش هذا التطبيل للسهم
السهم مولى حده حدة لاتطيرون بالعجة بيعو احسن من تفليسة واللى يقولى انا قطلى 500 دولار ياتصيب ياتخيب يروح يتبرع فيهم احسلة من سهم معفن


عضو نشط
18 يونيو 2003
Day_trading قال:
لاترجى من الديك بيضة
اموت اعرف ليش هذا التطبيل للسهم
السهم مولى حده حدة لاتطيرون بالعجة بيعو احسن من تفليسة واللى يقولى انا قطلى 500 دولار ياتصيب ياتخيب يروح يتبرع فيهم احسلة من سهم معفن

:D :D :D :D


عضو نشط
9 مارس 2003

10/5/2005 سيأتيكم الخبر

وستعلم حين ينكشف الغبار

حصان كان تحتك ام حمار



عضو محترف
24 أغسطس 2002
ان صح بعض مما في هذا المقال
فالسهم يستحق المغامرة
واتوقع 0.0001 سعر جيد فنيا
حتى ولو قسم السهم فالمبلغ ليس كبير


الملفات المرفقه:

  • 1.JPG
    الحجم: 42 KB   المشاهدات: 377


عضو نشط
22 فبراير 2005
WillyWizard.com: Stock Watch: In The News Fuego Entertainment, (Pink Sheet:CMKX) CMKM Diamonds Inc. and (Pinks Sheet:EATC) Eagletech Communications, Inc. (Profile Updates) at W.W. OTCBB R.S. For further profile information go to WillyWizard.com

Apr 28, 2005 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Stock Watch: "In The News" Fuego Entertainment, (Pink Sheet:CMKX) CMKM Diamonds Inc. and (Pinks Sheet:EATC) Eagletech Communications, Inc. (Profile Updates) at "W.W. OTCBB R.S." For Further Profile Information Go To WillyWizard.com
WillyWizard.com Sponsor Fuego Entertainment Began Filming of the "Counterfeit Conspiracy" Documentary to Reveal the Fictitious Creating and Selling of Shares in the US Markets

Fuego Entertainment proudly announced the beginning of filming the "Counterfeit Conspiracy" documentary to reveal the fictitious creating and selling of shares within the market. Most investors aren't aware that it is just as against the law to counterfeit corporate securities (18-USC-514) as it is to counterfeit $100 bills, nor are they aware that they are likely to have these securities in their portfolios.

The producer of this informative documentary is Mr. Hugo Cancio. "This will be an in depth documentary on counterfeiting stock shares through a myriad of key market authorities to victimize public shareholders" said Mr. Cancio

This counterfeit creation of shares is usually done in the small cap market which are primarily your penny stocks. This counterfeiting of shares is known throughout to many as Naked Short Selling (NSS).

Counterfeiting anything of monetary value in the United States is illegal. Yet shares of stocks involving hundreds or even thousands of companies are counterfeited on a daily basis without penalty. The documentary will be revealing for all to educate investors and key authorities to what have been going on for years.

According to their website at www.SEC.gov, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), states that Naked Short Selling is NOT NECESSARILY against federal securities laws. The SEC admits that the counterfeiting of stock shares is a reality by bringing forth a new law, called Regulation SHO, which was enacted this past January, to try and get this issue under control. However, there has yet to be one single case brought to justice!

Counterfeit Conspiracy is a documentary aimed at getting to the truth! Fuego Entertainment will be going straight to the CEO of companies and their affected shareholders to retrieve direct testimonials of current counterfeit actions from this investor devastation. Fuego's producers will be asking all the tough questions that America needs the answers too for educating the world on what has been going on for years. Fuego Entertainment production crew will be going to take their cameras and microphones across the US, approaching the SEC, DTCC, Capital Hill, and market insiders on Wall Street.

The SEC has mandated that each of the markets put out a daily list that shows companies that currently have been naked shorted through this counterfeiting of shares. This is due to a failure to deliver the required amount of shares after the mandated time frame allotted from the SEC.

(Pink Sheet: CMKX) CMKM Diamonds Inc of Las Vegas, is currently facing problems that may be related to having already fallen victim to this counterfeiting crime. A large group of extremely loyal CMKX shareholders have formed an owner's group. These loyal shareholders are going after the very Wall Street insiders that want to see this company fail. If the company fails, then traditionally the NSS problem goes away for those that perpetuated the problem. But not this time, the shareholders are fighting back and supporting their company!

These are just a handful of the many companies facing this problem today. These types of companies usually end up as a casualty and in bankruptcy through no fault their own. These are usually the repercussions behind the dilution of the company's stock.

(Pink Sheet: EATC) Rodney E. Young, Founder/President/CEO of Eagletech Communications, Inc. "This is Financial Terrorism against Americans, it's a culture of fraud perpetuated by Wall Street, its self regulatory organizations, the SEC, and a cornucopia of offshore criminals."

As Bob O'Brien of NCANS.net summed it up: "A couple of hundred guys in New York are robbing the system and investors blind."

Come along with us as we EXPOSE the Counterfeit Conspiracy to America! We invite shareholders and anyone that wants to stand up for their rights and be a part of history as we interview Washington D.C. and then travel by bus to New York City to visit the DTCC and Wall Street. Visit us at www.CounterfeitConspiracy.com and sign up to join our fight to clean up the corruption on Wall Street! The righteous shall prevail!

The Counterfeit Conspiracy documentary will be released within the next 60-90 days for more information please visit: www.counterfeitconspiracy.com


The companies mentioned above and their corresponding stocks are being represented as an example of what may be happening in the market place for the purpose of this documentary. No investment advice to either buy or sell any of the securities mentioned in this press release has been given. Please consult with an investment professional if investment advice is warranted.

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The owner of WillyWizard.com is not a licensed investment advisor or analyst nor does he give out buy, sell or hold advice to anyone. The writer or owner of the site , its employees and affiliates are not associated with any NASD or NYSE member firm. No analysis has been made by this writer about the financial condition of any business that may appear in this Press Release or at WillyWizard Rolling Stocks. The owner of WillyWizard.com may hold positions in profiled companies and my sell positions at any time. SGGM is a paid profile at WillyWizard.com. The above Press Release should be read in conjunction with the main disclaimer located at www.willywizard.com.

CONTACT: Hal Engel, WillyWizard.com e-mail: willywizard@comcast.net

M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at http://www.presswire.net on the world wide web. Inquiries to info@m2.com.


عضو نشط
22 فبراير 2005
CMKX -- CMKM Diamonds, Inc.
Com ($0.0001)


Zoomingstocks.com: End-of-Week Stock Update: (OTCBB: CMKX) DTCC Requests Subpoena of DTCC for upcoming Administrative Hearing

Carlsbad, Ca, Apr 29, 2005 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Zoomingstocks.com mid-week stock update is focused on, NMC, Inc. and CMKM Diamonds, Inc.
Late Breaking News: CMKM Diamonds has submitted a request to the court to subpoena the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, "as they may have evidence relative to the hearing in this matter", states the subpoena. This turn of events is unprecedented and unheard of. The subpoena was issued at the request of CMKM Diamonds, Inc. by Donald Stoecklin and the Stoecklin Law Group. The purpose of the subpoena is unknown at this time; however, CMKM Attorneys have requested all manner of documentation both paper and electronic and any records pertaining to transactions dealing with CMKM Diamonds, Inc. to be made available for inspection at this hearing.

About the DTCC - The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), through its subsidiaries, provides clearance, settlement and information services for equities, corporate and municipal bonds, government and mortgage-backed securities, over-the-counter credit derivatives and emerging market debt trades. DTCC's depository also provides custody and asset servicing for more than two million securities issues from the United States and 100 other countries and territories. In addition, DTCC is a leading processor of mutual funds and insurance transactions, linking funds and carriers with their distribution networks. DTCC has operating facilities in multiple locations in the United States and overseas.

CMKM Diamonds, Inc. was recently featured in the Zoom Generation Newsletter, a weekly subscription publication from Zoomingstocks.com as being the subject of the "trading rebate program" which creates incentives for traders to engage in transactions with no economic purpose other than to receive market data fees. The SEC believes that such trading may distort the actual volume of trading in these securities. Moreover, the Commission is concerned that the structure and size of market data revenue rebates may be distorting the reporting of trades, and that these rebate programs may reduce the regulatory resources of the markets and reallocate the funding of regulation among participants.

Ever wonder why CMKX and other sub-penny stocks have such a high volume of trades per day? This trade rebate program accounts for a majority of those trades. The SEC is implementing reforms under Regulation NMS to curtail some of this activity and allow only relevant trades to be counted in the day's volume.

CMKM Diamonds, Inc. will in less than two weeks appear at a hearing in Los Angeles to answer allegations by the SEC concerning its claims and corporate governance. Tremendous support and outpouring by shareholders loyal to CMKX is expected to draw attention to some of the ills of the current abuse of sub-penny stocks through many of the systems and sub-systems intended to facilitate the management and clearing of the stock market. This technology has only made it easier for traders to tilt the scale towards them at the loss of billions of shareholder dollars. Towards this end, CMKX is finally going to have their day in court and attempt to address and expose some of these issues.

Recently a CMKX shareholder, Mr. John Martin, of Tyler, Texas began a solidarity effort aimed at unifying the CMKX shareholders. The CMKX Owner's Group will look after their interests in the upcoming hearing of allegations made by the SEC against CMKM Diamonds, Inc. These allegations are being made under the pretense of shareholder protection. Knowing that his investment was at no time under the protection of the SEC, Mr. Martin elicited the legal services of the Frizzell Law Firm to represent himself and has since invited other CMKX shareholders to participate making the Group more credible in its intention. Mr. Martin has successfully inducted over 2320 members to date.

The actions proposed by the SEC are viewed by the shareholders as not being in their best interest, nor protecting their CMKX investment. These shareholders are among the most dedicated and loyal group of investors that have ever supported a Pink Sheet Company. The CMKX Owner's Group will probably be the first of many such efforts begun by shareholders to say that they "have had enough". Visit the CMKX Owner's Group at http://www.cmkxownersgroup.com , take a stance, and protect your investment.

Have questions or interested in CMKM Diamonds, Inc? Call Mr. Andy Hill, Investor Relations at 1-877-752-3755 or 1-306-752-375 between the hours of 7:00 AM and 1:00PM Pacific Standard Time.

About Zooming$tocks.com: Zooming$tocks.com is your premier market analysis company whose goal is to provide you with rapid and timely information, well suited to your investment needs.

Want to receive the Zoom Generation Newsletter (ZGN) right to your email inbox? Subscribe at http://www.zoomingstocks.com/main_join.htm Zooming$tocks.com is not a licensed investment advisor. Nor do we give out buy, sell or hold advice to anyone. Zooming$tocks.com has full disclaimer/disclosure information available to the general public on our website at: www.zoomingstocks.com/main_disclaimer.htm.

CONTACT: Jose Davila/Marty Estes e-mail: info@zoomingstocks.com

M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at http://www.presswire.net on the world wide web. Inquiries to info@m2.com.




عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
لاشيء جديد بس حبيت أمر وأسلم على الشباب الحلويين وبإنتظار 10 مايو القادم؛ الخبر اللي نشره الأح cmkx ترا خبر قوي جدا أقروه عدل.

زبدة الخبر:

مكتب المحاماة اللي يمثل شركة cmkx وأسمه Stoecklin Law Group

قدم للمحكمة طلب إستدعاء لسماع أقوال DTCC

- ثقة المستودعَ وتنظيف الشركةِ (دي تي سي سي)، خلال شركاته التابعةِ، يُزوّدُ ترخيصاً ومستوطنةَ وخدمات معلوماتيةَ للأسهم العادية وشركةِ وسنداتِ بلدية، سندات مالية حكومية ومدعومة برهنِ، إشتقاقات إئتمانِ بدون وصفة طبيةِ وتجارةِ دينِ السوقِ الصاعدةِ. يُزوّدُ مستودعُ دي تي سي سي الثروة تَصليح أيضاً والرعايةِ لأكثر مِنْ مليونا سند مالي تُصدرُ مِنْ الولايات المتّحدةِ و100 بلدِ وأرضِ أخرى. بالإضافة، دي تي سي سي a يَقُودُ معالجَ صفقاتِ التأمينَ والصناديق التعاونية، يَرْبطُ الأموالَ والناقلين بشبكاتِ توزيعهم. دي تي سي سي عِنْدَهُ تشغيل وسائلِ في المواقعِ المتعدّدةِ في الولايات المتّحدةِ وفي الخارج.

About the DTCC - The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), through its subsidiaries, provides clearance, settlement and information services for equities, corporate and municipal bonds, government and mortgage-backed securities, over-the-counter credit derivatives and emerging market debt trades. DTCC's depository also provides custody and asset servicing for more than two million securities issues from the United States and 100 other countries and territories. In addition, DTCC is a leading processor of mutual funds and insurance transactions, linking funds and carriers with their distribution networks. DTCC has operating facilities in multiple locations in the United States and overseas.

محاميين cmkx يعتقدون أنهم(DTCC) يملكون معلومات تؤكد عمليات الشورت

CMKM Attorneys have requested all manner of documentation both paper and electronic and any records pertaining to transactions dealing with CMKM Diamonds, Inc. to be made available for inspection at this hearing

طَلبَ مُحامو سي إم كْي إم كُلّ إسلوب التوثيقِ كلاهما ورقية وإلكترونية وأيّ سجلات يَخْصّانِ إلى الصفقاتِ التي تَتعاملُ مع سي إم كْي إم Diamonds، المحدودة. لكي يُعْمَلَ متوفر للتفتيشِ في هذه الجلسةِ

وبالتوفيق للجميع

الأخ ممدوح عندنا يا مرحبا يا مرحبا :D
موضوع مغلق