*cmkx news*

موضوع مغلق


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
يشرفنا بمناسبة حلول شهر رمضان المبارك أن نتقدم إليكم بأطيب التهاني وأخلص الأماني بهذا الشهر الكريم ، داعين الله العلي القدير أن يعيد هذه المناسبة المباركة على الجميع بالخير واليمن والبركات ، وعليكم بموفور الصحة والسعادة.
وكل عام وأنتم بخير ،،،


عضو نشط
21 يناير 2003
مبارك عليك الشهر يا خوي بوصالح عسى ينعاد عليك وعلى جميع المسلمين

بمفور الصحة والعافيه امين يا رب العالمين

اخوك بوخلي :)


عضو نشط
9 مارس 2003
نبارك لكم بحلول شهر رمضان وتقبل الله طاعتكم

U.S. Canadian Minerals, Inc. Announces Ecuadorian Concession, Green Baron Webcast and Further Information on Forward Split
Friday October 15, 6:30 am ET

LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 15, 2004--U.S. Canadian Minerals, Inc. (OTCBB:UCAD - News) announced today that it has acquired a concession for the mining of gold in Ecuador. Said concession has been granted to the Company's subsidiary, Yellow River Mining, S.A.
U.S. Canadian Minerals' CEO Rendal Williams was interviewed for a CEO Webcast addressing shareholders and the investment community on the current and future prospects of the Company. The webcast will be conducted by Evergreen Marketing, Inc. and made available to the general public on The Green Baron Investors Society's website at www.TheGreenBaron.com beginning Monday, October 18, 2004.

The Company's earlier announced 3 for 1 forward split is expected to be effective October 25, 2004. All shareholders of record as of that date will participate in the split.

Canadian Minerals الأمريكي، المحدودة. يُعلنُ تنازلاً إكوادورياً، بَثَّ البارونُ الأخضر على الإنترنت ومعلوماتُ أخرى على الإنشقاقِ الأماميِ
أكتوبر/تشرين الأول الجمعةِ 15, 6:30 صباحاً إي تي

لاس فيجاس -- (سلك عملِ) -- أكتوبر/تشرين الأول. 15, 2004 -- Us Canadian Minerals، المحدودة. (أو تي سي بي بي: يو سي أي دي - أخبار) أعلنَ اليوم بأنّ إكتسبَ a إمتياز لتعدين الذهبِ في إكوادور. قالَ التنازلُ مُنِحَ إلى شركة الشركةَ التابعةِ، يُصفّرُ تعديناً نهرياً، إس. أي .
مدير المعادنِ التنفيذي الأمريكيةِ الكنديةِ Rendal وليامز قوبلَ لa مدير تنفيذي بثّ على الإنترنتِ عنونة حَمَلةِ أسهم وجاليةِ الإستثمارَ على الفرصِ الحاليةِ والمستقبليةِ للشركةِ. البثّ على الإنترنت سَيَجري مِن قِبل Evergreen Marketing، المحدودة. وجَعلَ متوفر إلى الناسِ على موقعِ ويب البارونِ Investors Society الأخضر في www.TheGreenBaron.com بِداية الإثنين، أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 18, 2004.

مُعلَن الشركة السابقة الـ3 لإنشقاقِ أماميِ 1 يتوقع أن يكون أكتوبر/تشرين الأول الفعّال 25, 2004. كُلّ حَمَلة أسهم السجلِ إبتداءً مِنْ ذلك التأريخِ سَيُشاركُ في الإنشقاقِ.



عضو نشط
3 ديسمبر 2003
ترجمه عجيب

البيان الصّحفيّ المصدر : شركه ماس سي إم كيه إم

المدير التّنفيذيّ شركه ماس سي إم كيه إم المقابلة مع بارون الأخضر لإذاعة عبر الويب
الجمعة 15 أكتوبر, 1:19 بعد الظهر بالتّوقيت الشّرقيّ

لاس فيجاس - - ( سلك التجارة ) - - 15 أكتوبر, 2004 - - شركه ماس سي إم كيه إم ( ملاءات قرنفليّة :سي إم كيه إكس - أخبار) المدير التّنفيذيّ أوربان كاسافانت قُوبِلَ لإذاعة عبر الويب المدير التّنفيذيّ تخاطب المساهمين و مجتمع الاستثمار على التطلّعات المستقبليّة و الحاليّة للشّركة . إذاعة عبر الويب ستُجْرَى بشركه تسويق دائمة الخضرة و تُعْمَل متاح إلى عامّة الشّعب على موقع الإنترنت لمجتمع مستثمرين البارون الأخضر في www.TheGreenBaron.com البدء الإثنين, 18 أكتوبر, 2004 .
ليس هناك الضّمان أن الاستكشاف الإضافيّ أو الحفر سيؤدّيان إلى أيّ منفعة اقتصاديّة إلى الشّركة أو مساهمي الشّركة .

يحتوي هذا البيان الصّحفيّ على التّصريحات المستقبليّة بينما (كما) تُعَرَّف تلك المدّة ب27A القسم لقانون الأسهم ل1933 ( قانون الأسهم ), كما هو معدّل, و 21E القسم لقانون تبادل الأسهم ل1934 ( قانون التّبادل ), كما هو معدّل . كلّ التّصريحات التي تُضَمَّن في هذا البيان الصّحفيّ بخلاف تصريحات الحقيقة التّاريخيّة هي تصريحات مستقبليّة . بالرّغم من أنّ الإدارة تعتقد أن التّوقّعات التي تفكّر في هذه التّصريحات المستقبليّة عاقلة, يمكن أن لا يعطي أيّ التّأكيد أن مثل هذه التّوقّعات ستثبت أن تكون صحيحةً . يمكن أن تسبّب العوامل المهمّة للنّتائج الفعليّة أن تختلف بقدر كبير عن التّوقّعات كما هو معلن هنا, تتضمّن بدون الحدّ, بالاشتراك مع هذه التّصريحات المستقبليّة احتوت في هذا البيان الصّحفيّ .

الاتّصال :
شركه ماس سي إم كيه إم
خطّ ساخن للماس :
ميلفين أو'نييل, 306-752 3755 أو 877-752 3755
فاكس : 306-752-3754


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
By: bill19336
14 Oct 2004, 03:04 PM EDT

***An update on Urban's plan...

In this post I will briefly touch on some of the components of Urban's business plan and I'll show what parts of the infrastructure have been constructed to date. Additionally, pay close attention to the fact that so many separate and distinct pieces line up perfectly.

Urban's business model starts with a...

...C O R P O R A T E * M I S S I O N

1) Apply economies of scale to every step of the distribution channel. This will decrease manufacturing costs due to mass production.

2) Use synergy to combine several companies and thus increase the value of those assets as a result of their combination.

3) Streamline operation by dividing and placing operations in the most efficient provider (UCAD = operating management, GEMM = mining, Crystalix = retail distribution, CIM = ore, UCA = uranium, SGGM = reverse merge, Nevada Minerals = branding, etc.)..

4) Package mineral claims and sell them off to obtain cash, cash flow and new partnerships.

5) Keep a certain percentage of claims for the development of a brand name and create distribution channels.

6) Acquire the services of a well respected wall street law firm and deal directly with one of the partners who has had experience in writing SEC regulations. Provide these services to you partners when needed as a value added service (UCAD is currently using Roger Glenn).

..and continue with...

B U S I N E S S * O R G A N I Z A T I O N:

1) Take an equity stake or a position of less than 51% in a company either through a joint venture (UCA, SGF, etc.) or a partnership (UCAD, GEMM, SGGM).

2) Allow current management to maintain their autonomy and avoid the headaches of day to day management.

3) Provide the value added services partners need (see below).

II. M A R K E T I N G * O P E R A T I O N S:

a) Use direct marketing to eliminate middlemen and reduce the cost of distribution.

b) Construct a trade channel to route minerals from the ground to the store shelf or industrial plant floor.

c) The channel might look like this...

*Parcel Claims
*Mine Claims
*Retail or Wholesale

Notice that Urban participates in every step of the process by using CMKX, UCAD, SGF, UCA, GEMM, CIM, SGGM, Crystalix, Nevada Minerals, Diagem, Nevada Magnetics and his other partnerships and joint ventures to provide an ongoing and steady stream of cash flow.

a) Each individual company will be able to set it's own pricing schedule while taking advantage of discount purchases.

a) Tap into the fastest growing demographic group in the country and make them your target market (shareholders, investors and potential customers). Race fans are the perfect target audience.

a) Anyone who has bought shares in CMKX can testify to Urban's sales skills (49,000 people agree with me).

a) Use non standard guerilla marketing tactics (hand out Tee shirts, informational packets, poker chips, etc).
b) Build a base of loyal shareholders and allow them to provide word of mouth advertising for you (currently estimated at 49,000 and growing).
d) Plaster your name all over mass media (Television/ESPN & the Outdoor Channel) at drag races, truck races and motor bike races.
e) Reach you target audience using direct links (i.e., billboards, decals on racing car, signs, etc.).
f) Provide updates through newsletters and Internet sites(Green Baron, etc.).
g) Use the radio waves to expand the reach of your message (Christian Radio, Green Baron, etc.).
h) Promote you brand name by selling merchandise over the Internet (e.g., hats, shirts, etc.).
i) Promote your brand through a Visa card.
j) Build brand loyalty by sponsoring a get together.


P U R C H A S I N G * O P E R A T I O N S:
1) Decentralize, streamline and apply economies of scale to the purchasing module.

F I N A N C I A L * O P E R A T I O N S:
1) Urban, Roger, Ed Dhonau and their contacts have the financial ability to attract big investors.

A C C O U N T I N G * O P E R A T I O N S:
1) Roger Glenn's training as a CPA has afforded him a unique view of Urban's operation.
2) Roger's experience in merger and acquisitions has proven critical.
3) Roger's knowledge of SEC regulations has been a help in constructing the dividend and split strategy we see unfolding today.
4) The contacts and associations Roger has built will provide an early warning to any possible conflicts that may arise.
5) The ability to draw on the human assets of a large wall street firm allows Roger the use of investigators, accountants, regulatory experts, researchers and corporate attorneys.

1) The majority of human resources issues will be handled by the individual partners.
2) Any remaining issues will be handled by UCAD's capable team of trouble shooters (Have passport will travel) .


1) The management team at UCAD has the experience and ability to provide the operating management needed. They currently have mines operating in South America and are opening another in Arizona. Additionally, they recently bought a processing plant. They are always on call and able to troubleshoot problems any place their passports will take them.


1) Who better to lead us through the regulatory maze than a former SEC attorney who has written books and lead seminars on the subject of stock regulations.
2) Since Roger has the ability to spot potential bottlenecks and conflicts, we should experience smooth sailing.

The only reason I make this post is to illustrate three main points. First, that we are a valuable part of Urban's business model and that he will not abandon us. Second, that it is not in his best interest to initiate a reverse split at this time. Third, that this is much bigger than most of you think.

In summary, if you think that the infrastructure Urban has carefully and painstakingly created will be put to good use, then show your support of this company. The Naked Short Share issue has not been resolved and Roger needs our support. This is the time to be loyal because we may not get another chance. I will fight tooth and nail for this company because I realize how few times opportunity will "knock on my door".

it will take time please hold ;)


عضو نشط
3 ديسمبر 2003
اولا امبارك عليكم الشهر الفضيل وكل عام وانتم بخير وعساكم من عواده اشلونك بو صالح وش الاخبار ها طمننا ان شاء الله في خير بهالسهم ولا لا ترانا حاطين كل افلوسنا فيها ويارب انعوض ما خسرناه بهالسهم يا رب


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
خبر جديد

يا شباب خبر توه طازة

شركتنا شرت اسهم وعددها 127 مليون وعليها من اسهم gemm وراح توزعه في 30 نوفمبر لمن يحمل السهم قبل موعد 29 اكتوبر

حلو الكلام والا مش حلو

لا ما عليش هم يفكرون والله العالم انهم خلصوا و تمت الصفقة :D

LAS VEGAS, Oct 16, 2004 (BUSINESS WIRE) --

CMKM Diamonds, Inc. (Pink Sheets:CMKX), announced today that it has exercised its option to purchase an additional 127,336,036 shares of Juina Mining Corp. (Pink Sheets:GEMM) for $500,000 USD. The Company has elected to purchase these shares to issue as a dividend to all CMKX shareholders as of the October 29,2004 record date .The distribution date for this latest dividend is set for November 30, 2004.

Further updates will be made in press releases and on both companies' websites.

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements, other than the statements of historical facts, may be deemed to contain forward-looking statements with respect to events, the occurrence of which involves risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, demand and competition for the Company's products and services, the availability to the Company of adequate financing to support its anticipated activities, the ability of the Company to generate cash flow from operations and the ability of the Company to manage its operations.

Further developments and other information on the company may be viewed at our website, http://www.casavantmining.com .

SOURCE: CMKM Diamonds, Inc.


عضو نشط
9 مارس 2003

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

والله يا أخ تركي هذا ما ورد بالخبر تماما ولكن أيش المغزى من ذلك ؟

كأنهم بيغرون الناس تشتري حيل قد ما تقدر من اسهم cmkx وهذا تقصد منه

للحصول على السيوله بمعنى قاعده تسحب أموال العالم بهكذا طرق

لكن الحسبه ما هو نصيب من يملك المليون أو يشتري المليون قبل

29/10/2004 من السهم gemm طبعا تقريبيه = 127336036/800 بليون

= 0.000159 *1مليون = 159 سهم GEMM * سعر اقفال أمس 0.122$

= 19.4 $ فقط .

بقي تعرف بكم اشتروا اسهم GEMM 500000/127336036 = 0. 00392$

سعر شراؤهم للسهم 0.00392 $ بينما سعر افقال أمس 0.122 $

والله ما أدري شناوين عليه هالشركه . الله المستعان عليهم

وبالتوفيق للجميع



عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
First, to address my post last night re: Topo and Raggs. I still
believe they need some lithium. I appreciate Topo's response to me
and it sounded sincere, however I simply cannot tolerate
unsubstantiated, blatant, MISLEADING pump brigades. With the way
Topo and Raggs were going on and on last night, you'd swear we were
not only getting a filing, valuation, share structure and DeBeers
buying us out, but you'd have thought Microsoft and GE were in a
bidding war for CMKX. I just think they are horribly misleading to
new (and current) investors. Haven't we been through this enough
that they would learn? The infamous ".05" comment, the Denver races,
the Indy races ... the list goes on and on about hot air that went
NOWHERE. Ok, I'll grant that Topo obvioiusly knew about a PR being
released last night but it was a damn PR that we were all expecting
2 weeks ago!! It IS good news (and I'll discuss that below) but
certainly pretty far from the sledgehammer all the pumping would
have you believe. Seems to me a post like "Good PR on the way. I
think you'll like it" would have been 100x more appropriate than 100
posts basically implying "the Plan" will be revealed. I stick to my
opinion and I feel it's an important one given how many new
shareholders may be now monitoring the boards. Let's be realistic
here. There's a lot of good things happening and let's approach this
step by step.

That having been said, I do think this early morning PR was very
good for us. I was expecting this 2 weeks ago. I think I see why the
delay happened. First off, it appears Roger is staggering events in
a logical sequence. Let's take a look.

August 24 UCAD record date
August 31 CIM record date
October 1 GEMM (part 1) record date
October 6 UCAD distribution
October 18 CIM distribution
October 25 UCAD forward split
October 29 GEMM (part 2) record date
Novem. 18 GEMM (part 1) distribution
Novem. 30 GEMM (part 2) distribution

Now look at what is already happening with UCAD's share price. It
looks to me like the shorts have already taken the bait and are
stuck. They now MUST cover UCAD, CIM and GEMM (part 1) since their
record dates have passed. They cannot cover those dividends by
buying CMKX any more. And right now, the shorts IMO are experiencing
the pain and frustration of what it's going to take to cover UCAD. I
don't think they're even near covered and IMO the REAL funny part is
I don't think they have any idea whether the UCAD ratio will still
stand (meaning if it changes based on a reduced OS number, they may
be so far away from covering that it would be shocking). This should
be VERY alarming to the shorts IMO. I think the shorts are already
trying to work GEMM up and down to shake shares loose in preparation
for round 1 with GEMM in November.

So with all this happening, now Roger drops GEMM part 2 on them and
basically gives the shorts a choice. Since the record date is
October 29, the shorts have 11 days to help themselves clean up a
little if they so choose. Because by the time we get to November 30,
the shorts have no way of knowing right now if it's going to be any
cheaper to be covering GeMM than to be covering CMKX by buying CMKX
right now. With part 1 of GEMM hitting November 15 and surely
driving up GEMM, part 2 could be very lethal.

And somebody help me here, but at last count (2 years ago in October
2002) GEMM's share structure was 26M outstanding. Does anyone have
an updated figure on this? Because right now, the first 95 million
dividend shares of GEMM will be horrifying, but if you drop an extra
127 million dividend shares on TOP of that, I just can't possibly
see the shorts covering GEMM at a price cheaper than covering CMKX
today. I believe this is truly going to force the issue. Still, the
shorts will have a choice to make. They can see right now that this
is getting serious. UCAD IMO is HURTING them. GEMM part 1 will maim
them further. But GEMM part 2 could be utterly devastating. They
will have that choice to make by October 29. Roger has laid that out
for them imo very loud and clear.

What I see happening is this. Constant dividends to induce pressure
on the shorts to cover. This second GEMM dividend MAY be enough to
start the covering process (perhaps small at first but enough to get
things going). THEN I think the "big" news will be that we have
finished our filing and it has been submitted to the SEC for their
approval. My understanding is that if this is done properly (and I
think it's safe to assume that Roger's presence will ensure this),
it could be approved and ready for "fully reporting" status and
otcbb trading as early as 6 weeks later. So if this news hits that
we've filed with the SEC soon, 6 weeks out puts us just past the
November 30 GEMM part 2 distribution. Which would validate that the
dividends were being used to force a squeeze while in the mean time,
the filing was being prepared and getting the company ready for
fully reporting status. This filing part is all guesswork on my
part. For all I know, the filing has already been submitted to the
SEC. Only Roger, Urban and his accountants likely know the status on

Don't let the six week thing discourage you. It sounds to me like
this whole process is meant to bring the shorts to justice. We have
been giving them options already. They have been choosing
incorrectly. Now, I believe each new option gets more painful.
Should they STILL miraculously not respond, my guess is that
CIM/SGGM can deliver some incredibly lethal blows as well. That is
an additional sword dangling over the shorts' heads that they ought
to be able to see. It is just getting WAY too painful to keep the
short in cmkx going. And on top of it all, the shorts have no idea
if MORE dividends are coming from OTHER companies. What about ECPN?
What about WMC? Who knows????? How many more shots to the chin do
they want their fighter to take before throwing in the towel? Not to
mention they still don't even know what the REAL OS, the real float
and the real distribution ratios are. Everything still seems to be
based on the AS. That can (and IMO WILL likely change). And if that
ratio ratchets up, they get torched even further. As I said,
Hitchcock turns the screws slowly to build tension. Glenn apparently
is a Hitchcock fan.

As a side note, I did want to point out that the consultant at SGGM
was a former director at International Minerals Corporation which
was formerly known as Ecuadorian Minerals Corporation. Given the
news from CMKX about exercising its right in GEMM and the news about
the Ecuadorian concessions from UCAD, SGGM seems to be working its
way closer into the web. I feel pretty comfortable that IMO, Mr.
Rayment is a key figure in the midst of all that is happening. GEMM
may prove to be a very valuable asset in the middle of everything

Hope I'm clear on all of the above. I know it's a lot.




عضو نشط
24 سبتمبر 2004
August 24 UCAD record date
August 31 CIM record date
October 1 GEMM (part 1) record date
October 6 UCAD distribution
October 18 CIM distribution
October 25 UCAD forward split
October 29 GEMM (part 2) record date
Novem. 18 GEMM (part 1) distribution
Novem. 30 GEMM (part 2) distribution


عضو نشط
24 سبتمبر 2004
al-abdli قال:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

والله يا أخ تركي هذا ما ورد بالخبر تماما ولكن أيش المغزى من ذلك ؟

كأنهم بيغرون الناس تشتري حيل قد ما تقدر من اسهم cmkx وهذا تقصد منه

للحصول على السيوله بمعنى قاعده تسحب أموال العالم بهكذا طرق

لكن الحسبه ما هو نصيب من يملك المليون أو يشتري المليون قبل

29/10/2004 من السهم gemm طبعا تقريبيه = 127336036/800 بليون

= 0.000159 *1مليون = 159 سهم GEMM * سعر اقفال أمس 0.122$

= 19.4 $ فقط .

بقي تعرف بكم اشتروا اسهم GEMM 500000/127336036 = 0. 00392$

سعر شراؤهم للسهم 0.00392 $ بينما سعر افقال أمس 0.122 $

والله ما أدري شناوين عليه هالشركه . الله المستعان عليهم

وبالتوفيق للجميع



شرواء اسهم شركة gemm على شان يغطون شركة cmkx

احتمال الله العالم ان سهم gemm بيتعدى سبعون سنت او اكثر وذلك من اجل النكد شورررررررت


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
New Theory: Death by MATH
« Thread started on: Today at 21:39:00 »

I don't want to kill you with math so I put a short version of the
theory and a long version of the theory below.


MMs need more than 140,514,251 shares of GEMM to cover NSS of CMKX.
Float of GEMM = 120,000,000.

Market Makers and broker dealers can not buy more than the float of
GEMM to cover their dividend. Thus they must cover a portion of NSS
of CMKX before the second GEMM Dividend record date. Once they start
covering CMKX. Chain reaction.



UCAD volume indication of Naked Short Share Position

(UCAD dividend announced 18 July 04)

UCAD total volume after announcement of dividend to CMKX = 6,401,529
over 64 trading days.

13,935 average daily volume of UCAD for 60 days prior to
13,935 x 64 = 891,840

6,401,529 - 891,840 = 5,509,689 = Possible shares bought to cover
our UCAD dividend.

5,509,689 / .00000962 = 572,732,744,283 =

Possible naked short share position on CMKX based on UCAD volume
anomaly over past 64 days.

GEMM volume indication of Naked Short Share Position

(GEMM dividend announced 2 Aug 04)

GEMM total volume since announcement of dividend to CMKX =
65,005,223 over 54 trading days.

GEMM average volume the 50 trading days prior to announcement is

164,248 x 54 = 8,869,392

65005223 - 8,869,392 = 56,135,831 possible shares bought to cover
our first GEMM dividend.

56,135,831 divided by .00012267 = 457,616,621,831 Naked Short Share
position on CMKX.


UCAD indicated Naked Short Share Position is 572,732,744,283
GEMM indicated Naked Short Share Position is 457,616,621,831
572,732,744,283 - 457,616,621,831 = 115,116,122,452

That means that based on the UCAD indicator that the Market Makers
and Broker Dealers still need to cover the GEMM dividend for
115,116,122,452 naked short shares of CMKX.

115,116,122,452 x .00012267 = 14,121,294

This means they need to buy 14,121,294 more shares of GEMM based on
current numbers of UCAD.

If they keep buying up UCAD it means that all these numbers will

OK. They need 14,121,294 more GEMM. They have 56,135,831 shares so
14,121,294 + 56,135,831 = Total shares need to cover the FIRST GEMM

70,257,125 total shares needed to cover the first GEMM dividend.

You saw what the price did on GEMM based on the market makers
needing this amount which is roughly over half of the float of GEMM.

If they need to buy 70,257,125 for the first GEMM dividend of
95,502,027, that means they will need to buy more than that to cover
the NSS CMKX for the second GEMM dividend of 127,336,036.

70,257,125 x 2 = 140,514,251.

This means they must buy more than 140,514,251. shares of GEMM on
the open market in order to cover for BOTH GEMM dividends.

*According to LRoss34470 conversation with Chris Hanneman --- GEMMS
float is around 120 million.

If they try... then GEMM shareholders can name their price for their
shares cause there isn't enough to go around. Market Makers would
get caught if they buy the whole float of GEMM cause suddenly no
trading would be happening on GEMM.


So they are forced to cover a portion of their CMKX. Once it begins,
I dont think it will end until the covering of all CMKX is complete.
Which means:

Between now and the RECORD DATE of GEMM the MMs will cover their NSS


There just might be a reason for a party.

Covering could start monday

What is GEMM's Float???
« Thread started on: Today at 19:06:07 »

last piece of the puzzle... no theory till then...

If we find this out... we can put it all together.
PPS starts to go up on Monday... perhaps.
Record date on next GEMM dividend 29 Oct 04
If the MMs elect to purchase GEMM shares open market to cover their
NSS of CMKX... how can they do it if the Float of GEMM is gone?

MMs must cover by 29 October 04 just in time for the party.

:D :p :) ;)


عضو نشط
3 ديسمبر 2003
بو صالح شخبارك وش رايك يعني ان شاء الله رايح سهمنا هذا ايسوي شي


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
إنشاءالله بس قول آمين وتبقى العملية أرزاق وإذا الله قسم لنا إنشاءالله بتكون ضربة عمر


عضو نشط
24 سبتمبر 2004
GEMM volume indication of Naked Short Share Position

(GEMM dividend announced 2 Aug 04)

GEMM total volume since announcement of dividend to CMKX = 65,005,223 over 54 trading days.

GEMM average volume the 50 trading days prior to announcement is 164,248

164,248 x 54 = 8,869,392

65005223 - 8,869,392 = 56,135,831 possible shares bought to cover our first GEMM dividend.

56,135,831 divided by .00012267 = 457,616,621,831 Naked Short Share position on CMKX.


UCAD indicated Naked Short Share Position is 572,732,744,283
GEMM indicated Naked Short Share Position is 457,616,621,831
572,732,744,283 - 457,616,621,831 = 115,116,122,452

That means that based on the UCAD indicator that the Market Makers and Broker Dealers still need to cover the GEMM dividend for 115,116,122,452 naked short shares of CMKX.

115,116,122,452 x .00012267 = 14,121,294

This means they need to buy 14,121,294 more shares of GEMM based on current numbers of UCAD.

If they keep buying up UCAD it means that all these numbers will increase.

OK. They need 14,121,294 more GEMM. They have 56,135,831 shares so far.
14,121,294 + 56,135,831 = Total shares need to cover the FIRST GEMM Dividend.

70,257,125 total shares needed to cover the first GEMM dividend.

You saw what the price did on GEMM based on the market makers needing this amount which is roughly over half of the float of GEMM.

If they need to buy 70,257,125 for the first GEMM dividend of 95,502,027, that means they will need to buy more than that to cover the NSS CMKX for the second GEMM dividend of 127,336,036.

70,257,125 x 2 = 140,514,251.

This means they must buy more than 140,514,251. shares of GEMM on the open market in order to cover for BOTH GEMM dividends.

*According to LRoss34470 conversation with Chris Hanneman --- GEMMS float is around 120 million.

If they try... then GEMM shareholders can name their price for their shares cause there isn't enough to go around. Market Makers would get caught if they buy the whole float of GEMM cause suddenly no trading would be happening on GEMM.


So they are forced to cover a portion of their CMKX. Once it begins, I dont think it will end until the covering of all CMKX is complete. Which means:

Between now and the RECORD DATE of GEMM the MMs will cover their NSS CMKX.


There just might be a reason for a party.

Covering could start Monday.


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
مقابلة الغريين بارون مع رئيس شركة cmkx
لاشي يستحق الذكر :rolleyes:

things are really good, excited about 3rd quarter.
getting ready for shareholder appreciation party
says numbers in next quarter will be good
langley now trading on the london stock exchange / they will sell shares when they find the price good.
they are bringing back more gold from yellow river and looking to aquiring more additional properties.
Rachel neveda - neveda payed off what they owe in full. Exploring pros and cons of excersing UCAD's options on property
Shareholder party 29-31 in Vegas. Lots of fun. Get out there and meet all patient shareholders. They want to meet each one
and tell them thanks for everything they helped urban and rendall move forward by investing in companies.
Tremedous amount of intrest in the party. If someone wants to come you need to get registered.
Four other events in vegas. Book rooms as early as possible. Oct. 20th deadline.
Relationship between UCAD and CMKX. They are combining there resources to tie into each other and increase shareholder
value and each of there companies.
shareholders WILL participate in the Forward Split 3-1. ALL the shares will still be restricted.


Working to bring the company reporting.
A little ahead of schedule than what it normally takes
Twoards the end of the month they can be more accurate to become fully reporting
Projects in Canada on schedule, drilling ongoing. Some delays in getting permits
They are drilling 24/7. There increasing size of workforce. A lot to come.
Looking for new projects to increase shareholder value on a continuous basis.
Urban and Rendall send there condolences to Ty.
They want to make the working relationship between UCAD strong, to benifit shareholder.
Urban says that they are working on fully reporting, says they aware of low share price, they will short it out shortly
Saying be patient...lol. They are working with Roger Glenn to address the situation.
Having Roger Glenn on board, insures everything is done properly with the company, he will fix all the problems with the company.
Drilling activity - got a good drill team and proper equipment. Ahead of schedule. Getting down to 100-1500 foot range.
A lot of targets they can't get on til they're frozen. Multiple targets.
Final thoughts: Urban thanks every shareholder, he really believes at these prices it's a good opportunity. They are doing a lot of transactions
in the future that will enhance shareholder value. Thanks everyone for coming out to the races.


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
صح لا شي يذكر

بس تعجبني :D

لا شي يذكر هاه ابو صالح

قال ايش قال لاشي يذكر

بس تعجبني :D


عضو نشط
22 نوفمبر 2003
يا شبااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااب

انا مع الاوسط وعندي السهم من سبعة اشهر وما نزل بمحفظتي اي سهم من اسهم المنحة ..

تكفووون يا متداولي الاوسط هل عندكم نفس مشكلتي والا انا لوحدي لاعبين علي الاوسط حسبي الله عليهم .


عضو مميز
30 مايو 2003
abuibrahim قال:
يا شبااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااب

انا مع الاوسط وعندي السهم من سبعة اشهر وما نزل بمحفظتي اي سهم من اسهم المنحة ..

تكفووون يا متداولي الاوسط هل عندكم نفس مشكلتي والا انا لوحدي لاعبين علي الاوسط حسبي الله عليهم .

انا مع الاوسط وما نزل بمحفظتي اي سهم :( :(
موضوع مغلق