*cmkx news*

موضوع مغلق


عضو نشط
24 سبتمبر 2004
wmc بتدفع لحاملى اشهم gemm تقريبا 48 سنت عن كل سهم

Sterling & Dr. Diamond are speculating that WMC is going to buy out GEMM and a divvy could come from WMC trading on the New York Stock Exchange at around $18.00/ WMC pays a quarterly divvy to their shareholders of about .48. They have a small shareholder base and would love our 40,000 member shareholders.


عضو نشط
24 سبتمبر 2004
ممكن تكون صحيحة وممكن تكون اشاعة الله اعلم


عضو نشط
24 سبتمبر 2004
مجموع اسهم شركة gemm

280 مليون سهم

هو 20 مليون سهم يعنى بيسير فية امطاقة على السهم كل يبية خلونا نتابعة ونشوف وايش يصير

ولد الحجى

عضو نشط
24 أغسطس 2003
شئ غريب عجيب ........ :confused: :confused:

1 - وضعت امر بيع لعدد 45 سهم UCAD بسعر 17.00 $ وتم البع فورا ... الوسيط بنك برقان .. :D

2 - وضعت امر بيع لعدد 45 سهم UCAD بسعر 17.00 $ وتم رفض الطلب ... الوسيط E.Trade .... :o

3 - لم اضع اى امر بيع لعدد 9 سهم UCAD ... لانها باختصار لم تنزل فى المحفظه الى الان .. الوسيط ؟؟؟؟؟ اكيد الاوسط طبعا .. من بيكون غيره :mad: :mad: :mad:

بو راشد2

عضو نشط
14 أبريل 2004
السلام عليكم

شباب انا الى الحين مو عارف جم سهم راح يوزعون لكل مليون

افيدونا افادكم الله



عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
Short Selling
The selling of a security that the seller does not own, or any sale that is completed by the delivery of a security borrowed by the seller. Short sellers assume that they will be able to buy the stock at a lower amount than the price at which they sold short.

Selling short is the opposite of going long. That is, short sellers make money if the stock goes down in price.

What Is Short Selling

Let's begin with the very basics. Short selling is the selling of a stock that the seller doesn't own but promises to be delivered. A short seller typically borrows stock from a broker to sell it into the market, betting that the share price will fall so that the shorter can buy the stock back at a lower price. Selling short is the opposite of going long.

When you short sell a stock, your broker will lend it to you. The stock will come from the brokerage's own inventory, from another one of the firm's customers, or from another brokerage firm. The shares are sold and the proceeds are credited to your account. Sooner or later you must "close" the short position by buying back the same number of shares (called "covering") and returning them to your broker. If the price drops, you can buy back the stock at the lower price and make a profit on the difference. If the price of the stock rises, you have to buy it back at the higher price, and you lose money.

Most of the time, you can hold a short for as long as you want. However, you can be forced to cover if the lender wants back the stock you borrowed. Brokerages can't sell what they don't have, and so yours will either have to come up with new shares to borrow, or you'll have to cover. This is known as being "called away." It doesn't happen often, but is possible if many investors are selling a particular security short.

Since you don't own the stock (you borrowed and then sold it), you must pay the lender of the stock any dividends or rights declared during the course of the loan. If the stock splits during the course of your short, you'll owe twice the number of shares at half the price.

Since you are being loaned the stock, you are buying on margin. In fact, you have to open a margin account to short stocks. Your broker will charge you interest on the loan and you are subject to rules of margin trading. This all sounds easy enough but keep in mind that most U.S. brokerage firms will only allow shorting of stocks that are above $5.00 per share because most brokerages will not allow margin on any stocks under this amount. Thus, it is widely assumed by retail investors that stocks under $5.00 and bulletin board stocks are not shortable. This is true for most people but there is a large loophole in the system.

The Loophole

Until the recent amendment, non-NASD members, like specialists, option markets and foreign brokers, weren't covered under the affirmative determination rule. This rule requires that no member or person associated with a member shall effect a "short" sale order for any customer in any security unless the member or person associated with a member makes an affirmative determination that the member will receive delivery of the security from the customer or that the member can borrow the security on behalf of the customer by settlement date. Non-NASD members didn't have to represent to the NASD broker through which they conducted a short sale order that they would be able to deliver the stock by settlement date.

It's often impossible to borrow the shares of companies trading on the OTCBB so investors and hedge funds looking to take negative bets on these stocks have traditionally been trading through Canada where it's not required to borrow stock before selling it short. The practice is known as naked shorting.

Naked shorting has caused some serious problems for companies trading on the bulletin board. It is a slippery slope that may eventually destroy a company's ability to raise capital. Take a scenario where a scrupulous hedge fund or short selling group decides to naked short a bulletin board company into oblivion. Since no shares have to be delivered, shorts may "hit the bid" until the stock hits zero. Perception is reality so shareholders will see the decline and naturally think that something is wrong and liquidate their positions causing a downward spiral. The shorted company will then be unable to raise any capital because their stock is worthless due to the shorts and not because of fundamentals.

Have you ever owned a bulletin board company or any stock under $5.00? Then you may have experienced shares of your company beaten down by shorts and not even know it.

لأنهم شغاليين في أسهم غير حقيقية لازم يشترون أسهم التوزيعات مثل

ucad sggm gemm وهذا اللي يرفع سعرهم والأهم من ذلك أنهم عاجلا أوآجلا

علشان يغطون أسهمهم الوهمية سيشترون أسهمنا وصدقني بأي سعر معروض

وبعدين يصبح السهم حر ويخضع لقوانين السوق مثل العرض والطلب والخ..

مثال :

باعوا ل س مليون سهم طبعا وهمي لازم يشترون له نسبته من التوزيعات

وهذا اللي يرفع سعرهم وبعدين لازم يشترون أسهم من ص بأي سعرعلشان

يغطون على أسهم الشركة الرئيسية ل س في وقت معين

وطبعا لازم فيه أسباب تجبرهم يغطون وإلا مايهدونه لين يفلس وهذا سبب

إنضمام السيد روجر للشركة والتوزيعات والتسجيل في بورصه أعلى والخ..

ولكن دعنا نأمل أن لا تطول العملية

أتمنى أن تكون الصورة أتضحت



عضو نشط
24 سبتمبر 2004
الف الف مليون مبروووك لحاملى اسهم ucad فرورد سبليت 3-1

بيعطونكم ثلاثة اسهم عن كل سهم تملكة

وهذا هو الخبر اليوم الاربعاء 13-10-2004

U.S. Canadian Minerals, Inc. Announces Forward Split
Wednesday October 13, 5:30 am ET

LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 13, 2004--U.S. Canadian Minerals, Inc. (OTCBB:UCAD - News) announced today that a 3 for 1 forward split of its Common and Preferred A shares has been approved. The Company is today notifying Nasdaq of such approval and the Company will be filing the appropriate paperwork with the goal of having the forward split reflected at the earliest possible time. The Company anticipates that said change will be reflected by Nasdaq within 10 business days.
Rendal Williams, CEO of U.S. Canadian Minerals, Inc. stated "We expect that this restructuring will allow the shareholder value to continue its current increase and allow for additional future financing avenues."

Further details relative to this transaction can be found at http://www.uscanadian.net/.

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995:

Statements contained in this document which are not historical fact are forward-looking statements based upon management's current expectations that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in or implied by forward-looking statements.

U.S. Canadian Minerals, Inc.
Chris Hanneman, 303-220-8476


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
بعض مساهمي cim أستلموا حصتهم أمس ومع خبر اليوم تطلع علينا cmkx

ببلااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااش :D :D

بس للإسف تورطنا مع الأوسط :( :(


عضو نشط
24 سبتمبر 2004
ابوو صالح

cim نزلت فى محفظتك

اما انا مع الوسيط امريتريد بس ما نزل لى شى

الرجاء افادتى وشكرااا


عضو نشط
24 سبتمبر 2004
الف الف مليون مبروووك لحاملى اسهم ucad فرورد سبليت 3-1

بيعطونكم ثلاثة اسهم عن كل سهم تملكة

وهذا هو الخبر اليوم الاربعاء 13-10-2004

U.S. Canadian Minerals, Inc. Announces Forward Split
Wednesday October 13, 5:30 am ET

LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 13, 2004--U.S. Canadian Minerals, Inc. (OTCBB:UCAD - News) announced today that a 3 for 1 forward split of its Common and Preferred A shares has been approved. The Company is today notifying Nasdaq of such approval and the Company will be filing the appropriate paperwork with the goal of having the forward split reflected at the earliest possible time. The Company anticipates that said change will be reflected by Nasdaq within 10 business days.
Rendal Williams, CEO of U.S. Canadian Minerals, Inc. stated "We expect that this restructuring will allow the shareholder value to continue its current increase and allow for additional future financing avenues."

Further details relative to this transaction can be found at http://www.uscanadian.net/.

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995:

Statements contained in this document which are not historical fact are forward-looking statements based upon management's current expectations that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in or implied by forward-looking statements.

U.S. Canadian Minerals, Inc.


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
يابو صالح

لا تخاف حقكم يبي يوصلكم

اللي يسمعك الحين يقول انا جالسين نتاجر وهاتك يا مكاسب

احنا زيكم حاطين ايدينا على خدنا

بس ما قلتلي حصة cim كم طلعت للمليون وهل نسبة التقسيم سليمة زي ما ذكرت ام لا

وبكم المفترض يكون سهمها او كيف يتم تداولها

تحياتي وتضامني مع حقين :D الاوسط


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
كل مليون = 25600

نسبة التوزيع 0.0256

بس يعتمد على سعر cim إذا نزلت السوق


عضو نشط
31 مارس 2004
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته , مبروك عليكم الشهر الكريم .
عندي استفسارين فقط
1- مانزل في احسابي شركة Cim
2- ليش ماقدر ابيع Ucad


عضو نشط
9 مارس 2003
الله يجيب الخير

الساحق الماحق قال:
اخوي al-abdli

الله يبارك فيك باالنسبه ل UCAD ... في الحقيقة جربت بيعهم وكل مرة اضع فيها اوردر البيع تطلع لي مسج كالتالي ...........
(The quantity of your sell order is greater than the quantity held in your account(

التالي A current quote cannot be obtained for this position at this time.
وهذه الرسالة تخص UCAD .

أخي الساحق الماحق لأعداء المسلمين ان شاء الله :)

اليك ترجمة النصين كما وردت من وسيطك

إنّ كميةَ طلبِ بيعِكِ أعظمُ مِنْ الكميةِ حَملتِ في حسابِكِ (

السعر الحالي لا يُمْكن أنْ يُحْصَلَ عليه لهذا الموقعِ في هذا الوقتِ.

والله أعلم على بيع نصيبك من ucad قيد زمني لا أعلم متى ممكن لك

الحق ببيعها .

لكن لعله خيرا . وشاكر لك الرد على تسؤلي وفيت وكفيت

بالتوفيق ان شاء الله


عضو نشط
3 ديسمبر 2003
يا اخواني الاعزاء اشوف الاسهم خويه سهمنا ولعت واطاعت فوق وسهمنا هذا مثل الضب دش بجحره ونزل الى 0.0002 الهاي شالسالفه وانا اخوكم ترا جنني هالسهم ياله ماصارت نبي نتحلى وحلو طيب اه يابو صالح رايح اتكون حلاوتك حلوة حيل انت والربع كلهم عازمكم على العشا بجزر المالديف وبعده على القهوة بميامي وبعدها اروح انام بلندن هذا طبعا كله بطيارتي الخاصه اللي رايح اشتريها :d :d :d :d :d


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
August Focus Stock Update

CMKM Diamonds, Inc. (CMKX)

Green Baron CEO Webcast Alert!

Webcast Interview with CMKM Diamonds, Inc CEO Urban Casavant and U.S. Canadian Minerals CEO Rendal Williams to be available exclusively to Green Baron Members!!!

The Green Baron Report proudly announces that it has just concluded an audio taped interview with CMKM Diamonds, Inc. CEO Mr. Urban Casavant and U.S. Canadian Minerals CEO Mr. Rendal Williams. Although CMKM Diamonds has not announced that it has concluded its filing to become a fully reporting company yet, we encouraged Mr. Casavant that patient shareholders of CMKX deserve to at least hear his voice. We suggest that all interested Green Baron listen for answers that might help instill and inspire confidence to continue holding CMKX stock during a frustrating time where the stock does not seem to respond to good news.

Each member that is in our database will receive an email this Sunday late afternoon/ evening, October 17 that will include a special link enabling you to listen to the CMKX/UCAD CEO webcast. We will make the webcast available to the general public at some point on Monday, October 18. The Green Baron Report is going to begin providing only our members with special updates and privileges. In the near future, we have plans to have parts of our website only accessible to members.

We suggest that if you are reading this email, and are not currently a Green Baron member to go to our website now at www.thegreenbaron.com and click one of the JOIN buttons. Once again, we DO NOT share your email with other companies, and we will not fill your email box up with junk. Our members are sacred to us, and we want you to be happy Green Baron members forever, and of course, make piles of money. It does take a little time to add your email address into our database, so please be patient if you do not get the first report we send out following the day you join.

The Green Baron Report has reviewed its stance on CMKX stock and will issue the following opinion. Never have we seen in all our days an opportunity like this. Even if CMKX has issued every single share of its authorized, the valuation of the company at .0002 would be only $160 million. CMKM Diamonds owns a substantial percentage of the claims of all minerals in nearly 2 million acres mostly in the vicinity of Fort a La Corne, Saskatchewan. It also owns 200 billion shares of St. George Minerals (SGGM), has accepted nearly $20 million in cash over the last few months, and now bought into mining interests for uranium. The company holds interests in Juina Mining (GEMM), and is closely involved with U.S. Canadian Minerals (UCAD) whose stock ran over 300% recently to over $18 per share and announced a 3 for 1 forward stock split.

So is this property worth anything? If you don’t accept the opinion, stock and cash of companies like U.S. Canadian Minerals and St. George Minerals, perhaps a neighbor holding claims on property in the Fort a la Corne area might help with that question. An article that appeared in the Melfort Journal on Monday, October 12, written by Colin McGarrigle, reports that project executives for the Kensington/De Beers Diamond Project in the Fort a la Corne area recently stated nothing but optimism for further exploration of diamonds in the region. In the article, president of Kensington Resources Robert McCallum stated, “If everything goes as well as we hope, this could be the largest, low-cost, long-life diamond site in the world.” We urge our members to read the entire article by clicking http://www.melfortjournal.com/story.php?id=121486.

The Green Baron Report is not sure why more details of CMKX drilling programs have not been released. Perhaps the company wishes to wait till it files to become a fully reporting company and the stock is listed on the Bulletin Board. Perhaps there are competitive reasons that keep it from releasing details at this time. Perhaps the Company has not found anything of substance to report. Regardless of what the reason is, we believe CMKX now has the money, the contacts, and the overall resources to support programs to find minerals worth much more than $160 million. There are numbers commonly thrown around that CMKX is sitting on resources worth over $1 trillion. Our number is somewhere in between, but only time will tell.

At lease two partners of Evergreen Marketing, parent company of The Green Baron Report, will be attending the Las Vegas shareholder appreciation event being held October 29-31. We look forward to meeting many of our members, and we are predicting the event will be very festive. In case you have not figured it out by now, we still believe CMKX is The Stock Play of a Lifetime.

Final note: Our policy is to not acknowledge specific individuals that post on the message boards. We have never specifically supported any post by the multitude of members on these chat forums. However, we will do this once. An extremely respected, well-liked Green Baron and Raging Bull member who regularly posted positive remarks about CMKX under the alias cash_flow4me named Ty Merrick was tragically killed in an auto accident earlier this week. In fact, our CEO Ed Miller, had the pleasure of meeting him at the recently held NHRA Dallas event. Our prayers and best wishes go to his wife and 2 year-old son.

In honor of Ty, we are providing a link that will take you to cash_flow’s last post. It strangely sums up how we believe shareholders should view CMKX, and we could not agree more with what we believe are prophetic words. Please click this link to read: http://ragingbull.lycos.com/mboard/boards.cgi?board=CLB01219&read=95060. Finally, for those who would like to send his family good wishes and support, please go to http://www.memorialsonline.com.


عضو نشط
21 يناير 2003
شسالفه cmkx قبل السوق والكمية 70000000 مليون في شي
عطونا خبر وينك يا بوصالح شوف شكو :)


عضو نشط
3 ديسمبر 2003
ها يالربع الفزعه شالسالفة ان شاء الله خير يارب
موضوع مغلق