الشركة الوطنية للطيران ... ش م ك ,,,

موضوع مغلق


عضو نشط
4 فبراير 2006
شركه مستقبلها قوي جدا ... تزايد نشاط الطيران عالميا ... و تقليل تكاليف الحجز .... و زيادة الدعم على وقود الطائرات

مستقبلها واعد ان شاء المولى .....


عضو نشط
4 مايو 2004
الاخ: ابو عثمان صباخ الخير اذا كان صباحا ومساء الخير اذا كان مسا
الرجاء التكرم بالرد على سؤالى للاهمية لى ولغيري
اذا كنت بابيع اسهمي لشخص ما ؟ ماهي طريقة حفظ حقوقي ؟ وحقوقه
واين نوثق البيع ؟


عضو نشط
5 مارس 2006
الاخ: ابو عثمان صباخ الخير اذا كان صباحا ومساء الخير اذا كان مسا
الرجاء التكرم بالرد على سؤالى للاهمية لى ولغيري
اذا كنت بابيع اسهمي لشخص ما ؟ ماهي طريقة حفظ حقوقي ؟ وحقوقه
واين نوثق البيع ؟

السلام عليكم مو احسن

بارك الله فيك


6 فبراير 2005
«كامكو» تبيع 60 في المئة من «يوباك» لـ «الخطوط الوطنية» بسعر 650 فلساً

: كشفت مصادر مطلعة لـ «الراي» أن شركة مشاريع الكويت لادارة الاصول الاستثمارية «كامكو» اتفقت على بيع 60 في المئة من شركة المشاريع المتحدة للخدمات الجوية «يوباك» لشركة الخطوط الوطنية للطيران، وانها قامت بترتيب الصفقة مع عملائها لتجميع هذه الحصة، مشيرة الى ان «كامكو» ستخاطب ادارة سوق الكويت للاوراق المالية لاخطاره رسميا يوم السبت المقبل باتمام عملية البيع الابتدائية،
تمهيدا لطرح النسبة المباعة في مزاد بالبورصة، وفقا للقانون في هذا الخصوص.
وبينت المصادر ان الكمية التى باعتها «كامكو» في «يوباك» تمثل 45 مليون سهم، بقيمة 650 فلسا للسهم الواحد، مايعني ان اجمالي قيمة الصفقة يبلغ 29.25 مليون دينار
وقالت المصادر ان ربحية «كامكو» من اتمام صفقة بيع «يوباك» تبلغ 6.5 مليون دينار.
تجدر الاشارة الى ان حصة «كامكو» في «يوباك» تبلغ 15.15 في المئة، وحصة مشاريع الكويت القابضة «كيبكو» 17 في المئة، وصندوق «كامكو» الاستثماري 5.6 في المئة، وشركة الخليج للتامين 8.6 في المئة

الراي العام 12/4/2007

أبو فلسين

عضو نشط
9 مارس 2007
زين خبر أيجابى لشركه :)

أمير النحل

عضو نشط
24 أغسطس 2004
على العموم مقر الخطوط الجويه الوطنية الكويتيه موجود في الدور الأول من سوق المطار أول مكتب من اليمين و الشخص يقدر يدخله من الخارج و يعني يوقف سيارته و أروح حق أول مكتب من اليمين و راح أشوف شعار الشركة

اسمح لي اخوي كلامك هذا غير صحيح

نرجوا تحري الدقة قل نشر اي معلومة


عضو نشط
21 نوفمبر 2005
مافي أي خبر عن الشركة الوطنية للطيران ؟


بوعلي :)


عضو جديد
20 يناير 2007
اسمح لي اخوي كلامك هذا غير صحيح

نرجوا تحري الدقة قل نشر اي معلومة

الله اسلمك أخوي أميل النحل لو عندي كامره جان صورتلك المقر

أنته روح مطار الكويت و أصفط السياره في مواقف المغادرون

و وروح حق أول باب في المطار من جهت اليمين (من خارج المطار)

أكون صريح معاك أنه ما دخلت المقر بس أول ماتوصل حق الباب الأصغير

إلي في أقصى اليمين راح أتلاقي فوقه علامة الخطوط الجوية الوطنية



أمير النحل

عضو نشط
24 أغسطس 2004
الله اسلمك أخوي أميل النحل لو عندي كامره جان صورتلك المقر

أنته روح مطار الكويت و أصفط السياره في مواقف المغادرون

و وروح حق أول باب في المطار من جهت اليمين (من خارج المطار)

أكون صريح معاك أنه ما دخلت المقر بس أول ماتوصل حق الباب الأصغير

إلي في أقصى اليمين راح أتلاقي فوقه علامة الخطوط الجوية الوطنية



المكتب لايزال قيد الانشاء وعلى نار هادئة وذلك على حسب كما ذكر مشرف ادارة سوق المطار ولم يتم افتتاحة بعد وانا غير مهم ان اشكك في ما ذكرته انه هناك يافطة مكتوب عليها الخطوط الوطنية الكويتية
على كل حال اخونا الكريم الله يحفظكم
كلنا ان شاء الله بانتظار الاخبار الطيبة عن الشركة
ولا ازال اقول ان التشغيل الاسطول مستبعد حاليا يبيلة وقت ومو قبل شهر شهر يوليوا
ويا جماعه والله ان مطارنا الحين عاجز وغير قادر على استيعاب اسطول الشركة الجديدة الى حين الانتهاء من المشروع الاول واعداد مواقف جديده للطائرات ...... والله المستعان


عضو نشط
5 مارس 2006
المكتب لايزال قيد الانشاء وعلى نار هادئة وذلك على حسب كما ذكر مشرف ادارة سوق المطار ولم يتم افتتاحة بعد وانا غير مهم ان اشكك في ما ذكرته انه هناك يافطة مكتوب عليها الخطوط الوطنية الكويتية
على كل حال اخونا الكريم الله يحفظكم
كلنا ان شاء الله بانتظار الاخبار الطيبة عن الشركة
ولا ازال اقول ان التشغيل الاسطول مستبعد حاليا يبيلة وقت ومو قبل شهر شهر يوليوا
ويا جماعه والله ان مطارنا الحين عاجز وغير قادر على استيعاب اسطول الشركة الجديدة الى حين الانتهاء من المشروع الاول واعداد مواقف جديده للطائرات ...... والله المستعان

نار هادئة ونار هادئة

انا اهدى من جذي ما شافت عيني

الظاهر النار طفت يبيلها ولعة

أبو فلسين

عضو نشط
9 مارس 2007
والله الشركه باين عليها مطوله على الادراج الجزيره بعد ما ادرجوها الطيران يبيله وقت على ما يشتغل :)
5 أبريل 2007
والله الشركه باين عليها مطوله على الادراج الجزيره بعد ما ادرجوها الطيران يبيله وقت على ما يشتغل :)
انا توقعاتي بان الوطنية ستدرج بالنصف الثاني من 2008 وتذكروا كلامي ( بيض الخعفق مو نفس فرخ الخعنفق ):D :D :D :D :D


1 أغسطس 2005
انا توقعاتي بان الوطنية ستدرج بالنصف الثاني من 2008 وتذكروا كلامي ( بيض الخعفق مو نفس فرخ الخعنفق ):D :D :D :D :D

مايبيله توقعات حسب شروط الاكتتاب و قوانيين البورصة بالنسبة للشركات المساهمة العامة فيحق للشركة التى مضى عليها سنة مالية كاملة ان تطلب ادراجها فى البورصة بالنسبة للوطنية للطيران يحق لها طلب الادراج فى الربع الاول من 2008

مضارب عقاري

عضو نشط
10 ديسمبر 2006
نفتح المزاد العلني 18000 سهم عائله واحده

يالله كم نقووووووووووول

قليل البخت

25 نوفمبر 2006
مو شغلك
صبحكم الله بالخير أخوي بوعثمان أنت مشرف قسم الناسجت ومع إحترامي لشخصك لاتصلح لهذا المنصب لأنك مقصر معانه في كثير من الأمور أرجوا أنك تعتزل من المنصب هذا ويرشحون الأخوان واحد ثاني لتعم الفائدة على الجميع وياليت يجيبولنا المحترف الناسجت الأخ مكارم سابقاً.
5 أبريل 2007
هم نفس الشيء تحويل ماكو اسهم حمد صباح الاحمد لا غبار عليها جان شرينا علي 220 اذا في تحويل موفقين ( بيض الخعفق مو نفس فرخ الخعنفق )


عضو نشط
5 مارس 2006
طيران الجزيرة حققت ارباح والوطنية لي الحين ماكو شي

على الاقل نبي خبر يبرد على القلب


عضو نشط
5 مارس 2006
اخيرا لقينا خبر بعد بحث

KAC chief seeking support for bill to privatise airline; New additions to fleet planned

KUWAIT (KUNA): Chairman and Managing Director of Kuwait Airways Corporation (KAC) Sheikh Talal Al-Mubarak Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah called upon the executive and legislative authorities to work together in supporting KAC so as to overcome challenges, achieve profits and greater success. In an exclusive interview with Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), Sheikh Talal said that it is “important to support the draft law for transferring the corporation into a private company, as it is a basis for its development and re-launching into the commercial aviation market so as to prove it’s worth among new local companies.”

He said that KAC’s law had been placed by the parliamentary finance and economy committee in cooperation with related bodies, including the worker’s union, the Society of Pilots and Aviation Engineers thus guaranteeing employment and objective evaluation of KAC’s assets. On the privatization of KAC, the chairman said, “There is a misconception that KAC is to be privatized... this is not an option because the state cannot sell its shares.” “It is still a corporation and must first be transformed into a state-owned company through the issuance of a parliamentary law and come under the law for commercial companies, thus become free in its decision-making in order to implement its restructuring plan to achieve targeted profits,” he explained.

He said that only after this stage can the state take the decision to sell its shares to the private sector through a mechanism that guaranteed transforming the corporation into a company or through the privatization law.

When asked about the effect the companies of Al-Jazeera and Wataniya airways have had on KAC, he said that “the effects will be negative if KAC is not transformed into a private company, because leaving it at its current status would limit its ability to compete, like those companies that work freely.” Sheikh Talal noted that prior to the 1990 invasion of Kuwait, KAC had a fleet of 21 planes and carried in 1988/99 approximately 1.6 million passengers with total revenues of KD 148 million. Now its fleet now comprise of 17 planes and carried in 2004/05 some 2.4 million passenger with revenues totalling KD 220 million. “These figures show that KAC is not carrying more passengers with greater revenues using fewer planes,” he said.

Regarding KAC’s financial difficulties and debts, the chairman said that a plan had been put in place to overcome this and that it was approved by the board and the Minister of Communications, adding that the corporation would be able to reach a set balance in 2007-2008 provided the recommendations of field experts and specialized committees inputs are implemented. Asked whether KAC was to increase the number of planes in its fleet, Sheikh Talal said that the current fleet had been operating since 1993 and that some planes would have completed their life-span in 2007, which is why the KAC would be making new additions to its fleet.

Furthermore, he said the project was in its final stages and hoped planes would be delivered anywhere between 16 months and five years, depending on their types, stressing that KAC insists on best maintenance for its fleet and so far have a clear record when it comes to safety and safety standard. He also announced KAC was to implement late this year a new system for booking over the internet and the issuance of e-tickets as part of its efforts to cut down costs, adding that an agreement would be finalised soon with local banks in order to facilitate payment using credit cards.

In response to a question on services, Sheikh Talal said KAC was about to sign a contract for new seats for the first and business classes that could be used or re-adjusted as beds, as well as more entertainment would be in place for its A-340 and B-777 planes. Regarding the KD 212 million approved by the parliament as KAC’s budget, the chairman said it was received in three installments as of July 2005 and was used to cover fleet financing debts which at the time had been at KD 93.1 million, adding that the surplus was invested in safe short and medium-range investments.

And on Kuwait’s policy for opening its airspace, he said that there were agreements with 78 countries on this issue but that there were only carriers of 38 countries that operated to and from Kuwait, adding, “We are not against opening out airspace, but we show reservation as to the implementation... We hoped this would take place in stages, based on certain principles that would guarantee continued air traffic so as to boost the economy.” Finally he added that such bilateral agreements should not be implemented by the Kuwaiti side alone, as this would have negative effects on KAC and all local carriers.​


عضو نشط
17 مارس 2006
مطلوب مترجم

KAC chief seeking support for bill to privatise airline; New additions to fleet planned

KUWAIT (KUNA): Chairman and Managing Director of Kuwait Airways Corporation (KAC) Sheikh Talal Al-Mubarak Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah called upon the executive and legislative authorities to work together in supporting KAC so as to overcome challenges, achieve profits and greater success. In an exclusive interview with Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), Sheikh Talal said that it is “important to support the draft law for transferring the corporation into a private company, as it is a basis for its development and re-launching into the commercial aviation market so as to prove it’s worth among new local companies.”

He said that KAC’s law had been placed by the parliamentary finance and economy committee in cooperation with related bodies, including the worker’s union, the Society of Pilots and Aviation Engineers thus guaranteeing employment and objective evaluation of KAC’s assets. On the privatization of KAC, the chairman said, “There is a misconception that KAC is to be privatized... this is not an option because the state cannot sell its shares.” “It is still a corporation and must first be transformed into a state-owned company through the issuance of a parliamentary law and come under the law for commercial companies, thus become free in its decision-making in order to implement its restructuring plan to achieve targeted profits,” he explained.

He said that only after this stage can the state take the decision to sell its shares to the private sector through a mechanism that guaranteed transforming the corporation into a company or through the privatization law.

When asked about the effect the companies of Al-Jazeera and Wataniya airways have had on KAC, he said that “the effects will be negative if KAC is not transformed into a private company, because leaving it at its current status would limit its ability to compete, like those companies that work freely.” Sheikh Talal noted that prior to the 1990 invasion of Kuwait, KAC had a fleet of 21 planes and carried in 1988/99 approximately 1.6 million passengers with total revenues of KD 148 million. Now its fleet now comprise of 17 planes and carried in 2004/05 some 2.4 million passenger with revenues totalling KD 220 million. “These figures show that KAC is not carrying more passengers with greater revenues using fewer planes,” he said.

Regarding KAC’s financial difficulties and debts, the chairman said that a plan had been put in place to overcome this and that it was approved by the board and the Minister of Communications, adding that the corporation would be able to reach a set balance in 2007-2008 provided the recommendations of field experts and specialized committees inputs are implemented. Asked whether KAC was to increase the number of planes in its fleet, Sheikh Talal said that the current fleet had been operating since 1993 and that some planes would have completed their life-span in 2007, which is why the KAC would be making new additions to its fleet.

Furthermore, he said the project was in its final stages and hoped planes would be delivered anywhere between 16 months and five years, depending on their types, stressing that KAC insists on best maintenance for its fleet and so far have a clear record when it comes to safety and safety standard. He also announced KAC was to implement late this year a new system for booking over the internet and the issuance of e-tickets as part of its efforts to cut down costs, adding that an agreement would be finalised soon with local banks in order to facilitate payment using credit cards.

In response to a question on services, Sheikh Talal said KAC was about to sign a contract for new seats for the first and business classes that could be used or re-adjusted as beds, as well as more entertainment would be in place for its A-340 and B-777 planes. Regarding the KD 212 million approved by the parliament as KAC’s budget, the chairman said it was received in three installments as of July 2005 and was used to cover fleet financing debts which at the time had been at KD 93.1 million, adding that the surplus was invested in safe short and medium-range investments.

And on Kuwait’s policy for opening its airspace, he said that there were agreements with 78 countries on this issue but that there were only carriers of 38 countries that operated to and from Kuwait, adding, “We are not against opening out airspace, but we show reservation as to the implementation... We hoped this would take place in stages, based on certain principles that would guarantee continued air traffic so as to boost the economy.” Finally he added that such bilateral agreements should not be implemented by the Kuwaiti side alone, as this would have negative effects on KAC and all local carriers.​

مطلوب مترجم فورا من الصين الشعبيه وشكرا
موضوع مغلق