undefined600,000,000 tonnes divided by
20 carates per tonnes
30,000,000 carates times $300 equals
$9,000,000,000 trillion dollars for gross value of the current
drilling project if it were completely mined out.
Lets move on to new Short Selling Rules
Because of much pressure from the public the Federal Government has
been forced to reevaluate the way the Markets Makers and DTCC do
business. These two entities are like a married couple trying to
help each other out but not for love but to scalp the public
investors of trillions of dollars. These government bodies also fund
the Securities Exchange Commission. So we have 3 entities all
working in conjunction with each other…do we have any conflict of
interests? Of course we do.
The new rule SHO is a rule to assist the shareholder which will stop
most of the shorting that is done as the backs are turned by
the SEC. Also this will stop DTCC from using their authority
printing to attach Cusip numbers to illegally shorted shares
which increase the floats of small companies beyond control of the
company. This authority allows the short MM to avoid the
illegality of the short.
Reg SHO was posted in the Federal Register on Fri. 8/6/04. It
becomes "Effective" 9/6/04 i.e. it becomes Federal Law incorporated
into the 1934 Securities Exchange Act. The "Compliance" date is
1/3/05. The regulators promise not to bust anybody until 1/3 because
of the necessity to update software, etc.
At this point lets once again look at valuation and take into
consideration the dates Reg SHO is effective 9/6/04 and compliance
date 1/3/05.
UCAD Dividend $ 6,000,000,000 Billion 8/20
CIM dividend $ 20,000,000,000 Billion 9/01
GEMM Dividend $ 10,000,000,000 Billion
Claim Valuation $2,000,000,000,000 Trillion
Uranium $ 300,000,000,000 Billion
Unmined $9,000,000,000,000 Trillion
100's of
Other Minerals $ 750,000,000,000 Billion
$11,346,000,000,000 Trillion Dollars
The above CMKX valuation is just an attempt to show readers that
CMKX, as a company, is worth a lot of money. No way can CMKX mine
all these minerals or Kimberlites. I expect CMKX to sell Kimberlites
as they show prove they are diamondiferous. I think these unmined
anomalies when sold could bring at least what I showed above. Don't
forget the current Kimberlite CMKX has started to drill on if fully
mined could be worth the $9,000,000,000,000 Trillion dollars but
this could take decades to complete. Will they mine this Kimiberlite
or others to full completion? Nobody has this answer but it's
interesting to dream isn't it.
Last thing I am going to write about is the short squeeze and share
price valuation that IMO is about to take place. If there is a
short, I believe there is, excitement should start taking place next
week as move close to first stock dividend. IMO it will take more
then a stock dividend to create a short squeeze. I see it happening
like this.
Mid week next week rumor is flying about some type of cash divy with
more cash divys coming. Urban has said he wants to make a million
millionaires many times. I think with the SHO rules coming into
affect and all the press on Market Makers shorting this is
prime time to announce Out Standing, Float, Shareholder's on Record,
Completed transactions if any and Valuation of CMKX including UCAD
Valuation. Also if any completed transactions include cash divys
CMKX could have one immediately available this week and then
announce a second cash divvy for mid September. Why September? We
have on record:
August 20th Divy
Septmeber 1st Divy
September 15th ???? <-------
October 1st Divy
The gap leaves a question what will take place September 15th.
If this takes place cash divvy will show all shareholders CMKX is
for real, means much more then a stock divvy. This put liquid cash
in all shareholders trading accounts. I think every shareholder that
receives a nice cash divvy, knowing another one is on record for 3
weeks in the future, would seriously look at buying more CMKX stock.
I have asked many about this and everyone asked said they would buy
more stock even if they paid in the pennies and higher per share.
Also add in here the mixing of all the company's ownership in the
stock dividends. It's going to be tough for the Market Makers to
provide shares for these dividend shares.
The above would create a rolling affect on the stock price creating
a short squeeze. The share price would be gapping according to cash
divvy price out in September. Also with new investors buying stock
along with their family members and friends.
Understand dividend stocks will trade higher then the dividends. An
example was MSFT just gave shareholders a $3.00 cash dividend. MSFT
trades between $24 to $28 per shares. Most divys are approximate 10%
to 20% of the share price. The intrinsic value I showed for CMKX and
a example .50 cash divvy at 20% would put the CMKX share price at
$2.00 per share. Add in a short squeeze and real intrinsic company
valuation and this should get real interesting. The stock price
could actually go in the $10 to $15 dollar range over the next 4
months. This is possible so we should all keep a close watch on CMKX
over the next 30 days. Yes this just my opinion but my research
shows this is possible.
Readers, CMKX is a dream coming true investment. I have written many
times about my feelings in regards to CMKX. I have changed my
feelings towards CMKX many times. What were the changes? I am just
getting more and more and more bullish as I write these newsletters…
It's great to be involved in the Diamond/Mineral Rush of the 21st
Century. All of you are 21st Century miners with the newest
technology to enhance striking it rich at a very fast rate of speed.
LOL Just think about it we don't even have to get our hands dirty.
Because I have been busy at work I might have a couple typos or
fragmented sentences. Please excuse the messy writing. I am not
known for spelling and structure LOL.
Good luck everyone and lets get wealthy together as a club. You all
deserve the wealth.
Thank you,