*cmkx news*

موضوع مغلق


عضو نشط
3 ديسمبر 2003
خبر طازج

ماس سي إم كيه إم, شركه يتلاقى في هدف تدريب ساسكاتشوان
الخميس 5 أغسطس, 1:51 صباحًا بالتّوقيت الشّرقيّ

لاس فيجاس - - ( سلك التجارة ) - - أغسطس 5, 2004 - - ماس سي إم كيه إم, شركه ( ملاءات قرنفليّة :سي إم كيه إكس - أخبار) قد تلقّى كلّ التّصاريح الحافرة الضّروريّة و الاستكشاف الظّاهريّ يسمح لحشد معدّات حفره إلى موقع جديد تقريبًا على بعد 5 أميال تجاه الشّمال الغربيّ كينسينجتون-ديبيرز كيمبيرلايت 122 و 6 واقعون 1 / على بعد ميلان تجاه الشّمال الغربيّ من داياموند بروجيكت نجم شركه ذهب شاطئ في نقطة القوّة كورن لوس أنجلس, ساسكاتشوان . تتضمّن شراكة موقع التدريب موارد شان ( سيي.ه-) كدنكس, شركة موارد العارضة المتّحدة ( يو سي إيه . ) سي دي إن إكس, قناة الصّنوبر المدعّم شركة ذهبيّة ( كيه بي جي ) سي دي إن إكس, و المعادن الكنديّة الأمريكيّة, شركه ( أوتكبب :أكاد - أخبار). سيكون لدى كلّ الرّفاق تمثيل في موقع التّدريب في زمن الحفر . بينما بكلّ مواقع خرّامة سي إم كيه إكس, قد أمر المدير التّنفيذيّ و الرّئيس أوربان كاسافانت مشروع الحفر هذا أن يكون فيديو سجّل لمواقع ويب سي إم كيه إكس للمشاهدة إلى مساهمي سي إم كيه إكس .
تشعر الشّركة أن هذا الهدف في الحصن لدى منطقة كورن لوس أنجلس إمكانيّة عظيمة, المدير التّنفيذيّ لدول و الرّئيس أوربان كاسافانت, ليس فقط بسبب مكانه على نفس الاتّجاه الشّماليّ غربي لكيمبيرليتيز في الحصن منطقة كورن لوس أنجلس ساسكاتشوان, لكنّ أيضًا لأنّ الهدف لُخِّصَ بطريقة جيوفيزيائيّة معروفة كمسح مغناطيسيّ إليكترو اختصاص وقت .يقيس نوع الدّراسة هذا البمقاومة للصّخر . مثل هذه الدّراسات كانت مفيدة جدًّا في اكتشاف كيمبيرليتيز في مساحة جراس دي الهاك لكندا, حيث حاليًّا ينتج منجمان 15 % من ماس العالم . هذا سيكون الشركة أوّلاً مثل هذا الهدف للكون خرّامةً اختبر في الحصن منطقة كورن لوس أنجلس . يستمرّ الرّئيس كاسافانت, بإضافيّ 37,800 هكتارًا حصلت على هذا الأسبوع إلى ممتلكات الأراضي الكلّيّة لسي إم كيه إكس في منطقة ساسكاتشوان, سي إم كيه إكس ينتقل بسرعة في زيادة المعدّات الإضافيّة و العمالة لعمل الاكتشاف السّريع قبلنا .استمرّ كاسافانت للشّرح, بهدف موقعنا بين اكتشافات الاستكشاف الأخرى مثل ذهب الشّاطئ يتألّق داياموند بروجيكت في نقطة القوّة كورن لوس أنجلس, منطقة ساسكاتشوان, التي حديثًا أثمرت 19.71 ماسة قيراط, وأيضًا 33 ماسةً أكبر من عيار واحد, الفرصة لمساهمينا تستمرّ في الكبر بينما (كما) رغبنا في الاكتشافات في المقدّمة ."


يحتوي هذا البيان الصّحفيّ على التّصريحات المستقبليّة بينما (كما) تُعَرَّف تلك المدّة ب27A القسم لقانون الأسهم ل1933, كما هو معدّل, ( قانون الأسهم ) و 21E القسم لقانون تبادل الأسهم ل1934, كما هو معدّل, ( قانون التّبادل ) . كلّ التّصريحات التي تُضَمَّن في هذا البيان الصّحفيّ بخلاف تصريحات الحقيقة التّاريخيّة هي تصريحات مستقبليّة . بالرّغم من أنّ الإدارة تعتقد أن التّوقّعات التي تفكّر في هذه التّصريحات المستقبليّة عاقلة, يمكن أن لا يعطي أيّ التّأكيد أن مثل هذه التّوقّعات ستثبت أن تكون صحيحةً . يمكن أن تسبّب العوامل المهمّة للنّتائج الفعليّة أن تختلف بقدر كبير عن التّوقّعات كما هو معلن هنا, تتضمّن بدون الحدّ, بالاشتراك مع هذه التّصريحات المستقبليّة احتوت في هذا البيان الصّحفيّ .

الاتّصال :


day trading
2 أكتوبر 2003
undefinedAll of these shares bought by shareholders up until the date of execution and in past are captured in the 40 billion number in my opinion as the cap for the "Legit Float" as the 40 billion mentioned in the CIM dividend PR. This means the 7.5 million of UCAD should be divided by 40 billion to get the distribution ratio. Observe...

7,500,000 ÷ 40,000,000,000 = Per Share Multiple
.0001875 = Per Share Multiple

This means that this is the multiple to use for determining the amount of UCAD you will receive per 1 CMKX share bought. Example...

1,000,000 CMKX shares x .0001875 = 187.5 shares of UCAD

This means that for every 1Mil shares you buy of CMKX, you will be given .0001875 shares of UCAD.

So, if you own 25Mil of CMKX, then...

25,000,000 x .0001875 = 4,687.5 shares of UCAD

Assume now UCAD is trading at $15.00 per share:
UCAD = $15.00 x 4,687.5
UCAD = $70,312.50

This means that for buying 25Mil shares of CMKX at .0004 cent(s) at the cost of $10,000, you will be getting back $70,312.50 in UCAD value from the above example. Keep in mind that this will only be 1 stock dividend of many as this still does not include any inclusion of any cash dividends. Hmmmmm…

For you heavy hitters, consider if you bought 250,000,000 shares of CMKX at .0004 cent(s).

So, if you own 250Mil, then...

250,000,000 x .0001875 = 46,875 shares of UCAD

Assume UCAD is trading at $15.00 per share:
UCAD = $15.00 x 46,875
UCAD = $703,125

The above is how to consider the calculation for determining the distribution multiple to determine the portion of UCAD shares given for owning 1 CMKX share. The same results would be warranted if done in reverse to derive to such resolution through the use of the ratio logic.

Now if the OS is actually the 153,061,224,489 as derived from above, then consider such below:

7,500,000 ÷ 153,061,224,489 = Per Share Multiple
.000049 = Per Share Multiple

This means that this is the multiple to use for determining the amount of UCAD you will receive per 1 CMKX share bought. Example...

1,000,000 CMKX shares x .000049 = 49 shares of UCAD

This means that for every 1Mil shares you buy of CMKX, you will be given .000049 shares of UCAD.

So, if you own 25Mil of CMKX, then...

25,000,000 x .000049 = 1,225 shares of UCAD

Assume now UCAD is trading at $15.00 per share:
UCAD = $15.00 x 1,225
UCAD = $18,375

This means that for buying 25Mil shares of CMKX at .0004 cent(s) at the cost of $10,000, you will be getting back $18,375 in UCAD value from the above example. Keep in mind that this will only be 1 stock dividend of many as this still does not include any inclusion of any cash dividends. Hmmmmm…

For you heavy hitters, consider if you bought 250,000,000 shares of CMKX at .0004 cent(s).

So, if you own 250Mil, then...

250,000,000 x .000049 = 12,250 shares of UCAD

Assume UCAD is trading at $15.00 per share:
UCAD = $15.00 x 12,250
UCAD = $183,750

Now, if for some reason neither of the above paths are not the paths taken, then we should consider only as a worse case scenario the information that is publicly known through the link below which indicates that the distribution multiple equates to 1 share of CMKX being equaled to +.0000155 shares of UCAD.


Because of the plus sign in front of the multiple, I think that we should consider such as what was temporarily submitted as the worse case scenario. This means that the multiple could be later reported to be higher on the plus side for calculation which would result in a mathematical effect of deriving a lower OS for CMKX. As it stands from the link, the OS is derived as shown below:

7,500,000 ÷ .0000155 = OS
483,870,967,741 = OS

First, before I go any further, I am not saying that I believe this to be so. I am just showing how if this is so, we still would be fine from the implementation of Operation Dividends.

This means the 7.5Mil of UCAD should be divided by 483,870,967,741 to get the worse case distribution ratio of .0000155. Observe...

7,500,000 ÷ 483,870,967,741 = Per Share Multiple
.0000155 = Per Share Multiple

This means that this is the multiple to use for determining the amount of UCAD you will receive per CMKX shares bought. Example...

1,000,000 CMKX shares x .0000155 = 15.5 shares of UCAD

This means that for every 1Mil shares you buy of CMKX, you will be given 15.5 shares of UCAD. So, if you own 25Mil, then...

25,000,000 x .0000155 = 387.5 shares of UCAD

Assume UCAD is trading at $15.00 per share
UCAD = $15.00 x 387.5
UCAD = $5,812.50

So let's consider where we are as a worse case scenario. This means that for buying 25Mil shares of CMKX at .0004 cent(s) at the cost of $10,000, you will be getting back $5,812.50 in UCAD value from the above example. Keep in mind that this will only be 1 stock dividend of many as this still does not include any possibilities of any cash dividends as I mentioned above too.

Again, for you heavy hitters, consider if you bought 250,000,000 shares of CMKX at .0004 cent(s) at $100,000.

So, if you own 250 million, then...

250,000,000 x .0000155 = 3,875 shares of UCAD

Assume UCAD is trading at $15.00 per share:
UCAD = $15.00 x 3,875
UCAD = $58,125

So if the +.0000155 is not the correct multiple to use for the UCAD distribution of shares, then according to the SEC Rule 10b-17, paragraph b, section 1, CMKX will have to have submitted the correct info within 10 calendar days of the date of execution from the link below. This interpretation is yet still debatable.

None of the above calculations are bad. Some are just better than others. All of them presented the delivery of a dividend I UCAD to give us much of what we now do not have. These options are all worthy for increased hope in my opinion for a dividend to CMKX shareholders.

Urban will continue to award us shareholders numerous dividends in the amount of 15+ to enhance the value of CMKX culminating with the goal achievement of being on the NYSE in my opinion. So in my opinion, multiply any of the above examples by 15 to really understand the magnitude of Operation Dividends.

As I had mentioned before, there were mentions of a cash dividend in an older PR dated back in Jan 03. To consider the power of a cash dividend, one must understand the power of how one would bring instant valuation to the worth of CMKX. Let's take for an example what should be considered if we were to receive a cash dividend of .10 cents.

Understand first that I am by no means insinuating that we are receiving a cash dividend anytime soon in the amount of .10 cents. I am only using this number to facilitate the example that I am about to explain. I am still speculating.

To continue, take for an example if we were to receive a .10 cents cash dividend to capture the immediate valuation of CMKX. You must first consider that upon such an announcement, this would mean that CMKX could be bought up to .10 cents and much much higher to warrant gains.

The thought would be that if you bought CMKX at .10 cents, you would get .10 cents back in return from the dividend. This would give you a 100% return on your money from buying CMKX at .10 cents.

Now consider that if you bought CMKX at .20 cents, you would now get 50% return on your money by getting the dividend of .10 cents.

Now consider that if you bought CMKX at .50 cents, you would now get 20% return on your money by getting the dividend of .10 cents.

Now consider that if you bought CMKX at $1.00 per share, you would now get 10% return on your money by getting the dividend of .10 cents.

Now consider that if you bought CMKX at $2.00 per share, you would now get 05% return on your money by getting the dividend of .10 cents.

So, buying CMKX at $2.00 per share would still give you a better return than what you would get by placing your money in a regular savings account.

The rate of inflation is 3% per year. Buying at $2.00 would also give you a rate higher than the rate of inflation.


19 يونيو 2004
سعد وانا اخوك

اذا كتبت بالانجليزى وهذى عادتك يااما تعطينا ملخصها بالعربى يوم ام ثقافتك انجليزيه عشان نعرف شالسالفه ترى هذا يخوك منتدى عربى وانا اذا تبى اعطيك عشرين منتدى انجليزى تكتبلهم بلغتهم

الله يسلمك بالعربى ولا ريحنا وارتاح لاتكتب كافى اسهمك اللى موديتنا بداهيه السوق بروحه مايترقع وانت زايدها


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
تعليق على رد الاخ msn

اخوي msn

لي مداخله اتمنى ان تقبلها بصدر رحب

انا ملاحظ انك تنتظر من الناس انها تاتيك بالرزق وتلومها في حالة العكس

كونك طلبت من الاخ سعد انه يترجم ما عليش طلب ويعتبر طلب من اخ عزيز واجب عمله ولو ما قدمه سعد يقدمه اي عضو اخر اما انك تلومه على اجتهاداته فهذا اللي انا ما اقبله

حسبنا ان الرجل اجتهد وراى ان السهم هذا مغنم ولم يبخل على اخوانه وهذا انا تكفيني حقيقة منه وادين له بالشكر

وبعدين يقولون من ساواك بنفسه ما ظلمك يعني لما شخص يساويك بنفسة يعتبر ما ظلمك لانه بديهي ليس هناك شخص يقبل ان يظلم نفسة

والشي الثاني انت كذا ما تعطي فرصة بكلامك ان احد يوصي اطلاقا خوفا من اللوم

انا اعرف انك راح تقول ياخي اللي مو متاكد ولا عنده خبرة لا يوصي بينما اللي مفروض يصير مو كذا
المفروض ان اي توصية يتم دراستها من الشخص اللي يبغا يشتري فان وافقت رغباته هو يتحمل عواقبها

لان الشراء قرار شخصي والموصي بدون ادنى مسئولية

بعدين ياخي لا تستعجل الرزق لانه استعجاله ينزع البركة وخل في بطنك بطيخ صيفى لانه والله ما راح تاخذ الا اللي الله كاتبه لك
فا خليك ريلاكس جدا واهم شي الصحة لان الصحة غناه

اما فيما يخص الشركة تاكد ان الشركة جدا ممتازة جدا جدا جدا يعني اطمن ولا تخاف على فلوسك ولا تتهور وتبيع بخسارة او لا تفرط في اسهمك الان

وانا راح اترجم لك الكلام بشكل تفهمه
انشاء الله

كم عندنا msn

طبعا واحد


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
طريقة التقسيم بين الشركات

طبعا المتابعين لشركة cmkx اعتقد انهم يعرفون انه قبل مدة الشركة اشترت ما مقدارة 7500000سهم من شركة ucad
وان التوزيع راح يتم في شهر 9 ميلادي

الان ناتي للحسبة حسب ما ورد في الخبر

الخبر يقول

ان عدد الاسهم التي اشترتها شركة cmkx من شركة ucad واللي هي 7.500.000 راح يتوزع على جميع اسهم شركة cmkx والبالغ عددها 40 بليون سهم فتكون حسبتها كالتالي

7.500.000 / = الناتج يكون عدد رقمه 0.0001875

رقم الناتج هو عبارة عن مقدار نصيب واحد سهم من اسهم شركة cmkx
من اسهم شركة ucad

يعني لو افترضنا انك تملك مليون سهم من شركة cmkx

راح يكون لك نصيب مقدارة من شركة ucad
1.000.000*0.0001875 = 187.5
الرقم الناتج اللي هو 187.5 راح تكون من نصيبك وهو يعني عدد الاسهم التي تستحقها من شركة ucad
يعني انت الان تملك 187.5 سهم من شركة ucad
فلو افترضنا انه شركة ucad يتم تداول اسهمها اثناء التقسيم ب 15 دولار انت راح تحصل على مبلغ
187.5 *15 =2812.5 دولار

وهلما جرا

اتمنى ان يكون الشرح واضح

وهذا اللي انا فهمته واذا كان خطا اتمنى التصحيح


تركي 2000


19 يونيو 2004

قواك الله وعساك على القوه

كلامك عقلانى واشكرك اخى العزيز على تنبيهى للخطا اللى وقعت فيه


اسف على هالمداخله اللى مو فى محلها

وبكل صراحه انت والاخ تركى تشكرون على هالجهود وانا اعترف بالخطا ولكم الاعتذار


عضو نشط
22 يونيو 2004
اخونا الغالى msn تكلمت من فتره عنى وعن السهم نأننا نصابين والخ

مارديت عليك لأننا ضيوف فى هذه المنتدى الطيب ويجب علينا التحلى بالأخلق الطيبه وألاحظك تتهجم على الاخوان اذا كان الشى موعاجبك وأنا اترجاك ان يكون لديك صبر وان اللة معا الصابرين ويا أخى الكلام عن سهم يجب ان يكون بوجهة نظر المتكلم وعليك ان اولا ان تتأكت من المعلوم (المتلقى) وتعمل دراسة وبعدها تقرر نحنوى نريد الخير للجميع وألى ما اعلانى بأن نتابع ويبغى القرار لك



عضو نشط
9 مارس 2003

نعم كل الشكر للأخ تركي على طرحه الراقي ( ولو ما أعجبني هذا الرد لما

عللقت أصلا على الموضوع ) وكذلك لنصحه الأخ msn بحسن الظن بزملاءه

رواد المنتدى وعدم تحميلهم وزر أخفاق ما يرشحونه من اسهم حسب اجتهادهم

كما سرني جدا رجوع الأخ الكريم msn للحق واعتذاره عن قسوة رده على

الأخ سعد . استجابه وتأثر بموضوعية رد الأخ تركي. كما اثني على تحليل

الأخ تركي لمستقبل الشركه وكما تعلمون بأن الشركه في مجال التنقيب

والأستكشاف عن الألماس وهذا بالطبع يأخذ كثير من الوقت حاله حال

الشركات الطبيه والصيدليه بإختراعاتها لعلاجات لأمراض مزمنه .

فإن حصل النصيب ونجحت في الحصول على ما تبحث عنه فإن سهمها

حينذاك سيكون ثروه كبيره جدا .لذلك الأنتظار على الأحتفاظ بالسهم أفضل

من البيع بخساره بل بالعكس انا أرى من يحصل عليه بسعر 0.0002 فلا

يتأخر عن شراءه وكذلك إن احصل عليه بسعر 0.0003 أيضا سعر جيد.

ملاحظه سعر سهم الشركه UCAD يتداول حاليا فوق 6 $ ووصل 7 $ من اسبوعين

ومحافظ على مركزه بالرغم من انهيار السوق مما يدل على قوة الشركه.

فلو كنت تملك مليون سهم في CMKX بعد 20/8/2004 ستحصل على

187.5 سهم في UCAD تضربه في اقل سعر له هالأيام سيكون

قيمتها 187*6$= 1122 $

وبالتوفيق للجميع


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
The Green Baron Report is upgrading the status of CMKX
August 2004 Focus Stock
CMKM Diamonds, Inc. (Pink Sheets: CMKX)
Closing Price August 9, 2004 - .0004
Website address: www.casavantmining.com

"The Stock Play of a Lifetime"

Tonight of our recent Stock to Watch CMKM Diamonds, Inc. (CMKX) to a
fully profiled pick for our members. The stock will now be added to
the storied list of previously profiled stocks on our homepage at
www.thegreenbaron.com, and percentage returns will be based on
today's closing price of .0004 per share. Please note that although
our parent company has not been compensated in any way for the
release of this information and does not expect to be compensated by
CMKX in the future, our parent company Evergreen Marketing, Inc. and
its employees currently own a substantial long position in shares of
CMKM Diamonds, Inc. (CMKX).

CMKM Diamonds is involved in the exploration for diamonds in the
Canadian province of Saskatchewan . Exploration is being
aggressively pursued in the Forte a la Corne area in central
Saskatchewan , where the company holds mineral claims to more than
1.4 million acres. Geologists believe the diamond-bearing kimberlite
pipes in Saskatchewan were formed some 100 million years ago.
Compared to the diamond-bearing pipes in South Africa or the
Northwest Territories , Forte a la Corne pipes are huge. This
information is located at the CMKX website at
www.casavantmining.com, which is currently being updated partly
because of the tremendous number of recent press releases and
corporate developments that have occurred over the past 60 days.

About one month ago on July 13, 2004 , The Green Baron Report
alerted our members that we would begin following CMKX as a Stock to
Watch. In that report, we stated that further due diligence would be
required for us to feel comfortable enough to urge our members to
own this highly speculative pink sheet listed stock. The Green Baron
Report has grown extremely skeptical of Pink Sheet listed companies
in general since these companies are not required to be fully
reporting. We had shown reservations about CMKX because the only
information we had concerning share structure was that the company
had set the total authorized number of shares the company could
potentially issue at 500 billion.

In subsequent updates, The Green Baron Report alerted our members of
additional press releases that reported CMKX shareholders would be
rewarded with stock dividends of three different companies; a
bulletin board stock called US Canadian Minerals (UCAD), a pink
sheet listed stock named Juina Mining (GEMM), and shares of a
company not yet listed called Casavant International Mining. The
share dividends will begin to be awarded to shareholders of record
August 20, 2004 . Although we were excited by each new dividend
announcement, The Green Baron Report was still apprehensive since it
was not clear how many shares would be rewarded per share owned in

Our upgrade of CMKX, is based among other reasons, on the fact that
the respected and renowned legal council for CMKX, Mr. D. Roger
Glenn at Edward & Angell, LLP, is still actively working with CMKM
Diamonds. In a recent press release, it was noted that Mr. Glenn was
planning on traveling with the company's management to Saskatchewan …
to facilitate the company's becoming fully reporting. Our sources
indicate that this meeting will take place this week. Please
understand that in all our experience, we have never seen an
attorney of Mr. Glenn's reputation associate himself in the public
eye with a pink sheet listed company. We have concluded that his
ongoing relationship to CMKM Diamonds indicates that there may be
much more positive developments yet to be announced.

The Green Baron Report has calculated the potential returns from
previously announced stock dividends, and views the strong
possibility of additional stock or cash dividends. Our calculations
indicate that at the current price of .0004 per share, even if the
company has reached its total authorized stock issuance that an
owner of CMKX stock at these levels could still stand to see a very
nice return of its investment over time. The recent press release
stating the receipt of $3,000,000 cash, and the inclusion of
multiple partners in its mining projects lends further credibility
to the company.

In conclusion, The Green Baron Report now suggests our members with
speculative investment accounts to consider our new position on this
potentially explosive stock opportunity. Although past performance
is no guarantee of future results, prior Green Baron Focus Stock
picks profiled on our home page tend to rise dramatically in the
days, weeks, and months following our initial profile. Please
consider yourself alerted as we strongly believe we will able to say
we gave our members The Stock Play of a Lifetime!

Please visit www.pinksheets.com and enter CMKX to see all the latest
stock prices and investor news.


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
Emerging Stock Report: ESR Reports on CMKX 8/9/2004 10:53:41 AM

Aug 09, 2004 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- The Emerging Stock Report
scans the markets for true growth opportunities in sectors that we deem
undervalued. ESR believes that domestic "Oil and Gas" has produced a
very viable opportunity for investors who position themselves at the
earliest possible stages to see the most success.

ESR will also be keeping their eyes on CMKM Diamonds, Inc ( CMKX
the company has received all it`s permits to mobilize its drilling
equipment to a new site located approximately 5 miles northwest of
Kensington-DeBeers Kimberlite 122 and 6 1/2 miles northwest of Shore
Gold Inc.'s Star Diamond Project in the Forte a La Corne, Saskatchewan.
ESR will be tracking this company over the next month to see how this

بن سويلم

عضو نشط
11 أكتوبر 2003
السلام عليكم جميعا

بديت بالسلام والصلاه علي رسول الله

اخوان الاعزاء انا حبيت اتكلم من منطلق حب لاخيك ما تحب لنفسك لله الحمد كل الشباب بالمنتدي متعلم ومثقف ولذلك حبيت ان اكون من الناس الذين يبدوون النصيحه للعلم يا شباب و بالمقياس بخصووص شراء الشركه لاسهم شركه اخري وتوزيعها انشالله بالمستقبل القريب (عند هذه النقطه اتحدث وعنها بالذات)

اخي العزيز لا يعقل بان اشتري شي و يعطيني التاجر بالمقابل شي اخر ضعف الشي الذي انا اشتريته بمعني انني اشتري ب 300 دولار و احصل اقل شي علي 800 دوولار يعني الاخوان بتحليلهم و مجهووداتهم الجباره في حبهم للخير لبعضهم البعض مشكوورين عليه لكن بالمقووله هذي الكل راح يشتري ويدفع جميع امواله او اغلب محفظته لمحاوله الكسب السريع خصووصا ان الوقت قريب جده لتحصيل الربح وهو تاريخ التوزيح حسب ما ذكر 20-8 انا اريد من الاخوان ان لا يغفلو شغله واحده وهي التجزئه للاسهم الذي يعرف بالسبلت السبلت

السبلت السبلت السبلت السبلت ؟ ؟ ؟ ؟

يعني انني اعتقد بما قرات بان الميلوون الذي يمللكه بعد السبلت يحصل علي هذه القيمه والله اعلم يعني انا قلت هذا من باب الاجنهاد

لان المقوله والمثل (حدث العاقل بما لا يليق فان صدق فلا عقل له) خلاصه الكلام الرجاء للللاخوان عدم التهوور والاندفاع خوفا من حدوث مالا يحمد عقباه

واخيرا تقبلو ا كلامي كاخ مسلم يخاف علي اخوانه المسلمين ودمتم بحفظ الله سالمين

لا اراكم الله خساره امين يارب العالمين

والسلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته


day trading
2 أكتوبر 2003
Let's calculate the O/S shares of CMKM.

(Amount of UCAD dividends) / (Dividend Ratio) = O/S shares of CMKM
(7,500,000) / (0.0000155) = 483,870,967,742

Let's calculate the amount of CMKM shares that are necessary to
receive one (1) share of UCAD.

(O/S of CMKM) / (7,500,000) = Number of CMKM shares for one share of
(483,870,967,742) / (7,500,000) = 65,516 shares of CMKM

Therefore, the dividend structure is:

1 (one) share of UCAD for every 64,516 shares of CMKM.

What would it cost to buy 64,516 share of CMKM?

(Shares required for 1 share of UCAD) x (current CMKM PPS) = Total
(64,516) x (0.0004) = $25.81

So it would cost $25.81 of CMKM in order to receive one (1) stock
dividend of UCAD.

What is the rate of return on your investment?

(Current PPS of UCAD) / (Cost of 64,516 shares of CMKM) = Rate of
($5.75) / ($25.81) = 0.22%

Therefore we have a 22% rate of return on your investment.

For every $100.00 you invest in CMKM, you will receive $22.00 return
on your investment.

Here is something to keep in mind.

Many investors would look at a 22% rate of return as a terrific
Such a high rate of return should attract the attention of the "Big"

As you may have seen the past couple of days, there have been some
major buys on the L2. These are new investors that have noticed the
22% rate of return.

Let's look at what the MM's are doing.

For the basher sake, let's ASSUME the shares being sold are NSS
(Basher, I have something for you at the end.)

Let's say the MM's sell 1 billion NSS shares on CMKM every day.
What would be the cost?

(1,000,000,000) x (0.0004) = $400,000 dollars.

Using our rate of return percentage, what would the MM's loose on
shorting 1 billion NSS shares.
($400,000) x (22%) = $88,000

Every time the MM's NSS 1 billion shares of CMKM, the MM's will
loose $88,000 when the UCAD dividend is issued.

Estimate that there are 250 billion NSS on the market, the number
(250) x ($88,000) = $22,000,000 loss.

-What should the current PPS of CMKM be trading at with the UCAD
dividend forthcoming?

Let's say the investors want a 5.0% rate of return on there
Five Percent (5%) is high, but let's use that number.

What would be the maximum monetary amount (total cost) that an
Investor would be willing to buy 64,516 shares of CMKM in order to
receive the UCAD dividend?

UCAD is currently trading at $5.75

(Current PPS of UCAD) / (% rate of return) = Total Cost
($5.75) / (0.05) = $115.00

Therefore, investor would be willing to spend $115.00 to buy 64,516
shares of CMKM to receive a 5% rate of return on their investment.


What would be the maximum PPS that an Investor would be willing to
buy 64,516 shares of CMKM in order to receive the UCAD dividend?

(Total amount willing to pay) / (number of CMKM shares required) =
maximum PPS
($115.00) / (64,614) = 0.0018

Therefore, investors would be willing to spend $115.00
At a maximum CMKM PPS of 0.0018
In order to buy 64,516 shares of CMKM
To receive a dividend of one (1) share of UCAD
Whereas the investors rate of return would be 5% on their

Same scenario as above but with a more realistic percentage an
investor wants as a rate of return.

Two percent (2%) is justifiable.

What would be the maximum monetary amount (total cost) that an
Investor would be willing to buy 64,516 shares of CMKM in order to
receive the UCAD dividend?

UCAD is currently trading at $5.75

(Current PPS of UCAD) / (% rate of return) = Total Cost
($5.75) / (0.02) = $287.50

Therefore, investor would be willing to spend $287.50 to buy 64,516
shares of CMKM to receive a 2% rate of return on their investment.


What would be the maximum PPS that an Investor would be willing to
buy 64,516 shares of CMKM in order to receive the UCAD dividend?

(Total amount willing to pay) / (number of CMKM shares required) =
maximum PPS
($287.50) / (64,614) = 0.0044

Therefore, investors would be willing to spend $287.50
At a maximum CMKM PPS of 0.0044
In order to buy 64,516 shares of CMKM
To receive a dividend of one (1) share of UCAD
Whereas the investors rate of return would be 2% on their

As you can see, with the current MM trend, selling at 0.0004 is
nothing but pure manipulation.

The MM's are digging their own grave selling CMKM shares at 0.0004

I promised above that I had something for you!

You bashers keep saying that there are no NSS shares, and that the
current selling at 0.0004 is dilution.

Here is the question you need to ask yourself before you continue
bashing in your direction.

Why would someone be selling these shares and give up a 22% rate of
return on their investment?

Don't you think this person selling these shares would rather sell
at a PPS increase of 0.0018 or 0.0044?

Why would someone sell their shares at 0.0004 when all they have to
do is hang on until August 20th and their investment would increase

Remember: 0.0004 = 22% rate of return.


day trading
2 أكتوبر 2003
Star Diamond Project 8.1 Carat Diamond Recovered In 226 Carat Parcel
Thursday August 12, 1:40 pm ET

Stock Symbol: SGF: TSX-VEN Shore Gold Inc.
SASKATOON, SK, Aug. 12 /CNW/ - George H. Read, P. Geo., Senior Vice
President Exploration, is pleased to announce the fourth set of
diamond recoveries from the Star Kimberlite. These results are for
six kimberlite batches of a total of some 80 to 100 kimberlite
batches that will be processed as part of the bulk sampling program
on the Star Diamond Project, the aim of which is to recover a parcel
of some 3,000 carats for valuation purposes. A total of 1,463
commercial sized diamonds (greater than 1.18 millimetre square mesh
screen), collectively weighing 223.6 carats, has been recovered from
the treatment of 1,256 dry tonnes of kimberlite. Thirty-two diamonds
greater than one carat have been recovered and the four largest
stones are: 8.12, 7.85, 6.54 and 5.53 carats, respectively. In
addition, 163 diamonds (2.6 carats) were recovered down to 0.85
millimetre square mesh. The colour of over 81 percent of these
diamonds has been classified as white, with a further 12 percent
classified as off-white.
These kimberlite batches have been mined from the Southeast drive
(Batches 15B, 16A, 16B, 17 and 19) and the North drive (Batch 18)
developed from the 235 metre shaft station, which is within the
Early Joli Fou equivalent kimberlite. Results to date have shown
that higher diamond grades are associated with the Early Joli Fou
equivalent kimberlite than with the Late Joli Fou equivalent
kimberlite. The relationships between these two kimberlites types
are illustrated in cross sections available on the Shore Gold
website: www.shoregold.com. To date, some 16,500 tonnes of
kimberlite have been extracted from Star as part of the bulk
sampling program.

Batches 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D and 8E (Shaft) and Batch 20 (from 235 metre
level) have all been processed on-site and the concentrates
dispatched to the sorting laboratory for final diamond recovery.
Results from these batches are pending. All batches processed to
date are classified as crater facies volcaniclastic kimberlites.

Kimberlite processed and diamond results for six sample batches are
listed in the table below. Grades are expressed in carats per
hundred tonnes (cpht).

Batch Location Dry Diamonds Total Grade Largest
No. (metres below surface) Tonnes Number (carats) (cpht) Stone
of Stones (carats)
15B 235 m Level: SE drive 255.07 293 68.09 26.70 7.85
16A 235 m Level: SE drive 133.72 167 33.63 25.15 8.12
16B 235 m Level: SE drive 158.51 252 25.07 15.82 2.29
17 235 m Level: SE drive 248.46 383 46.00 18.51 4.33
18 235 m Level: N drive 254.96 264 23.42 9.19 1.49
19 235 m Level: SE drive 205.56 267 30.00 14.60 2.06
Total 1,256.28 1,626 226.21 18.01

The four largest stones are: 8.12 (Batch 16A, White), 7.85 (Batch
15B, Off White), 6.54 (Batch 15B, White) and 5.53 (Batch 15B,
Yellow) carats, respectively. Fifteen diamonds exceed two carats and
32 diamonds exceed one carat, of which 21 are white, 4 are off-
white, 4 are brown, 2 are yellow and 1 is grey. A total of 73
diamonds exceed 0.5 carat. Over 81 percent of the total diamond
parcel is classified white in colour, with a further 12 percent
classified as off-white. The diamond parcel includes 11 yellow, 2
pink and 8 amber stones. Over 98 percent of the carat weight of this
parcel occurs in diamonds greater than 1.18 millimetre square mesh.

Senior Vice President Exploration, George Read, states: "The samples
processed to date have produced a significant number of large
diamonds. The abundance of large, quality stones in the Star diamond
population will have a highly positive affect on the economics of
the Star Kimberlite".

The diamond recovery procedure includes on site processing of
kimberlite through the modular dense media separator (DMS), after
which DMS concentrates are batch fed through an X-ray Flow-sort. In
order to ensure the recovery of low luminosity diamonds, the Flow-
sort tailings are processed over a grease table. Flow-sort and
grease table concentrates are transported by a secure carrier to SGS
Lakefield Research for final diamond recovery. The SGS Lakefield
Research process includes drying, screening, magnetic separation,
manual sorting and diamond weighing and description. SGS Lakefield
Research is accredited to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard by the
Standards Council of Canada as a testing laboratory for specific
Senior Vice President Exploration, George Read, Professional
Geoscientist in the Provinces of Saskatchewan and British Columbia,
is the Qualified Person responsible for the verification and quality
assurance of analytical results. The Star Diamond Project is
designed to recover a parcel of at least 3,000 carats of diamonds to
enable an accurate valuation of the stones. Up to 25,000 tonnes of
kimberlite will be recovered from the shaft and drifts and processed
on site to produce this diamond parcel. Shore is a Canadian based
corporation engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development
of mineral properties. Shares of the Company trade on the TSX
Venture Exchange under the trading symbol "SGF".

"The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept
responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release"


For further information

Please contact: Kenneth E. MacNeill, President & C.E.O.
George Sanders, Vice President Corporate Development
or George H. Read, P. Geo., Vice President Exploration at (306) 664-

Source: Shore Gold Inc.


CMKX NEW DRILL AREA Located on Updated Claim Map


{"new site located approximately 5 miles northwest of Kensington-
DeBeers Kimberlite 122 and 6 1/2 miles northwest of Shore Gold
Inc.'s Star Diamond Project in the Forte a La Corne, Saskatchewan"}



NEW$ Proof: Diamonds in Fort a La Corne, Saskatchewan
Friday May 21, 5:34 pm ET - Kensington Resources Ltd.: Favourable
Microdiamond Results for Kimberlite 122


"Shore Gold Inc. - Star Diamond Project - 19.7 carat diamond
recovered in 230 carat parcel"



عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
يا شباب استبشروا خير انشاء الله

تشكر يا سعد على تقصيك عن الشركة وتزويدنا بالاخبار

طبعا والله ما في حيل اترجم الخبر لكن مفادة يا اخوان طبعا الخبر جدا ممتاز

مفادة انها التقسيم اللي راح يحصل في فائدة لحملة اسهم Cmkx بما يوازي 22%

وايضا انهم عثروا على كميات قد تكون كميات تجارية من الالماس وانها اكثر من الكميات الاخرى التي عثروا عليها في المرة الاولى

طبعا بلاش احلام زايدة ههههههههههههه

بس قولوا عل وعسى انها تكون واقعية وسليمة وانها يكون لها اثر قوي

والله هذا اللي ان فهمته وقد اكون مخطي ونرجو التصحيح

ارجوا الاحتفاظ بالاسهم وفي حالة الارتفاع عدم البيع لانه راح يكون بداية الترند

انشاء الله

وايضا عدم زيادة الكمية

محدثكم من جده

تركي 2000


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
تساءل بسيط

يا شباب وش السالفة

الشركة صار تدولها ضعيف جدا

احد عنده خبر والا ايش العبارة

والا هدوء ما يسبق العاصفة

نبغى توقعاتكم يا شباب في الموضوع هذا

وانا حاس والله اعلم انها عملية ارتقاب وان الفجوة بين البائعين والشاريين كبيرة جدا

وهذا يقتضي امرين

اما ارتفاع السعر
او ا نزوله

بعد ما تخلص عملية التقسيم


عضو مميز
30 مايو 2003
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

نشكر جميع الاخوه المشاركين

من ناحيتي شخصيا فأعتقد ان الشركه لن تستمر طويلا بهذا السعر المتدني وأرى والله أعلم ان الانطلاقه قد تكون قريبه وهذا بسبب الاخبار المتتاله للشركه وبوجه عام يتضح ان اغلب الاخبار ايجابيه هذا من ناحيه

ومن ناحيه اخرى ارجو منكم عدم التسرع بمجرد التفكير بأن السهم سينطلق أي انه سيرتفع بشكل كبير

الذي اقصده والله اعلم ان ارتفاعه بالمرحله الاولى لن يتعدى سعره 0.0009 وسيستقر قليلا ثم يكمل المشوار بعد وقت من الزمن واعتقد ان المساله بأكملها لن تستغرق اكثر من 6 اسابيع من بدايه الانطلاق

بشكل عام هذا السهم لن يتعدا هذا السعر 0.0050 إلا بقدرة قادر وهذا امر مستبعد من الناحيه الفنيه وأيضا مستبعد ان يأتي خبر ما ويصل الى هذا السعر ايضا

قد يرد اخبار عن التقسيم العكسي وهذا وارد بسبب سعر السهم ولكن لن يطبق هذا التقسيم ونحن نرى ونقرأ هذه الاخبار الخاصه بالشركه وهي توحي بمستقبل لن اقول ممتاز ولكن استطيع ان اقول انه افضل بكثير مما هي به الان

الزبده :p :p

من كان يملك السهم الان فلا انصحه بالبيع حاليا وبنفس الوقت من كان يملك السهم الان فلا انصحه ان يفكر ان يبع بسعر اكثر من 0.0010

هذا والحمدلله رب العالمين


day trading
2 أكتوبر 2003
Pick # 3316
Strong Buy
Target Price: $5.21
Date Added: 8/15/2004
Target Date: 12/31/2004
Username: FUPAYME
Liklihood: VERY LIKELY
Reason: CMKX Diamonds holds 1.9 million acres of potentially diamondiferous kimberlite land that surrounds current DeBeers holdings. CMKX, in partnership with several other mineral companies with interests in the area, conducted an aerial magnetic survey of the land and reported major magnetic anomolies consistent with diamond-bearing kimberlite pipe formations.

Pick # 3312
Strong Buy
Target Price: 8.50
Date Added: 8/12/2004
Target Date: 9/10/04
Username: NOVALEO
Liklihood: Very High
Reason: UCAD is owned by the same man that owns CMKX. Once that stock distributes its dividend, the UCAD stock, which owns much drilling equipment and exploration gear, will benefit from the preliminary surveys and partial ownership into CMKX

Pick # 3311
Strong Buy
Target Price: 1.57
Date Added: 8/12/2004
Target Date: 9/1/04
Username: NOVALEO
Liklihood: Very High
Reason: This is a mining company that holds 1.9 million acres in Saskatchewan. They have done initial surveys that lead them to believe they are sitting on the largest diamond kimberlites left in the world. This has been the subject of major league naked short sellers and once the dividend date of 8/20/04 hits, this will skyrocket!!!


17 يوليو 2004
صراحة الشارت مغري جدا جدا جدا يا اخوان لو انتو مو خايفين على فلوسكم والا ماتبونها ابنو فيها مسجد سوولكم بئر ماء بذمتكم هذا شارت شركة تستحق المتابعه

الملفات المرفقه:

  • untitled.JPG
    الحجم: 59.7 KB   المشاهدات: 341


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
اختي عائشة

الخبر يصنع مو شارت واحد الا مليون شارت


التحليل الفني يا اخت عائشة لا يصلح لكل الاسهم وبتوضيح اكثر انا اقولك اتحداك تقدري تراهنين على سهم انه راح يرتفع بس باستخدام التحليل الفني

وعموما التحليل الفني مهم ولا ننكر ذلك لكن في اي نوعية من الاسهم

انا اقولك في الاسهم فقط اللي معروفه تماما بعدم سقوطها فجاءة على اثر خبر او ماشابه ذلك يعني مثل ما يكروسوفت وغيرها اللي في اليوم تزيد 2% او 5% وتنقص بنفس المقدار بخبر او بغيره فقط مضاربة

وبعدين التحليل الفني هى محصلة ردود افعال المستثمرين يعني الشارت فقط يوضح مدى رغبة الناس في الدخول والخروج يعني هو يوضح يعني بتوضيح اكثر
هو تفسير ردود افعال المستثمرين من دخول وخروج يعني ياتي لاحقا ولكن ماهو المحرك او الصانع لتلك الافعال هو الخبر

انا راح اوضح لك بمعادلة

خبر----> دخول او خروج المستثمرين -----> رسومات بيانية للعمليات على السهم( تحليل فني)

فلا تقيسي من الشارت لمثل هذه الشركة وتحكمين

الشركة في مجال تنقيب عن الالماس

لنفترض انها وجدت كمية مكن الالماس بشكل تجاري تتوقعين اش ممكن يابة المستثمرين لهذه الشارت او ما مدى تغير الشارت

انا راح اجاوبك راح ياخذون الشارت هذه ويحرقونه ليبدا شارت اكثر بهاءا وجمالا

عموما الله يوفقك الجميع ويزقهم

وربك كريم
موضوع مغلق