*cmkx news*

موضوع مغلق


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
ويسعدلي اماسيك الساحق الماحق

الا انت وين الغيبات

افتقدناك كما يفتقد البدر في الليلة الظلماء

وحشتني ياهوه


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
Day_trading قال:
السبيعي شلونك ماشالله باقى 54 وتصير 999
والله انا متعقد منكم 9000 خبر نزل على الشركة وانتو للحين عندكم امل حرام والله تحطونها بالاستريمر هذى الشركة المعفنه اللى خسرتكم كلكم اللى شارين فيها
كل واحد على الاقل خسران لايقل عن 40% من راس المال الللى حاطة بالشركة والمدير طايح فيكم كل يوم يصدر اسهم وانتو حيل شراء
وماشالله السبيعي ياريت كل ماتحط خبر طولة 30 متر بالانجليزي ياريت لو تكتب بالعربي معنى الخبر عشان الشباب اللى خسرانين وياك يعرفون راسهم من كرياسهم :D
بما أنك مستثمر محترف ويهمك أمرنا كما يبدو لي راح أشرح لك وأ قولك إن هذه الشركة للإستثمار الطويل ورأس المال المستثمر هو 500$ بسعر 0.0001 و 500 $ أخرى ب 0.0002 وهو سعرها الحالي وبحسبة بسيطة راح تشوف أني ربحان فيها من غير توزيعات أسهم 3 شركات طلعت علي بلوشي
وأقولك إن الهدف المتوقع على أقل تقدير هو 0.10 $ سواء أعجبك الأمر أو لم يعجبك.

وأحب أطمنك أن في المحفظة أكثر من سهم وآخرهم سهم الرائع أخونا m&m وهو vtlv وبما أنك ما تنام الليل تحاتي وضعي المالي ونسبة أرباحي في سوق الأسهم فأبشرك أن وضعي ممتاز وعال جدا وآن الآوان ياصديقي الآن لتنام قرير العينين وكما قلت سابقا ولله في خلقه شئون .
واللي أعرفه أن الشخص ما يشارك في أي موضوع الأ إذا كان مهتم وسواء كانت المشاركة مع أو ضد يكون الطرح عملي مبني على أرقام وحقائق وأخبار صحفية وإن كنت لا أعتقد أنك تجيد هذا الشيء فأنت للأسف تكتب لمجرد الكتابه وبالتالي أنصحك بالتوجه الى الركن التعليمي أو منتديات الشعر والأدب

بعطيك خدمة شوف هالسهمين وراح تدعي لي
teloz الهدف 44$
egy و الهدف 11$


28 أغسطس 2004
السبيعي2 قال:
بعطيك خدمة شوف هالسهمين وراح تدعي لي
teloz الهدف 44$
egy و الهدف 11$
هلا السبيعي مدرى شفيك تعصب مع انك تعرف ان السهم هذا مايسوي التالية من الغنم
اما سهمينك هذولا
الاول قطاعة مادرى عن الشبة الشرعية
Sector: Financial
Industry: Misc. Financial Services
اما الثاني قطاع الطاقة وبما انى ابي استثمر فيه فالصيف جاى ويخف الاقبال على هذا القطاع
ونصيحتك لى بالتوجة الى القسم التعليمي فانا لازلت طالب فى مدرستك :D
والنصيحة الثانية التوجة الى منتديات الشعر والادب كل يوم اشوفها واطلع على الشعر والادب
اما انى اجيد هذه المهنه او لا اجيدها شرايك
انا صارلى بالهشغله سنة ونصف تقريبا شرايك تحطلنا كشف حساب لعملياتك لمدة سنة ونص وانا احطها بالمنتدى ونشوف كم عملية انت خسرت فيها وانا كم عملية خسرت فيها وانا كم بديت وكم الحين صرت
ها شرايك يامدرسة التحليل الفنى والاساسي
شقلت ياخبرة شكلك ماعمرك ربحت والسبة اسهمك اللى مدوجة


13 يناير 2005
هانت ياشباب راحو ثلاث ايام
باقي 99 سنه و 362 يوم وربع وينفجر السهم هاهاهاهاهاهاو عدو معاي الايام الحنفيه هذي تعد الثواني



عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
يا اخ كوالتي وابو راشد

وراكم حرجتوا علينا

والله ان الجميع واولهم السبيعي وانا وباقي الاخوان

قد حسبناها بحسبة مختلفة عما تضنون

وانا واحد عرب
كلي يقين من هذه الشركة

يقولون خير الدلائل جرة الفرسان

المبلغ المستثمر 1000 دولار سابقيه على حظ بنتي فوز
خسارة في قوقل يوم الجمعة 1000 دولار :D

علما انه سهمي المفضل

ويارجال ابي اشتكي على الشركة هذي ما عمري توفقت فيها :eek:
ابي واحد يكويني عنها
ما اصبر عنها وكل شوي خسران
وكل يوم احرم اخش فيها وكل يوم اخش فيها واخسر

لا الحلوة اني اعشق سهم قوقل وسهم rimm
واحلل سهم rimm واقول انه طالع اول ما يوصل كذا
واذا وصل كذا طوالي اخش في قوقل فاحقق خسارة في قوقل في الوقت الذي يحقق السهم الاخر مرابح
فأقوم بتلقين نفسا دروسا قاسية
مما ادي الى اضطراب في محفظتي

لا والحلو لو تشوفون الهستري حق العمليات تلاقونه قوقل قوقل قوقل
وكله بالسالب

يابربع شوفوا لي حل
مع هذه الشركة والله ذبحتني

مره سويت نفسي ذكي والغيته من الاستريمر في احدى الواتش ليست
وعند انتقالي الى واتش لست اخرى فاذا بقوقل يبرق اخضر فاذي بي اثب عليها( من الوثب) ليطرحني ارضا

يلعن ام التصريف من ارخص شركة في العالم الى اغلى شركة في العالم :D

طبعا فضلا عن السوق السعودي :D

طبعا مافهمتوا شي عارف لان الحديث المفترض انه cmkx

لكن عذري في ذلك ( الحديث ذو شجون)


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
Day_trading قال:
هلا السبيعي مدرى شفيك تعصب مع انك تعرف ان السهم هذا مايسوي التالية من الغنم
اما سهمينك هذولا
الاول قطاعة مادرى عن الشبة الشرعية
Sector: Financial
Industry: Misc. Financial Services
اما الثاني قطاع الطاقة وبما انى ابي استثمر فيه فالصيف جاى ويخف الاقبال على هذا القطاع
ونصيحتك لى بالتوجة الى القسم التعليمي فانا لازلت طالب فى مدرستك :D
والنصيحة الثانية التوجة الى منتديات الشعر والادب كل يوم اشوفها واطلع على الشعر والادب
اما انى اجيد هذه المهنه او لا اجيدها شرايك
انا صارلى بالهشغله سنة ونصف تقريبا شرايك تحطلنا كشف حساب لعملياتك لمدة سنة ونص وانا احطها بالمنتدى ونشوف كم عملية انت خسرت فيها وانا كم عملية خسرت فيها وانا كم بديت وكم الحين صرت
ها شرايك يامدرسة التحليل الفنى والاساسي
شقلت ياخبرة شكلك ماعمرك ربحت والسبة اسهمك اللى مدوجة

ردي عليك سأوجزه بالتالي:
1- أنا لم أذكر أني خبرة ولا مدرسة
2- قضية أني أذكر كم المبلغ اللي عندي فهذا طلب لا يصدر إلا من سفيه
3- ربحت وخسرت من هذا السوق وأصبح لدي الخبرة الكافية لأختار الزين
4- شريت ريد هات 2000 سهم ب 6$ وبعتهم ب 23$ (هذا هدية لك)
5- قضية كم بديت وكم صرت ماتهمني بشيء ، شتفيدك الفلوس مادام عقلك ناقص
6- ومادامك خبرة وكله تربح ياخوي لا تخلينا عطنا توصياتك
7- يمكن تعرف الشعر بحكم التكرار :D بس الأدب أشك كثيرا في ذلك
8- وأرجو أن يكون هذا ردي هذا الأخير لأن تربيتي وأصلي لايسمح لي بالجدال مع السفهاء أمثالك والظاهر أنهم كثروا
9- لا تتجادل مع الحمقى لأنك إن فعلت نزلت لمستواهم وعندها سيفحمونك بحكم الخبرة. إهداء خاص لك :D
10-ناس على كسب المراجل مضراه* وناس على كسب الفشيلة يضرون


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
August Focus Stock Update

CMKM Diamonds, Inc (PK: CMKX)

News Alert: Friday, February 11 one minute after close: CMKM Diamonds Announces Updated Corporate Strategy

In our last update on CMKM Diamonds February 9, The Green Baron Report was hopeful that based on the addition of new board members that “other pertinent information will soon be announced.” It now appears that CMKM Diamonds is ready to move forward and take on the world. We are very interested in what new co-chairman Mr. Bob Maheu has to say, and what he plans to do.

The President of our parent company, Evergreen Marketing, has just returned from a two week trip out of the country and will begin working on securing a webcast with Mr. Maheu. Mr. Casavant had been limited to speak on a webcast again until a filing by CMKM Diamonds to become fully reporting was completed. Mr. Casavant has assured The Green Baron Report that he would conduct another webcast as soon as he is allowed to do so. For those who still wonder, we now more than ever believe CMKM Diamonds is The Stock Play of a Lifetime.


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
OK, here it goes. i have heard rumblings now from 3 different
sources, when i first heard it, i just shined it on as speculation,
rumor, nothing else.. I heard from another, same deal, speculation..
but, had me thinking..

today, there was a post, and its gone, but dustaine answered it,
same as me, and i forget who else, but there was about 7, and it was
from spunk jay, i believe, spunkster.. what he said made sense, and
that was the 3thd confirmation.

now i am not so sure, its all speculation.

here goes... cmkx comes out, and i am hoping tommorrow, during
market hours, we get our filing, and another thing urbie said in the
past, market hours, and the valuation is there, but some held back,
but enough, to blow wall street away. be some goodie pr's thrown in

now, i have no idea how, when or how they plan to drop the bomb...
i'll get to cash divvys later here.

somewhere, they will say, cmkx will be no longer, all will roll into
CIM.....all the jv's will be rolled into CIM.. mega merger.. what i
mentioned back in oct. 2003, all the minors, becomes a major. a
mining consortinum.

now shorty is in one hell of a bind.. what now? well, we know, any
shorts of cmkx must be covered, that stock must be accounted for.
sure, i see a super squeeze, but one thing i want for all of us, all
our cmkx, rolls into CIM.

even though, we all have our 2nd half of CIM coming, its nowhere
what we have with cmkx.. thats why i think its rolls over, and now
with a squeeze, sure take advantage of the squeeze, get their money.
and for all the others that bought in, after the record date, they
get a CIM divvy also, remember the A/S was raised to 500 billion?
and we get a 3thd CIM divvy.

over a year ago, i had heard, 3 cash divvys, totalling 1.00...
starting at .07, then a .54., leaves .39 cents left.. but 1.00 total.

I don't know if thats in the cards still, but that would be sweet,
wouldn't have to sell shares then. LOL shorty really squirms now,
price goes higher.

we do have the mineral superstore, we have the motherlode, we have a
world class zinc deposit, and god only knows what else.

If this plays out, what i heard 3x now.. look out, were past the
solar system, screw the moon.

where no man has gone before.. can u say the next galaxy>?

حسناً، هنا يَذْهبُ. i سَمعَ تذمّرَ الآن مِنْ 3 مختلفِ
المصادر، عندما i سَمعَه أولاً , i فقط لمّعتْها على كتخمين،
الإشاعة، لا شيء ما عدا ذلك. . سَمعتُ مِنْ الصفقةِ نفسهاِ الأخرى، تخمين. .
لكن، كَانَ عِنْدَهُ أَعتقدُ. .

اليوم، كان هناك a بريد، وذَاهِبه، لكن dustaine أجابَه،
نفسه كي، وi يَنْسي الذي ما عدا ذلك، لكن كان هناك حول 7، وهو كَانَ
مِنْ زاغِ الشجاعةِ , i يَعتقدُ , spunkster. . الذي قالَ جَعلَ إحساساً، و
ذلك كَانَ الـ3 تأكيدَ thd.

الآن لَستُ متأكّدَ جداً، له كُلّ التخمين.

يَذْهبُ هنا. . . cmkx يَخْرجُ، وأَتمنّى tommorrow، أثناء
ساعات سوقِ، نَحْصلُ على تسجيلنا، وشيء آخر urbie قالَ في
الماضي، ساعات سوقِ، والتثمين هناك، لكن البعضَ تَراجعوا،
لكن بما فيه الكفاية، لنَسْف وول ستريت نسفاً كاملاً. يَكُونُ بَعْض goodie pr المَرْمي في
أيضاً. .

الآن , i لَيْسَ لهُ فكرةُ هكذا، عندما أَو كَمْ يُخطّطونَ لإسْقاط القنبلةِ. . .
i سَيَصِلُ إلى نقدِ divvys تالي هنا.

في مكان ما، هم سَيَقُولونَ , cmkx سَيَطْوى لَمْ يَعُدْ، كُلّ سَإلى
سي آي إم. . . . . كُلّ jv سَيَكُونُ ملفوف إلى سي آي إم. . الإندماج الهائل. . الذي i
الظهر المَذْكُور في أكتوبر/تشرين الأولِ 2003، كُلّ القاصرون، يُصبحُ a رئيسيون. a
تعدين consortinum.

الآن shorty في يا له من يَرْبطُ. . أَيّ الآن؟ حَسناً، نَعْرفُ، أيّ
نقائص cmkx يجب أنْ تُغطّي، ذلك السهمِ يجب أنْ يُفسّرَ.
متأكّد , i يَرى a عصرة ممتازة، لكن شيءَ واحد i حاجة لكلّنا، كُلّ
cmkxنا، لفّات إلى سي آي إم.

بالرغم من أنَّ، كلنا عِنْدَنا نا النصف الثاني من مجيئ سي آي إم، له ليس في أي مكان
الذي عِنْدَنا مَع cmkx. . thats الذي i يُفكّرُ في لفّاته، والآن
مَع a عصرة، فائدة واردِ متأكّدةِ مِنْ العصرةِ، يَحْصلُ على مالِهم.
ولكُلّ الآخرون الذي إشتروا في، بعد التأريخِ القياسيِ، هم
أصبحْ a سي آي إم divvy أيضاً، يَتذكّرُ أي / إس هَلْ رَفعَ إلى 500 بليون؟
ونحن نُصبحُ a 3 thd سي آي إم divvy.

قبل أكثر من سَنَة , i سَمعَ، 3 نقدِ divvys، ما مجموعه 1.00. . .
بادِئ في. 07، ثمّ a. 54. ، أوراق. 39 سنت تَركتْ. . لكن 1.00 مجموعَ.

أنا لا أَعْرفُ إذا thats في البطاقاتِ ما زالَ، لكن تلك سَتَكُونُ حلوّةَ،
لا يَجِبُ أنْ يَبِيعَ الأسهمَ ثمّ. إضحك بأعلى صوتك shorty يَتلوّى حقاً الآن،
السعر يَذْهبُ أعلى.

نحن عِنْدَنا المخزن الكبيرُ المعدنيُ، عِنْدَنا motherlode، عِنْدَنا a
إيداع الخارصينِ العالميِ، ويَعْرفُ إلهَ فقط الذي ما عدا ذلك.

إذا هذا يُؤدّي، الذي i سَمعَ 3 x الآن. . حذّرْ، كَانتْ ماضية
النظام الشمسي، يَلْفُّ القمرَ.

حيث لا رجلَ ذَهبَ قبل ذلك. . هَلّ بالإمكان أَنْ u يَقُولُ المجرةَ القادمةَ>؟
5 أكتوبر 2004
طبعا الكويت

بـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــاقي 49 رد


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
بس لا تحسب ردك لأن أنت بنفسك لا تحسب

مثل ما قالوا لاهو من الضأن ولا هو من الماعز :p

مع الإعتذار لصاحب الصورة :D


28 أغسطس 2004
ربنا لاتآخذنا بما فعل السفهاء منا
الحمدالله اللذى عافاني ممن ابتلاة وفضلنى على كثير من خلقك
5 أكتوبر 2004
طبعا الكويت

شكور يا اخوي السبيعي الظاهر انك فاهمني غلط تراني معاك مو ضدك وبالعكس انا واحد من اللي شروا هالسهم عن طريق توصياتك المشجعه وبالعكس كللي قاعد اسويه مجرد تشجيع مو اكثر وطبعا التشجيع الرسمي والصحيح توصياتك والاخبار اللي تذكرها لنا ومره ثانية مشكور وتره اللي صاير سوء فهم منك لي مو اكثر


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
الله يجزاك خير يا أبو عائشة ويغفر لك

ياأخوي من الأول قل هالكلام الطيب

وشرايك تخلي السفهاء لحالهم وتروح تتفرغ لتجارتك ونصايحك وتحليلاتك

للشباب وبالمرة ماتعطل حال الوول سترييت

تراهم بيدجون إن خليتهم وتفرغت للسفهاء وبالمرة خذ خبولك معك :cool:

نصيحة مخلصة: مرة ثانية لا بغيت تشارك في موضوع خل يكون طرحك علمي وبشكل نصيحة بدلا من إسلوب الإستهزاء والتمسخر على عباد الله
فنحن نعلم إن مستواك لم ولن يصل إليه أنس ولاجان ولكن النصيحة لها وقع أفضل من التمسخر على الناس
ومن ناحيني ماراح أدخل في أي نقاش معاك فأنت خبير الخبراء والفطحل العظيم والجهبذ الذي تتهافت عليه البنوك وقطاع الإستثمار وأنا سفيه
ولكن أوعدك ما أذكر أي سهم أو أشتريه إلا بعد موافقتك وإستشارتك ;)

وكل داء له دواء يستطب به الا الحماقة أعيت من يداويها


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
ياشباب ياطيبين يا جماعه ترا السهم هذا فاشل بيعوه وبما أننيي سفيه أنا الوحيد اللي راح أحتفظ فيه سفيه ويحب يضيع فلوسه وهذا إخلاء طرف من قبلي إلا أن يوافق عليه صاحبنا

السهم الأمريكي أكرر أسفي الشديد وأمسحها بوجهي ترا الأممور أختلطت علي والله أني أحسبك من مهبل الخبل أياه :eek:

يا شباب ما لاحظتوا ان الباشرز كثروا هالايام

سهمنا عنده قاعده من 45000 مساهم من جميع أنحاء العالم ومن مختلف القارات من يمون على داي ترايدنغ يعطيهم كورس كامل

وكلموه يدش معي مناظرة على هالسهم


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
فيه إشاعه قوية إن الشركة دخلت شراكة مع أحد الشركات الإستثمارية الصغيرة وتخصصها شراء حقول النفط والغاز؟! وعموما التأكيد أو النفي سيصدر يوم 15 من هذا الشهر وراح أبلغكم بالخبر



عضو نشط
19 يونيو 2003
الأخوة الأفاضل ...

ياليت نترفع عن مثل هذه الأمور ... وهذا الكلام موجه إلى daytrading ومن هم على شاكلته ....

الأخوان أبو صالح وأبو فهد كيف حالكم ... عساكم بخير وعافية من زمان عنكم ....

على فكرة ترى أنا أسفه واحد بينكم لأني أكثر واحد مشتري في هذا السهم :D ... ولي 3 سنوات متابعه والسبب في عدم مشاركاتي الكثيرة هنا هو أن الأخوان مو مقصرين ... وأنا عضو في نفس الموقع اللي تتابع فيه يا أبا صالح The CMKX Community Board باسم trader وبصراحة موقع ممتاز جدا ....

هذا السهم عندي في الستريمر من 3 سنوات .... وأنا رابح فيه إلى الان ...

وكلمتي الأخيرة لأبو صالح وهذا موجه إلى المخذلين ...

يخاطبني السفيه بكل قبح ...... فأ كره أن أكون له مجيبا

يزيد سفاهة وأزيد حلما ...... كعود زاده الإحراق طيبا

الزبدة : اللي مو عاجبه الوضع لايدخل في هذا الموضوع ... خلونا في حالنا ... فلوسنا وحرين فيها ....

ودمتم .....


عضو مميز
20 مارس 2003
** بلاد الورد **

مناظرة حديثة على السهم ( ارقام و توقعـات )

at .0001 equals $77,900,000.00. we know that most often buys are not at .0001 but .00015. par value is .00001 thus the lowest a share can be sold is that number. mm's can sell to the 5th digit. one of my buys last yr was to the 5th digit. we also know that many shares were sold over .0002 last yr. it held the .0004 range for months. even today if you watch the trades on microcap you see large numbers go thru at .0002. not every trade can be buys large numbers have to be sells or the pps would not bounce back & forth as it does. remember 3 days before the first dividend own by date the a/s was increased 300 billion & 279 billion ended up in the split. i know ppl hate the thought but cmkx can not tell the SEC or the OTCBB that the split is divided to shares not in the o/s. those shares were not only authorized but issued into the o/s. the differance equals the amount a pr stated was bought back thus making that pr truthfull. in short cmkx has made at least $150 million in the last 2 yrs on selling shares. they probably do have some income from that new gold mine to add to that. that kind of money pays for a lot of things including lawyers. i'm guessing money started to get short & thus the new board. i will give UC credit. it would seem the new guy has put his foot down & fast. he has stated that truthfullness with investers is the only correct way to go. he has said there are problems with the powers that govern trading in both the US & canada. there are no diamonds coming in from canada. there are 4 or 5 companies involved there. 3 are reporting canadian companies. USCA reported in its last Q-10 that so far the new drilling has not found kimberlitte in enough commercial amount to warrent further testing. a reporting company can not hide income. you see no income from diamonds for any of the canadian companies where reporting is even strickter. one thing for sure is this company is a huge mess & needs a serious house cleaning. it is possible that since USCA reported they found something of interest. maybe that uranium mine cmkx has 50% of is now worth moving forward on. the canadian company controls that mine & maybe they are tired of waiting on cmkx. to fix everything cmkx will have to r/s & that will hurt a lot of ppl


That was a good one too Bill.You said in short cmkx has made at least $150 million in the last 2 yrs on selling shares

If they only used just 1/2 of that, and bought back some o/s with $75 million at opportune positions, maybe that could be a bypass around RS City

Sep. thru the beginning of Dec., shares were accumulated like wildfire.Slowed down awhile, and then alot of shares being bought up @ around .00015 ever since the 2nd week of Jan. up to right now.Alot of shares being bought up @ around .00015 average


sorry highway but a huge chunk of that cash is gone & whats left will be needed to do anything to bring some real value to cmkx. about the only way to make some of the r/s up to shareholders is freeze the a/s of CIM, transfer the uranium to CIM & take it public. the r/s needs to reduce the o/s to less then 500 million. a 2500 to 1 r/s is called for. taking 10 million shares to 4000. the a/s reduced to 500 million. the pps would be about .25 but of course that would drop drasticly without a real diamond find. no 2 grains of sand stuff, even then its a few yrs before anything found could be mined. bottom line, there is no good outlook for shareholders today. no matter what positive things you can find the o/s kills every one of them


Well there's one thing,A filing.
Why bother with it unless you want to be forthwright


Nobody could know how much money CMKX really has
or what the A/S really is untill they can get off the pinksheets


The money is gone... thats the problem... Stupid drag racing and unecessary high paid lawyers and useless promotion and another useless shareholders party. This stock is a pump and reverse split scam just like GAWD


Well they haven't done one yet,no matter how bad you've wanted one for some odd reason.
You can't compare CMKX to ABCD,EFGH, or whatever. CMKX hasn't done what those co. did.And I bet this next shareholder party could be a good one.Maybe Snoop Dog,and Wesley Snipes will be there


the only reverse i see in the NEAR future is reverse merger.

on the other hand if they do go through with a reverse split, i dont think it will happen until after .50 cents

there IS money to be made! cant argue that


I just wish that they would get on with the R/S or as the faithful say Reverse Merger. At least something would be happening with this stock. Split or Merger we still loose, so lets get the death over with


Cash what would make you say that there will be no reverse split until .50 cents? That would make no sense since they have so many shares out there
? ? ? ? ? ?


filing would be a start. personally i find it hard to believe that 779 billion shares are owned by someone. i'd guess its more like 200 billion maybe 300 billion. the rest are in the treasury waiting for a mm to run out. i know for a fact the a/s is 800 billion unless it has been raised. i called nevada last yr for that info along with a number of others in here. if my guess as to number of shares owned is correect or even close it means they can retire 500 billion without effecting shareholders but 300 billion is still way to many for the pps to ever move. it also means UC screwed every shareholder on the dividends. they were to go to every issued share or the o/s not to the company treasury. cmkx told the SEC that 779 billion shares were issued for the dividend splits. that number comes direct from cmkx, no place else. this alone puts cmkx is a bad situation legel wise. if they r/s the entire number it covers their butt in a way. it hides the fact they issued dividends to the company treasury not the shareholders. then again to move off the pinks this has to be reported. any way you look at it what has to happen will make MLON look like a straight up honest to a fault company


Sorry to take so long to get back to you. Nothing about CMKX makes any logical sense to me. I do not trust anything they do or say....and that is based upon their past lack of performance

I really don't want to discourage you and I hope
I am 100% wrong for so many fine people on this thread. So, if you're in low enough and can afford what you have spent without monetary damage, hang in with it. Other than a RS or belly up, it cannot get much worse

I honestly feel that the people that UC is bringing on have been duped as have so many others

Please note you no longer hear from RG, when in the beginning of his being retained he was quite outspoken. You no longer hear from others as well....incl that PR guy that UC said would never be dismissed. You never heard from qualified people as to the potential for discovery. You haven't heard any more about drilling or exploration. There has been no filing. You have no idea of the amount, age and/or condition of equipment. Appointments to the BOD do not appear to be qualified in any way as it relates to the business of mining or with financial matters

My mind about CMKX was made up months ago. It is based upon MY experiences with traded companies and their management and finances only. I have been known to make a mistake now and then

Good luck to you




عضو مميز
20 مارس 2003
** بلاد الورد **

well if i knew the exact share structure it would help with a lot of opinions


i agree there cash. i'm wondering what will happen if they do report. i find it very hard to believe all 779 billion shares in the splis were owned by shareholder. even more so since 279 billion showed up 3 days before the "own by date" that means the company paid themselves the dividend & not the shareholders. they diluted the dividend at least by 279 billion. the a/s was 500 billion which means they added over 50% more shares. does anyone think they sold 279 billion shares in 3 days??? to move off the pinks all this will have to be reported. i'm not sure how far back they need to report but my guess is they wait till those dividends do not need to be part of it. the only board possible is the otcbb as they need a $1 pps for over 90 days to even think about a higher board. i do have a question concerning that.....the a/s is 800 billion, the split was to the o/s
thus 779 billion were issued from the a/s, is a share issued but not bought yet by a shareholder part of the o/s




noahtl piss off there is no reverse merger into anything. We've had enough of the crazy super naked double short reverse slim jim merger cover stock play of the century. Piss off and come back when CMKX files or shows diamonds otherwise as for now this stock is a pump and dilute scam


I think that was intentional. A little humor, boise. Cheer up, my friend, and lighten up while you're at it


My guess, and please understand it is just a guess, is that the OS is very, very close to 779 bil shs, that proportionately, there are very few shs in the Treasury to have any impact on the OS (and maybe even some of that has been sold), and, that the only reason to increase the authorized to 800 bil was to sell more stock and finance other interests as well while keeping the "carrots" dangling


Every share issued (except for Treasury Shares) is an issued and outstanding share. Treasury Shs are issued shares but are not outstanding since they are in the Treasury. "not yet bought by a shareholder" is impossible since that supposedly "not bought shareholder" must buy it from someone who already owns it in the issued and outstanding


i have heard that number before as well wallace, but what do you say when the theory of raising the A/S to prevent a hostile takeover? would you 100% elminate the possibility of a hostile takeover
? ? ? ?


Welcome back DW...glad to see your posting here. we need someone at least reasonable on cmkx's side...lol....the point i'm trying to get at wallace is the dividend split. 3 days before john q public had to own a share to get the dividend the a/s was 500 billion. so one of 2 things had to happen...1) they counted up what was owned on the books by john q public & found there were 779 biilion, 279 billion over the a/s which i don't think can happen & thus cmkx covered a naked short screwing all the real shareholders or 2)they increased it to keep shares of the dividend companys for themselves thus not holding true to the pr's & screwing the shareholders out of part of the dividend. if they did the first one they diluted the piss out of the stock by legitamisizing the naked shares & losing money on those shares to boot because there would be no reason for mm's to cover or pay the company on the sale. i don't believe this is what happened. i think they increased the a/s & thus the o/s by 279 billion in order to keep shares for themselves. i can't see any way to sell 279 billion shares in 3 days without it showing up on our radar. some stock tracker would show it. as these shares were not owned by john q public the shares of the dividends stayed with the company as they were part of the o/s. they could then be sold to the public without those dividend shares attached. they were added, issued & then repoorted to the SEC as part of the o/s for the dividend split but never sold till after the "own by date". to be a fully reporting company this has to be part of the report, the details. i'm sure they have to detail at least the last yrs activity's




عضو مميز
20 مارس 2003
** بلاد الورد **

if 779 billion shares are out floating and the AS
is 800 then unless urban owns more then 389.5 billion shares, then yes this company could be taken over

if he has that many shares out then he completely deserves a hostile take over

now with those numbers in mind, i would be very surprised if he has that many o/s

I don't know though we will all know in time if they ever report. but I'm not holding my breath

they are getting the oldest people they can find to sit on the board of this company. My guess is they are trying to pull the wool over their eyes, and one of the qualifying requirements for these positions is for a positive result in an Alzheimer test


also, what do you take of CIM? i have not heard you comment any perhaps i missed it, but what do you believe is behind the CIM dividends
? ? ? ? ? ?

about the reverse split....i think one is possible, very possible in fact. the thing is i dont think it will happen until the PPS hits around the 50-60 cents area. if they were going to do one before that PPS i believe they would have done it by now. remember there IS a possibility that they have a very high valuation

like i have stated before i like to look at CMKX the way military commanders view scenarios, which i believe is smart

let us not look at the probabilities of something happening. look at it as ....can it or cant it happen. yes or no, guessing and debating chances and percentages brings in a bunch of bull S... politics into the game. thats how you plan...and when i look at CMKX i ask myself...can this happen? yes it can. CMKX has the possibility of becoming what many have believed and that is not arguable. of course i dont recommend this type of thinking with any stock cause you will get burned for sure. everyone can debate the probabilities of CMKX, but the fact is something is going on. either good or bad...thing is we dont know yet

everything after that at the present moment becomes a port-a-john of speculation until further notice through PRs

some people deny any possibility of a R/S simply because they dont like it. in fact i have raised the question of a R/S on some CMKX boards and was demonized for bringing up such a taboo subject. i was written messages like "we dont talk like that around here" or "urban said no R/S so it must be true" well last i knew nobody that runs a company admits to needing or having to do a R/S till the last min

urban has said a lot of things that seem to just be forgotten about. however, to me there seems to be a new form of progressive energy coming from the company that has never been there before. someone wants a new status of professionalism and sees that as a major part of handling business from here on out. remember the ORIGINAL CMKX website? man that message board was MESSED UP, and as much as melvin amused me he needed to go. Many people looked like a bunch of kids crying for their way and im sure when professionals browsed the site and read the board were shocked

one thing about CMKX that irks me is the investors. talk about unprofessional. i must admit i have been amazed by the intelligence and resourcefullness of many and have become friends with some. then there are others who just ruin it for everyone and really put a lot of unwanted and undesired pressure on CMKX&affiliates. I also believe the shareholders share responsibility of the halt from the party due to selfish nit-pickers seeking insider info and then blabbing it all over the net. giving MMs a green light to bring up insider problems to the SEC to further whatever mission they are on. i know i sure would if i was a MM

dont get me wrong im not talking about ALL, just a group of few. Not to pump anything but 1 million millionaires is a great site with friendly investors. you will find good info and DD there

again....can it or cant it happen. of course it can...dont look at the probabilities of a R/S you might as well plan for one as a contingency plan, and plan an exit strategy on GTC orders before it happens to maxamize your return on initial investment

of course this is just my opinion


yw DW...cash i'll give mahoo some credit, at least he talks a good game. but i'm guessing there are a few secrets that are not in shareholders best interests and until someone steps up & exposes those secrets nothing happens. as for ever seeing a .50 pps?? never happen the o/s is too high. General Motors isn't worth enough to bring a company with cmkx's o/s to a pps of .50


so bill you mean you know how much CMKX is worth


bill, you will finally find out this week about the GEMM divy's and the cert shortage. IMO Real certs are finally being delivered to the DTCC. And there are not enough to go around


I think the only reason they raised the A/S was to raise more $$$$s. It would have been far easier and more effective to authorize a Pfd Stk that would have given UC control in the sense of a takeover and prevent it. Shareholders would not have been as blown out of the water with such a move by the BOD. In addition, I doubt if anyone is interested in a takeover....hostile or otherwise


Good point about the O/S that you made above. Now I see how you are thinking and it is a possibility. I do think that it is remote

No offense, but that happens to be my opinion as well. Just look at some of the things UC has done or released in PRs that were nothing more than a great big laugh. No reason why we cannot be friends anyway if it's not posted as a personal affront


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