*cmkx news*

موضوع مغلق
22 ديسمبر 2003
يا أخوان ......

البعض يقول ان شركة CIM ما زالت خاصة .......

السؤال هنا اذا ما زالت الشركة خاصة وما نزلت السوق بعد .... أجل وشلون يكون لها أسهم ..... ولا ويوزعون اسهم على مساهمين بعد ......

يا أخوان من المعلوم ان الشركات الخاصة لا يكون لها اسهم توزع على متداولين .... بمعنى أخر كيف تكون الشركة خاصة وبعدين يقولون راح نوزع اسهم على حملة الأسهم .....

من المعلوم ان الشركات الخاصة تكون ملك شخص واحد أو عدة أشخاص محددين مسبقا .... بعكس الشركات المساهمة التي يكون نسبة من رأس مالها مطروح للتداول

اذا افترضنا ان الشركة فعلا جديدة ..... في هذه الحالة يجب اعلان IPO كما هو المتبع .... ولا أظن انهم سوف يوزعون اسهم وهم أصلا لم يعلنوا عن طرح الشركة للتداول .....

ويبقى السؤال ......

ما هي شركة CIM اذا لم تكن CIM High Yeilds Securities ???


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
يا شباب

حكومة الصين راح تخش وتستثمر في مصادر كندا الطبيعية

From Thursday's Globe and Mail

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Beijing — China's Communist rulers have a blunt message for anyone who frets about the planned Chinese takeover of Canada's biggest mining company: Get ready for more to come.

In an exclusive interview with The Globe and Mail in Beijing this week, Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing made it plain that the controversial $7-billion takeover of Noranda Inc. is just a small element in a much more ambitious strategy of investment in Canada's resources sector to feed China's voracious appetite for raw materials.

"Given our rapid economic growth, we're facing an acute shortage of natural resources," the Foreign Minister told The Globe.

"No matter how plentiful our natural resources, when you divide them by our population of 1.3 billion, the figure will be very small," he said.

"The Chinese government is encouraging Chinese enterprises to make investments in Canada, particularly in the field of resources exploitation."

It is the first public comment on the Noranda issue by a senior Chinese leader since the controversy over the planned takeover erupted last month.

Though the minister did not identify any specific targets for future Chinese buyers, it is known that two of China's biggest state-controlled oil companies are considering major investments in Alberta's oil sands. In other potential billion-dollar deals, Chinese oil and mining companies are looking at lucrative assets held by Canadian companies in Ecuador and Mongolia.

The proposed takeover of Noranda by state-owned China Minmetals Corp. has shocked many Canadian observers, but it is a potent symbol of China's sudden emergence as a powerful global investor and a massive consumer of commodities. China is hungry for supplies and expertise in the natural resources sector, and Canada has both.

The Noranda takeover — which is expected to be finalized by mid-November, becoming the biggest overseas acquisition by a Chinese corporation — has sparked questions by several MPs who have raised human-rights concerns. Some say the deal should be blocked because of reports that China Minmetals has been linked to the use of forced labour in the Chinese prison gulag.

China's Foreign Minister vigorously rejected the human-rights concerns.

"You can tell your readers that they needn't worry at all about China's development," he said.

"In the international arena, we act in accordance with international law and international practice. We will act in accordance with the rules of the World Trade Organization, as a member of WTO."

He insisted that human rights are fully protected by the Chinese constitution, and argued that China's human-rights situation is not too different from that of Canada.

"On human rights, I believe, our two peoples have a lot in common," he said.

"Liberty, democracy, freedom and whatever, we share a lot. What is democracy? Democracy is a way in which people enjoy their rights according to law. If the Chinese people and government are working in accordance with our constitution and law, why do people in Canada worry about this? "I don't think there is anything to give a reason for those people to worry about China's human-rights record. Perhaps those people have not read at all the Chinese constitution. Perhaps they have not been to China and also perhaps they don't know history."

He invoked the memory of Norman Bethune, the Canadian surgeon who became a Communist martyr after he died in 1939 while tending to wounded Communist soldiers on the battlefield after the Japanese invasion of China.

"When the Chinese fought against foreign aggression, it was a very progressive and friendly Canadian who came to help us," he said. "That was a real help to the Chinese people. If you have any questions, any doubts or suspicions, tell them that all of our Canadian friends are welcome to come to China to see for themselves."

He also revealed that Prime Minister Paul Martin will visit China within the next few months.

It will be Mr. Martin's first visit to China since becoming Prime Minister, and it could provoke further questions at home about the Noranda deal and the human-rights issues.

(The Prime Minister's Office has not yet announced the China visit, but Mr. Li confirmed that the Prime Minister will visit China early next year.)

On the economic front, he noted that the two-way trade between Canada and China in the first eight months of this year was nearly 60 per cent above the level of last year. He wants still closer links.

"The two economies are highly complementary, and are yet to tap their tremendous potential, especially in resource and energy co-operation," Mr. Li said in response to a supplementary list of questions from The Globe.

China's dramatic rise on the world stage has triggered anxieties in the West and in Asia, where observers have worried about its fast-growing military budget, its expanding nationalist movement and its territorial disputes with some of its neighbours.

Nobody should fear China's rising influence, the Foreign Minister said. China's own development will, in return, contribute to world peace, he said.

"China's development will not threaten anybody or compromise their interests," Mr. Li said. "China's peaceful development serves not only the maximum interests of its people but also the common interests of people around the world."

Despite the double-digit annual growth of its military budget, China's defence spending remains "at a low level" compared with the United States, he said. The sharp increase this year is "mainly intended to ensure that the livelihood of service personnel improves."

Even as China becomes a global economic powerhouse, Mr. Li insists that it is merely a "developing country" with a "weak economic foundation."

The country will "concentrate on its own development" in the future, he said. "It will take a long and arduous journey and require generations of hard work before China can fully develop itself."

نقول عل وعسى

يكون خبر له اثره في المستقبل القريب


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
شباب الأوسط اليوم كلمت محاسب الأوسط وخذا رقم الموبايل وقال برد عليك
وترا شكلهم متوهقيين حييل مع البروكرمالهم بس المهم في الموضوع أني كلمت واحد شغال معاهم أسمه محمود وطلب مني نجيب ورقه من الأخ اللي في بنك
برقان وتثبت أن الأسهم نزلته وبهالطريقه تحجون الأوسط وغصب عليه ينزل الأسهم
والحين محتاجيين فزعة من أي واحد نزله أسهم ucad ويعطينا ما يثبت ذلك عن طريق ورقه مطبوعه أو بالإيميل أو ينزله كمرفق بالمنتدى حتى نستطيع أن نقيم الحجه على الأوسط وإلا كان لنا تصرف ثاني


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
CIM and AMEX, new Rumor

CMKM Diamonds AMEX IPO information update:

The Dividened CMKM Diamond Shares in your account that are CMKM Diamonds *restricted have an A/S of 25M and will IPO at $20. Company keeps 51% and 49% are all that will IPO at most x $20 equal $245M. CMKM / UCAD have that valuation already no problem.

I believe the IPO will be conducted via I.S.O. = {Initial Shareholder Offering}. Our shares that we got are *restricted and will be sold at IPO on AMEX. We then get a portion of the sale...$5.00 minimum initial bid for AMEX. If they IPO for $20 like the "Man himself" said they would at Denver race, then our "Tender Offer" would be the restricted CMKM Diamond shares x $5.00


1. Is the shares
2. Is the Tender Offer Order for sale of shares

The Company can actually Sells our shares then gives us a Cash Tender Offer without dishing out any of it's own cash. Our Tender offer is paid via the "New" shareholder who buys the IPO shares on IPO day

طبعا هذة إشاعه بس صدقوني فيه شيء قاعد يطبخ ما أعتقد تجميع الشركات
عبث أوبطريق الصدفه ترا أنا قاعد أتكلم عن شركات مو طوابع
برأيي المتواضع أتوقع أكثر من عملية دمج ومردود طيبب س شوية صبر
وبالتوفيق للجميع ;)


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
شباب الأوسط هذا موقع البروكر اللي يتعامل معه الأوسط أشتغلوا عليه لأني دزيت لهم رساله وبالتوفيق ;)



عضو نشط
24 سبتمبر 2004
سهم Ucad احتمال يعمل فورورد سبليت مررررة ثانية 3 اسهم مقابل سهم
22 ديسمبر 2003
ksa2005 قال:
سهم Ucad احتمال يعمل فورورد سبليت مررررة ثانية 3 اسهم مقابل سهم

بالنسبة للتقسيم الأول ما شملنا ......

والظاهر التقسيم الثاني ما راح يشملنا برضه ......

لكن ياخوي ما نزل خبر بخصوص التقسيم الثاني ؟؟؟؟


عضو نشط
24 سبتمبر 2004
ksa2005 قال:
August 24 UCAD record date
August 31 CIM record date
October 1 GEMM (part 1) record date
October 6 UCAD distribution
October 18 CIM distribution
October 25 UCAD forward split
October 29 GEMM (part 2) record date
Novem. 18 GEMM (part 1) distribution
Novem. 30 GEMM (part 2) distribution



عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003

You are already a CIM shareholder due to dividend. You keep your shares as did the Google employees who received shares before the IPO as an employement benifit. Look what happened to those employees at Google. Google had serious problems retaining employees after the IPO. Too rich to work anymore.

Ok.. so CIM IPOs on AMEX. CIM tender offers and buys up GEMM, UCAD, and CMKX, shortly before the IPO.

Naked shorts don't matter anymore. UCAD and GEMM dividends were to keep it fair to the CMKX holders.

Naked shorts don't matter during a tender offer. Shorty is responsible for anything outside the authorized FLOAT.

CIM buys the Authorized OS minus the float from CMKX for 10 dollars. CIM buys GEMM and UCAD float a few pennies above current market price. (GEMM and UCAD's floats have been reduced recently...hmm thats an odd coincidence.)

New big investors look at what CIM has to offer in determining the new share prices.

1.4 million acres of mineral claims in Sask.
Uranium joint venture.
Big freaking gold mine in Ecuador.
Tools to extract the gold in Ecuador.
Zinc deposits.
etc, etc, etc,....

Integrated business plan?
Where does SGGM fit? (does it matter)

:p :) :rolleyes: ;) :D :eek: :cool:


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
August Focus Stock Update

CMKM Diamonds, Inc. (CMKX)

Press Release issued last Tuesday, October 19

CMKM Diamonds, Inc Acquires Established Gold Mine in Ecuador

The Green Baron Report hopes that everyone was able to listen to the audio taped interview with CMKM Diamonds, Inc. CEO Mr. Urban Casavant and U.S. Canadian Minerals CEO Mr. Rendal Williams made available Sunday night to our members and Monday to the general public. We intend to have more interviews with executives affiliated with CMKX, UCAD, and other related companies in the near future. We are also diligently working on a way to offer taped delayed broadcast of some of the speeches that should occur at the UCAD/CMKX shareholder appreciation event held in Las Vegas October 29-31. At least two partners of our parent company, Evergreen Marketing Inc., will be in attendance for the event, and we hope we get a chance to meet all our members that go.

The price of CMKX stock continues to be pegged on the offer at .0002 through the close of today’s trading. If this continues to be the case when the Vegas event begins, we will be sure to ask specifically why the stock remains trapped at this level. We intend to go to Vegas with a long list of questions, and we are hopeful that most will be answered. The Green Baron Report certainly expected we would begin to see the price per share of CMKX start its climb by the end of October. We continue to exhibit patience and suggest all members hold tight. We like the news that has been announced recently, and our parent company has once again added to its position of CMKX this week.

On Tuesday, October 19, 2004 CMKM Diamonds, Inc. headed by its CEO Urban Casavant and his advisory team accompanied by the company’s SEC attorney Roger Glenn successfully concluded the major ownership acquisition of the established American Mine in Portovelo, Ecuador. CMKM Diamonds and its operating partner Minera Nevada SA, a subsidiary of Nevada Minerals, Inc. of Las Vegas , Nevada will manage a major corridor of gold production inside this region. The current yield coming through the American Mine is 40 tons of gold ore on a daily basis. The entire release can be viewed by clicking http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/041019/196062_1.html.

The Green Baron Report recognizes the attempt by CMKM Diamonds to show revenues in the short term. By purchasing an established mine, the Company also does not have the same start up costs as compared to a brand new project. We have not had the chance to speak to management about their expectations of this project.

More important than the potential for significant revenues in the near-term was the attendance in Ecuador by attorney Roger Glenn. The Green Baron Report has noted the significance of Roger Glenn’s continued involvement with CMKM Diamonds in several recent updates. We were pleasantly surprised to see that Mr. Glenn made the journey to Ecuador, and once again lent his name to the latest public release. If there is a short position of any kind in CMKX, we would think this would scare the daylights out of those on that side. Remember, it usually gets darkest before the dawn, and we continue to believe CMKX will be The Stock Play of a Lifetime.

Finally, some members have asked about the upcoming 3 for 1 UCAD stock split that is planned to occur on October 25. The rule for stock splits is that if the stock is purchased at the pre-split price, one will always receive the shares of the split, or in the case of a reverse split they would be taken away. To receive a stock dividend, the trade must usually settle on or before the date of record.


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
تأكيدا لكلامي إن في شيء قاعد يطبخ وعلىنار هادئه بعد

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عضو نشط
31 مارس 2004
متى اقدر ابيع

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ...
تقبل الله صيامه وقيامه عليكم اجمعيا .....

ممكن احد يفيدنا عن لماذا السهم المنح ماقدر ابيعها !!!!
22 ديسمبر 2003
H.H.K قال:
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ...
تقبل الله صيامه وقيامه عليكم اجمعيا .....

ممكن احد يفيدنا عن لماذا السهم المنح ماقدر ابيعها !!!!

أخي H.H.K .....

لا يمكن أن تبيع هذه الأسهم الممنوحة لأنها Restricted أي مقيدة .....

وبالنسبة للأسهم المقيدة تعطى في الحالات التالية:

1. اندماج الشركات.
2. عمليات شراء الشركات لنسب كبيرة في شركات أخرى.
3. عمليات شراء السندات.
4. انشاء مؤسسات فرعية.

في كل هذه الحالات يعطى المساهمون اسهم مقيدة حتى يتم حماية اسهم الشركة من عمليات البيع السابقة لأوانها والتي قد تؤثر على الشركة.

ولا يمكن بيع هذه الأسهم الا مع نزول SEC وهو تقرير يتم الافصاح فيه رسميا عن حيثيات العملية التي تم التعاقد والاتفاق عليها.


عضو نشط
22 نوفمبر 2003
وش صار مع الاوسط

تكفون يا اهل الكويت عليكم بهم ...نهبونا حسبي الله عليهم
5 أكتوبر 2004
طبعا الكويت
انا اقترحت

انا اقترحت لكن للاسف ما كان فيه تجاوب حار وجاد من شبابنا اللي مشتركين مع الاوسط


عضو نشط
31 مارس 2004
اخوي الساحق الماحق في وجه اعداء الاسلام و المسلمين
مشكور ماقصره اوفيدة وانجزة واختصره .
موضوع مغلق