السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
وصلتني رساله من كيو انفست بالبريد وهي باللغه الانجليزيه ياريت انكمتطلعون عليها وتفهمونا شنو يبون
Dear Respected Shareholder
We would like to take the opportunity to personally thank you for taking the time to review the ‘Investor Relations’ section on our website. In the spirit of ‘keeping it simple’, we hope you find the section clear, easy to navigate, and efficient in its presentation of information.
You can now download the CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2011 and check the date, time and venue for the Annual General Meeting (AGM), after submitting your registration.
One of the main functions of this section is to make you aware of the latest updates on relevant QInvest news and financials.
Currently, the secure ‘Investor Relations’ section offers you and other shareholders the opportunity to view:
QInvest Profile
Annual Reports
Progress Reports
Contact Investor Relations
The ‘Contact Investor Relations’ service will facilitate a personalized and secured communication channel between you and QInvest whenever you want to send across your enquiries and views.
We shall endeavor to continuously improve and expand this service to better address your requirements.
To begin using this service, simply log on to our website,
www.qinvest.com and follow the steps below:
1. click on ‘Investor Relations’
2. click on ‘Shareholder’
3. click on ‘Signup as New User’
4. fill in the required fields and click ‘Submit’.
You will be receiving an email with your personal log in detail, certificate number (user name) and password.
In order to maintain strict security of the service, you will also need to do the following:
· Institutions to nominate one representative to access the section by sending the attached document, dully printed on company letterhead and signed, to
· Individuals to use personal email address for registration
· Institutions and individuals to immediately change password upon receiving log in detail.
If you require any further details, kindly feel free to contact me on my email:
bassel.hanbali@qinvest.com or mobile +97466542099
Bassel Essam Hanbali
Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications
PO Box 26222, Doha, State of Qatar
Tel: +974 4405 6666
Facsimile: +974 4444 8446
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Registration Letter for Institutional Shareholders - E&A - 23.04.2012.docx