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KGL logostics KD20 Million IPO planed to launch
BY ISSEC JOHNY (Depu b b ty Business Editor)
10 May 2007
KUWAIT — The Kuwaiti biggest Initial Public Offering (IPO) yet — KGL logistics KD20 million subscription — will open next month amid signs of a stock market revival spurred by the parent company's share rally of almost 50 per cent.
The shares will be available for the ex-shareholders who subscribed in the initial IPO with 315 files as a cost of each share.
P. Kreshnah Muerthy, CEO, Financial Services Division of the NBK Capital Group, said yesterday's stock market rally and the gains by KSE may be indicative of an IPO which could be reasonably oversubscribed. KGL logistics, an existing profit-making company, recorded a net profit growth of 193 per cent to KD5.7 million and top line growth of 128 per cent. KGL logistics subscription, open to the Ex-KGL logistics shareholders, will be offered at a price of 100 per share in addition to 20 fils as offering costs which would be an encouraged offer for the shareholders. That will lead to increase the capital of the company up to 40 million KD.
Muerthy said KGL logistics fundamentals are strong. It is an international-compliant company with 24.6 million square meters area for logistics storage among the world’s branches. Proceeds from its IPO will be used to finance the company’s massive expansion in property development in a series of mega projects in Kuwait as well as spearhead its growth in key strategic markets of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kazakhstan and India.
KGL logistics which plan to be listed the KSE market, a partially-owned subsidiary of a Kuwaiti companies and individuals, is one of the region’s leading logistic activities players, with over 170 local and international contacts and projects across the Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Lebanon.