مقال جميل جدا....راح يعجبك....( البورصة واعلاقتها بالمجتمع)...يستحق الترجمة
The Kuwait Stock Exchange Index proved to be an inefficient indicator of the social mood as implied by the previous findings, and vice versa, social mood could not predict the movement of the KSE Index. For people involved closely with the KSE, they know that the market does not rely on companies’ fundamentals as much as other developed ******* around the world, and now it has been found that even social sentiment is not a deciding factor, leaving us with a big question mark as to what could be the real driver for the market. But, as far as a sociometer goes, thankfully there are social media platform applications (i.e. Twitter, Facebook…etc.) that are more readily available to help us in estimating social moods and behaviors