عضو نشط
- التسجيل
- 16 أغسطس 2005
- المشاركات
- 527
diesel قال:Who told you you're allowed to ask for 40%? D
what i mean is , ask for more you may get it .
دورة المؤشرنت للتحليل الفني
50 دينار كويتي
diesel قال:Who told you you're allowed to ask for 40%? D
NBKSolid_investor قال:يا جماعة اكتتاب زيادة راس المال وين بتصير؟
From 28/2/06 To 14/3/06 @ NBKosamaism قال:شباب
الاكتباب راح يبدى باكر 28-2-2006 فى Nbk بسعر 400 فلس ، هل هذا صحيح ؟وكم مدة الاكتباب ، يعنى متى اخر يوم
وجزاكم الله خير
blowncrazy قال:From 28/2/06 To 14/3/06 @ NBK
blowncrazy قال:From 28/2/06 To 14/3/06 @ NBK
blowncrazy قال:Well, I just got back from NBK; not to mention the poor and terrible customer service, even though I don’t have an account with them.
To make a long story short, they have no idea of the capital increase for GFH. How ever they have received an internal memo just at 4 PM today informing them of the increase.
Now, they asked me to come back tomorrow to fill the application, and then pay them either with a certified check or a wire transfer.
They have no idea of the fees and other charges.
All I can say is that it SUCKS to deal with NBK. Very poor customers service, unfriendly and impatient staff.
Anyway, will see tomorrow how it goes; and if it won’t go smoothly, then I’ll mail GFH and inform them of what is going on with NBK.
Good luck to all,
My broker is BKME. Will let you know once I register and finalize itالفارس القادم قال:Dear Colleage
I called today many places to ask about this
I called Kuwait stock exchange
I called even bahrain GFH
It seems no body knows what is going on
What really got me upset is that my broker : Alawsat did'nt know even
Any how please inform us if you do apply formally
and if you don't mink asking them: what should guys like us who have their shares in an an account with alawsat do?
الفارس القادم قال:What really got me upset is that my broker : Alawsat did'nt know even
الكاش من المقاصه بالدور الارضي وبالدولارSolid_investor قال:i received the stock divedends in my account but i didnt get the cash... has anyone got it
Solid_investor قال:شكرا السهلي
نشرة اكتتاب زيادة راس المال تجدونها مرفقة
Solid_investor قال:i received the stock divedends in my account but i didnt get the cash... has anyone got it
دورة المؤشرنت للتحليل الفني
50 دينار كويتي