هذي رموز أعطال الجراند شيروكي وهي غالبا تتشابه الي حد ما
مع جميع سيارات كرايزلر وجيب
كل كود يشير الي عطل معين في السياره بعد تطبيق الطريقه المشروحه
في بداية الموضوع، ستظهر لك هذه الاكواد عند حدوث عطل في سيارتك
طبعا بدون عطل لاتظهر سوا كلمة
Done وتختفي
مباشره اما عند وجود عطل سترى كود العطل ومن ثم كلمة
Done سجل هذا الكود في ورقه
ثم ابحث عنه في قائمة هذه الأكواد لتجد انه يشير الي عطل معين
P0112 : Intake Air Temperature Sensor Voltage Low
P0113 :Intake Air Temperature Sensor Voltage High
P0117 :ECT Sensor Voltage Too Low
P0118 :ECT Sensor Voltage Too High
P0121 :Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Signal Volts Do Not Agree w/Idle Validation Signal
P0122 :Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Signal Voltage Too Low
P0123 :Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Signal Voltage Too High
P0125 :Engine Is Cold Too Long
P0168 ecreased Engine Performance Due To High Injection Pump Fuel Temperature
P0177 :Water In Fuel Sensor Voltage Too Low
P0181 :Fuel Injection Pump Failure
P0215 :Fuel Injection Pump Control Circuit
P0216 :Fuel Injection Pump Timing Failure
P0217 ecreased Engine Performance Due To Engine Overheating Condition
P0219 :Camshaft Position Sensor Overspeed Signal
P0222 :Idle Validation Signals Both Low
P0223 :Idle Validation Signals Both High (Above 5 Volts
P0230 :Transfer pump Circuit Out Of Range
P0232 :Fuel Shut-Off Voltage Too High
P0234 :Turbo Boost Limit Exceeded
P0237 :MAP Sensor Voltage Too Low
P0238 :MAP Sensor Voltage Too High
P0251 :Fuel Injection Pump Mechanical Failure Fuel Valve Feedback Circuit
P0253 :Fuel Injection Pump Fuel Valve Open Circuit
P0254 :Fuel Injection Pump Fuel Valve Current Too High
P0300 :Multiple Cylinder Misfire
P0301 :Misfire Detected, Cylinder No. 1
P0302 :Misfire Detected, Cylinder No. 2
P0303 :Misfire Detected, Cylinder No. 3
P0304 :Misfire Detected, Cylinder No. 4
P0305 :Misfire Detected, Cylinder No. 5
P0306 :Misfire Detected, Cylinder No. 9
P0310 :Misfire Detected, Cylinder No. 6
P0320 :No RPM Signal To PCM
P0336 :Crankshaft Position Sensor Signal
P0341 :Camshaft Position Sensor Signal
P0370 :Fuel Injection Pump Speed/Position Sensor Signal Lost
P0380 :Intake Air Heater Relay No. 1 Control Circuit
P0381 :Wait To Start Lamp Inoperative
P0382 :Intake Air Heater Relay No. 2 Control Circuit
P0370 :Crankshaft Position Sensor Supply Voltage Too Low8
P0388 :Crankshaft Position Sensor Supply Voltage Too High
P0400 :Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Flow Malfunction
P0460 :Fuel Level Unit No Change Over Miles
P0462 :Fuel Level Sending unit Volts Too Low
P0463 :Fuel Level Sending unit Volts Too High
P0500 :No Vehicle Speed Sensor Signal
P0522 :Oil Pressure Voltage Too Low
P0523 :Oil Pressure Voltage Too High
P0524 :Oil Pressure Too Low
P0545 :A/C Clutch Relay Circuit
P0562 :Charging System Voltage Too Low
P0563 :Charging System Voltage Too Low
P0601 CM Internal Controller Failure
P0622 :Alternator Field Improper Switching
P0712 :Trans Temp Sensor Voltage Too Low
P0713 :Trans Temp Sensor Voltage Too High
P0743 :TCC Solenoid/Trans Relay Circuits
P0748 :Governor Pressure Sol/Control Trans Relay Circuits
P0751 :OD Switch Pressed (Lo) For More Than 5 Minutes
P0753 :Trans 3–4 Shift Sol/Trans Relay Circuits
P1283 :Idle Select Signal Invalid
P1284 :Fuel Injection Pump Battery Voltage Out Of Range
P1285 :Fuel Injection Pump Controller Always On
P1286 :Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Supply Voltage Too High
P1287 :Fuel Injection Pump Controller Supply Voltage Low
P1291 :No Temperature Rise Seen From Intake Air Heaters
P1295 :Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Supply Voltage Too Low
P1388 :Auto Shutdown (ASD) Relay Control Circuit
P1389 :No Auto Shutdown (ASD) Relay Output Voltage At PCM
P1475 :Aux. 5 Volt Output Too High
P1488 :Aux. 5 Volt Output Too Low
P1492 :Battery Temperature Sensor Voltage Too High
P1493 :Battery Temperature Sensor Voltage Too Low
P1594 :Charging System Voltage Too High
P1595 :Speed Control Solenoid Circuits
P1597 :Speed Control Switch Always Low
P1682 :Charging System Voltage Too Low
P1683 :Speed Control Power Relay Or Speed Control 12 Volt Driver Circuit
P1688 :Internal Fuel Injection Pump Controller Failure
P1689 :No Communication Between ECM & Injection Pump Module
P1690 :Fuel injection pump CKP Sensor Does Not Agree With ECM CKP Sensor
P1691 :Fuel Injection Pump Controller Calibration Failure
TC Detected In ECM Or PCM
P1694 :No CCD Messages Received From ECM
P1698 :No CCD Messages Received From PCM
P1740 :TCC Or OD Solenoid Performance
P1756 :Governor Pressure Not Equal To Target At 15–20 PSI
P1757 :Governor Pressure Above 3 PSI When Request Is 0 PSI
P1726 :Governor Pressure Sensor Offset Improper Voltage
P1763 :Governor Pressure Sensor Voltage Too High
P1764 :Governor Pressure Sensor Voltage Too Low
P1765 :Trans 12 Volt Supply Relay Control Circuit
P1899 NP Switch Failure
هذي غالب اعطال سيارات Jeep وكرايسلر ودوج وهي من موديل
1999 الي 2004 او اكثر من هذا الموديل الي الموديلات الحديثه ذات العداد الألكتروني تنفع معاها الطريقه المشروحه في بداية الموضوع ام الكلاسيك فله طريقه اخرى لفحصه
سأشرحها قريبا