اخوي السبيعي بوصالح
التاكيد اللي جاك نفس اللي جاني والا مختلف ابي ردك بسرعه وشكرا
ناطر ردك يالغالي
CMKM Task Force <faxconfirmation@cmkmtaskforce.com>
Sent : Monday, February 27, 2006 8:05 PM
To :
Subject : CMKM Task Force Fax Confirmation
| | | Inbox
Fax Submission Confirmation
This is an automatically generated e-mail to confirm that your faxed in certs have been submitted into our systems.
This is your only form of confirmation. Please do not call the Task Force, or the Frizzell Law firm concerning your fax.
Pleast do not reply to this email as no one is checking this address.
Thank you for your cooperation.
CMKM Task Force