*cmkx news*

موضوع مغلق


عضو نشط
28 يونيو 2002
اي والله صاج يعني جت على هالسهم بس ما نقول الا الله كريم والصبر جميل

تركي2000 قال:
ما عليك منه

واحد يهرج على مزاج اهله

اقول دامك شريت ارقد وامن وانشالله ما تشوف الا اللي يسرك

بس مشكلتنا مستعجلين مره

الامور راح تتسهل وانشالله انه سهم العمر

فخليك مطمن

ولا تفرط فيه البتة لو يبوسون يدك لا تفرط فيه

يعني اسوا اسو الاحتمالات لو الشركة افلست وقفلت وانخرب بيت ابوهم

كم الخسارة 2000 دولار 4000 دولار مع اني ما اضن انه احد اشترا بالمبلغ هذا

وش يعني اساسا اكثر الشباب في المنتدى خسرانين بقوة وانا واحد منهم :d

يعني جت على هاذي

وسعو صدرك


عضو نشط
28 يونيو 2002
اي والله صاج يعني جت على هالسهم بس ما نقول الا الله كريم والصبر جميل

تركي2000 قال:
ما عليك منه

واحد يهرج على مزاج اهله

اقول دامك شريت ارقد وامن وانشالله ما تشوف الا اللي يسرك

بس مشكلتنا مستعجلين مره

الامور راح تتسهل وانشالله انه سهم العمر

فخليك مطمن

ولا تفرط فيه البتة لو يبوسون يدك لا تفرط فيه

يعني اسوا اسو الاحتمالات لو الشركة افلست وقفلت وانخرب بيت ابوهم

كم الخسارة 2000 دولار 4000 دولار مع اني ما اضن انه احد اشترا بالمبلغ هذا

وش يعني اساسا اكثر الشباب في المنتدى خسرانين بقوة وانا واحد منهم :d

يعني جت على هاذي

وسعو صدرك


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
آخر تحديث لتقرير البارون الأخضر وهو لايزال يعتقد أنه سهم عمر

Green Baron Special Stock Update

CMKM Diamonds, Inc. (CMKX) &

U.S. Canadian Minerals (USCA)

Shareholder Appreciation Event Last Weekend in Las Vegas is a First Class Event, but No Balloons are Dropped!

Two partners of our parent company, Evergreen Marketing, Inc., attended the CMKX/USCA (pre-split UCAD) shareholder appreciation event in Las Vegas last weekend. Although we had originally anticipated that the companies’ respected attorney D. Roger Glenn would be speaking at the primary event held Saturday night, the temporary halt in trading of U.S. Canadian Minerals by the SEC last Thursday obviously put all planned speaking engagements on hold. The Green Baron Report believes a strict gag order is being enforced over all related officers and directors during the SEC inquiry period.

The party was a success in that it provided a wonderful opportunity for well over 2000 shareholders to meet one another face to face and share insight about these companies. Just about everyone agreed that CMKM Diamonds and U.S. Canadian Minerals put on an absolute first class event that included bountiful amounts of food, entertainment, and souvenirs. The individuals that organized all the weekend’s activities as well as the many shareholders that volunteered time to help should be complimented for producing the best “Shareholder Appreciation Event” one could expect or imagine.

However, the event disappointed many in that there was no public acknowledgment or explanation whatsoever to address the many concerns that we as shareholders continue to have about CMKX share structure, a filing date to become fully reporting, suppressed movement, and an estimated valuation of mineral assets. There were some people that traveled from outside the country in hopes to gain some knowledge first hand that might demonstrate a bright future. Green Baron representatives even remained curious during the event since a huge balloon drop had been rigged in front of the main staging area indicating the possibility of a blockbuster announcement. Of course, there were no speeches and the balloons did not fall from the rafters.

If is unfortunate that some of the original plans for the party were likely altered due to the seemingly consorted attack on these companies just a few days earlier. As we stated in our update last Thursday night, October 28, ”The Green Baron Report thinks now more than ever it is obvious a short position exists in the shares of US Canadian Minerals (USCA) and CMKM Diamonds (CMKX).” Upon further investigation over the weekend, we are utterly convinced that there is a very large short/naked short situation involved in the companies’ stocks. The Green Baron Report has confidence that USCA and CMKX with its massive shareholder base will emerge stronger than ever from any inquiry, and we are hopeful that the SEC will instead enforce its rules on the few that may be illegally shorting stocks.

The Green Baron representatives that were in Vegas wish to express their deepest gratitude and thanks to those that read our newsletter and support our efforts. We received an enormous amount of positive feedback from members at the party for all our work in following these companies. We do our best to provide logical and well-substantiated information about all the low priced stocks we follow, and we hope that you will continue to find our information helpful.

This may sound a little monotonous to those that have followed our newsletter since we upgraded CMKM Diamonds to our storied home page of profiled stocks last August, but The Green Baron Report again remains convinced that CMKM Diamonds is nearing a positive new stage of its development and activity. We believe that the Company retains rights on some of the most mineral rich land in the world, and it will soon be clear that CMKM Diamonds is The Stock Play of a Lifetime.


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
بيت جونز لايهمونك إذا كان البارون الأخضر يصفه بسهم العمر هاهو موقع آخر يصفه ب سهم القرن

Zoom Generation Newsletter

Nov 2, 2004

CMKM Diamonds Inc. (CMKX) and U.S. Canadian Minerals (USCA)
Shareholders Party is a blast in more ways than you can imagine
November 2, 2004 Thousands converge on Texas Station and the long
awaited CMKX/USCA Shareholders Party.

Las Vegas, Nevada was the site of the long awaited and recently held
shareholder's party held by CMKM Diamonds Inc. and U. S. Canadian
Minerals. The event was a first class bash worthy of large
Corporations like Microsoft and General Motors. To see such an
elaborate display by a company for its shareholders in an Over The
Counter Bulletin Board stock is unheard of. What is the mystique
behind these two companies that drew over 2000 people to travel from
all over the world to attend such an event? Gold and Diamonds! Not
really, many shareholders came out to meet CEO Urban Casavant and
the man whose vision of making one million millionaires has become
legendary among Pink Sheet Stock companies.

The much built-up event was surrounded for months with rumors of a
celebration of a diamond find and potential increases in the
company's stock price. Originally over 8000 had registered for the
event hoping to have the money to attend by the time the party was
held. Many came to meet D. Roger Glenn the noted New York Attorney
well known for his involvement in authoring the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
and several books concerning naked short selling in the OTCBB

Although plans to attend did not work out for some shareholders,
still many came despite the recent complaints filed against CMKM
Diamonds Inc. and U. S. Canadian Minerals by unknown individuals
suspected to be from an offshore hedge fund company. Obviously
orchestrated to ruin the party, this coordinated attack against the
two companies did nothing to dissuade shareholders from attending
event. The complaints, one filed in Canada with the Saskatchewan
government against individuals of CMKM Diamonds and the other
complaints filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission in the
U.S. caused USCA to be suspended last week. The claim that U. S.
Canadian Minerals sought to hype its stock to force a run up so that
management can dump their shares and leave their shareholders
the bag with a company that has no value. Allegations easily proved
wrong by U. S. Canadian Minerals evidenced by their prompt response
to the SEC in providing the necessary documents to prove the claims
made by their press releases and their soon to be filed 3rd Quarter

Shareholders arrived in droves that evening anticipating blockbuster
announcements and disclosure of the company's share structure and
news that would indicate when CMKX would be a fully reporting
company. The party was short lived after a video was shown that was
purported to be "self-explanatory" failed to provided the answers
many shareholders were expecting. At the conclusion of the video,
band resumed playing and was abruptly stopped by a woman only known
as "Leslie" from Alberta Canada. Leslie walked on stage and demanded
the band "Love Shack" stop playing and give her the microphone where
she proceeded to complain about having come to the event to get and
answers and not having received any. The confusions and
caused by this action resulted in the conclusion of the party as the
interruption was perceived as a security risk in a time when public
safety is paramount.

During the ensuing after math of questions and complaints by
disgruntled and confused shareholders seeking answers to what
happened. Ed Dhonau, CEO of Nevada Minerals and many others provided
information that quickly and easily quelled the mass quasi-hysteria
at the event. According to Mr. Dhonau, there were additional
activities, videos and announcements that would have left
shareholders feeling great about their investments. One of the
biggest and obvious occurrences that evening as explained by Mr.
Dhonau was the self-imposed gag on both companies by D. Roger Glenn.
The gag order meant to protect the company from any further
complaints by the SEC and the Saskatchewan government did little to
comfort the shareholders but was understood by all to be the prudent
thing to do.

Regardless, the festivities still promised much more for its
shareholders including the announcement of the company's new
Oxley compliant Advisory Board, which is rumored to have some
reputable names that would have appeased the shareholder's need for
information. Even though the party ended abruptly, it does not
the facts that U.S. Canadian Minerals is answering the call of the
SEC on these complaints and expects to be trading once again in the
coming week. The complaints if anything served to bring additional
notoriety and attention to the two companies despite their enemy's
attempts to discourage shareholders through these desperate actions.

CMKM Diamonds Inc. and U. S. Canadian Minerals are in
Zoomingstocks.com's opinion companies working had to put together a
fundamentally sound business enterprise that will endure the trials
and tribulations of the naked short sellers and emerge as premier
notable companies in the mining industry. They are without a doubt
close to achieving their goals to be among the strongest and well-
known companies in mining and are on the verge of success. The
complaints filed against the companies are obvious attacks by person
(s) who are panicking knowing the short cover is coming and will
at nothing to throw roadblocks at the two companies. Truth and
justice will always prevail and in the case of CMKM Diamonds Inc.
U.S. Canadian Minerals, this is just the beginning.

Zoomingstocks.com will continue to cover and provide through its
newsletter updates on these two companies as they near their goals.
Zoomingstocks.com would like to convey its sincerest appreciation
gratitude to CMKM Diamonds Inc. and U.S. Canadian Minerals for the
wonderful, memorable event in Las Vegas and all the work done on
behalf of shareholders worldwide. It appears that they are ready to
go to the next level and Zoomingstocks.com will be there along side
reporting and keeping its subscribers informed as events unroll.

Zoomingstocks.com would like to thank the many shareholders who
provided positive feedback and express their gratitude to CMKX and
USCA for this memorable event.

Learn more...

CMKM Diamonds is expected to be a fully reporting OTCBB company by
December 2004 and preliminary reports of a huge valuation and well
established fundamentals are already being whispered about in boards
and forums throughout the Internet.
Zoomingstocks.com looks forward to providing in depth profiling of
this extremely promising venture to its readers in the future.

About Zoomingstocks.com
ZoomingStocks.com is the premier OTCBB Stock Analysis company. It's
goal, to provide you with rapid and timely information is well
to your investment needs. Zoom in on your future!

Website: http://www.zoomingstocks.com

copyright (c) 2004, Zoomingstocks.com, All Rights Reserved

Jose Davila
email: info@zoomingstocks.com
phone: (760) 715-3737

A. Hill
email: info@zoomingstocks.com
phone: (760) 715-3737
22 ديسمبر 2003
السبيعي2 قال:
CMKM Diamonds is expected to be a fully reporting OTCBB company by
December 2004 and preliminary reports of a huge valuation and well
established fundamentals are already being whispered about in boards
and forums throughout the Internet.

email: info@zoomingstocks.com
phone: (760) 715-3737

قرب الفرج انشاء الله .........


عضو نشط
1 أكتوبر 2004
السلام عليكم ياشباب شنو سالفه هالسهم اشوف الناس الي تسال عنه كثير


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
افا اول


وش علامك اول على سهمنا

يلعن ام الزعل من جد

ولو قالوا لك بلاش لا تشتري
بس فيه شغلة كيف لو الرجال سمع بنصيحتك ووصل السهم دولار

يا ويلك ويلاه منه والله ليقوم المطاعن بينك وبينه :eek:

يابني حلوة ذي( يابني)

انت من كبر عقلك مالك الا شهرين لا ومن زينك توك مسجل في المنتدى( ترا امزح) :D

وتبي تصير مليونير

اقول الله يرحم زمان التقديم على الوظايف

اصبر اصبر وخلك من المطامر على البني

وبعدين لنفرض انك صبرت سنة شايلها على ظهرك انت
الله يعين الوسيط اللي شايلك هالامانة

وانت استمتع بوقتك وتفرج على الدوري الايطالي

والا تدري اخبرلك سهم عندنا مولع من جد لا مو لع الا ملتهب بعد

الظاهر انك عرفته :D

على قولتك حلل فيه زي ما تبي


عضو محترف
14 أبريل 2004
السعودية- الرياض
ابو الفين وشلونك ياالمنسم .. اذا وصل دولار بتوزاى :D وغير اسمي ل ابو لطمه :cool: علشان خوينا مايعرفني اما اذا صفو الشركه :D ومسكونا الباب بمبسط واستانس على فضيحك وبشهربك بكل المنتديات :rolleyes:


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004

تدري لو صفوا الشركة هذا ايش يعني

يعني انا تصفيت من البورصة كلها

وبعديم اي تغير اسمك

والله لن جيب خبرك ابو لطمة والا ابو عنتر
الرجال محامي ويعرف كيف يتعامل مع القضية واول واحد يشهد عليك انا

صدقني راكبتك التهمة راكبتك ما يفيدك الاستنكار حلوة ( الاستنكار) :d


عضو نشط
9 سبتمبر 2004
تركي2000 قال:

وش علامك اول على سهمنا

يلعن ام الزعل من جد

ولو قالوا لك بلاش لا تشتري
بس فيه شغلة كيف لو الرجال سمع بنصيحتك ووصل السهم دولار

يا ويلك ويلاه منه والله ليقوم المطاعن بينك وبينه :eek:

يابني حلوة ذي( يابني)

انت من كبر عقلك مالك الا شهرين لا ومن زينك توك مسجل في المنتدى( ترا امزح) :D

وتبي تصير مليونير

اقول الله يرحم زمان التقديم على الوظايف

اصبر اصبر وخلك من المطامر على البني

وبعدين لنفرض انك صبرت سنة شايلها على ظهرك انت
الله يعين الوسيط اللي شايلك هالامانة

وانت استمتع بوقتك وتفرج على الدوري الايطالي

والا تدري اخبرلك سهم عندنا مولع من جد لا مو لع الا ملتهب بعد

الظاهر انك عرفته :D

على قولتك حلل فيه زي ما تبي[/QUOTE

والله انك ضحكتنى

اضحك الله سنك علا هاالاسلوووووب :) :) :)

اخوك الوهج


عضو نشط
3 ديسمبر 2003
يارب يرتفع
يارب يرتفع وانشوف ذاك اليوم شنسوي انا وياك يابو صالح ولا يهونون الشباب

بس خله يرتفع


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
بأقولكم قصة حلوة يمكن تفيد:

كان فيه واحد أسمه أبو صالح حب يدش السوق وقالو له عن هالمنتدى والا أشوف

الشباب يباركون حق مجموعه من الشباب ويقولون لهم صحيح من صبر نال مراده

وأتضح لي أنهم شروا سهم سعره مقارب لسهمنا ويباركون لهم لأن سعر السهم

طاف 10 سنت وقلت آخ لوني مبكر شوي كان أغتنينا لأن الشباب الباقين

متحسفين أنهم ما شروا وقلت خلني أشوف أول مشاركة يعني التوصية وإلا هي

يالربع قبل سنتين من تاريخ مباركة الشباب . وعطوني فرصه وأجيب الينك لك


يشاب لا تاأذونا ترا العملية إقتناع اللي مو مقتنع بالسهم وشاري فيه أقوله

أسمحلللللللللي واللي مقتنع فيه مطلوب منه الصبر والله يرزق الجميع


عضو نشط
1 أكتوبر 2004
ياحلاتك يالسبيعي كلامك يونس مو مثل بعض الناس حبطوني.... :) اقول السبيعي 2 يعني 100 او 200 دولار مو خساره بالسهم وماعندي مشكله لو اقعد سنه مابيع


19 يونيو 2004
صبحكم الله بالخير جميعا

والله ياجماعه انا شايف ان هالسهم جننكم

تهذرون وتسولفون فيه وترفعون الموضوع على قصه ولا سالفه والسهم مكانك راوح واحنا شكلنا بتخلص سوالفنا

المنتدى انترس من كثر مانرفع هالموضوع

ماعندنا سالفه غيره نفس الاخبار ونفس السعر للسهم بس الله والعالم ان من ثلاث شهور متابعه كل شلىعلى مااهو غير عقولنا الله يستر عليها من كثر هالهذره بالسهم انا صرت اتحلم فيه ومدرى شاخرها معاه هالطيب


عضو محترف
1 أغسطس 2003
المملكة العربية السعودية
يسعد الله صباحكم ومبارك عليكم الشهر

شباب حبيب ارفق هذا الشارت لسهمكم وياريت لو أحد يحلله لأني بصراحه عجزت افكر رموزه .

الملفات المرفقه:

  • SharpChartv05.png
    الحجم: 11.3 KB   المشاهدات: 193


عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
0 يا 0وسيم

يا0 وسيم0 الشارت

يقول 0ان 0السهم0 على0 شارت0 خمسين0 الف0 سنة0 عنده0 مقاومة0 حادة0 ممكن0 تكسر0 السهم0 وتخليه0 حطبة0 مو0 سهم0 على0 نقطة0.0004

اما على شارت 600 مليون سنة هناك مقاومة عنيدة عند 0.0005

في حال اجتياز المقاومة الاولى سيراوح قرابة 1300 سنة ومن ثم يمكن السهم ينطلق بعزم قوي محقق هدفه الاو ل الا هي نقطة 0,0006

نقول الله كريم

ويبقى الوسيط حقنا على شان يبقى ارث تاريخي لاجيالنا الخمسة وستون

لاني ناوي اوصي بها


بعدين وسيم ترا ماني فاضي لك كل مره احلل سهم لك ياخي ام تعلم التحليل او اخذ دورة والا شوف لك شغلة غير البورصة :D

تعبنا كل مره واحد يقول يا تركي الله يخليك حلل تكفى حلل
اقول والله على كثر ما حللت ما لقيت اسهل واريح من

تحليل الدم او ....... او ...........

الاخ اول

اتمنى تكون استفدت من التحليل الفني المرفق

والا اقولك انت خلك في الدوري الايطالي

واكتب رقم جوالك

والا ليش رقم جوالك
انا راح امسج لك على روتانا :D

هيا ابسط يا عم
5 أكتوبر 2004
طبعا الكويت
للاخ السبيعي

يعطيك العافيه اخوي السبيعي بس حبيت اعرف وين وصلت مع الاوسط صارلك كم يوم لا حس ولا خبر انا بس خايف يكونون موظفين الاوسط اوعدوك خير وقالولك بيردولك خبر عالموضوع خلال الثلاث السنوات القادمة :p


عضو محترف
14 أبريل 2004
السعودية- الرياض
:) حبيبي واستاذي السبيعي2 كلامك معقول نظريا لكن عمليا ينجح مع سهم ويفشل مع مليون :(

..... وترى على فكره ياشباب انا امس مريت من جمب مكتب الشركه وهو مقفل ولقيت واحد قاعد جمب الباب حق الشركه يبيع مسوايك وهو متلطم وعيونه تروح وتجي تراقب المكتب ونا والله شاك انه ابو الفين :D << اخس يالبحث وتحري >>

وبعدين يا ابو الفين ماشالله على تحليلك < ابداع والله >حبيبنا المحامي يقول اني حبطته :cool: اما انت خلصت عليه بتحليلك الروعه .

اخوي المحامي انا ما نصحتك الا لاني مجربها


عضو محترف
1 أغسطس 2003
المملكة العربية السعودية
:d :d الله يرج ابليسك ياتركي

الخوف احط 20 دولار واخليه لأحفاد احفادي ويطلبوهم بعد كذا تسديد ديون :d :d

السوق مليان فرص لكن القناص من يحترف في التقاطها والميه وميتين دولار في اسهم جيده تصير 400 و 500 والله كريم يضعاعفها اضعاف مضاعفه .
موضوع مغلق