*cmkx news*

موضوع مغلق


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
ياشباب لازلت عندقولي إن هالشركة فرصة عمر بس يبيلها صبر شوية لأن عندها

مشاكل مع الأسهم الغير المرخصة وعدد الأسهم الكبير وإلا لماذا برأيكم يشترون حصص في شركات مثل sggm أو شركات مقفلة مثل cim

) بداية بحصةِ سهمِ Juina بي آر. عُدْ وحاولْ تَخمين $ إشتركَ في هذه الحصةِ مرةً أخرى والذي سَيَكُونُ في إيصالِ هذه الدولاراتِ، .

1) لَيسَ فقط نَعْرفُ بأنّ أرضَنا إدّعاءاتِ لَها diamondiferous kimberlite (لا شَكَّ أكثر قليلاً جداً مِنْ أي شخص آخر في كندا أَو أي مكان لذلك) وإكتشافات معدنية ضخمة (ببساطة يُنتظر أَنْ الحقيقة بإِنَّنا الأوائل لمَسْح هذه الملكيةِ بالكامل ويُميّزونَ (وهكذا يُحدّدونَه! ! ! ! ! ذلك صحيحونُ نحن نَعْرفُ ما عِنْدَنا الناسُ وهو لَهُ في الحقيقة ما حقّقَ أي شَكِّ. لماذا تَعتقدُ كُلّ هذه الكياناتِ الأخرى تَشتركُ بها؟ أَعْني، إذا أنت عَمِلتَ a مسح وإكتشفَ a كمية كبيرة مِنْ القيمةِ على أرضِكِ لا تُريدَ أَنْ يَكُونَ عِنْدَكَ ذلك العددِ حقّقَ مِن قِبل مستشار خارجي كa رأي خبير ثاني، قبل إنْفاق المبالغ الكبيرةِ إلى retreive، القيمة والآخرون المقنع بأَنْك عِنْدَكَ السلعُ؟ )، لَكنَّنا عِنْدَنا إدّعاءاتُ معدنيةُ شاملةُ أيضاً التي تَحتوي بلايينَ الدولاراتِ في المعادنِ المتنوعةِ مثل التنجستنِ، ملح قلي , kimberlite مخصّب، وآخرون. إنظرْ إلى الشركاتِ الأخرى وما هم يَحْفرونَ لويَجِدونَ في مكان قريب. diamondplay com a مكان عظيم للبَدْء. بداية تحت ساسكاتشوان بالطبع.

2) روجر غلين(المستشار القانوني)، الذي يَجِبُ أَنْ يَقُولَه كُلّ، لَكنِّي سَأُدرجُ بضعة آخرون.

3) يُبلغُ عن الشركاتِ بالكامل يَنضمُّ إلى القواتِ مَعنا.

4) أي سباق فريقِ الذي كدّسَ العقودَ التي تَذْهبُ أكثر مِنْ a سَنَة إلى المستقبلِ بالشركاتِ المُحترمةِ الجيّدةِ في الضوءِ الوطنيِ.

5) حَمَلة أسهم طريقِ الأكثرِ مِنْ سهمِ otc.bb. أنا أَتخيّلُ بأنّنا عِنْدَنا حول 40,000 + والذي سهم الصفحةِ الورديِ المتوسطِ لَهُ فقط حول 3-400. شركة أو تي سي بي بي المتوسطة لَها من المحتمل فقط 10 % العدد نحن نَعمَلُ هنا. تُفكّرُ بالدولاراتِ الآن هناك والقوَّةِ الأسّيةِ التي تَتقدّمُها سَتَجْلبُ.

6) الحقيقة بإِنَّنا نُشاركُ بالشركاتِ التي تَمتلكُ مبادئَهم شركاتَ متكاملةَ بشكل عمودي بشكل إستراتيجي ضمن كلا تَحديد مصدر، المعالجة (تصفية) وبيع بالمفرد تَعلّقَ بجوانبِ مِنْ واحد أَو كُلّ هذه الصناعاتِ والآخرين المذكورينِ: الماس، صناعة المعادن الثمينةَ والذهبَ، العديد مِنْ الآخرين أيضاً. أوصلْ النقاطَ على بضعة هذه وأنت سَتَرى هذا بشكل واضح. إنظرْ إلى بي آر لCrystalinx (تهجّئ؟ ) للمبتدئين.

7) شركات خاصّة تَجيءُ إلى الصورةِ. هذا أكبرُ مِنْ أي واحد تَخيّلَ من المحتمل في نفسه. أنا سَأَتْركُ هذا لكلّكم للتَأَمُّل. عندما تُدركُ ما هذا تُورّطُه فقط قَدْ تَنْسفُك نسفاً كاملاً!

8) عَملَ البارونَ الأخضرَ بحثاً كثيراً على هذه الشركةِ. لتَضْمين إرسال إد، رئيسهم ومالكهم إلى هذا الجنسِ الأخيرِ. هم مَا وَجدوا أيّ شئَ سلبيَ حول هذه الشركةِ. كَيفَ أَعْرفُ هذا؟ إد أخبرَني هذا إلى وجهِي. هم بالتأكيد لا يُراجعونَ أيّ otc.bb تُجهّزُ مطلقاً. إبحثْ عن نفسك. رغم ذلك يَقُولونَ هذا فعلاً "لعبة عمر "، الآن هذا يَجِبُ أَنْ يَعْني كثيراً عليه خاصُ، لذا أَتْركُك مَع فقط هذا التعليقِ في الإعتباراتِ إلى مراجعتِهم المستقلةِ.

و9) علّمَ هناك الكثير الأفرادَ حَسناً ويَستثمرُ خبراءَ الصناعةِ الذين كُلّ يُوافقونَ. هذا السهمِ سَيُغيّرُ العديد مِنْ حياةِ الناسِ. هذا يَتضمّنُ العديد مِنْ خبراءِ الإستثمارِ الذين راجعوا بشكل حرفي آلافَ على آلافِ المخمليةِ على مرِّ السنين، البعض مِنْ الذي ذَكرَ لي في الأجناسِ التي إعتقدوا بِأَنَّ هذه الشركةِ أيضاً تَتحمّلُنا مرّة في فرصة عمرِ.ونحن قريباً لكي نَلْعبَ مَع الأولادِ الكبارِ في رأيي. Institutionals.

24/9/2004هذا تأريخُ واحد الذي سَيُخبرُنا متأكّد شيءَ الأمامَ. . هي سَتَكُونُ حقيقةَ ولَيستْ إشاعةً.


عضو نشط
22 نوفمبر 2003
وش القصة يا جماعة السهم هذا مسوي زحمة باشاعاته ...وش الخبر المنتظر بالضبط الان


عضو نشط
2 يونيو 2004
المملكة العربية السعودية
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

يأخواني أنا شاري في هذا السهم من فترة حوالي شهرين ( 1000000 ) مليون سهم وما عطوني أي حصة من اسهم ucad فما أعرف وش القصة وسوف نتمسك بهذا السهم إلى النهاية وشكراً .


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
Ed from Green Baron just said (on christian traders show) that they beleive CMKX is going to file the papers as a reporting company within the next two weeks.


Last weekend the CEO of our parent company,
> Evergreen Marketing, Inc., was able to speak at
> length with the CEO of (CMKX Partner) US Canadian
> Minerals Mr. Rendal Williams during the NHRA races
> in Indianapolis. We are very excited not only about
> the future of US Canadian Minerals (UCAD), but we
> are even more convinced that CMKM Diamonds is
> sitting on mining claims that contain precious
> minerals and stones that will boggle the mind.
> UCAD's financial commitment to CMKM Diamonds back in
> late July came only after viewing and interpreting
> survey results over portions of CMKM property.
> Although CMKM Diamonds CEO Urban Casavant
> could not attend the races due to his involvement
> with matters in Saskatchewan related to drilling
> activity, our meeting with Mr. Williams of UCAD
> provided more than enough information. Mr. Williams
> has accepted our offer to conduct a Green Baron CEO
> Webcast. It will be available very soon on our
> website at www.thegreenbaron.com so that everyone
> can listen first hand to this man of extreme
> confidence and committed direction. The focus of
> our interview will be on US Canadian Minerals, but
> we will ask questions regarding the company's
> relationship to CMKM Diamonds.
> Once again, we maintain our belief that CMKX
> is within weeks of a major move higher. Please
> remember that there is no guarantee if you should
> sell CMKX prior to receipt of stock dividends that
> you will be entitled to receive them even though you
> were a shareholder on the record date. Stock
> dividends are treated differently than cash
> dividends, and we recommend that you speak to an
> investment professional should you have further
> questions. The Green Baron Report does not believe
> in any of the dividend distribution numbers that
> have been posted by third parties.
> The Green Baron Report believes CMKM Diamonds
> is diligently working on achieving a fully reporting
> status. We believe that once a final accounting of
> share structure and approximate valuation is
> revealed that a steady flow of positive news will
> follow. We believe the selling in CMKM Diamonds is
> slowly starting to subside, and we will finally see
> the stock trend higher. We encourage our members to
> remain focused, stay on target, and have faith like
> we do that CMKM Diamonds will be The Stock Play of a
> Lifetime.

> Don't forget to check our website regularly
> for important Updates and Alerts. Thank you for
> your support.


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
هذا رأيي بإختصار

Our JV partners know what we have (because they have viewed and interpreted the survey results) and that is why they are joining with us. Nothing else makes sense. This will be huge!

Be patient, as it is only a matter of time now before great things begin to happen for CMKX shareholders.

In addition, the PR tonight pertaining to UCAD is just another
indication of more money being poured into CMKM Diamonds, Inc. for
additional % interest in all of CMKM's mineral claims. If for
UCAD, as well as Roger Glenn and these other Mining Companies, know
something BIG that all of us will come to know when the time is
appropriate. CMKM Diamonds, Inc. is definitely "worth the wait"!



عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
August Focus Stock Pick Update

CMKM Diamonds, Inc. (CMKX)

“Stay on Target”

Coming Soon: Webcast with UCAD CEO

Last weekend the CEO of our parent company, Evergreen Marketing, Inc., was able to speak at length with the CEO of (CMKX Partner) US Canadian Minerals Mr. Rendal Williams during the NHRA races in Indianapolis. We are very excited not only about the future of US Canadian Minerals (UCAD), but we are even more convinced that CMKM Diamonds is sitting on mining claims that contain precious minerals and stones that will boggle the mind. UCAD’s financial commitment to CMKM Diamonds back in late July came only after viewing and interpreting survey results over portions of CMKM property.

Although CMKM Diamonds CEO Urban Casavant could not attend the races due to his involvement with matters in Saskatchewan related to drilling activity, our meeting with Mr. Williams of UCAD provided more than enough information. Mr. Williams has accepted our offer to conduct a Green Baron CEO Webcast. It will be available very soon on our website at www.thegreenbaron.com so that everyone can listen first hand to this man of extreme confidence and committed direction. The focus of our interview will be on US Canadian Minerals, but we will ask questions regarding the company’s relationship to CMKM Diamonds.

Once again, we maintain our belief that CMKX is within weeks of a major move higher. Please remember that there is no guarantee if you should sell CMKX prior to receipt of stock dividends that you will be entitled to receive them even though you were a shareholder on the record date. Stock dividends are treated differently than cash dividends, and we recommend that you speak to an investment professional should you have further questions. The Green Baron Report does not believe in any of the dividend distribution numbers that have been posted by third parties.

The Green Baron Report believes CMKM Diamonds is diligently working on achieving a fully reporting status. We believe that once a final accounting of share structure and approximate valuation is revealed that a steady flow of positive news will follow. We believe the selling in CMKM Diamonds is slowly starting to subside, and we will finally see the stock trend higher. We encourage our members to remain focused, stay on target, and have faith like we do that CMKM Diamonds will be The Stock Play of a Lifetime.


عضو نشط
14 ديسمبر 2003
Is there supplemental evidence that appears to back this conclusion?
SGGM's 5% interest in CMKM as of today amounted, I believe around
1.4 trillion. Several months ago, I predicted that soon the Big
Money would come knocking on CMKM's door, and SGGM's principles are
some of the mining industries movers and shakers. They have proven
their expertise in the mining industry, and recently entered into a
diamond deal with Debeers, BHP, etc for a 10% stake. Their 10% stake
amounts to 70 million dollars, and one brother donated 50 million to
the college he attended. Does the above sound like they are
successful in the mining industry? And what door did they knock on?

Finally, Debeers places a value of 40 to 80 billion on their 58,000
acres. If we assume CMKM owns 2 million acres divided by 58,000
acres, the result is 34.5 rounded. Then multiply 34.5 times 40
billion and the result...1.38 trillion dollars. Coincidence? The
industry and the market is willing to bestow the lower end of
Debeers estimate on their acreage to CMKM. And why not? The word has
leaked out about the magnetic survey results. It is plainly
impossible to keep that type of information under wraps. Too many
eyes saw that the final map displaying the hundreds of kimberlite
bodies and at least several of gigantic proportions.

In conclusion, Urban Casavant just locked up another regional
mineral discovery valued at least 1 trillion and the market is
slowly recognizing that fact. What can Urban expect? More knocks on
his door. The Big Money realizes Urban is a man who is willing to
cut a deal where both parties win. At the races, his basic
psychology has come across as a caring and giving person. This is
the type of man that other business men seek out to conduct business
with. And even if they personally dislike him, WE GOT THE GOODS.



عضو محترف
7 يونيو 2004
يا شباب شوفوا هالموقع

يا شباب شوفوا هالموقع
طبعا عبارة عن برنامج لحساب كمية ما تستحق اسهم شركة cmkx من0الانقسامات0 مع 0الشركات

ورجا0 اللي0 يعرف 0الحسبة0 بالضبط

يرد0 علينا0 0 ويفهمنا0 الطريقة



عضو نشط
22 يونيو 2004
اخوى تركى كل المطلحات واضح بس مصطلح cmkx shares you hold

o/s of cmkx

اذا كنت واضحة عندك وضحه لنا ونا اخوك

love life

عضو نشط
16 يوليو 2004
LAS VEGAS, Sep 9, 2004 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- U.S. Canadian Minerals Inc. (OTCBB: UCAD) announced today that it has exercised a portion of its option with CMKM Diamonds Inc. (Pink Sheets: CMKX) to purchase an additional 1.66% interest in all of CMKX's mineral claims for $2,500,000 USD. Under the agreement reached in July, UCAD has a one-year option agreement to purchase up to an aggregate total of 10% interest in all of the mineral claims held by CMKX for a total of $15 million USD payable to CMKM Diamonds Inc. With the exercise of this portion of the option and previous option exercises and transactions with CMKX, UCAD currently holds 9.16% of all of CMKX's mineral claims. Should UCAD exercise its remaining portion of its option, the company will hold 15% of all of the CMKX mineral claims.


عضو نشط
22 يونيو 2004
السبيعى ممكن

السبيعى ممكن تعطينا تحليلك او توقعك يالغالى نعلم انها ليس توصيه ولكن ابداء الرأي من شخص مرموق باالبورصه الامريكيه وتوقعك بعد تاريخ 24/9 ;)
موضوع مغلق