عضو نشط
السلام عليكم
لقد حاولت الدخول اليوم الى حسابى فى الداتك ولكن لم استطع الدخول
وكلما احاول الدخول تظهر لى هذه الرساله
Go to www.datek.com Application Servers Unavailable
Please try again.
Thank you for choosing Datek. We are currently conducting routine system maintenance.
The application servers for your request are temporarily unavailable.
During this time, you will be unable to access your Datek account.
We thank you for your patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
هل من احد يواجه نفس المشكله ام انها فقط فى حسابى
الرجاء الافاده
لقد حاولت الدخول اليوم الى حسابى فى الداتك ولكن لم استطع الدخول
وكلما احاول الدخول تظهر لى هذه الرساله
Go to www.datek.com Application Servers Unavailable
Please try again.
Thank you for choosing Datek. We are currently conducting routine system maintenance.
The application servers for your request are temporarily unavailable.
During this time, you will be unable to access your Datek account.
We thank you for your patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
هل من احد يواجه نفس المشكله ام انها فقط فى حسابى
الرجاء الافاده