متداول اسلامي
عضو مميز
OneOpen Movie Maker and plug your digital video camera into the computer.
TwoClick "Capture from video Device" under the Capture Video section.
ThreeFollow the Capture Video wizard to transfer the video from your camera to your computer.
FourDrag the clips from the "Collection" box down to the Storyboard at the bottom of the window.
FiveAdd Effects, Transitions and Titles/Credits by clicking on the appropriate link in the Edit Movie Section. Effects and Transitions may be dragged directly to the storyboard where you want it to be applied. There is a short wizard for adding Titles or Credits.
SixSwitch to the timeline view by clicking on the "Show Timeline" button, which is located directly above the Storyboard.
SevenEdit the length of individual clips by clicking at the beginning or end of the clip and dragging it towards the center. You may make fine edits by using the magnifying glass to zoom in on your clip.
EightClick on one of the options under "Finish Movie" to complete your movie.
NineFollow the Finish Movie wizard to compile your Movie Maker project into a film that may be viewed on a variety of applications.
OneOpen Movie Maker and plug your digital video camera into the computer.
TwoClick "Capture from video Device" under the Capture Video section.
ThreeFollow the Capture Video wizard to transfer the video from your camera to your computer.
FourDrag the clips from the "Collection" box down to the Storyboard at the bottom of the window.
FiveAdd Effects, Transitions and Titles/Credits by clicking on the appropriate link in the Edit Movie Section. Effects and Transitions may be dragged directly to the storyboard where you want it to be applied. There is a short wizard for adding Titles or Credits.
SixSwitch to the timeline view by clicking on the "Show Timeline" button, which is located directly above the Storyboard.
SevenEdit the length of individual clips by clicking at the beginning or end of the clip and dragging it towards the center. You may make fine edits by using the magnifying glass to zoom in on your clip.
EightClick on one of the options under "Finish Movie" to complete your movie.
NineFollow the Finish Movie wizard to compile your Movie Maker project into a film that may be viewed on a variety of applications.