أيضاً للمعلومية سبق وأن أرسلت لهم قبل حوالي شهر وهذا ردهم:
Briefing.com Customer,
I can logon with your user data so there is nothing wrong with your account.
Generally speaking problems of this type are usually related to cookies, and
can be corrected by deleting them. However, there can be other things that
prevent a successful login. Please follow the steps below to correct the
There would seem to be some sort of issue with cache, "cookies", or the
time/date involved here. Our customers may need to delete any existing
Briefing.com cookies, and then login to Briefing.com.
It is important that cookies be enabled, and that "Save my Password" is
selected from the login page. You will time out often, possibly every 15-30
minutes, if you are unable to save a password, if cookies are not enabled,
or if you do not select this option.
The fix is as simple as 1,2,3:
1. Check that the date is correct on your PC.
2. Clear Cache & History
3. Clear/delete cookies
Please verify your browser setup.
Follow these instructions to delete cookies, verify browser setup and clear
cache. Please note: these directions are for the Internet Explorer Browser.
Please consult our help page,
http://www.briefing.com/About_/help/, for
directions for other browsers.
Be aware that for browser settings to actually be changed that only a single
browser window can be open while making the changes to the settings, and
that after the settings are changed that one must close that browser window
before continuing.
Close all open browser windows.
Follow this link:
http://www.briefing.com/. (do not login)
Click "Tools" from the main browser menu.
Select "Internet Options" from the drop-down list.
Click the "Delete Cookies" button if you see it and confirm (this will
delete all cookies)**
Click the "Delete Files" button. (This brings up the next choice)
Check the box next to "Delete all offline content."
Click "OK".
Click the "Settings" button.
Check the radio button next to "Every visit to the page".
Click "OK".
Click "Clear History"
Click the "Security" Tab.
Click the "Custom Level" button.
Scroll down through the options to the end.
Make sure that "Automatic logon in Intranet zone" is selected.
Click OK twice.
Close all open browser windows.
** If there is not a "delete cookies", or you only want to delete
Briefing.com cookies please do the following AFTER completing the rest of
the preceding directions.
Click "Tools" from the main browser menu.
Select "Internet Options" from the drop-down list.
From the General Tab, Temporary Internet files area
Click on the "Settings" button
Click on the "view files" button
Then in the window that pops up select "View" > Arrange Icons> By Name
Then select View > Details.
These steps will arrange things so that you can find the Briefing.com
The cookies will all say Cookie:your_name@company_name
Look for the cookies that say Cookie:your_name@briefing.com, and
Right click on each of those files and select Delete > yes
OK out of those screens, close all browsers.
Then click on this link
www.briefing.com, and use the subscriber Login
button in the upper right part of the page to access Briefing.com content.
You will be taken straight to the Briefing.com Index,
from there you can select what page you would like to go to. If cookies and
cache have been cleared/deleted you will be taken to the sign in screen at
this point. If you are not presented with the login page the Briefing.com
cookies were not actually deleted.
Select "Save my password" first, before you enter your user information.
Enter your user name and password anew even if the spaces are automatically
filled out.
Copy and paste the following;
بعدين كاتبين لي إسم المستخدم والباسورد(بالعربي)!!!
وجربت الخطوات إلي قالوا بس يمكني ماسويتها صح
إن شاءالله إنك بتلاقي لي مخرج في هالرسالة
...تحياتي لك...