السلام عليكم
انا كذلك لم يفتح معي الداتك وشيكت على case ,ووجدت انهم ( حسب فهمي للرسالتهم ) انهم اعتمدو الحساب في الامتريد وليس الدايتك سوف يرسلون
account number
وتاخذ وقت ممكن 3 ايام وهذه رسالتهم
^^^^drag black rule above to resize^^^^
Subject: Pre-Transfer Notice
Event Type: Case response
Posted By: Customer Support
Posted On: 02/05/2003 15:07:42 ET
Dear , Your new ameritrade.com supported account has been opened and your asset transfer will be initiated on the next business day. Please note: when we start the transfer process, open orders on your existing account will be canceled and Online trading will be disabled. Positions must be settled prior to being transferred to your new account. You will continue to have account access to your transaction history. Your new account number and Personal identification number (PIN) have been mailed to you separately. If you have not received them in the mail, they should arrive shortly. Once your account number and PIN arrive, please use them to access your account atwww.ameritrade.com . Please call an Apex Client Services representative at 866-403-5483 if you have any additional questions regarding the transfer of your account. A NOTE ABOUT CHECKING Your current checking services will be discontinued when your account is transferred. To avoid any issues during this transition we encourage you to stop writing checks on that account immediately. Should you have any additional questions in regards to the transfer of your account, please call an Apex Client Services representative at 866-403-5483.
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