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عضو نشط
22 ديسمبر 2004
ياشباب انا محتار بين شركتين في فتح حساب
mgforex و fxsol

اتوقع في شركة mgforex ما في زي شركة fxsol نوعين حق الحساب الحساب المصغر(اقل من 10.000) والحساب الكبير (10 الاف وما فوق )

MG Financial Group recently released Fractional Unit Size Trading, or flexiTrading, to the Live Trading platform. flexiTrading (fractional unit size trading) can offer you greater flexibility with your trading account by allowing you to tailor the size of your position in smaller increments.

MG clients will now be able to trade in increments of not only a full unit, but also in smaller increments of 0.1 units. For example, since the unit size of EUR/USD is 100,000 euros, a full unit trade has a minimal position of 100,000 euros, and the next smallest full unit position would be 200,000 euros, and so on. With this addition, MG's platform will allow traders to have a position divisible by increments of 0.1 units, such as 1.5 units (150,000 euros), 2.7 units (270,000 euros), and 7.5 units (750,000 euros) and so on.


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