عضو نشط
- التسجيل
- 17 نوفمبر 2002
- المشاركات
- 212
هذة اخبار الشركةWORLDCOM IS NOT A BANKRUPT COMPANY!---Based on current information and a preliminary analysis of its ability to satisfy outstanding liabilities, WorldCom believes when it emerges from bankruptcy proceedings, its existing WorldCom and Intermedia preferred stock and WorldCom group and MCI group tracking stock issues will have no value----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MCI/WORLDCOM IN BRAZIL HITS $1.30 SHARE---------------1. Bashers getting more desperate and flea bit
2. Settlement with SEC with 9 billion pending for preserving common shares at $3 to open
3. Citigroup and other predators in trouble and unlikely to hold legal status at the bankruptcy table due to "unusual circumstances"
4. Understanding that Georgia law will require shareholder vote for bankruptcy settlement decisions
كما ارغب مزيدن المعلومات وذلك لخبرتك واشكرك جزيل الشكر ياخ ممدوح وللاخوان جميعا
5. Over 2 billion in cash and growing rapidly
6. Capellas announcement of "Turnaround" to replace "debt for equity"; share retention a likely outcome as part of promise to return to "integrity"
7. assurance that 25-30 billion in yearly revenue stems from 100+ billion in actual assets; assets exceed debt by a 2 to 1 margin
8. 11 billion dollar renewed government contract; other new and renewed major contracts
9. Increased profits due to unfortunate layoffs and reduction in management theft
10. Announcement of profitability in operations in Ireland, etc.
11. Support of MCI/WorldCom by the Bush administration and the SEC; agreement secured
13. Two federal judges, Gonzalez and Rakoff, to share decision process under Georgia law that protects shareholders
14. Shareholders now mentioned in most memos; term "stakeholders" since dropped
15. DIP financing no longer needed
16. 5-month delay granted while MCI/WorldCom completes Turnaround in place of debt for equity
17. Competition pleased with decision for MCI/WorldCom to emerge with some debt and common shares retained
18. Realization that America cannot afford the looting of its investors by a conspiracy of white-collar criminals; need to protect MCI/WorldCom employee retirement plans, New York City Pension Fund, and thousands of others from criminal fraud
19. Realization by the Bush administration that it cannot afford to permit Citigroup to rape the American investor and Wall Street; Bush desire to be re-elected in 2004
2. Settlement with SEC with 9 billion pending for preserving common shares at $3 to open
3. Citigroup and other predators in trouble and unlikely to hold legal status at the bankruptcy table due to "unusual circumstances"
4. Understanding that Georgia law will require shareholder vote for bankruptcy settlement decisions
كما ارغب مزيدن المعلومات وذلك لخبرتك واشكرك جزيل الشكر ياخ ممدوح وللاخوان جميعا
5. Over 2 billion in cash and growing rapidly
6. Capellas announcement of "Turnaround" to replace "debt for equity"; share retention a likely outcome as part of promise to return to "integrity"
7. assurance that 25-30 billion in yearly revenue stems from 100+ billion in actual assets; assets exceed debt by a 2 to 1 margin
8. 11 billion dollar renewed government contract; other new and renewed major contracts
9. Increased profits due to unfortunate layoffs and reduction in management theft
10. Announcement of profitability in operations in Ireland, etc.
11. Support of MCI/WorldCom by the Bush administration and the SEC; agreement secured
13. Two federal judges, Gonzalez and Rakoff, to share decision process under Georgia law that protects shareholders
14. Shareholders now mentioned in most memos; term "stakeholders" since dropped
15. DIP financing no longer needed
16. 5-month delay granted while MCI/WorldCom completes Turnaround in place of debt for equity
17. Competition pleased with decision for MCI/WorldCom to emerge with some debt and common shares retained
18. Realization that America cannot afford the looting of its investors by a conspiracy of white-collar criminals; need to protect MCI/WorldCom employee retirement plans, New York City Pension Fund, and thousands of others from criminal fraud
19. Realization by the Bush administration that it cannot afford to permit Citigroup to rape the American investor and Wall Street; Bush desire to be re-elected in 2004