هذه الشركة حسب بحث احد الشركات البحثية تعتقد انها سترتفع
280% خلال الاشهر القادمة
هل تستطيع تعرف اسم هذه الشركة ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
هذه صفاتها
They have $1.32 per share in cash
It currently trades at $1.30
This stock is up 25% last week on 6 times its average volume.
The company receives Government, defense, and National security contracts.
Many of their key personnel hold "Top Secret" security clearances.
30 - 40% of their revenues are derived from Government
Last year they had revenues of $1.34 billion!
Their losses are narrowing.
A successful turnaround has already been completed.
S&P recently upgraded their bond rating.
This stock was trading at $5.00 six months ago!
They have secured new contracts with Ford, John Deere,
Statoil (largest producer of North Sea crude oil in the world), and the National Cancer Institute.
A gain of 280% PLUS is possible if our target price of $5 is
280% خلال الاشهر القادمة
هل تستطيع تعرف اسم هذه الشركة ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
هذه صفاتها
They have $1.32 per share in cash
It currently trades at $1.30
This stock is up 25% last week on 6 times its average volume.
The company receives Government, defense, and National security contracts.
Many of their key personnel hold "Top Secret" security clearances.
30 - 40% of their revenues are derived from Government
Last year they had revenues of $1.34 billion!
Their losses are narrowing.
A successful turnaround has already been completed.
S&P recently upgraded their bond rating.
This stock was trading at $5.00 six months ago!
They have secured new contracts with Ford, John Deere,
Statoil (largest producer of North Sea crude oil in the world), and the National Cancer Institute.
A gain of 280% PLUS is possible if our target price of $5 is