لمن يصبر شهرين
هذه الشركة طبية خاصة بمعدات الأسنان
شركة XRAY
سعرها الآن 33.70
اذا نزلت الى سعر 32 ستكون مغرية للشراء
نتائج ارباحها ستكون في January 21, 2003*
والمتوقع من $0.52 او $0.51 للربع الأخير لعام 2002
مقابل $0.41 للعام السابق
مدة الأحتفاظ بالسهم شهرين
DENTSPLY International Inc., incorporated in 1993, is a designer, developer, manufacturer and marketer of a broad range of products for the dental market. The Company conducts its business in over 120 foreign countries, principally through its foreign subsidiaries. DENTSPLY has a long-established presence in Canada and in the European market, particularly in Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Netherlands and Austria. DENTSPLY also has a significant market presence in Central and South America, in South Africa and in the Pacific Rim. The Company has also established marketing activities in Moscow, Russia, to serve the countries of the former Soviet Union. In October 2001, the Company acquired Degussa Dental, a unit of Degussa AG. Degussa Dental's key product categories are precious metal dental alloys and ceramics.
More from Market Guide: Expanded Business Description