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عضو نشط
5 فبراير 2002
السلام عليكم
عرضت داتك خدمة traiding stop فهل من الممكن شرح هذه الخدمة
ولك تحياتي

Playing defense can be smart in a challenging market

A fast-changing market can erase your potential trading profits in the blink of an eye. That's why Datek has introduced its new trailing stop order type.*

Some traders may have strong convictions about the future direction of the market or the future price of individual stocks. Many traders, however, may want to use trailing stops to hedge their convictions in case they're proven wrong. How? By setting a price at which you are willing to sell your long positions or cover your short positions in the future.

Here's why you might consider adding this protective measure to your current online strategy.

Add a measure of certainty in uncertain markets. Trailing stops help you lock in potential profits or limit potential losses, which can be useful to active traders during periods of high price volatility.

Easy to understand and implement. Have a sale price in mind for your stock? Entering a trailing stop lets you set up an exit point for your position in case things go wrong, without needing to constantly adjust that exit point manually.

You decide what time is right. You may wish to set your protective trailing stop immediately after you open a new position. Or, if you prefer to watch the stock's movement for awhile, you can always set the trailing stop later, as long as you have the position - it's never too late to take measure to help protect your potential profits.

No need to constantly adjust your activation price manually. Simply set an activation price to help you lock in potential profits when markets advance or limit potential losses in downturns.


عضو نشط
25 أبريل 2002
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

هذه الخدمة تعطيك خاصية ملاحقة السعر المرتفع للشركة اتوماتيكياً. يعني

انت شريت سهم ب1 دولار
حطيت هالامر واخترت point وحطيت 5 سنت راح يبيع لك السهم اذا صار سعره 95 سنت مثل الستوب ليميت. لكن الفرق انه اذا ارتفع سعر السهم الى 1.05 رح يرفع سعر عرضك الى 1 دولار اتوماتيكياً واذا ارتفع الى 1.1 بيرفع سعر عرضك الى 1.05 وهكذا اتمنى يكون واضح الشرح السريع هذا.

نبي نعاون الاخ المؤشر لآن المنتدى للجميع.

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