مكتبة الفوركس المتجددة -ادارة راس المال-


عضو نشط
27 نوفمبر 2011
Winning the Day Trading Game

Winning the Day Trading Game offers an insider's view of the trading life and provides proven strategies for profitable trading. Professional trader Tom Busby explains how the strategies that made him so much money early on in his career ultimately failed during the 1987 stock market crash and then reveals how he reinvented himself as a high-percentage day trader. He interweaves personal experiences with technical explanations to outline the cornerstones of his technique. In highlighting his own trading experiences, Busby clearly explains how to beat the market by balancing the impulses of greed and fear, managing risk at all times; and taking responsibility for your trading.

Thomas L. Busby (Mobile, AL) has been a professional trader and broker for 25 years, working with Merrill Lynch and Smith Barney. He founded the Day Trading Institute in 1996 and it has grown into one of the most successful trading schools in the world.

Wiley Finance,.Practical Risk Management

Practical Risk Management: An Executive Guide to Avoiding Surprises and Losses is a concise, yet thorough, look at the world of financial risk management. The book is written by two senior banking professionals who have managed business and state- of-the-art financial risk in large and complex financial organisations, and who have also been in the middle of some of the most creative developments and turbulent times that the financial markets have ever seen. The book leverages these real experiences to offer useful and practical approaches to managing financial risk. It explores the challenges of risk management and how these can be overcome by focusing on governance and accountability within the framework of a clearly defined appetite for potential losses.

Understanding Risk The Theory and Practice of Financial Risk Management

Sound risk management often involves a combination of both mathematical and practical aspects. Taking this into account, Understanding Risk: The Theory and Practice of Financial Risk Management explains how to understand financial risk and how the severity and frequency of losses can be controlled. It combines a quantitative approach with a more informal style, giving readers a blend of analysis and intuition.

Divided into four parts, the book begins by introducing the basics of risk management and the behavior of financial instruments. The next section focuses on regulatory capital standards and models, addressing value-at-risk (VaR) models, portfolio credit risk, tranching, operational risk, and the Basel accords. The author then deals with asset/liability management (ALM) and liquidity management. The last part explores structured finance and a variety of new trading instruments, including inflation-linked products, sophisticated equity basket options, and convertible bonds.

With numerous exercises, figures, and examples throughout, this book offers valuable insight on various aspects of financial risk management.

Understanding Financial Management

Designed for those who want to gain an understanding of the fundamental concepts and techniques used in financial management. An underlying premise of the book is that the objective of the firm is to maximize value or wealth. Drawing on a wealth of experience in the academic and professional worlds, the authors discuss how firms can accomplish this objective by making appropriate investment and financing decisions.

Bridging the gap between financial theory and practice, the authors present fundamental concepts in an intuitive and nontechnical way, and provide numerous practical financial tips to readers. The focus is on current practice, using results from recent surveys to show the most popular techniques and approaches used by financial managers today.

A range of instructor’s resources are available at the accompanying website. Visit www.blackwellpublishing.com/baker for full details.

Uncertainty and Expectation Strategies for the Trading of Risk

In this entertaining and thoughtful book, Gerald Ashley sets out to explain what trading is, and lays out a modus operandi for being a trader and investor. He draws upon market anecdotes and examples from the past, seeking to debunk many myths surrounding financial markets, and to try and make the reader understand the real processes, risks and rewards that drive investment.

In particular he examines ideas in market and individual investor behaviour, and questions the usefulness of many of todays standard investment techniques including benchmarks, charts, analysts and 'gurus'. He also lays out simple precepts for understanding investment risk and suggests ideas for managing your investments in today's markets.



عضو نشط
27 نوفمبر 2011
Trading Risk

Revolutionary techniques that traders can implement to improve profits and avoid losses
No trader, professional or individual, can afford not to have a solid risk management program integrated into his or her trading system. But finding a precise mathematical model to replace subjective decision-making processes is a challenge. Traditionally, risk management has focused solely on loss avoidance, but in Trading Risk, hedge fund risk manager Kenneth Grant presents some-thing completely new—how to manage a portfolio to minimize risk and increase profits by putting more capital at risk. Trading Risk details a risk management program that can help both money managers and individual traders evaluate which elements in a portfolio are working efficiently and which aren’t. By illustrating an extremely simple set of statistical and arithmetic tools this book can help readers enhance their performance in many financial markets.
Kenneth L.Grant is Cheyne’s Global Risk Manager, and is the Managing Member for Cheyne Capital, LLC, the firm’s U.S. arm. Mr. Grant is a pioneer in the field of hedge fund risk management and capital allocation. Before joining Cheyne, he created risk control programs at two of the world’s leading hedge funds, Tudor Investments and SAC Capital, where he was eventually promoted to the title of Chief Investment Strategist. Mr. Grant holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin, an MA in Economics from Columbia University, and an MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business.

Tools and Techniques for Building Strong Relationships with Major Clients

Peter Cheverton's Key Account Management (3rd edition 2004) has established itself as the leading book on the subject. The idea for this new book was prompted by the huge up-take for his KAM Masterclass seminars and workshops from sales and marketing people in FS companies all over the world. It follows a similar structure to the original book, but offers specific advice on marketing and selling financial products, with real-world examples and case studies from FS companies around the globe.

Compiled from original in-depth research and interviews, the book is divided into seven parts and is designed to take the reader through the process of understanding, analysis, planning, implementation and performance monitoring, so it can be used as a 'before, during, and after' guide to practical implementation. With areas covered such as the changing environment in financial services; the buying process; competitor replacement strategies; identifying key accounts; meeting the customer's needs; E-commerce and the Internet; and management of non key accounts, this book is a must-have for anyone working or studying in this field.

time management -marc mancini

Effective time management is one of today's most overlooked--yet essential --keys to career growth in business and management. Time Management provides hands-on techniques and tools for making every minute count as it dispels myths that can actually cost instead of save valuable time. It helps managers match the right time-saving tool to each situation, reveals secrets for anticipating instead of reacting, and explains how any manager can eliminate procrastination.

The New Financial Advisor Strategies for Successful Family Wealth Management

"For those of us who are working day to day on the frontier of wealth management, Scott Budge has done a remarkable job of mapping out this new territory--helping families achieve life outcomes. Budge's book is a valuable primer for advisors who are ready to embrace the psychological aspects of their role with families as a complement to their financial expertise."
--Dirk Junge, Chairman and CEO, Pitcairn

"At the time when the qualitative issues of human development are becoming the dominant questions for families, Scott Budge's defining of the New Financial Advisor brings to life the kind of advisor who will be most helpful to families in the years to come."
--James (Jay) E. Hughes, author of Family Wealth: Keeping It in the Family and Family: The Compact Among Generations

The Handbook of Credit Portfolio Management

As the credit bubble fallout plagues the institutional finance sector--and will continue to do so in coming years--a strategic approach to credit portfolio management has never been more critical. The Handbook of Credit Portfolio Management provides all the information you'll need to successfully rebalance and manage your credit portfolios.
Together with co-author Christian Hoppe and a team of thirty-five international contributors, Greg N. Gregoriou provides strategies for calculating risk-weighted assets, reevaluating hedging strategies, and implementing Basel II standards. Providing a thoroughly global perspective of the subject, this comprehensive guide includes input from Moorad Choudhry (Group Head of Treasury at Europe Arab Bank plc, London); Christophe Godlewski (Université Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, France); Roland Fuss (University of Freiburg, Germany); and Valerio Potí (Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland), who shed light on such key topics as:
  • Investment opportunities of hedge funds
  • Basis arbitrage trading strategies
  • Issues regarding securitization of a sector basket
  • Cost-saving aspects of portfolio hedging with credit futures
The Handbook of Credit Portfolio Management covers the latest developments and most current portfolio management techniques to help you implement strategies that best suit your institution's needs.



عضو نشط
27 نوفمبر 2011




Simulation Techniques in Financial Risk Management

This unique resource provides simulation techniques for financial risk managers ensuring you become well versed in many recent innovations, including Gibbs sampling, the use of heavy-tailed distributions in VaR calculations, construction of volatility smile, and state space modeling. The authors illustrate key concepts with examples and case studies you can reproduce using either S-PLUS? or Visual Basic? and provide exercises so you can apply new concepts and test your knowledge.
Simulation Techniques in Financial Risk Management is invaluable both as a resource for risk managers in the financial and actuarial industries and as a coursebook for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in simulation and risk management.




Simple Tools and Techniques for Enterprise Risk Management

This popular book on enterprise risk management has been expanded and updated to include new themes and current trends for today's risk practitioner. It features up-to-date materials on new threats, lessons from the recent financial crisis, and how businesses need to protect themselves in terms of business interruption, security, project and reputational risk management.




Say It Right the First Time

Being a business professional is all about managing, motivating, and leading, or, in other words, getting people to do what you want. And, far and away, the most important tool for accomplishing this objective is language.
Written by an internationally recognized expert on business communications, this book offers managers deep insights into the power of language and how to wield it effectively in any organization.



risk control and money management



The Essentials of Risk Management

Increase the transparency of your risk management program to satisfy shareholders, employees, regulators, and other important constituencies
Keep on top of the continuing evolution of best-practice risk policies and methodologies and associated risk infrastructures
Implement and efficiently communicate an organization-wide Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) approach that encompasses market, credit, liquidity, operational, legal and regulatory, business, strategic and reputation risks
Navigate thorny areas including risk policies, risk methodologies, economic capital, regulatory capital, performance measurement, asset-liability management, and more
Efficiently allocate limited corporate resources to comply with the new generation of risk regulation and corporate governance regulation
As a non-risk professional or board member, you are being called on more than ever before to make sophisticated assessments of your organization's risk exposures as well as play a critical role in its formal risk management process. The Essentials of Risk Management tells you what you need to know to succeed in this challenging new environment.




The Business Value of IT Managing Risks, Optimizing Performance and Measuring Results

What does IT contribute to the business?
Why should we care about IT governance?
How can we best measure IT performance?
How do we mitigate the risks associated with change?




The ....................ytics of Risk Model Validation

Risk model validation is an emerging and important area of research, and has arisen because of Basel I and II. These regulatory initiatives require trading institutions and lending institutions to compute their reserve capital in a highly ....................ytic way, based on the use of internal risk models. It is part of the regulatory structure that these risk models be validated both internally and externally, and there is a great shortage of information as to best practise. Editors Christodoulakis and Satchell collect papers that are beginning to appear by regulators, consultants, and academics, to provide the first collection that focuses on the quantitative side of model validation. The book covers the three main areas of risk: Credit Risk and Market and Operational Risk.

*Risk model validation is a requirement of Basel I and II
*The first collection of papers in this new and developing area of research
*International authors cover model validation in credit, market, and operational risk


