Bachelor MIS (2008)


عضو نشط
7 مارس 2010
Mobile: (965) 55709321
_____________________________________________________________________________Vision & Objective

To obtain a challenging and demanding job in Interactive Design that will further enhance my knowledge and skills
A Learner for Life.

Career profile

·Extensive knowledge of hardware and software installation, configuration and maintenance.
·Excellent problem solving and troubleshooting skills.
·Proven ability to gather, extract and use data effectively.
·Experienced in the repair and assembly of personal computers.
·Committed to excellent customer relations.
·Ability to function as a team player and alternatively work independently to achieve objectives.
Educational profile

·Advanced academy of Egypt,
Bachelor MIS (2008)
· Advanced academic, Bachelor, BA management information system, general estimate((good)),
·Training For CCNA Vegan Company in Egypt
Training For ICG Software in ICG Software In Spain

Professional Experience

SMA Computers Co. W.L.L, Kuwait. From 2009 until now
Engineer,Technical support (K-Net Project), since two years
Includes programming and maintenance of all organs of the project of the company,
SMA Computers Co. W.L.L, Kuwait.

Engineer,Technical support (PaR Pixel point Project), ICG Software Project)
Since 3 years
Systemisthework of thefull draftof therestaurants
(Pixel Point)
USAsoftware for Hospitality solution
Setup and processing program to comply with the requirements of the restaurant and-dropped the work of maintenance and periodic follow-up, whether software or Hardware
My Customers setup: Green Apple Restraint 4 Restraints one database,
Chocolateness,Aubrgen,Aldomery,Alsaha,Great stake Salmiya,Q CFFE 4 Restaurants’,saffron Salmiya , Dip N Dip Avenues,tamdeen360mall 3 Restaurants’ ,Luscious Company Kuwait ,NewsBurger Jabryah, Dragon Jabryah,Choowy Goowy 52 mal,SKY Lounge,socrat bakery hawaly 2 restraints,Bubo Restraint Kuwait ,

(ICG Software)
Spine software for hospitality solution
ICG FRONTREST: restaurants system for magnet manger and casher and store caper.
My customers Setup:Bait dikson salmiya,Café Expot Mangaf , Kanfani 12 restaurants’: Stick House Avenues’, Triangle Kuwait,
ICG FORINTRETAIL: system retail for general shops like supermarkets, pharmacy, Clothing Shop.
My customers Setup:SPA HAWALY
ICG MANGER: head office to linked all baseness to mange by one machine.
My customers Setup: Malls BO Khams Bairq mall
(Hardware) Repair and installation
PaR6000.PaR200, Aures-Elues-Galuo-Odese, VaryPOS


Programming skills

  • Operating Systems: Windows2000, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows Vista, MS DOS , Windows98 , Windows7
  • Office Package: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Outlook Express
  • Multimedia program photo shop
  • Network: configure IP Address and work with Multiple Sections
Office Supported Skills
· holdsavalid driving licenseof Kuwait andEgypt
·Typing speed
·The experience of more than a few programs in the following First, in the design of Web pages (fornt page, html , java script)
TooverviewExcellent online and in mastering the opportunity take advantage of it in a way I am also familiar with the systems and networking background I have quite a few in the field of networks And also work for the maintenance of Hardware and background isacceptable uses for the device Sagem ingeinco Web pos
Language Skills
English reading and writing is good and acceptable to speak
Arabic is mother Language
Excellent reading, writing and speaking
Personal details
Date of Birth 17/9/1986
Sex Male
Marital status Married
Nationality Egyptian
Passport Number 000000000
Date of Issue 2/2/2012
Date of Expiry 1/2/2019
Civil ID Number 0000000000000000000(Type 18 transferable)