
@ عاشق الريم @

عضو نشط
15 أبريل 2008
افتتح بجوه وارتفاع 009 والآن 0051 دعم للسهم تم الدخول

Rfmk دعم 0050 الدخول بالقرب منه اذا واقف عند مقاومه

@ عاشق الريم @

عضو نشط
15 أبريل 2008

SILVERDALE, Wash., April 28, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Infrared Systems International (OTCQB: IFRS) is pleased to announce that our subsidiary, Infrared Applications, Inc., has entered into an agreement with Discovery Technology International Inc. (DTII) a Maryland corporation. *Under terms of the agreement DTII will develop a portable demonstration system for HarmAlarm that will be used to demonstrate the patent protected features of HarmAlarm for selected corporations.

Mr. Gary Ball, Infrared Applications, Inc.'s President, showcased HarmAlarm at ISC West 2011 as the next generation in physical security surveillance systems. HarmAlarm is based upon the company's recent patent issued June 2010. *HarmAlarm forms a family of applications all based upon this next generation patent protected technology.

The company's business strategy for HarmAlarm calls for an introductory phase that will concentrate on the market for retrofitting existing in service Security Systems. *This phase is ideally suited for both branding the HarmAlarm's name and functional capability. *Establishing our identity is a perquisite for future growth. Mr. Ball commented, "We received favorable responses by our peer community at ISC West. *This encouragement has led IAI to contract with DTII to fabricate a demonstration unit that can be used to show potential licensees how HarmAlarm performs at their security site by using their camera systems. *The ability to demonstrate HarmAlarm on their equipment at their site bridges the gap of uncertainty from what we claim we can do - to what can be done using HarmAlarm technology." *

"HarmAlarm's actual performance is dependent upon prevailing conditions and factors at each security site. *Many factors go into determining the actual performance. *What is universally true is that HarmAlarm will provide an unambiguous functional performance improvement over existing system. *This will give our licensees the opportunity to expand the scope of their business with their current customers," stated Mr. Ball. *

"Furthermore, this demonstration unit will form a baseline to explore retail options. We expect our relationship with DTII, currently a time and material contract, will lead to additional avenues of collaboration in the future as we act upon developing opportunities."

The HarmAlarm material used at the ISC-West Security show is available for review at our web site: http://www.HarmAlarm.com under the title: "Your Customer Deserves the Best".

About Infrared Systems International:

Infrared Systems International, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, offers unique solutions and applications for a variety of industries and emerging technologies.

Infrared Applications, Inc. is a security and safety focused company. The latest technological advancements have been incorporated into a powerful blend of wireless operation and infrared imaging to provide a system that features redundancy, connectivity, independent verification, and seamless operation for a broad spectrum of security applications. Our patented solutions benefit aviation, industrial infrastructure, military, homeland defense, and the private sector.

AquaLiv, Inc. is a life sciences research and development company. Recent advancements in AquaLiv's technology uncovered a new field of biological information science. With direct applications in the industries of water purification, environmental science, agriculture, animal husbandry, personal use products, and medicine, AquaLiv is ready to expand its innovative product offering. To learn more about AquaLiv, please visit:*www.aqualiv.net.

Focus Systems, Inc. is a service orientated, desktop virtualization, and VoIP information technology provider. Focus Systems' service essentially eliminates the need for their customers to buy, deploy, and maintain IT infrastructure. The move to cloud computing lowers customers' total cost of ownership by shifting critical systems to Focus -- including servers, backup, software, operating systems, updates, power, cooling, facility space, and internal staffing requirements. For more information, please visit:*www.focus-sys.com.

Safe Harbor: Statements contained in this news release, other than those identifying historical facts, constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Safe Harbor provisions as contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements relating to the Company's future expectations, including but not limited to revenues and earnings, technology efficacy, strategies and plans, are subject to safe harbors protection. Actual Company results and performance may be materially different from any future results, performance, strategies, plans, or achievements that may be expressed or implied by any such forward-looking statements. The Company disclaims any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements.

Infrared Systems International