أسئلة وأجوبة جول بعض الشركات


عضو نشط
2 مارس 2002
أسئلة موجهة الى جيم كرامر من كبار المحللين فى الوول ستريت

حول بعض الشركات من قبل بعض المستثمرين..وضعتها للاستفادة .

QUESTION: What is your opinion on Siebel Systems?
-- Alex Girevendulis (received 05/03/02)
Jim Cramer: I really like Tom Siebel and his company, but I believe the stock can move even lower. Siebel came out and said last month that demand has yet to recover, but the stock still trades more than 40 times this year's projected earnings. In my opinion, investors should focus on other sectors for the near term.

QUESTION: Where do you see THC going?
-- Jose Bruno (received 05/03/02)
Jim Cramer: I'm keeping a hawk's eye on this one. Despite the great run Tenet Healthcare's stock has had recently, the company is still cheap relative to 2003 expected earnings. Moreover, business is fantastic, and the company continues to shave debt off the balance sheet. I believe there is a lot to like here.


QUESTION: Do you think General Electric will ever recover, and is it time to buy?
-- Bobby Beck (received 05/02/02)
Jim Cramer: GE is still the cornerstone of the stock market and is so cheap historically that I believe investors should consider averaging down at these levels. The stock is down largely because of an investor rotation into small caps, in my opinion. But for the long-term, General Electric stands to benefit when this trend reverses


QUESTION: Why did you change your mind on Guidant?
-- John Brum (received 05/02/02)
Jim Cramer: I think the stock has reached a valuation where the rewards outweigh the risks. If the company is able to deliver on its guidance of 25% growth in the second quarter, which I believe is very likely, GDT has tremendous upside potential.


QUESTION: I was wondering what you think of InRange Technologies?
-- Matthew Bechtel (received 05/02/02)
Jim Cramer: I know this company back from when it was still a part of SPX Corp. and agree the company has a top-notch product line and management team. The problem right now, though, is that overall demand is very low for InRange's FC-SAN networking products, which should keep the stock down for the near term.
(received 05/02/02


بريد الكتروني

عضو محترف
31 أغسطس 2001
الأخ الهاجري شكرا على الموضوع ...

لكن فقط احب أن أضيف ملاحظه بسيطه وهي أن جيم كرامر ليس محللا وانما هو من اشهر المتاجرين بالأسهم (TRADER) وهذا قد اهله لأن يصبح منذ 15 عاما مديرا لصندوق تحوط خاص للأشخاص الاثرياء وصندوقه كان من اعلى صناديق الأسهم عائدا خلال ال 15 سنه الماضيه حيث أن معدل ارباحه بلغت 24 % سنويا ...


عضو نشط
2 مارس 2002
اشكرك اخ بريد على المعلومه ..وكان جوابه على ارباح سيسكو كالتالى

QUESTION: What is your advice regarding Cisco heading into the earnings?
-- Robert Ameduri (received 05/06/02)
Jim Cramer: I do not expect the company to report any spectacular news this week, and am not looking to add more shares to my personal portfolio. The company remains a leader, but unfortunately, its industry will continue to struggle