

عضو نشط
21 مايو 2009

السلام عليكم

1- زيادة غريبة في حجم التداول
2-تغيير في المدراء
3-39 % زيادة في ملكية الصناديق
4- فتح مكتب جديد في نيويورك
5-تنامي في الارباح بشكل ممتاز + توسع في المصانع
6- المنتجات تباع في جميع العالم
7- تصنع قطع لسامسونغ و هيونداي + 3G تلفونات
8- اول السنة تمت زيادة راسمالها بسعر 3.5 للسهم

التقييم : 1 strong buy
الهدف خلال سنه : 7 دولارات

سعر السهم عند بدء الموضوع : 2.38 اتوقع ان يطوف ال 2.55 خلال اسبوع

و لكم تحياتي


عضو نشط
21 مايو 2009
القيمة الدفترية:2.35
مكرر الربحية:3.96
نسبة تملك من داخل الشركه: ايجابي على 3 شهور:32.66%
الاعلى و الادنى خلال سنة :1.96 4.38
زيادة الارباح خلال 5 سنوات :89.79%
القروض:56 % مشكلتها الوحيدة


عضو نشط
21 مايو 2009
Niv=bread and butter

اغلاق رائع 2.77 تجميع صاروخي و صانع سوق ماكر يذكرني بسوق الكويت باغلاق اخر دقيقة


عضو نشط
21 مايو 2009
لاحظت انه في كل بداية يوم تداول يقوم صانع السوق بايهام المتداولين بان السهم في نزول و يعود و يلم الكمية كلها و الشعمه تقلب من حمراء الى خضراء .

هل اليوم سيكون اعادة للامس و يقفل السهم على 2.85



عضو نشط
21 مايو 2009
اليوم علمني الادب صانع السوق

اخر لحظة رفع السهم 10 سنت

بيعني نصف كميتي على 2.65

حركات شكله تعلمها من سوق الكويت !!!!!!!!!!!!

في شي هالسهم !!!!!!!



عضو نشط
21 مايو 2009
حد شرا السهم يا شباب ؟

شوفوا حركات اخر السوق

رفع السهم من 2.50 الى 2.64 في دقيقة


عضو نشط
21 مايو 2009
اعجبني هذا الموضوع من FOOL . COM

In the sight of greatness?
The fears surrounding Chinese small-cap stocks these days is almost palpable, and the spate of problems with their financials being reported is not doing anything to help. Yet "guilt by association" is tarring many companies that don't seem to present the level of concerns that others do.

One such company is NIVS IntelliMedia Technology, a maker of intelligent audio and visual products as well as mobile phones, whose stock has traded sideways at around the $2 range for a while. Some have expressed concerns about their having an unknown auditor doing the books, but it's hard to mandate every small-cap company hire a Big Four accounting firm, nor is it really necessary.

And earlier this year China Telecom contracted with them to build its new 3G phones, and they're expecting that segment of the business to now add $80 million to $100 million in revenues this year. They're also working with China Mobile and China Unicom to build out the division.

Highly rated CAPS All-Star openhandedgrouse says if you add it all up, NIVS IntelliMedia is a good buy at its current low pric


عضو نشط
21 مايو 2009
السهم bullish

ترند صاعد go NIV

SMA200 0.72%
SMA50 25.37%
SMA20 19.01%

اليوم تشكلت شمعه خضراء اكدت ترند السهم

و لنا و لكم التوفيق


عضو نشط
21 مايو 2009
صانع السوق يلعب باعصاب المتداولين بشكل مقصود و يجبرهم على البيع في منتصف فترة التداول .

اخبار جديده:

- الشركه اضافت اجهزة موبايل للاطفال ضمن منتجاتها
-الشركة على وشك ابرام اتفاق مع china mobile لتصنع لها تلفونات
-اضافت شبكة محلات صينية كوكيل جديد لمنتجاتها في الصين
- تعاونت مع شبكة اعلانات كبيرة لترويج منتجاتها
- اعلان الارباح الاسبوع المقبل

محفظتي كلها NIV حاليا , اعلان الارباح الاسبوع القادم .

على حسب الشارت و نظرتي المتواضعة ,السهم على وشك تشكيل ((علم )) BULL FLAG


يا لله ارزقنا حسب نوايانا .


عضو نشط
21 مايو 2009
Wall Street's Best Hidden Stocks
By Rich Duprey | More Articles
November 2, 2010 | Comments (0)

When asked for the secret of his success, baseball player Wee Willie Keeler replied, "Hit 'em where they ain't." What worked for Willie at the plate applies equally well in investing.

Seeking stocks that others ignore, shun, or simply forget gives individual investors like you an edge over the professionals. When Wall Street turns a blind eye, you have a chance to get in before these stocks get discovered -- or rediscovered -- and start taking off.

Below, we'll check out companies with only a handful of analyst coverage, then pair our list with the opinions of the Motley Fool CAPS community. A stock that earns CAPS' top ratings, but hasn't yet caught analysts' attention, could be your next home run investment.

CAPS Rating
(out of 5)
Wall Street Picks
5-Year EPS Growth

Ascent Solar Technologies (Nasdaq: ASTI) *** 3 NA
Crystallex International (NYSE: KRY) *** 1 NA
NIVS IntelliMedia Technology (AMEX: NIV) **** 1 NA

Source: Yahoo! Finance; NA = not available.

Remember, without analyst support, you'll have to do your own scouting to see whether these stocks deserve a spot on your portfolio's roster. Don't just buy or sell them based solely on their appearance here.

Hiding in plain sight
Copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) solar cells are achieving efficiencies that may put them at a more competitive price point faster than previously figured. And because Ascent Solar Technologies became the first high-power flexible CIGS module manufacturer to complete IEC 61646 certification, it can aggressively push into the building-integrated photovoltaic market, where rooftop panels are added afterwards.

Crystal silicon panel maker SunPower (Nasdaq: SPWRA) is already closing in on maximum efficiency with its technology, as is First Solar (Nasdaq: FSLR) with its cadmium telluride technology. Ascent Solar Technologies may be able to offer additional gains with CIGS.

Its shares went up fast, so some investors like CAPS member randomtask16 wrote that Ascent Solar Technologies is due for a short-term pullback. Indeed, shares have fallen about 30% from the recent highs. Now 92% of those rating the company think it will beat the market; you can add your opinion on the Ascent Solar Technologies CAPS page.

All charged up
Canadian gold miner Crystallex International is subject to the whims of gold's movements. Its shares fell sharply one day, then fell again just a few days later. Yet as much as Crystallex, Barrick Gold (NYSE: ABX), or Yamana Gold (NYSE: AUY) are affected, Crystallex also has to worry whether Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez will pull the rug out from under its operations. He just nationalized a private steel company and took a glass-making plant from Owens-Illinois. Over the past decade, Chavez has expropriated businesses in telecommunications, energy, agriculture, and finance.

The company's principal asset is its interest in the Las Cristinas gold project in Bolivar, Venezuela, but it has been waiting, hat in hand, on the mining ministry's doorstep for permission to begin work there.

Although 89% of the CAPS members rating Crystallex have indicated they think it will outperform the market, with no revenues coming in and a going-concern notice from its auditor, this is definitely a high-risk investment.

Keep an eye on all developments for Crystallex by adding it to your My Watchlist page.

A utility player
A few Chinese small-cap stocks are feeling pressure because of alleged less-than-honest approaches to bookkeeping. CAPS All-Star pennystockguy believes they're ready for some scorching returns, particularly Chinese consumer audio visual products maker NIVS IntelliMedia Technology.

Buying at the open tomorrow. Chinese small cap stocks are going to explode going into 4th quarter. They are popping up everywhere as I do all my various screens of stocks. Whenever you see a significant amount of these small caps at one time that is where you want to put your money on a macro basis. From Aug 1-Oct 15 I was seeing nothing but gold/silver and other small cap miners as well as semi [manufacturing] and semi [equipment].

However, there has been a major shift on the small caps to Chinese stocks. From my experience these shifts can last several months to several quarters.
The CAPS community is pretty optimistic, too, with 99% of the 360 members rating NIVS IntelliMedia Technology believing it will outperform the broad market averages. Let us know on the company's CAPS page whether this is a big opportunity.

Swing for the fences
When seeking investments where no one else is looking, Motley Fool CAPS is the best place to start your own research. Read a company's financial reports, scrutinize key data and charts, and examine the comments your fellow investors have made


عضو نشط
21 مايو 2009
السهم يطبخ على نار هادية

الطبخة يبيله شوي و تخلص و انشالله فوق


عضو نشط
21 مايو 2009
2.90 ؟؟؟؟؟

خلنا نشوف اخر دقيقة

تعودنا عليك يا صانع السوق

شوفوا الحركات و اللم اخر دقيقة

حد شرا السهم يا شباب ؟؟؟؟