((((( ايفون5 الجيل الخامس )))))

موضوع مغلق


عضو نشط
13 أبريل 2010
لوحظ في الاونة الاخيرة تخلص الشركات الكبيرة في الكويت من الكميات المخزنة لديها من اجهزة الايفون4 - الجيل الرابع ليومنا هذا وسط ذهول المستخدمين للاجهزة الذكية ومن دون معرفة الاسباب الحقيقية لذلك ؟؟

ولكن ان عرف السبب بطل العجب !!!

من وراء معرفة الاسباب الحقيقية لذلك ومن بعد المشاكل والتي واجهت شركة ابل الامريكية تسارعت لاصدار الجيل الخمس لاجهزة الايفون 5 ,, وتوقعت المصادر المتابعة لشركة ايفون 5 في اواخر العام الحالي او بداية العام القادم على بعد تقدير

واليكم المصدر
Verizon iPhone 5 Features and Launch Date in 2011:The appearance of verizon iphone 5 is the centralized antenna which has a change in architecture that would allegedly abate Apple’s affairs of accepting blah afresh for accession issues. Based on antenna problems of iphone 4 Apple is blame up the absolution date of the fifth-generation iPhone to aboriginal 2011.

The new iPhone 5 contains alarming latest appearance like video chating on 3g and 4g face acceptance and fast downloading capability. It consists of bifold amount processors and there are so abounding amazing features and euipped with Qualcomm chip. CDMA iPhone is a best advantage for Apple to advance in the all around market


عضو نشط
21 يوليو 2008
والله ضحكت

أخي الفاضل شركة Verizon هي أكبر شركة شبكات لاسلكيه في أمريكا والحين قاعدين يشتغلو على نظام ال 4G للوايرليس في خدمات المحمول اللي ما راح تشتغل عندنا قبل سنوات
وراح يتم طرح الايفون الجديد فقط لشركة Verizon ومشغليها بأمريكا.



عضو نشط
5 يونيو 2004
The new iPhone 5 (Built for 4G) Coming July 2011 !!
The iPhone 5 built for 4G is COMING!!!

Lots of speculation is going around on the new iPhone 5... in HD!!

Verizon Wireless is currently testing a CDMA version of the iPhone 4 and 5 and Verizon confirms they are making network changes to bring the iphone to their network. The new iPhone 5 is going to be loaded with awesome new features like video chat on 3g and 4g (no longer restricted to WiFi only), face recognition and extreme downloading. (List of possible features below). Just when you think there is nothing else to come up with, more and more and more technology comes out. And it is on the rise, and not just at Apple, Inc!

This iPhone 5 will have dual core processors and higher and powerful graphic chips that can deliver higher video resolutions and better "still" images when taking pictures, AND it will make multi-tasking a breeze.

There are a few networks working on building a 4G network. T-mobile would be a likely carrier since they are GSM already. Sprint has a 4G network already... AT&T and Verizon Wireless are in the beginning stages. There are talks of Verizon Wireless getting iPhone sometime in 2010 but it looks like they will get it for sure in 2011 when the new iPhone 5 comes out.

Whether or not it will be 4G will be up to them!... can they build in time? They will definitely have the 3G version of iPhone, but with the new iPhone 5 (4g speeds) coming out, will they compete?! Regardless, there is much anticipation on how many people will leave AT&T for Verizon Wireless because of AT&T's lagging on app restrictions like Slingplayer and Google Voice and Skype (on 4g network, not Wi-Fi).

AT&T's restrictions have caused the percentage of people that are JailBreaking their iPhones to rise since Jail Breaking usually comes with Cydia which is the app store for jail broken phones. Most of the applications, ringtones, and even iphone themes!...are free with Cydia. Winterboard is part of the download, and it very easily add's the changes to your phone so you dont have to figure how to do it on your own...it is VERY automated.

The Palm Pre on Sprint and HTC EVO (Sprint now offering a 4G network) has made an attempt at being competitive with iPhone and Blackberry...and it seems they are making head way, although with the iPhone 4 released and the iPhone 5 on the way, they are sure to lose. Oh ya, the Blackberry Torch? = Nice try... but that browser is NOT full HTML.

iPhone 5 looks promising in terms of being sleek, packed with new hardware and finally less restrictions. Very exciting.

A few features of iPhone 5:المواصفات

Thinner! With shiny glass back piece - 9.3 mm thick.

Face recognition

Face Time (Video Chat) access on 3G AND 4G

Custom SMS tones

Custom E-mail alerts with ability to assign different tones to each email address

A new, sleeker body design.

OLED screen.

Scratch proof and shatter proof screen

Wireless sync with iTunes

32G (basic) and 64G of memory. You're sure to never run out.

Extended battery life = 14 hours talk time on 3G and 7 hours on 4G. Standby 600 hours.

Hi Definition audio.

Messaging indicator light.

True GPS built in.



عضو نشط
13 ديسمبر 2007
والله ضحكت

أخي الفاضل شركة Verizon هي أكبر شركة شبكات لاسلكيه في أمريكا والحين قاعدين يشتغلو على نظام ال 4G للوايرليس في خدمات المحمول اللي ما راح تشتغل عندنا قبل سنوات
وراح يتم طرح الايفون الجديد فقط لشركة Verizon ومشغليها بأمريكا.


كلامك مظبوط أخ جي900
وبخصوص الايفون 5 كلها تكهنات واشاعات مو أكثر,,,,,,, شركه ابل مو بهالسذاجه انها تعلن عن الايفون 5 وجهازها الايفون 4 لسه تحت الطلب وحقق مبيعات خيالبه وماكو احد فينا اشتكى من السيرفيس مثل ما قالو وهذا دليل اخر على التكهنات شوف الفيديو المرفق






عضو نشط
13 أبريل 2010
والله يا اخوي هذول الامريكان مو العرب ,, الي عندهم شغل الدس والخش ,, وبعدين الصحافة هناك شفافين لي اخر درجة وهم مو مثل ربعك , وانطر وشوف والي يشكك اعتقد يعرف زين ان مجرد لو كانت اشاعة راح تاثر عليه وما اعتقد راح يبيع اجهزته خاصة لو جايين بالطريج :d... واليوم الخبر بفلوس باجر ببلاش


عضو نشط
31 أغسطس 2010
سبب تخلص شركاتنا الكبيرة من ايفون 4 هو ان سعره بينزل شوي قليلة

ففي ابل ستور الصين اصدروا قرار بمنع الضرائب على الجهاز وبكذا سعره بينزل

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