هذه الشركة يتوقع لها أرتفاع كبير السنة القادمة

king of dow

عضو نشط
29 مارس 2002

وهي شركة اتصالات يتوقع لها طلب كبير على خدماتها هذه السنة والسنة القادمة

لتخصصها في نقل المعلومات والبيانات وهي تقلل التكلفة والتعقيدات الملازمة لنقل المعلومات الحرجة مثل المتطلبة ل 911

وفي جواب لأسئلة اقتطع منها

James Oberweis, president of Oberweis Securities

manages funds in the micro-, small-, and mid-cap areas

Q: Can you recommend a few undiscovered small caps with good valuations?

A: Sure. One of our favorite companies right now is a little company called ScanSoft (NasdaqNM:SSFT - news), which provides digital-imaging software products. They also have some translation software products, which they bought from Lernout & Hauspie when they went bankrupt. We also like Intrado (NasdaqNM:TRDO - news), a provider of 911 operation-support systems. We like JDA Software Group (NasdaqNM:JDAS - news) and Zoran (NasdaqNM:ZRAN - news).

Q: Are you a value or a growth manager primarily? How do you find small caps to buy?

A: We are at the extreme side of the growth spectrum. We begin by looking at a company's fundamentals. We look for companies growing very aggressively. In fact, our minimum threshold is a 30% growth rate, in terms of sales and profits. We then look for companies with reasonable valuations. For small companies, we look for a p-e [price-earnings] ratio no greater than half of the company's growth rate. Once we use these three quantitative criteria to limit the universe of potential investments, we roll up our sleeves and try to make subjective business decisions on the company's future prospects.

Q: If you're looking at tech, any other names [besides ScanSoft] to pick up on now?

A: In the mid-cap area, we like Overture Services (NasdaqNM:OVER - news), which is used extensively by AOL. The company is in intense negotiations right now with AOL, and we expect AOL to renew their agreement very shortly. In the semiconductor area, we like Cabot Microelectronics (NasdaqNM:CCMP - news), and in the consulting area we like PEC Solutions (NasdaqNM:pECS - news), which provides computer consulting for government agencies.

Intrado (TRDO)

The company is pioneering the technology of Informed Response by providing telecommunications companies and public safety organizations with accurate, efficiently delivered, mission-critical information, enabling them to respond effectively, anywhere and anytime, regardless of location, device or protocol. With mounting problems that cities are facing with their 9-1-1 services, TRDO provides a solution that is cost effective and is started to be excepted. The company is experencing strong demand for its products and earnings estimates show it. The company is expected to grow earnings by 93% this year and 35% on average for the next five years. The stock is at an attractive price for the potential the company has.

نرجوا من الخبراء التعليق

king of dow

عضو نشط
29 مارس 2002
وهذا ماقاله جي بي مورقان عن الشركة

What does JP Morgan say about TRDO

Point 1:
E911 is a regulatory mandate enforced by the FCC. We acknowledge that the FCC has granted waivers regarding the timing of compliance with
wireless E911 phase II, but only through a quid pro quo that necessitates disciplined
deployment of Phase I by the carriers. In this latter context, we believe Intrado's known
backlog of wireless subscriber activations (approximately 30 million) provides a high degree of revenue growth visibility. Furthermore we believe this growth is assured, even in the face of carrier consolidation since the total number of active subscribers is unlikely to decline in such a scenario.

Point 2:
Ranked in terms of accounts receivables, Intrado's biggest wireless customers are Sprint, AT&T Wireless, Nextel,Verizon, Cingular and Alltel.

Point 3:
We also remind investors that we think there is plenty of upside in the Intrado story,
particularly relating to the potential for new E911 contract wins, geographical expansion,
deployment of emergency (and commercial) notification services (e.g. EWE), and the on-going deployment of the National Repository Line Level Database (NRLLDB) inter-carrier billing and reconciliation system. Intrado management reiterate their believe that NRLLDB revenue should be forthcoming in the latter half of 2002 and that the long distance carriers remain keen to see the system deployed as quickly as possible to resolve revenue leakage issues. Guidance for the NRLLDB initiative has revenues ramping from $1 million in 2002, to $30 million in the first full year of operation in 2004. We have reviewed the NRLLDB specifications from the
Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF) of the Association of Telecommunications Industry
Solutions (ATIS) and remind investors that the scope of the intended utility goes beyond inter-carrier billing and reconciliation, and potentially leads to industry-wide efficiencies relating to inter-carrier provisioning, local number portability, wireless number portability, and commercial notification services. In the event that Intrado can deliver a NRLLDB solution(admittedly with competition from Telcordia) then it is positioned to develop contiguous
business models that increase the value proposition significantly. We believe Intrado
continues to develop industry partnerships with which to reduce time to market for the
NRLLDB initiative and improve its credibility with the carrier community

king of dow

عضو نشط
29 مارس 2002
اليوم الشركة اعلنت نتائجها وكانت جيدة


Reports Q1 earnings of $0.02 a share, 1 cent better than estimates. TRDO reaffirms Q2 earnings outlook.