من نشرات توبن شميث !!


عضو محترف
27 أغسطس 2002
السلام عليكم

هذا الامريكي يوصي على اسهم والكثير منها ترتفع دبل وتربل , ومشهور جدا في امريكا
وانا اتابعه من زمان
وقد وصى على سهم ارتفع من 5 الى 33 دولار قبل سنه ونصف
ولكنه يطبل لبعض اسهمه ومنها
Did you ride these ChangeWaves? (We did.)

The Digital Camera ChangeWave.
In May 2002, cheaper digital flash memory chips started to drive the prices of cameras down. Our ChangeWave Research Alliance (an extraordinary group I'll tell you more about in just a minute) concluded that camera prices under $300 would unleash a huge volume of pent-up consumer demand. And that fall, I urged readers to load up on our top two plays before the holiday season. We sold Lexar Media and SanDisk 8 months later for 82% and 120% gains, respectively.

The Satellite Radio ChangeWave.
In early 2002, our Alliance signaled an early call on the ultimate success of satellite radio, showing enormous building demand for such a new technology. This strengthened my conviction in the face of strong doubts on Wall Street. In fact, later that year I told subscribers that XM Satellite Radio would be a 10-bagger winner if you keep your cost around $2. I recommended closing out this sale and redeploying the profits on April 2, 2004 -- with the stock price at 30 bucks a share!!!

The Generic Drugs ChangeWave.
In January 2002, our Alliance identified the ChangeQuake: Blockbuster proprietary drugs like Allegra and Zyrtec coming off patent protection. In November I told subscribers: Generic drugs are seriously damaging proprietary drugs. AVOID most big pharma companies and ride the Generic Drug ChangeWave. We later sold Eon Labs for 161% gains; and we still hold Teva Pharmaceutical (up 73%), and others in this ongoing ChangeWave.

If you, too, rode these three wealth-building ChangeWaves, congratulations. But if you didn't, don't fret!


وهذا الخنزير الامريكي تطاول على السعوديه في نشرته الاخيره الموجهه لكثير من الزوار والمشتركين

ومنها ما يخص السعوديين واوبك ايضا,, يقول وارجوا ان تعذروني لعدم الترجمة لان بعض الكلمات صعبه علي

ChangeWave #1: I'm sick of the Saudis

I hate being played for a chump.

And that's what Saudi Arabia and the rest of OPEC have been doing to all of us for many years now. Sure they smile and make nice as they take our money.

But you and I know where a lot of that cash probably ends up -- in the hands of mad-clerics thugs and murderers who all want us dead. Follow the money, as they say, and it'll lead you to a rotten stench!

I'm sick of it. I'm sure you are, too.

We've dug ourselves a hole with our over-dependence on Middle East oil. We won't climb out of it overnight. But as God is my witness, I won't vote for another politician who doesn't have some semblance of a plan for starting to solve this problem now -- right now!

And in the meantime, I have some good news to share with you.

News that will lessen our need to beg the Saudis to increase protection. News that will ultimately put the squeeze on OPEC for a change. And news that will DOUBLE our money over the next 18-24 months -- and make us MUCH RICHER after that.

Join us by trying ChangeWave Investing risk-free now.

We have another ChangeQuake -- an irreversible tipping point -- in the energy business...

...and the good news is it's in North America!

Few people know this and you surely won't hear the breathless network "news anchors" panting about it -- but Calgary, Alberta, has the BTU equivalent of another Saudi Arabia in the ground.

Problem was, all this oil is locked in "oil sands." And extracting oil from oil sands is not a drilling business, it's a mining business -- and not, until recently, terribly profitable.

But my, how things have changed.

The business model of the big oil sands players has changed from marginally profitable to highly profitable, thanks to the long-term shift in oil prices now under way around the world.

OPEC's petulance is part of the story. But there's a critical fundamental shift under way, as well -- one that changes the economics of the entire business. Thanks to ever-increasing played-out wells and fields, the costs of oil extraction are rising fast. And much of the new supplies are coming from deeper wells, with a 25% higher cost of extraction.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure this one out: With worldwide demand for oil growing at a 3% annual clip and decreased yields from existing reserves, we have a new trading range for oil: $25 on the low end, $35 at the high end -- with the "terror– premium, like now, jacking that up over $40 at times

طبعا هنا ذكر سهم كندي اواعتقد انه امريكي ووضع رابط يمجد فيه ولم يفنح معي الرابط
الخلاصة هي لا بارك الله فيهم وفي سوقهم وعليكم فيهم

ووصى على اسهم ياليت تشوفونها

وهي التي تكون رخيصه ونموها 30 بالمية سنويا وتقود السكتر
3)وهذا للابحاث الادوية الصيدلانية ولديها 12 موافقه للاختبار phase 1
وايضا 3 ادوية للمرحلة الاخير من الابحاث

4)ancc رخيص 35 سنت
تقنية wi max
سهم رخيص ونمو عالي وهذا وقت شراءه كما يقول نمو ثلاث اضعاف سعره الحالي في السنه القادمة

5) hi def tv
تقنية lcdالتلفزيونية ويتوقع ارتفاع 100 %
وبحث عن السهم وان شاء الله يكون صحيح رمزه lpl 14.92$

الاهم من ذلك ليس توصياته لكنها وضعتها للتعريف بتوبن سميث حيث بداية مقالة تكلم عن السعودية ورفع ضغطي جدا واتمنى لو نرسل له اميل يلقمه حجرا لمن لدية قدره كبيره في اللغه ومناقشته