Isph شركة الادويه


عضو نشط
6 أكتوبر 2001
هل ستنخفض اكبر من هذا الانخفاض علما ان سعرها الان 4.04 $ ومنخفضه بنسبة 74% بعد اعلانها عن فشل الدواء الخاص بجفاف العين علما بان الكاش عندها جيد وليس عليها ديون كبيره

ارجو التعقيب على الموضوع ممن له متابعه للشركه وهل لها استثمارات في ادويه مشهوره وناجحه ؟

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بريد الكتروني

عضو محترف
31 أغسطس 2001
هذا يعتمد على ما اذا كان عندها أدويه اخرى .... أما اذا كانت حاطه كل قوتها في هذا الدواء فالله يخلف عليهم ... انا ما اعرف الشركه لكن يبدو لي من رد فعل السوق الحاد ان هذا الدواء مهم جدا للشركه وقد يكون الوحيد .... لانه لو كان عندهم ادويه أخرى مهمه كان هبط السعر 4 أو 5 دولار فقط والله اعلم ...


عضو نشط
6 أكتوبر 2001
ماقصرت يابريدنا

كما عودتنا على رودك السريعه

الله يجزاك خير على ردك السريع يعني نفهما ونبعد عنها احسن شي نعرفه احسن من شي مانعرفه :p

أبو وليد

عضو نشط
9 نوفمبر 2001
من باب المضاربة

أنا لا أعرف عن الشركة كثيرا وقد سبق أن كتبت عن شركة نزلت بقوة قبل يومين بسبب فشل دواء لمرض السرطان لديها. والأن هذه هي الشركة الأحخرى التي نزلت في يوم واحد من 16 دولار إلى أقل من 4.
وهذه هي مشكلة شركات الأدوية.
وهناك شركة أخرى هي MRVT وهي مثل هذه الشركة فشلت في دواء آخر للعين فنزلت بقوة من 10 دولار إلى 3 دولار ووصلت اليوم أقل من 2 دولار

وعموما هذا النزول وإن كان ربما بسبب قوي قد تكون منا سبة للمضاربة ليوم أو يومين وبكمية غير كبيرة وضع STOP LOSSES

Inspire Announces Preliminary Results in First Phase III Clinical Trial of INS365 Ophthalmic for the Treatment of Dry Eye
- PRNewswire

DURHAM, N.C., Jan. 16 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Inspire Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (ISPH) announced today top line preliminary efficacy results from the first of two Phase III clinical trials for INS365 Ophthalmic eye drops for the treatment of dry eye. These preliminary results indicate that INS365 Ophthalmic did not meet the primary efficacy objectives of the study. While patient improvement on INS365 Ophthalmic was clearly observed, and was similar to that observed in the Phase II study, there was an improvement of similar magnitude observed in the placebo group. The trial was a placebo-controlled, double-masked comparison of the safety and efficacy of INS365 Ophthalmic to placebo, at concentrations of 1% and 2%. This first of two Phase III studies enrolled 558 patients in 35 sites across the United States. The second Phase III study is ongoing, and efficacy results are expected in the second quarter of this year. The company will make a decision on whether or not to continue the program when the results of the second Phase III trial are available.

"We are clearly disappointed by the results of this first Phase III trial," stated Christy L. Shaffer, President and CEO of Inspire. "The placebo effect in this trial was greater than in our Phase II trial, and we will be continuing to analyze these preliminary data in the coming weeks to determine whether there are factors that influenced these preliminary results."

Inspire Pharmaceuticals, Inc. discovers and develops new drugs to treat diseases characterized by deficiencies in the body's innate defense mechanisms of mucosal hydration and mucociliary clearance, as well as other non-mucosal disorders. Mucosal defense mechanisms are the natural way that the body defends its mucosal surfaces against dust, pollutants, bacteria and viruses. Inspire's lead product candidates target ophthalmic and respiratory diseases with inadequate current treatments and which represent large therapeutic market opportunities. Inspire has six product candidates in clinical development, and has development and commercialization alliances with Allergan, Inc., Kissei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Kirin Brewery Co., Ltd. Inspire's products are based on proprietary technology relating to P2Y receptors. Inspire is exploring other target diseases where it believes P2Y receptors play important biological roles.

The forward-looking statements in this news release relating to management's expectations and beliefs are based on preliminary information and management assumptions. Such forward-looking statements are subject to a wide range of risks and uncertainties that could cause results to differ in material respects, including those relating to product development, revenue and earnings expectations, intellectual property rights and litigation, competitive products, results of clinical trials, the need for additional research and testing, delays in manufacturing, funding and the timing and content of decisions made by regulatory authorities, including the United States Food and Drug Administration. Further information regarding factors that could affect Inspire's results is included in Inspire's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Inspire undertakes no obligation to publicly release the results of any revisions to these forward-looking statements that may be made to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

أبو وليد

عضو نشط
9 نوفمبر 2001
محاولة أخرى

تعقيبا على ما ذكرت وجدت أخبارا عن الشركة تقول إن التجارب على هذا الدواء لم تنته بعد والمرحلة الثالثة التي فشلت بصفة أولية ستعقبها مراحل:

Shares of Inspire (ISPH: news, chart, profile) were down or 75 percent, to $3.94 in recent trading. Inspire said its eye drops for the treatment of dry eye apparently performed no better than a placebo in late-stage testing, known as Phase III trials. Inspire described the results as "preliminary" and said that it would pursue a further analysis to determine whether "there are factors" that affected the outcome.


عضو نشط
6 أكتوبر 2001
ماقصرت ابو وليد

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