ماذا وراء الارتفاع المتواصل ؟

الاســــتا ذ

عضو محترف
31 أغسطس 2001
S&P says market now needs fundamentals ($INDU, $COMPQ)

By Tomi Kilgore

"The market likely gone as far as it can on faith alone, and will soon need some fundamentals to focus on," according to Standard & Poor's investment policy committee.

The Dow Industrials ($INDU) bulled 99 points higher to 10,172 and the Nasdaq Composite ($COMPQ) surged 65 points to 2,044. Those indexes are now up 1.5 percent and 4.8 percent, respectively, during the first-two days of 2002, and are up 26 percent and 47 percent from their Sept. 21 lows.

"Two big questions remain before investors become convinced that a market recovery is sustainable: an increase in capital spending and corporate earnings," S&P said. "S&P is looking for advances in these areas in the second half of 2002."


الوقت الان لدراسة الشركات قبل شرائها اعتمادا على التحليل الاساسي وعدم الاندفاع بالشراء الا بعد الدراسة المتأنية حتى لانقع في مطبات قوية تكون نتيجتها الخسارة وخصوصا ان تحذير الشركات على الابواب .