الأخ بريد الكتروني


عضو نشط
31 أغسطس 2001
السلام عليكم
رجاء افادتي عن سهم WCG
هل هو فرصة للشراء الحين؟؟؟؟


عضو نشط
31 أغسطس 2001
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Williams Communications Receives Court Approval for Asset Purchase of iBEAM Broadcasting Corp.

TULSA, Okla., Nov 28, 2001 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Williams Communications (WCG), a leading broadband provider to bandwidth-centric customers, today announced that it has received approval by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware to purchase substantially all the assets of streaming media pioneer iBEAM Broadcasting Corp. Under the terms of the asset purchase, which is expected to close within the next several days, Williams Communications will acquire certain iBEAM assets, including facility and equipment leases and substantially all customer contracts and intellectual property for $25 million in cash, and assume certain liabilities of iBEAM, relating to the acquired assets. Six million dollars of the purchase amount will be used to repay a loan extended by Williams Communications to iBEAM on Oct. 11 to ensure uninterrupted operations during the iBEAM bankruptcy proceedings.

"The combination of Williams Communications' award-winning fiber-optic network and broadband media platform with the iBEAM assets positions us as a market leader in streaming media," said Howard Janzen, chairman and chief executive officer of Williams Communications. "Adding the iBEAM capabilities to our mediaXtranet(SM) services, which include digital media management, content gathering and distribution, managed web hosting and streaming, establishes a comprehensive suite of services and capabilities that is unrivaled. This deal will also drive a tremendous amount of IP traffic to our network, as iBEAM has averaged more than 100 million streams monthly."

Williams Communications will integrate iBEAM's streaming and webcasting business into its Vyvx Broadband Media unit, which provides integrated transmission and broadband media services. The company will also offer full- time positions to more than 200 iBEAM employees.

The streaming media market continues to grow, with corporate applications such as corporate communications, training, online seminars and media applications such as Internet radio and media commerce continuing rapid adoption. In May 2001, a joint study by McKinsey and JP Morgan Securities estimated that in the year 2006, 31 percent of the content flowing across the Internet would be streaming or rich media, representing a total of 4.03 exabytes, or more than 4 trillion megabytes, of traffic annually.

About Williams Communications Group, Inc.

Based in Tulsa, Okla., Williams Communications Group, Inc., is a leading broadband network services provider focused on the needs of bandwidth-centric customers. Williams Communications operates the largest, most efficient, next-generation network in North America. Connecting 125 U.S. cities and reaching five continents, Williams Communications provides customers with unparalleled local-to-global connectivity. By leveraging its infrastructure, best-in-breed technology, connectivity and network and broadband media expertise, Williams Communications supports the bandwidth demands of leading communications companies around the globe. For more information, visit .

All trademarks are the property of their owner. Portions of this document may constitute "forward-looking statements" as defined by federal law. Although the company believes any such statements are based on reasonable assumptions, there is no assurance that actual outcomes will not be materially different. Any such statements are made in reliance on the "safe harbor" protections provided under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from these forward-looking statements include the possibility of an appeal of the bankruptcy proceedings, and general economic and other conditions that may impact the demand for video and audio streaming. Additional information about issues that could lead to material changes in performance is contained in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission

كما علمت ان شركة WCG سوف تشتري IBEMQ
سؤالي هو في حالة ما يحدث ذلك ما موقف المستثمرين في هذه الشركة المفلسة هل تحول اسهمهم اتوماتيكيا الى الشركة الجديدة
او تضيع عليهم فلوسهم؟؟

بريد الكتروني

عضو محترف
31 أغسطس 2001
الأخ المبتدي

أنا في الحقيقه لا أتابع شركه WCG باستمرار ولذلك فانا لايوجد عندي معلومات دقيقه عن أوضاع الشركه ولا استطيع أن اعطيك راي فيما اذا كانت مناسبه للشراء أو ربما البيع في الوقت الحاضر.....
القضيه بالنسبه للشركه ليست شراء موجودات IBEM من عدمها فهذه لا تشكل سوى جزء بسيط من أعمال الشركه...

المشكله أن جميع شركات الأتصالات الحديثه والتي قامت ببناء شبكات الألياف الضوئيه خلال السنوات الماضيه تعاني من انخفاض حاد في اسعار الخدمات التي تقدمها وايراداتها لاتكفي لسداد الديون التي ترتبت عليها اثناء بناء هذه الشبكات...واذا كانت افضل واقوى شركه في هذا المجال وهي كويست (Q) تعاني من مشاكل فما بالك بالشركات الأقل كفاءه والأصغر حجما....

هذا بالطبع لايعني أنه لاتوجد فرص استثماريه في هذا المجال فالحقيقه أن الشركات التي سوف تبقى بعد انتهاء المشاكل سوف تصعد بشكل كبير وربما تكون WCG أحدها....وقد قرات لاحد المحللين توقعه بان تسطيع هذه الشركه الصمود واجتياز العاصفه....

بالنسبه ل IBEM فالمسأله منتهيه الشركه أعلنت افلاسها وشركه WCG اشترت بعض موجوداتها ولكن ليس أسهمها وما ذكرته انها سوف تشتري IBEMQ غير صحيح....


عضو نشط
31 أغسطس 2001
مشكور اخي الكريم
لكن معنى هذا ان الفلوس ضاعت علينا؟؟
ماذا يحث للمستثمرين في هذا الوضع؟.